Dirty Talk

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Dirty Talk Page 11

by Opal Carew

  Oh, it feels so good. My cock is hard. I’m getting to that state where I’m close… and I’ll stay there for a long time.

  For you.

  Ahh, fuck, baby, I want to see your naked breasts so badly. Take off your bra for me.

  She wanted to give him what he wanted. He was giving her so much. As she reached behind herself to unhook her bra, his breath caught.

  That’s right. Show me your hard, aching nipples.

  She dropped the straps, then slowly lowered her bra, revealing her naked breasts. A shiver rushed through her. No man had seen her naked since…

  She pushed the thought from her mind and basked in the glow of his appreciative gaze. Oh, God, this is what it should feel like. Just like this.

  She wanted him to look at her. To see how much he turned her on. She brushed her fingers over her hard nipples and he groaned.

  Oh, fuck, baby, I love seeing you touch them. I love watching them get harder as your fingertips brush over them.

  I’m stroking faster now. Pumping up and down.

  Can you see my cock getting harder? Just for you.

  She squeezed her nipples between her fingertips, her gaze glued to his enormous, swollen cock as his hand moved up and down the thick shaft.

  Goddamn, you have me so fucking hot.

  Oh, that’s right baby, squeeze those nipples. Let me see them swell.

  She watched his hand move up and down. His cock thick. The tip glistening with precum. Oh, God, was he really that hard because of her?

  She was thrilled that the sight of his hard cock didn’t frighten her. He wanted her and she wasn’t afraid.

  She wanted him to want her. To see her.

  She cupped her breasts, squeezing them, then stroking her hard nubs again.

  Ah, fuck, baby, that’s so sexy. You touching your breasts like that.

  Pinch those hard nipples for me, baby… as I stroke my cock for you.

  She did as he asked, pinching them between her fingertips, feeling the ache spike through her body, straight to her pussy. Moaning at the quivering sensations pulsing through her.

  Oh, fuck, baby, I want to see so much more of you. I want to see you naked. Want to see every part of your beautiful body.

  Ohhh, yeah. Just the thought is making me harder. Taking me closer.

  She bit her lip. She wanted to give him what he wanted. She wanted to be naked in front of him. To see his eyes as he looked at her. To see his cock swell even more.

  She sucked in a breath, then ran her fingers over the button of her jeans.

  Oh, God, baby. Fuck, yeah. Show me.

  She unzipped her jeans, watching his eyes darken, turning her blood to liquid fire. His gaze glided down her newly exposed flesh, over her stomach to the top of her lacy blue panties, his soft groans and sounds of approval encouraging her.

  Yeah, take off your jeans.

  She stood up and pushed her jeans down. Goose bumps danced over her body, prickling across her skin. She flushed hotly, embarrassed at being half naked in front of him now, wearing only her panties, but his deep, needy breaths and the hot masculine appreciation in his eyes held her mesmerized.

  Mmm, baby. Those tiny panties are so sweet, but there’s a sweeter sight beneath them.

  He pumped in a steady rhythm now, need glazing his eyes.

  I… want… to… see… you.

  He groaned softly.

  All of you.

  Oh, God, his need rippled through her and she couldn’t help herself. She had to give him what he wanted. She needed to… because she desperately wanted it herself. To bare herself to him completely.

  She tucked her fingers under the elastic.

  Oh, fuck, baby. Yeah. Take them off. Show me your sweet pussy.

  Quickly, before she could change her mind, she pushed down her panties.

  Ohhh, baby. Oh, yeah. I’m so fucking turned on seeing you like that. I’m stroking my cock… pumping it harder…

  She sat down, watching fascinated as his hand glided up and down, the head of his cock disappearing into his fist, them popping up again. She licked her lips, wishing she could lick the tip of him. Taste that glistening precum.

  I see you watching my hand. The hunger in your eyes.

  I love the sight of you completely naked in the chair. Sitting there waiting for me to come. Anticipating it.

  You want to watch me pump my cock until I come? Imagine it pushing inside your aching pussy and riding it until you come right along with me?

  Oh, God, the thought of his big cock pushing inside her… filling her full… made her tremble with intense desire.

  Oh, baby, I can imagine my cock sliding into you. Ahh, fuck. Feeling your hot pussy gripping me tightly. The velvety softness of you around me.

  Fuck, I’m so fucking close. I could come right now.

  You want to see that, baby? See my cock explode in my hand, because of you? The cum pulsing out of me?

  Her gaze was glued to his big, hard erection. Waiting… Wanting so desperately to see that.

  God, I want to come so fucking badly.

  Baby, open your legs for me. Slowly. As I pump my cock. Let me see that sweet pussy of yours.

  She opened her legs, exposing her most intimate flesh. The intense heat in his eyes washed through her, pushing her need higher.

  She glided her hand down her stomach, then over her exposed folds.

  His eyes widened, the pupils turning to a deep midnight blue.

  Fuck, that’s right. Stroke your pussy for me.

  Oh, fuck. Is it wet, baby? Are you wet for me? Are you getting turned on watching me pump my cock for you?

