Shifters and Secrets: GRIMM Academy Book 1
Page 16
“You need a hand?” a familiar voice startled me.
I jumped with a squeal. My cheeks reddened as I turned to face the intruder.
Grayson stood there with an amused smirk. Instead of his usual uniform, he wore dark wash jeans and plain gray tee that showed off his tanned, muscular arms. If his brown hair was long and not cut so severe, he’d be the epitome of a surfer boy, with the sun kissed skin and…
My eyes snapped to his, heat spreading across my face. “The ward’s broken,” I blurted.
He gave me a funny look and stepped in front of me. “Patefio.”
The door swung open.
He glanced at me. “What are you using as a conduit?”
I gaped at him.
He frowned, his gaze raking me. I flushed under the weight of his blue-gray eyes.
“Is it that?” He pointed at the medallion.
I held it up and nodded. “Uh. Yeah. Why?”
His lips pursed in thought. I forced my gaze away from them. No way was I getting caught staring at his lips.
“Have you been having trouble casting? That medallion should be a strong enough conduit.”
Since I had no idea what he was talking about, I just shrugged. “It’s… a little wonky sometimes.”
Grayson’s eyebrow arched. “Wonky?”
My face was on fire at that point. I pushed past him, throwing him an irritated glare. “Whatever. It’s fine now. Thanks.”
What was it about him that flustered me? I wasn’t used to falling over myself like a bumbling idiot. I was supposed to be the sharp-witted one who made them stumble.
The shack was nearly empty. I ignored Grayson’s stare and made my way to a booth in the back. Away from him and his unnerving eyes. I slunk into the seat and picked up a menu.
“Back again?”
I looked up to see the same curly-haired woman from before.
“Uh. Yeah. The shrimp is amazing. Can I pay with my student ID?” I held up the card.
She smiled. “Don’t worry about it, chica. It’s on the house. You look like you could use a pick me up.”
I blinked in surprise. “Oh. Thank you…”
She laughed. “Gloria. Sorry, I’m Gloria.”
The witch. I stared at her, unable to find anything out of the ordinary. How did we tell the witches from the ordinary? Her eyes dipped to my pendant, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m Rose.”
Her freckled nose crinkled. “I know, sweetie. Your cousin, Javi, is one of my regulars.”
I snorted. “Yeah. He’s obsessed with food.”
Her smile widened, putting me at ease. “Nothing wrong with that. Let me bring you some water and then I’ll put your order in, kay?”
“Okay. Thanks.”
My shoulders relaxed. She didn’t seem to be the bunny-killing type of witch I’d seen in the old book. Questions raced through my mind as I watched her go. If the GRIMMs were so strict about magic, what was a witch doing working right near the school? And she wasn’t the only one. My tío had extraordinaire working for him so did the other officials, I assumed.
Was this what my mother disagreed with? What led her to turn her back on the organization and people that she’d been raised by?
Sighing, I dismissed the questions and focused on my more immediate problem—the bracelet. If I showed Gloria, would she know what it was, and would she be willing to help me?
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I glanced at the time. Javi would be back with the others soon and who knew how long before Tío ordered me to return. I didn’t have much time.
A red-haired guy came to my table with my water and a mug of tea. “Gloria’s special tea. She said to tell you it will help with the nightmares.”
My eyebrows shot up. How did she know?
“Thanks,” I murmured.
He shrugged. “She also said the shrimp was on her. Anything else?”
My heart sank as I realized I wouldn’t be able to talk to Gloria any time soon. I’d just have to figure something out on my own.
The shrimp was as amazing as ever and I stuffed myself with so many fries, I could barely move afterward. I didn’t see Gloria again to thank her for the free food, but promised the server I’d bring back a tip for him next time.
I didn’t see Grayson as I left the shack, and I felt stupid for looking. Darkness enveloped me as I stepped outside, the air making me shiver. Moonlight sparkled on the black water in the distance. As beautiful as it was, it was too cold for me to linger any longer. I waited for a car to pass by before making my way back toward the campus. My phone buzzed. I opened it to check for messages.
