Dirty Talk

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Dirty Talk Page 16

by Opal Carew

  He laughed, rumbling from his chest, then drew deep on the hard nub.

  “Oh, Tal. Yes.”

  Her throaty voice, so filled with need, sent his cock twitching. Aching to be inside her.

  He captured her other nipple and lapped at it with his tongue, then drew it into his mouth and sucked with a deep, pulsing rhythm. Her moans turned to high, trilling cries.

  He flicked his tongue over her hard nub, then glided his lips down her ribs, directly to her navel, then he dabbed his tongue inside the small indent. His hand glided down her sides to her hips, her skin silky under his fingertips.

  Then he drew back and took in the sight of her body in front of him. His gaze gliding down her stomach to the neatly trimmed, silky blonde curls of her pussy. He ran his fingertip along one side. Then the other. He smiled and used his thumbs to open the folds, ready to lick her delightful, sensitive flesh.


  He gazed up at her face. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “I’ve never had a man… do that.”

  “Really, baby?”

  He pushed himself up on his elbows, their gazes locked.

  “I’d… only been with one guy before I was… abducted. And he didn’t do that with me. And D and the others…”

  Tal surged upward and captured her lips. “It’s okay, baby. You’re here now. You’re safe.” He kissed her again then stared deep into her eyes. “I won’t do it if you don’t want me to, but…” He smiled. “I really think you’ll like it.”

  The gleam in Tal’s eyes sent heat simmering through Sonny. It’s not that she was afraid of it. She’d learned to turn off her feelings, on some level, during so many sexual acts her captor and his friends had performed on her.

  But this was so… personal. So up close and intimate. And all focused on her.

  She wasn’t quite sure how to receive that type of attention.

  But this was Tal. And she could trust him.

  She nodded tentatively.

  His lips turned up in a broad smile, then he kissed her. His mouth moved on her with such sweet passion, she melted against him, wrapping her arms tightly around his thick, muscular neck.

  He drew back, his eyes filled with warmth and awe.

  “I love you so much, sweetheart. I can’t believe I get to be the one to take your virginity in this.”

  He kissed slowly down her body. Tingles danced in the wake of his lips. Moving from the base of her neck… down between her breasts… over her stomach. Then he raised his head and gazed at her intimate flesh.

  He glanced up at her and smiled, then he stroked down her thighs, opening them wider. His focus shifted back to her folds and he glided his thumbs along each side. Then he parted them. His eyes turned dark with need and he leaned forward.

  The first touch of his tongue sent an electric pulse of need right through her. He teased over the slick flesh, near her clit but not touching it. His tongue gliding up and down. When it dipped into her opening, she moaned. His tongue was soft, yet firm. And oh, so warm.

  It pushed deeper into her and she found herself arching forward. His deep, rumbling laugh against her flesh made her quake with need.

  Then she felt the tip of his tongue glide over her clit and she gasped. Warmth spread through her, starting in her core and seeping through every part of her.

  He swirled over it. Pleasure spiraled through her. As he continued to lick and cajole her sensitive bud, delightful sensations rippled through her entire body.

  “Do you like it, baby?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, God please—”

  Before she could finish her request, he’d found her wet flesh again. His mouth moved on her in what felt like a sweet, intimate, passionate kiss… designed so completely for her sole pleasure.

  Her fingers wrapped around his head and she held him close, her body writhing beneath him now as pleasure coiled thought her… tighter and tighter…

  He suckled on her little button. She arched against him, moaning at the intense joy rippling through her.

  “I want you to come for me, baby,” he murmured against her burning flesh. Then his tongue swirled over her and plunged inside. He licked, then settled over her clit again.

  The tip of his tongue flicked over it, then he sucked on her in small pulses. Her blood turned to liquid fire and her body arched as a thousand suns ignited deep inside her, catapulting her to a state of pure ecstasy. She moaned, her body shuddering as she gave herself over to the blissful surrender.

  When her body finally collapsed on the bed, still quivering from the soul-shattering orgasm, he licked and stroked a little longer, continuing the warm glowing pleasure inside her. Then finally his warm mouth drifted away and his body settled beside her, his smiling face next to her on the pillow.

  “I hope that was a pleasant first for you.”

  Her jaw dropped and she stared at him in awe. Then she surged forward, rolling onto her side and capturing his glistening lips. Kissing him deeply. Her tongue glided inside and swirled around. She felt his big, thick cock growing stiffer against her hip.

  Her hand found it and she wrapped her fingers around the hard shaft. The heat of it… and the sheer thickness as it pulsed in her hand… had desperate need pulsing through her. Her intimate muscled clenched.

  “God, I need you inside me so badly,” she said.

  He smiled, his whole face lighting up. “Yeah?”

  He pressed her onto her back then prowled over her. His body was so muscular. So broad. She drew in a breath as a twinge of panic rippled through her.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked, his deep blue eyes penetrating as he searched hers.

  She pushed back the lingering ghosts of her past. This was Tal.

  Sweet, gentle Tal, who loved her.

