Hurd, Mark
Hyperlinking transcribed stories
“I Have a Dream” (King speech)
IBM: Institute of Knowledge Management of; Lou Gerstner's compelling future stories of; Lou Gerstner's story of Lotus purchase by; Lou Gerstner's story setting expectations; making the case for change at; narrative transmitting values at; PC division (1980s) of; R&D (research & development) of; stories passing on corporate culture at; transformation under Gerstner's leadership
Identity stories: decide your life purpose; don't overstate your good qualities; exploit fractal nature of identity stories; focus story on turning point in your life; how to tell; use humor to brighten your story; use positive tone; reveal who you are implicitly through; template for creating; told with context; where to tell
Impoverished management
Inauthentic storytelling
Infant delivery/bubbles story
Infant pneumopericardium story
Informal statements of intention
Innovation: creating CIO (chief innovation officer) to promote; creating safe environment for; using data-driven strategic; disruptive; funding many projects for innovation; future storytelling role in; open source; Roger Martin on design of business and; seven principles of continuous; sustaining; systems thinking, learning organization, and. See also Change; Transformational change
Innovation paradox: examining possible solutions for; solving the; why current approaches don't solve the
Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy (Amidon)
“The Innovation War” (von Braun)
The Innovator's Solution (Christensen and Raynor)
Institute of Knowledge Management (IBM)
Interactive leaders: ability to connect; characteristics of; concept of conversation used by; participation component of; passion of; roles of. See also Leaders
Interactive leadership: avoiding “Apollo run amok,”; beauty appreciated by effective; concept of conversation used by; connection through; fitting the modern need for; lack of universal appeal of; participation component of; passion of; relationship to other leadership theories; relatively free of ego; understanding possibility of; understanding the role of. See also Leadership; Transformational leadership
Internal story aspects
International Storytelling Center (Tennessee)
JetBlue story
Jobs, Steve
Johnson & Johnson's Tylenol crisis (1982)
Kahan, Seth
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Katz, Robert
Katzenbach, J.
Kelleher, Herb
Kennedy, John F.
Kerry, John
Khobar Towers bombing (1996)
Kim, W. Chan
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Klein, Gary: drawing on narrative fragments for knowledge sharing; drawing on storytelling knowledge of; on infant with pneumopericardium story; on keeping future stories simple; on official versus underground know-how; on positive impact of infant delivery/bubbles story; on value of stories
Knowledge: how to share sensitive; including explanation of; official versus underground know-how; role of trust in; template for saving
Knowledge management: World Bank goals regarding; World Bank's springboard story to achieve
Knowledge-sharing narrative: anomalies focus of; capturing the stories shared in; Car Talk (radio show) use of; context included in the; creating context for; creating interesting events in the; description of; drawing on narrative fragments to create the; using groups to accelerate; helplessness; including explanation as part of the; leveling and sharpening of experience during; to make sense of events; pneumopericardium in infant; role playing during the; scapegoat; stalking sensitive knowledge through; teasing out the; template for saving knowledge of departing staff; trust role in; victim; Xerox E053 error message as; Xerox's Eureka program use of. See also Experience
Kouzes, Jim
Krebs, Valdis
Kuhn, Thomas
Lachenauer, Rob
Laliberté, Guy
Landor Associates
Laura Ashley
Le Corbusier
Leaders: being forward-looking characteristic of; using narrative to become interactive; storytelling as facilitating new kind of. See also Interactive leaders
The Leader's Guide to Radical Management (Denning)
The Leader's Guide to Storytelling (Denning)
Leadership: intersection of storytelling and; narrative as the emerging discipline of; as performance art; storytelling as tool of; as task of persuasion. See also Interactive leadership; Management; Transformational leadership
Leadership (Burns)
The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner)
The Leadership Engine (Tichy)
Leadership in Organizations (Yukl)
Leadership theories: lack of clarity on transformational leadership by; leadership as motivation; leadership as situational; leadership as skill; leadership as style; leadership as trait; leadership as transformation
Leading into the future. See Vision narrative
Leading Minds (Gardner)
Leading people to future narrative. See Vision narrative
Leading Teams (Hackman)
Learning organization
Lewinsky, Monica
Life story. See Identity stories
Lindaman, Edward
Lipman, Doug
Listeners: linking future story to current mind-set of; making sure they are listening. See also Audience
Listening. See also Communication
Lively delivery
Loehr, Jim
Longitude (Sobel)
Luthi, Max
McCloskey, Deidre
McDermott, R.
MacIntyre, Alisdair
McNamara, Robert
Made to Stick (Heath and Heath)
Magliozzi, Ray
Magliozzi, Tom
Major, John
Management: high-performance teams; inability to control flow of stories; lack of leadership success by current; leadership styles of; narrative uncovering misdirection by; radical transparency/continuous self-improvement fostered by; supply chain. See also Firms; Leadership
Mandela, Nelson
Maoist Great Leap Forward
Marketing: four Ps of; 20th century marketing model; 21st century marketing model
Martin, Roger
Mauborgne, Renén
Mean-spirited humor
Mehrabian, Albert
Mergers & acquisition
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Middle-of-the-road management
Minimalist storytelling: motivating others to action through; transmitting values narrative using
Mintzberg, Henry
More, Sir Thomas
Motivating action narrative: avoiding main pitfalls; description of; igniting action through springboard story; incorporating springboard story into presentation; springboard story elements for; springboard story template for
“Motrin Moms” protest movement (2008)
Mouton, J. S.