It was Javi. They’d made it back and discovered me gone. I typed out a reply, assuring him I was on my way and not to let his dad zap me. The silver of my bracelet glinted in the dark. I crossed the street and sighed as I started the walk that would lead me to the front gate.
A shuffling in the bushes caught my ear. My head snapped in the direction, eyes squinting in the dark. I couldn’t make anything out. I shrugged it off.
Probably an animal.
More rustling came from behind me. I swallowed hard. A big animal.
I whipped around, heart pounding as I pulled out my phone for light. The hair on my neck bristled. Something was out there. Something was watching me.
The light from my phone illuminated the sand and brush. My heart raced. Nothing was there, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was following me.
In the distance, the waves crashed, but everything around me grew deadly quiet. I backed up slowly, scanning the sandy path.
Movement to my right caught my attention. I turned, shining the light toward it. Two bright yellow eyes blinked and disappeared.
I almost dropped my phone. What was it?
Fear rushed through me. A shifter? Manny?
Not wasting another second, I ran for the gatehouse, trying to dial Javi as I did. A shadowy figure appeared ahead, blocking my path. The same yellow cat-like eyes appeared again.
My heart slammed against my ribcage. There was no way I’d make it past or back to the shack in time. A tremor ran through me. What did I do?
“Hello?” Javi’s voice echoed.
I put the phone to my ear. “They found me. Something is after me.” My voice was breathless.
The mysterious eyes narrowed.
“Shit. Where are you? Where are you, Rose?” Javi’s words were distorted and urgent.
“Near the gatehouse.”
“I’m coming. Don’t… I’m coming. Stay on the line.”
I shuddered. There was no way he would make it to me in time.
“They’re coming. The GRIMMs are coming,” I shouted.
Fear ran through me. What was it waiting for?
Holding my phone up, I tried to illuminate my stalker.
It was gone.
Panic swelled inside me. Where did it go? I swept my light around the empty path, heart racing. Did it leave?
A blur moved toward me at lightning speed. Something big and solid collided with me, knocking me onto my back. The phone dropped out of my grasp, plunging me into darkness.
“Rose? Rose?” Javi’s desperate voice called from it.
Yellow eyes stared into mine. Moonlight shone off the distorted figure. Not quite human, but not quite animal, either, but something in between. It snarled, revealing its fangs, hot breath on my face.
A scream tore from my throat.
My body shifted into survivor mode, my arms and legs flailing. I slammed my fist into its jaw, trying with all my might to get it off. It roared, the sound ear piercing and striking my every nerve.
It swiped a claw across my stomach, nails digging into flesh. I screamed, the pain immediate and burning.
A gun shot rang out. The shifter’s giant body jolted and leapt away from me. I gasped and struggled to sit up, its weight now off me.
Pain erupted as I moved. More gunfire rang out. Voices shouted. Ja
vi? A firm grip landed on my shoulder, making me scream.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s just me.” Came a masculine voice.
I blinked into the darkness. A flashlight shone on my stomach.
“It’s not too bad. Not too deep. Let’s get you to the nurse.”
Strong arms helped me to my feet, the light from the flashlight bounced, revealing a group of people running toward us.
“Rose!” Javi’s voice called out among them.
I glanced back at my savior. Grayson. My eyes widened in surprise.
“I’m here. I’m okay.” I turned back to face the others.
Light shone all around us. My cousin, Tío, and two guards came forward, all bearing guns and flashlights. A light flicked to Grayson, who was still holding me up, I realized.
My cheeks flamed as I moved away from him. Dizziness swept over me, making me stumble.
Everyone rushed toward me at once.
I held up a hand. “I’m fine. The shifter?” I looked back at Grayson.
He shook his head. “Gone.”