  “Yeah,” she whimpered softly, barely able to catch her breath.

  You have me so turned on it’s going to feel incredible when I finally come.

  I’m stroking my throbbing cock in my fist. Thinking about what it would be like to sink deep into your beautiful, swollen pussy. To feel how wet and hot it is around me.

  He let out a long groan, his eyes filled with need.

  Oh, yeah, baby. That would be so sweet.

  I can barely hold on.

  The sound of his trembling voice… knowing she affected him so intensely… thrilled her.

  But I want you to come, too. Are you close, baby? Are you going to come for me?

  She stroked her slick flesh faster. Pleasure pulsing through her. Swelling deep inside her and expanding outward.

  “Oh, yes,” she whimpered, sounding close to tears. She pushed her fingers into her wet opening, feeling the slick warmth inside. Thrusting them in and out.

  Goddamn, you’re so fucking sexy. God, keep finger fucking yourself like that. Ah, fuck, baby.

  His deep groans and heavy breathing sent her whirling close to the edge.

  Oh, yeah. Fuck. Stroke your clit for me.

  She vibrated her fingertip over the little button, letting out a soft moan at the pleasure of it.

  Oh, fuck, I don’t think I can hold back. I’m going to fucking come any minute.

  “Oh, please,” she cried. “Yes. I want you to.”

  You want me to stroke faster for you, baby? Do you?

  “Yes,” she cried. “Oh, God, yes.”

  She watched his hand pump faster, and she stroked herself faster, too, matching his speed. Oh, God, it felt so good.

  And she liked him watching her. She thought it would be different. Scary. But the desire in his eyes… the need… made her feel special. Wanted.

  Oh, fuck… Oh, yeah.

  I’m going to come for you, baby. I’m… ah, fuck… yeah.

  The sight of his face, filled with such need… his long, breathy words… filled her with a desperate longing.

  I’m… so… fucking… close.

  Ah, fuck. Ah, fuck. Ahhhh, fuuuuck!

  She pumped her finger faster in her pussy, his raspy, masculine moans ramping up her pleasure to a fever pitch.

  “Oh, God,” she cried, then moaned long and loud as an orgasm washed over her.

>   Oh, yeah, baby. That’s right. Oh, fuck, baby. Come for me.

  You’re so beautiful. I love… watching you… come. Knowing… I brought you… that pleasure.

  His groans of pleasure and heavy, broken breathing, pushed her pleasure higher.

  His hand still moved on his cock as he watched her, his eyelids half closed. A gleam in his eyes that took her breath away.

  She soared higher, gliding on a cloud of ecstasy, as her whole body vibrated in pure bliss.

  Oh, yeah. I’m fucking… coming… Oh, God… Ohhhh.

  His groans of release filled her with euphoria. She watched him erupt, a white plume shooting into the air.

  He drew in slow, deep breaths now.

  Oh, yeah, baby. Mmm. That was so good. It felt fucking incredible.

  Because of you, baby.

  Thank you, baby.

  Her moan slowly faded in her throat as she slumped back. Her legs were straight out in front of her and her head flopped on the cushioned back of the chair.

  She was still dragging in deep breaths, floating on the afterglow of the spectacular orgasm, when she realized she was slumped on the chair, totally naked.

  She pulled her hand away from her slick opening to her stomach, embarrassed that he’d seen her touching herself there, then immediately slid it back to cover herself, her cheeks burning. She slowly curled up like a furling leaf, trying to cover her naked breasts, too.

  Tal watched Sonny as she withdrew into herself. The open, relaxed sexual being she’d been only seconds ago, withered into an embarrassed, vulnerable woman.

  He drew in a deep breath as he slid away his cock and zipped up.

  He had been shocked and delighted at the way she had responded to his words. The way she had watched him with intense hunger in her eyes. It had turned him on more than he had ever been in his life. Watching her open up and expose herself to him. Physically. And emotionally.

  She had trusted him.

  She had wanted him.

  His cock twitched at the thought.

  But now she needed him in a different way.

  He picked up his t-shirt from the floor and stood up. He lifted the shirt in two hands, shaking it so it hung flat, keeping his gaze on it rather than her beautiful, naked body on the chair, her shimmering blonde hair mussed and trailing over her shoulders.

  He laid it over her like a blanket and her fingers curled around the fabric, pulling it closer around her.

  “Go ahead and put that on,” he said softly, then turned around.

  He could hear her moving and the rustle of the fabric as she pulled it on.

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  He turned around. A smile turned up his lips at the sight of her. His t-shirt draped over her small frame like a tent. A smile that faded as he realized how it clung to her body, showing the outline of her breasts, her nipples still hard and pushing at the thin fabric.

  He knelt in front of her. Her cheeks were crimson red and she wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  “Sonny, I want you to look at me, sweetheart.”

  Her brown-eyed gaze flickered to his, then away again. Her cheeks darkened in color.

  He tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted, and this time their gazes collided, then locked.

  “I don’t want you to withdraw, or be embarrassed by what we did. You took a big step forward today. You should be proud of that.” He ran his fingertips tenderly over her soft cheek. “You knew what you wanted, and you allowed yourself to have it.”