  She drew in a breath and stroked his cheek as he gazed down at her with concern.

  “Yes, Tal. I know I’m safe with you.”

  His eyes grew fierce and he dipped down and captured her lips.

  “Good. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  She squeezed his cock, then stroked. It pulsed in her hand, driving her wild with need.

  She pressed it to her slick flesh and glided it along her folds, igniting sparks of intense yearning.

  “Please, Tal. Fill me.”

  He chuckled softly and began to move forward. His plump cockhead stretched her as it pushed inside. She opened her legs wider, welcoming his thick shaft into her body.

  It glided deeper and deeper. Tingles danced down her spine as his cock stroked her sensitive flesh.

  “Ohhhhh, yes. You feel so good inside me.”

  “Ah, fuck, baby. I can’t believe how sweet and warm you feel around me. Gripping me so tightly.”

  He groaned as his cock filled her the rest of the way. His groin rested tight against her now and the two of them sucked in air as they stared into each other’s eyes. His were filled with such potent, poignant desire it took her breath away.

  He twitched inside her and she moaned.

  She hooked her fingers over his shoulders, clinging to him.

  “Oh, God, Tal. I love being this close to you. This intimate. I never thought… after what happened…”

  His fingers covered her lips. “Shhh, baby. Don’t think about that now. Right now it’s just you and me. Sharing this special moment. I’m going to make love to you. I’m going to show you just how much I love you.”

  She smiled, her eyes welling up. “Yes, Tal. Show me.”

  He smiled, then keeping his gaze focused on hers, he drew back. Slowly.

  Never shifting from his gaze, she whimpered at the sweet sensation of his cock dragging along her inner passage. The delightful feel of it stoking her desire.

  His bulging cockhead slid to her opening… almost slipping free… then he surged forward again, filling her in one, smooth stroke.

  “Ohhh, Tal.”

  “Yeah, baby. Do you like the feel of my cock moving inside you?” He drew back, lin
gering at the edge.

  She nodded, tears welling from her eyes at the intensity of the experience.

  “Yes.” She blinked back the moisture and sighed.

  He surged forward again. Pleasure quivered in her core, then expanded through her.

  ”Oh, God, yes. Fill me.”

  His nips nuzzled the corner of her mouth. He drew back and drove forward again, making her moan.

  His lips turned up in a dazzling smile, the warmth in his eyes searing her.

  He started pumping into her, his cock filling her with deep, enthralling strokes. Driving her pleasure higher and higher. She squeezed around him, eliciting a groan so deep and masculine it rippled along her nerve endings, sending her close to the edge.

  She clung to his shoulders. “Oh, Tal, I’m so close.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart.” He kissed her lips. “Are you going to come for me?”

  He pumped harder. Filling her deeper.

  “Oh… yeah…” she panted. “Oh… please.”

  He pounded into her now. Explosive sensations rippled over her nerve endings. Her insides coiled tighter… tighter… tighter. Then like an overwound spring… released.

  She shot over the edge. Catapulting into ecstasy.

  “Are you… coming for me… baby?” Tal’s words puffed out between thrusts.

  She nodded as the orgasm swelled through her, carrying her on a wave of pure bliss.

  He laughed as he continued to pump, then he drove deep, shattering her world in and explosion of complete and utterly devastating joy.

  She moaned. Long and loud. The sound filling the room with the earthy, primal sound of her release.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. You are… so…” His thrusts were faster now. “Fucking… beautiful.” He thrust deep, pinning her to the bed. Then he groaned.

  Oh, God, she could feel him erupt inside her. Filling her with liquid heat.

  She trembled in his arms, moaning. He chuckled against her shoulder, then rocked his hips. She sucked in a breath, then rode the wave as another orgasm swept over her, driven by his cock moving inside her as he kept rocking against her. His lips nuzzling her neck the whole time.

  She wailed at the sheer joy embracing her. The bliss he was giving her with his easy movements. The fact he only cared in this moment about her pleasure.

  Finally, she collapsed on the bed, panting for air.

  “Oh, my God, Tal.” She sucked in a breath. “That was… so…”

  He laughed, then rolled away, slumping beside her.

  “I totally agree.” Then he pulled her against him, into the warmth of his embrace.

  She sighed, her head against his broad, muscular chest. She nuzzled against it, brushing her lips over one of the tattoos in gentle kisses. Then she rested her head over his heart, listening to its steady beat.

  She drew in a deep, contented breath

  She could never have imagined being in a man’s arms like this after what had happened to her. Especially someone as massive and ultra masculine as Tal. Her fear had been so deeply seated, dug into the far reaches of her soul.

  But Tal, with his gentle, protective nature and his deep, sexy voice filled with tenderness and respect, inspired a profound trust in her.

  He had brought her back from the abyss and made her whole again.

  She stroked her hand over his chest. And she hoped she had done the same for him.

  “I love you, Tal,” she whispered.

  His eyes glowed with happiness as he leaned in and kissed her with a tender brush of his lips.