Tío Javier advanced on him. “What do you mean gone? Why didn’t you immobilize it?”
Grayson stiffened. “I shot it. Twice. It should have gone down.”
“Are you sure you even hit it?” Javi demanded.
“I hit it twice,” he bit out.
“Where is the blood then?” Javi shone his light on the sand.
“Fan out. Search the area. I want more guards on patrol around the campus. Now,” Tío commanded one of the guards.
They rushed to obey his order. Grayson turned to go with them.
“You.” Tío stopped him. “Return to campus.”
Grayson straightened. “Permission to scout the area? I can help.”
Javi scoffed. “Please.”
“Take Rose to the nurses office,” Tío commanded Javi.
He turned back to Grayson. “Go back to campus and report to the headmaster.”
“Yes, sir,” Grayson responded.
I watched him march away, a thank you on the tip of my tongue, but the words didn’t come. I moved my lips, trying to make any noise.
My eyes shot to my tío. He’d silenced me once more. Why? Punishment for trying to leave or worried I would spill all his secrets? Anger flared inside me.
“Come on.” Javi took my arm and led me toward the gatehouse.
I threw a final glare back at my tío before I let Javi lead me away. Pain blossomed on my stomach, making me moan.
“Do you want me to carry you?” Javi asked, concern in his voice.
I snorted. “Carry me all the way to the nurse’s office?”
“No. I can walk, Javi. Thanks.”
We fell quiet, our footsteps silent against the sand. Goosebumps covered my skin as the cold breeze swept over me. My mind raced. Why did it attack me? What was going on?
“What were you doing out?” Javi broke the silence.
He waved his ID card outside the gate and led me back to campus. I shuffled along the sidewalk, ignoring the pain shooting from my wound. The lamplights around campus helped illuminate our way. Ahead Grayson’s shadowy form grew farther and farther away.
“I was eating at Gloria’s,” I finally responded.
His eyes searched my face. “You were trying to run. Weren’t you?”
I flinched at the hurt in his voice.
“I can’t run. Not with the bracelet.” I looked away.
“You promised.”
“I know, but… I can’t live like this, Javi. Being controlled where I go and what I do.”
He scoffed. “This is the only place you’re safe, Rose.”
“Safe? I just got attacked!”
“Yeah, because you left campus.”
Anger curled in my chest. “What do you want me to say? You were right, Javi?”
His shoulders slumped. “No. I just… I didn’t think we’d make it to you in time.”
He fell silent. The emotion in his words startled me. He really cared.
I sighed. “You almost didn’t. Lucky Grayson was there.”
His lip curled. “What was he doing following you anyway?”
“He wasn’t following… he just happened to be there at the same time.” I shrugged.
Javi frowned. “I don’t trust him.”
I waved off his concern and sighed. “Why didn’t my pendant protect me? I thought it was supposed to ward off evil.”
“That’s a good question. It should have.” He gave me a funny look.
He shook his head, “You… you haven’t tried to perform any magic, right? Like to weaken your bond with my dad or anything?”
My nose scrunched up. “Do we have to say bond? Sounds weird.”
His eyes narrowed. “Did you do something?”
“No! I didn’t even know I could…”
Something I’d have to look into later.
“Then I don’t know why the medallion didn’t shield you. So weird. There aren’t even that many shifters in Malibu. The werewolves run this territory, and they don’t usually let the other shifters run amok.”
I shuddered, remembering the monstrous face. Was that Papi’s last view? Manny’s transformed face? I pushed away the dark thoughts. I really hoped Gloria’s special tea worked that night.
By the time we made it to the nurse’s office, word had spread about the attack. The nurse and guard had to shoo away the nosy students. Shiloh was among them, but I gladly let her in. Her concern was genuine.