  Her eyes gleamed with some deep, unsettling emotion. She had so many demons to deal with he could only imagine what she must be going through.

  “What we just shared was a beautiful experience and I am so glad I was a part of it.” He stroked her hair back from her face and smiled encouragingly. “I’ll never forget it.”

  She trembled under his touch and he wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her close, but he wouldn’t jeopardize the fragile progress they had made.

  “I want you to know,” he said gently, “that I’m here for you in any way you need me right now. Okay?”

  She nodded and long, tentative seconds lingered between them as both their hearts thumped in synch.

  Was she going to pull away? Withdraw from him even more?

  She sucked in a long, slow breath. Then to his total astonishment, she surged against him, flinging her arms around his neck. As she rested her head against his shoulder, burrowing in as close as she could, he tightened his arms around her. Holding her. Loving her right here, in the safety of his embrace.

  He stroked her hair.

  “Thank you, Tal.”

  Her soft words, spoken against his chest, were barely audible. But they seeped into him and sent his spirit soaring.

  He tilted her chin up. “Thank you, baby.”

  Her sweet lips turned up in a small smile, then she lifted her head, parting her lips in invitation.

  He dipped his head down, and brushed his lips against hers.

  She murmured, then pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

  The pressure of her sweet mouth on his, the brush of her tongue against his lips, set his heart pounding.

  He wanted her so much he could barely contain himself, but there was no way he’d make a move on her. Now or in the future. Not until she was totally ready.

  He would protect her from anyone. And anything.

  Even himself.

  Their lips parted and she gazed up at him and smiled. She ran her hands from his neck down his shoulders. Then her gaze turned to his upper arm. Her fingers lovingly traced the long scar that cut through the ink work. Most people didn’t notice it because of the density of his tattoos.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “That’s where my stepfather gashed me with the knife. There are two more.” He pointed at the smaller scars on his arm.

  She gazed at them, stroking her finger over them.

  “I’m sorry you had such a difficult time,” she said, compassion quivering in her voice. “You’re such a wonderful man. You deserved so much better.”

  He smiled, then stroked her hair back, and cupped her sweet face between his hands.

  Then he brushed his lips against hers in a sweet kiss.

  “Well, it seems I’ve finally gotten what I deserve.”

  Sonny smiled as she gazed at the bright mix of purple, pink, and white petunias in the large barrel planter outside the restaurant where she and Tal were going to eat dinner. Tal had gone to park the car and she’d decided to wait outside rather than go in and get a table, since it was such a beautiful day outside.

  Of course, everything seemed more beautiful to her ever since that wonderful, intimate experience between them [a few days ago]. She’d been awestruck by the whole thing, but especially the gentle way he’d drawn her back out when she’d started to fall prey to her old fears and withdrawn. With patience, and tender words, he’d ensured she didn’t regress.

  She noticed a sleek, back limousine pull up in front of the restaurant and stop, blocking traffic. The driver got out and opened the back door. A shiver raced through her as a man in a suit stepped out.

  Any man in a suit, especially one with obvious wealth, set her heart twisting in fear, but she drew in a deep breath, willing herself not to fall into her old pattern. The man who had abused her, and his deplorable friends, were history. It happened years ago and far from here. She couldn’t let them and what they did to her rule her life anymore. Especially now that she had met Tal, who was helping her get past the pain and regain control of her life. Just seeing a rich man shouldn’t send her into a tailspin.

  So she drew her shoulders back and, instead of cowering as she stared at the ground waiting for him to disappear into the distance, she lifted her head high… and gazed in his direction.

  Then froze.

  Her hands began to tremble.

  The man’s steel gray eyes turned to her as he stepped onto the sidewalk, a flicker of recognition in their depths.

  Then his lips turned up in a cold, feral smile. He waved away the man talking to him and stepped in her direction.

  “I haven’t seen you in long time,” he said, his cold familiar voice dredging up a blue of horrific memories.

  His gaze glided down her body and she felt as if she’d been stripped naked. She stood frozen in terror.

  “I always thought you were one of D’s best pets.”

  He was so close she could barely breathe. D had been how the other men had referred to the man who had kidnapped her. His friends whom he’d shared her with.

  To her, he was just Master.

  This man had been the worst of the lot. His sexual demands had been more degrading and abusive than even Master’s. And he’d beaten her more viciously.

  He reached out and stroked her cheek with one finger. She wanted to jerk back, but her body refused to move. When she’d been a prisoner, she’d been trained to stay still… allowing them to touch her as they wanted. The alternative had been severe beatings.

  Or worse.

  “It was a shame when he let you go. I could have enjoyed you for quite a bit longer.”

  The glint in his eye sent a chill through her.

  He knew where she was. He could send someone to nab her anytime he wanted. And then she’d just disappear. Again.

  She couldn’t breathe. Her whole body trembled.

  Then his cold, gray gaze flickered behind her and his arrogant confidence seemed to waver. Just a fraction.

  That’s when she realized Tal was behind her.


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