Dirty Talk

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Dirty Talk Page 8

by Opal Carew

  When she felt him move away, panic rushed through her.

  She didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t want to be left here alone like she was when she listened to his recording.

  As Tal moved away from her, Sonny’s eyelids opened and she gazed at him in alarm. Then she grasped his arm.

  “Please, don’t go.”

  Fuck, it had been so beautiful, knowing he’d been able to make her come. His words painting a fantasy of the two of them together. Their bodies joined.

  He was thrilled to give her that.

  But it had left him aching for release. He couldn’t bring himself to come when she was so vulnerable.

  This had been for her.

  So he’d wanted to slip away quietly. Give her time to collect herself. Be alone with her thoughts, without his presence making her uncomfortable.

  And to go to his own apartment and relieve his aching cock.

  But now, she didn’t want him to leave.

  “Of course, baby. If you want me to stay, I will.”

  She tugged on him until he sat down beside her. She leaned in close and he wrapped his arm around her.

  Her body was so soft and warm.

  She snuggled against him, as if she wanted to be even closer.

  “Come here, baby.”

  He guided her onto his lap, helping her keep the blanket wrapped around her. Both of them knowing she was nearly naked under the soft cloth. The thought did nothing to alleviate the aching in his groin.

  But he cradled her in his arms. Her sitting across his lap, her head resting against his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she murmured softly. “For helping me.”

  He brushed his lips against her forehead in a soft kiss.

  “My pleasure,” he said softly. “I told you, anything I can do, I’ll do.”

  She rested her hand on his chest as she nodded, her fingers stroking absently.

  He loved this. Having her in his arms. Keeping her warm and protected.

  After a few moments, her soft breathing told him she was asleep. He sat there, just holding her, wishing this would never end.

  Sonny opened her eyes, then blinked at the bright rays of sun shining in her window.

  She was lying in her bed and… there was an arm around her. As her chest clenched, she gazed down at the thick, muscular arm, covered in tattoos.

  Then it all came flooding back to her. Tal and her kissing on the couch, him easing her back… her panic. Then how he’d pretended to be her own private audio recording. Her face flushed hotly as she remembered acting out what he said. Opening her top. Shedding her clothes. Touching herself.

  Oh, God, I came with him right in the room.

  She sucked in a slow, ragged breath,

  “You’re awake.” Tal’s smooth-as-silk voice curled through her.

  She nodded.

  “You fell asleep on my lap. As nice as that was, I didn’t think it would be good for our backs to sleep all night like that, so I moved you in here. Don’t worry. I slid you under the covers with the blanket still wrapped around you. And I slept on top of the covers.”

  She could feel the plush coverlet from her couch still cocooning her body.

  He stroked his hand along her neck, drawing her long hair back.

  “You asked me to stay, so I didn’t want to just disappear in the middle of the night.”

  She had asked him to stay. After what they’d shared, she hadn’t wanted him to go, leaving her alone like she always was after listening to his recording. She’d wanted the closeness to continue.

  She rolled onto her back and found herself gazing up at his deep blue eyes. He was propped on his elbow, watching her. Her heart swelled and she reached up and stroked his cheek, the dark shadow of thick, coarse whiskers rasping against her hand.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. Then he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers.

  Her heart stuttered and she slid her arms around his neck and drew him in for a deeper kiss.

  Oh, God, he was just so big and masculine. His mouth moved on hers as he pulled her tighter to him, his big chest pressed to hers. Their lips parted briefly and she sucked in a breath, feeling a little overwhelmed, Her heart pounding.

  Then he drew away.

  “I know, sweetheart. You’re not ready.” He rolled back and rested on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “But I’m a patient man.” He turned his head to face her. “And you’re worth waiting for.”

  Tal had insisted on taking her out for breakfast, then he’d walked her back to her apartment and given her a tender kiss goodbye.

  She stared at her computer, the list of emails in front of her a vague blur as she remembered last night. Tal had been so patient and considerate. With his help, maybe she could get past her fear of actually making love with a man.

  Making love with him.

  Oh, God, the thought excited her.

  Her phone rang and she glanced at the display. It was Leandra.

  “Hi,” Sonny said.

  “Hey, there. I wanted to let you know that it looks like you were right to avoid that guy your friend introduced you to at the party.”

  “You mean Tal? Why?”

  “I’ve just sent you an email. Check it out.”

  Sonny glanced at her screen and saw Leandra’s message appear. She opened it. All that was inside was a link.

  “What is this?” Sonny asked.

  “Just click on it.”

  Sonny moved the cursor over the link and clicked. A new tab opened with an image of a man with extensive tattoos on his arms. Not as dense as Tal’s were, but her gaze jerked to his face and it was definitely Tal.

  Her stomach clenched.

  Tal was in handcuffs, escorted by a uniformed police officer. It was the front page of a newspaper.

  Her gaze lurched to the headline.

  Man Murders Father.

  Part 3 - Sweet Release

  Tal heard an apartment door open and close and he walked to the peephole to peer out, pretty sure it was Sonny’s door.