My tía arrived next, worry written all over her face. She supervised as the nurse rubbed something sticky and smelly on my wound and promised it wouldn’t scar. The scratch was bloody and looked gruesome to me, but she assured me it could have been much worse. My tía, Javi, and Shiloh kept me company, relaying the news from Tío that the perimeter was secured, and we were safe to return to our rooms. Javi convinced his mom that we would be fine and no, we didn’t want to go back to their house.
A part of me was disappointed Grayson didn’t check up on me, but I dismissed the thought quickly. He didn’t owe me anything. Sure, he saved me from the shifter, but that only meant he wasn’t a complete asshole. Not that he actually cared about me.
We said goodnight to Javi before turning in. Regardless of my attack and injury, I was still expected to attend classes and more training the next day. The idea of facing all the curious stares and answering all the questions made me want to fake sick, but I was sure the bracelet would do its dirty work and force me to continue playing my tío’s twisted game.
Dark shadows and monstrous faces plagued my dreams that night. Whatever was in Gloria’s tea clearly wasn’t strong enough to handle the hell my subconscious insisted on putting me through.
Something told me things were only going to get much worse.
I was grounded after that, only allowed off campus with Javi to escort me to and from his mansion. After nearly a week of endless classes and grueling training with Professor Cassiano, I’d grown used to the routine. Between struggling through the insane coursework and physical exertion, there was no time left to worry about the shifter. The curiosity of my attack ran its course, and I was back to being Javi’s cousin or the weird new girl.
Despite the passing time, I wasn’t anywhere closer to figuring out a way to break out of the bracelet or coming up with a plan of escape. Every clue I found just led me to a dead end. As much as I hated it, my cousin was right. GRIMM Academy was the safest place for me… at least until I could take care of myself.
The mystery of the shifter still followed me and there were rumors of more attacks in the city. I listened with half-interest, still waiting for the day my tío confirmed Manny was caught, something that seemed more unlikely with each passing day.
With Shiloh’s help I tested out of the freshman and sophomore classes, barely passing, but still a pass. My head was filled with basic knowledge, but there was still so much to
learn. Not just about the general stuff, but my mother’s history as well. The fear of what I’d find kept me from digging too deep.
My junior classes were online, but I had to sit in for all the senior ones. I didn’t mind though now that I had Javi and Shiloh with me for most of them. Grayson was there too, but since the attack, he watched me from afar, avoiding me like I was some talisman for bad luck. I pretended not to care.
“Miss Perez?” Professor Johnson called.
All eyes turned to me. I sat up at my desk and blinked at her. What did she ask? She stood over me, her tapping her giant club against her palm.
I glanced at Javi who sat beside me.
“False. The vampire queen never sided with the werewolves,” he answered for me.
Professor Johnson frowned. “I didn’t ask you, Mister Perez.”
Snickers echoed around us.
Javi straightened. “My apologies, Professor.”
She narrowed her eyes on him. “Do you believe it possible for the vampires and werewolves to become allies?”
Everyone fell silent.
Javi’s brow furrowed. “Yes. I believe it is possible, but…”
Someone in the back scoffed. I turned and met Grayson’s eyes. His gaze flickered away.
“You disagree, Mister Chapman?”
He lifted his chin. “Yes, Professor. It is not possible the vampire queen would ally with the werewolves.” His eyes shot to Javi. “Everyone knows the code of the vampire would forbid such a thing. It would go against everything they stand for.”
Javi’s eyes narrowed. “What I was going to say, Professor, is I believe it is possible, but unlikely.”
She nodded in acknowledgment. “And you think this would ever change?”
Javi shrugged.
Grayson shook his head. “It couldn’t, Professor. The very code of the queen would have to change.”
“What about a new monarch?” she raised a brow, her eyes roaming over us.
Grayson, ever the know-it-all, continued shaking his head. “Impossible. Their queen is immortal. And even if she chose to abdicate, she’d choose her own sire who’d be bound to the same code.”
Professor Johnson folded her hands in front of herself. “Improbable. But not impossible, Mister Chapman. The vampires could overthrow their queen.”