  “And I love you, Sonny.”

  I hope you enjoyed Dirty Talk.

  If you did, please post a review at your favorite online store because that’s the best way to help me write more stories like this.

  If not, please email me at [email protected] because I love to hear from my wonderful readers.

  Erotic Audio

  Don’t forget to download the audios Sonny listened to in this story…

  Click here to get the Secret Pleasure erotic audio

  Click here to get the Whispers in the Dark erotic audio

  Click here to get the Sweet Release erotic audio

  Click here to get the Blissful Surrender erotic audio

  In addition, if you would like some exclusive free reads, join my Reader Group...


  I hope you enjoyed Dirty Talk.

  Other stories you might enjoy just as much include the Mastered By series, which begins with Played by the Master, the Office Slave series, which begins with The Office Slave, and the hot, sexy Ready To Ride biker series which begins with Hot Ride.

  Here are teasers for each story, followed by excerpts…

  Played by the Master

  Mastered By #1

  The Office Slave

  The Office Slave #1

  Hot Ride

  Ready to Ride #1

  Ready to Ride, Book 1 & 2

  Ready to Ride series

  And did you know I also write erotica as Ruby Carew? If you enjoyed Dirty Talk, Secret Pleasure, you’ll love Tempting the Boss...

  * * *

  Click here for more about Tempting the Boss

  Played by the Master

  Opal Carew

  Jacqueline crashes a billionaire's exclusive poker game in order to seduce him into a favor to save her sister, but instead finds herself played by the Master.

  Jacqueline Bell desperately wants to help her sister out of a jam. But to do that, she has to find a way to talk to billionaire entrepreneur Race Danner, and have him drop the charges against her brother-in-law. She discovers he holds an exclusive poker game once a week and finds a way in.

  Race Danner is bored with his life, despite his wealth and extreme hobbies. He doesn't know exactly what he's looking for, but he'll know it when he sees it.

  When Jacqueline Bell walks into his life, he knows she's it. She wants something from him. And he wants her. A combination made in heaven. In a delicious game of cat and mouse, he will leverage his advantage to lure her into his game. And he fully intends to win.

  Warning: This story has Domination, submission, bondage, punishment, and a lot of other fun things, plus explicit, wild sexual encounters. After all, if you're going to play, play hard! ;) Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…


  He smiled and at the predatory look in his eyes, Jacquie realized he was going to win. The blood drained from her face as he flipped over his cards… revealing a full house.

  Oh, God, she’d lost her opportunity to try and convince him to help Ella and her husband.

  “Come over here.” His silken voice curled through her and she stood up.

  Now he would touch her… probably cup her ass with his big hand. Maybe, if she seemed willing…who was she kidding, she was willing… to succumb to his touch, then maybe he would listen to her after all.

  Shock vaulted through her at her own illicit thoughts. She wasn’t going to sleep with him to help Ella.

  No, just strip down to practically nothing. Then let him touch her.

  Did she really know where her boundaries were?

  He watched as she walked around the long table, then approached him, his gaze locked on the swell of her breasts above the lace cups. Her nipples puckered at the thought of him stroking her there.

  He pushed his chair back from the table and turned sideways as she continued toward him. His intense male gaze sent heat shimmering through her.

  Finally, she stood facing him.

  He lifted his hand, and as it approached her, she calmed her breathing, readying herself for his touch. It would only be a moment.

  But she wasn’t prepared for the spark of desire that flared through her when his fingertips brushed against her skin, just above her elbow. Then his fingers moved. Upward. Trailing lightly over her shoulder, then down. She drew in a slow breath as he glided over the soft exposed skin of her breast, right to the lace of her bra. His fingertip grazed lightly under the scal
loped edges, but not breaching the barrier of the satin cup.

  Clearly, he liked to push boundaries.

  And she was close to pulling back that boundary, by tugging forward the cup and inviting him to explore further. The thought of his big fingers gliding over her hard nipple sent her pulse fluttering.

  Her own potent reaction to him startled her and she stepped back.

  “I… uh… we’re done now.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”

  “You said a touch,” she stammered.

  “And you didn’t say how long. I’m not finished.”

  “Well, I—”

  “Come here,” he said, his authoritative tone brooking no argument.

  She stepped close again, shocking herself at her own submissiveness.

  “So I just have to stand here for as long as you want to touch me?”

  He gazed at her, his blue eyes twinkling. “Yes.”

  His fingers brushed her ribs this time, below her breast, then glided slowly downward, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. She tried to ignore the heady sensations fluttering through her.

  “But you could go on for hours.”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  Oh, God, if he did this for even ten more minutes, she’d be a puddle on the ground.

  Click here for more about Played by the Master

  The Office Slave

  Opal Carew

  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…

  Sylvia loves to read erotica, and after her latest read, she's developed a sizzling fantasy about being forced to submit to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd have the opportunity to live out her fantasy... until her friend decides to make it happen. Now she's about to become an office slave… to four hunky men she's never even met. But faced with the reality, can she actually go through with it?


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