  All night, he couldn’t stop thinking about the small sounds she’d made when she’d been snuggled under that blanket on her couch listening to him talk to her. Fuck, it was the hottest thing he’d ever experienced.

  Her whimpers… and, fuck, seeing the movements under the blanket, that he’d known were her hands moving over her body as he’d described what he wanted her to do… and what he’d wanted to do to her… His cock swelled at the memory. And then her soft moans that had increased until she’d come right in front of him. How he’d been able to keep his cool and stay planted in that chair was a wonder.

  Of course, knowing what had happened to her, he would never push her to go faster than she could handle. No matter how much patience it took. No matter how painful it became for him. His cock could complain all it wanted, he wouldn’t do anything to frighten Sonny.

  He heard footsteps in the hall, and sure enough, he saw Sonny pass by. He opened the door and stepped out.

  “Sonny,” he said, seeing her a few feet down the hallway walking toward the elevator. His gaze locked on the gentle sway of her delightful ass in her snug jeans.

  She turned and gazed at him, her stance tentative.

  “Oh, uh… hi.” She pulled the bag that was slung over her shoulder closer to her body.

  “I was going to come over and invite you out to lunch, then I heard your door open,” he said. “What do you say?”

  She frowned, her gaze shifting to the floor.

  “I have some errands to run, then I have a lot of work to do today.”

  It was Saturday, but he knew she was self-employed, and sometimes had time crunches.

  “Okay,” he said, “but you still have to eat. We don’t have to be out long. We could go right now if you like.”

  Her long, blonde hair shimmered in the light as she shook her head.

  “No, I really can’t.”

  He foun
d it disconcerting that she wouldn’t look at him. Clearly, she was embarrassed by what they’d done the other night. But it had been good for her. It had been a major step forward, her trusting him that much.

  “Okay, then how about dinner?”

  She shook her head nervously. “Today’s not a good day.”

  He was determined not to let her slip back into her shell, shutting him out.

  He tipped his head. “Sonny, I’m a patient man. Just tell me when is good for you and we’ll do it then.”

  “Um… I’m not sure.”

  He frowned. “Sonny,” he said softly. “I can tell that you’re a little uncomfortable with what we did the other night. Maybe a little embarrassed. I want us to talk about it. We made a good step forward, and I want us to keep making progress.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. “I just can’t right now,” she said, her voice sounding a bit shaky.

  “Baby, I just want us to talk.” He took a step forward and she jerked back.

  His chest constricted. Fuck, right this instant, with her large brown eyes wide as a frightened deer’s, she looked terrified. As if she actually thought he might hurt her.

  Damn, he had to put that out of his mind. Believing she feared he would harm her. He’d just seen that look in so many women’s eyes that he assumed it every time. Had already assumed it about Sonny.

  But Sonny had reason to be nervous around any man, not just him, and sometimes, especially if he startled her, she was going to look at him like this. As much as it hurt, he knew she was reacting to her gut and he couldn’t blame her for that.

  He just had to remind himself of the immeasurable trust she had shown him. That had gone a long way to healing his own scars, as well as hers.

  “Okay,” he said in as calm a voice as he could muster. “Maybe tomorrow.”

  She drew in a deep breath and nodded. “I… really have to go now.”

  She turned and hurried down the hall. He watched as she stopped in front of the elevator halfway down the hall and pushed the button.

  It wasn’t going to be an easy path with her. But everything in him knew it would be worth it. To help her.

  Helping her back across the threshold of fear would probably be one of the most important things he could ever do in his life.

  It might even help him feel whole again.

  Sonny’s heart pounded as she waited for the elevator to arrive. Tal still stood at his door watching her.

  Finally, the doors whooshed open and she escaped inside. She leaned against the elevator wall and sucked in a breath.

  When she’d left her apartment and started down the hall on her way to pick up some groceries, she’d heard a door unlatch. She’d prayed it not be Tal, but her request had been denied. As she’d hurried past his door, he’d stepped into the hall behind her.

  So many feelings had swirled through her at that moment.

  Her mind had immediately returned to the memory of her lying on her couch yesterday, him on the chair across from her.

  And his deep, sexy voice.

  She still couldn’t believe she’d done such intimate things in front of him. Even though she was hidden under a blanket, he knew what she was doing. He’d seen her face, the movement of the blanket as she’d stroked herself.

  And he’d heard her intimate sounds as she’d come.

  She covered her face with her hands, sucking in air to calm herself.

  Everything he’d said in the hallway just now, though, had been so caring. His voice filled with concern. He wanted to help her. She believed that.

  But she couldn’t forget the newspaper image of him handcuffed and being taken to jail.

  The elevator doors opened and she stepped into the sunlit lobby and walked to the entrance. She opened the glass door and stepped into the beautiful sunny day, gazing at the clear blue sky as she breathed in the sweet scent of the colorful flowers.

  She was confused and uncertain. She didn’t want to give up what she’d started with Tal, but the article had talked about his background, with gang associations, brutal behavior, and several calls to the police by neighbors about domestic violence involving his father and a younger brother. The whole thing painted a grim picture of who Tal was.