Murray, Alan
Myers-Briggs Type indicator
Narrative: becoming an interactive leader using; definition of; as emerging leadership discipline; examining the power of; storytelling as marriage of analysis and; transforming your organization using. See also Story/stories
Narrative patterns: branding your company; building trust by communicating who your are; creating integrated tapestry of; fostering collaboration; leading people into the future; motivating others by sparking actions; sharing knowledge; taming the grapevine/neutralizing gossip; transmitting organizational values
Narrative theory
National Storytelling Network
Nature of Managerial Work (Mintzberg)
Nayar, Vineet
“Near-death” experiences
Negative stories: future stories which are; knowledge sharing through; power of positive and
Networks: collaboration patterns of; community component of some; comparing communities to; taxonomy of collaboration in
New Yorker magazine
Nicole (Renault ad series)
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nike sweatshop labor scandal
9/11 Commission report
Nisbett, Robert
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): labor campaigns by; organization ethical values promoted by
Odyssey (Homer)
On Values and Values (Smith)
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Open source innovation
Operational vs. espoused values
Optimistic stories
Organization brand: firm's internal communication about; narrative as foundation of; narrative pattern for creating; 20th century marketing model to create; 21st century marketing model to create. See also Branding narrative; Firms
Organization values: aligning structure with; basing brand narrative on; distinguishing different types of; distinguishing operational from espoused; distinguishing personal from corporate; establishing through action; Johnson & Johnson's Tylenol crisis as example of; narrative for transmitting; providing positive incentives for implementing; taking action to reestablish; Tyco stories on rebuilding their. See also Corporate culture; Firms; Values
Organizations: bigness and consistency tendency of; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). See also Firms
Orr, Julian
Overt and agreed stories
Overt and contested stories
Oz, Amos
Pakistan springboard story
Parables: Jesus Christ's parable of the talents; timeless but believable; transmitting values through
Passion: of interactive leaders; as 21st century marketing model driver
Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow (Conley)
Pearson, Carol
Perception: holistic; tunnel-vision style of
Personal integrity
Personal vs. corporate values
Persuasion: leadership as task of; storytelling role in; U.S. gross national product (GNP) constituted by
Pharmaceutical R&D (research & development)
Pillmore, Eric
Piñeiro, E.
Pinkerton, J. G. “Paw-Paw,”
Pitched battles: bringing the big guns for; positive stories to help win; providing counterstories to supporters during; using satire during; stating the rational case for change; steps for winning; structural countermeasures during; three main groups involved in
Place and date
Planning of work
Plans (future story)
Poetics (Aristotle)
“Poorly told” story
Porras, Jerry
Positive stories: compelling future stories as being; infant delivery/bubbles; infant pneumopericardium; pitched battle over change and use of; power of negative and
Positive tone
Posner, Barry
The Power of Story (Loehr)
Pragmatists values
Preparation: being rehearsed but spontaneous; choosing shape of your story; process of storytelling
Presentation: balancing structure and spontaneity of; incorporating springboard story into entire; keeping it spontaneous. See also Audience
Procter & Gamble (P&G)
Product stories
Protagonists: pick one similar to the audience; pick single individual as the
Prusak, Larry
Quest Diagnostics
Quinn, Robert
Radical transparency
Raynor, Michael
Renault Clio
Repair stories: Car Talk (radio show); Xerox E053 error message
Research & development (R&D): funding many innovation projects through; open innovation through
“Researchers” category
Resisters to change
Ridicule: killing rumors using; pitched battle over change and use of
Ringling Bros
Robber barons values
Roddick, Anita
Role playing: developing realistic future story using; knowledge-sharing story use of
Rumor mill. See Taming the grapevine narrative
Satire: killing rumors using; pitched battle over change and use of
Saturn division (GM)
Saudi National Guard bombing (1995)
Scapegoat stories
Schein, Edgar
Schrage, Michael
Schultz, Howard
Searls, Doc
The Secret Language of Leadership (Denning)
Self-deprecatory humor
Self-organizing teams
Senge, Peter
Sensitive knowledge-sharing narrative
Services stories
Seven Habits of Highly Successful People (Covey)
Shakespeare, William
Sharing-knowledge narrative. See Knowledge-sharing narrative
Shell Oil
Silver, Spence
Simmons, Annette
Sinegal, James
Six Sigma program
Sixth discipline
Slater, Steven
Smith, Douglas
“Snow White” (fairy story)
Snowden, Dave
Snyder, W.
Sobel, Dava
Social media: customer stories spread through; Facebook; Flickr; organizational branding through; people with people communication using; Twitter; YouTube. See also Communication
Social psychology studies
Sources of Power (Klein)
South African apartheid
Southwest Airlines
Soviet collectivization
Sparking actions narrative. See Motivating action narrative
Speech communications research
Spontaneity: balancing structure and; rehearsal but keeping
Spring, C.
The Springboard (Denning)
Springboard stories: avoiding main pitfalls; characteristics and elements of; comparing future stories to; incorporating into presentation; role of the; template for crafting; used as tool; World Bank's Pakistan
Springboard story elements: find an example; fully embody the change idea; give the data and place; have a clear and worthwhile purpose; have a happy ending; link change idea to the story; pick protagonist who is similar to the audience; pick a single individual as story's protagonist; spell out the alternative; strip out unnecessary detail; tell a story that is authentically true
Springboard story pitfalls: don't use negative to spark enthusiasm; embody the right idea; find an uplifting ending; how to deal with bad news; make sure your listeners are listening
The Leader's Guide to Storytelling Page 38