  But it also contradicted everything she sensed about him.

  The deep calmness she felt when she heard his tender, caring voice told her he was not that kind of man.

  She had no idea how to reconcile the two conflicting views.

  And making the wrong choice could have terrifying results.

  Tal placed the sandwich into a container and tossed it into the bag with a bottle of water and an apple and headed to the door.

  Since he wouldn’t be having lunch with Sonny, he decided he’d go for a walk to clear his head, then eat by the water. Steve often went down to Hog’s Back Park to have lunch by the falls, or even further down the river, depending on his mood. Maybe he’d be there and they could talk. Tal could use some friendly advice, though he’d have to be careful what he said. He would never betray Sonny’s trust.

  He went down the elevator and stepped out into the warm, sunny day. He walked along the sidewalk, over the bridge, then turned into the park. There were several people standing at the lookouts viewing the falls, but he didn’t see Steve. He continued walking, enjoying the view of the glistening water and the abundant greenery around him, then followed a path leading into the shade of thicker trees. There were several people enjoying the park. Walking dogs, playing Frisbee, and eating picnic lunches.

  After a few minutes, he spotted Steve sitting at a table talking with a woman. As he got closer, he realized the woman was Leandra, Sonny’s friend. After the party, she and Steve had hooked up and were now seeing each other.

  They seemed to be engrossed in their conversation and hadn’t noticed him approaching yet. As he got closer, he could hear Leandra’s voice.

  “How well do you know this guy Tal?” Leandra asked.

  Steve set down his sandwich and took a sip of his pop.

  “We’ve known each other since university. He’s basically my best friend.”

  She leaned forward. “Did you know that…” She frowned and stared at her water bottle. “That he was arrested for murdering his father?”

  Tal stopped cold, shock jolting through him. Hell, this was bad news.

  “Where did you hear that?” Steve demanded.

  “It was a newspaper article I found on-line. It showed him being arrested. The article mentioned that he was involved with a gang and that the police had been called to his home numerous times for violent episodes.”

  Steve knew the whole story. When they’d gotten close in university, Tal had told him all of it in confidence. Tal knew Steve wouldn’t betray that trust by telling Leandra, or anyone else, anything about it.

  Steve shook his head. “All I can say is, I’ve know Tal for a long time and he’s a great guy. I’d trust him with my life.”

  “Well, it seems like that wouldn’t be such a great idea. And I’m really worried about the fact that he’s interested in Sonny.”

  Steve’s gaze jerked to hers. “You can’t tell Sonny about this. I don’t know what demons she’s dealing with, but you don’t want her to think she’s living next door to a killer. And more importantly, no matter what you think, I believe Tal is good for her.”

  Leandra frowned. “It’s too late. I already sent her the article.”

  Tal’s chest constricted and his fists clamped into balls.

  Ah, fuck. That’s why Sonny reacted the way she did this morning. Like a deer facing a wolf.

  “Why the hell did you do that?” Steve demanded.

  “Because she’s my friend and I want to protect her.”

  Steve shook his head.

  “I don’t know how you can be so convinced the guy won’t hurt her,” she said. “If you know something about it… if there’s something I’m missing… then explain it to me.”

  Tal strode forward. “Don’t you
think it’s me you should be asking?”

  Leandra’s head jerked around and her eyes widened.

  Then he saw it. The fear.

  She sucked in a deep breath and seemed to cringe.

  He stood at the end of the rough-hewn wooden table, glaring at her.

  But to her credit, she sucked in a deep breath and pushed back her shoulders.

  “Was the article true?” she asked evenly.

  “Not exactly,” he said, his voice dead calm. “It wasn’t my father. It was my stepfather.”

  Then he turned and strode away.

  Sonny stared at her phone, the text Leandra had just sent her slowly sinking in.

  Just saw Tal in the park. He admitted it! He murdered his stepfather!

  Oh, God. She had hoped there was some explanation. That the whole thing was a lie, or that he’d been framed.

  But he’d admitted the crime to Leandra.

  A knock sounded on her door and she walked to the entrance and peered out.

  Her heart thudded when she saw Tal on the other side of the door.

  She opened the door, the chain still on.

  “Hello,” she said, keeping her voice even.

  “Your friend sent you an article about me,” he said bluntly.

  She sucked in a breath. “Yes.”

  “So where does that leave us?”

  It was all too much to handle. She shook her head.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Fuck,” he mumbled. Then he tugged something from his pocket and handed it to her. It was a flash drive. “Here. I recorded this for you.”

  She took it from him. The brush of his large fingers against hers sent electricity quivering through her.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s an audio I made for you. I used my cell to record what I said to you the other night and I made this audio from it.”

  “You recorded us?” The thought of him listening to that recording… hearing the sounds she’d made when she came… made her cheeks flame.

  He frowned. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to post it on the Internet or anything. I knew at the time I wanted to make this audio to help you, so you could listen to it any time.”


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