Nuclear Rising

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Nuclear Rising Page 14

by Christian Smith

  Cold metal rests in my palm as he passes the device to me. This one actually was pretty amazing. “Thanks man, that’s really cool of you.”

  “Nah,” Sledge says. “Don’t mention it – someone’s gotta look out for your ass without Brig the killer fembot around.”

  We both laugh while Rose rolls her eyes at us.

  At the end of the long bridge sits a black Jeep Wrangler with its top removed idling with who I’m guessing is Captain Vonn inside. We begin walking across the concrete bridge, but as we near the middle of it, I have to stop.

  The view is undeniably stunning.

  As the yellow glow of the sun peeks over the trees like it’s just waking up, the rippling black water below reflects onto an iridescent mist grazing along the surface. Prismatic light emanates off the misty air, casting rainbows of various lengths across the width of the river. Tiny bugs bob along the surface, every now and then disappearing underneath the water as a fish comes to the surface for a morning morsel.

  “It looks pretty,” Sledge says, turning back to look at me. “But drink the water and you won’t be shooting rainbows out of your butt. Trust me.”

  I smile and laugh at him, while Rose rolls her eyes, muttering, “Oh, Boys.”

  Glancing back at Vantage, Brig is noticeably missing, and something about that worries me – I’m not sure if I trust Rose, Sledge, or Captain Vonn to have my back in a fight.

  We reach the waiting jeep as Vonn jumps out. With buzzed brown hair, chiseled jaw line, and matching muscles to boot, he is the epitome of military strength. He carries the same fierceness in his gaze as Brig, though his is less stable – a loose cannon of sorts. This morning, he sports a black leather jacket with threaded body armor underneath, large black combat boots, and beige camo pants, neatly fitting against his thick legs. I notice Rose double taking as he bends over to pick up our bags.

  “Girls,” I mutter, making Rose flush as she stares at Vonn’s backside.

  I’m about to jump in the back but stop when I see someone lying down.


  Her head pops up, startling everyone but Captain Vonn. “Morning everyone,” she says brightly. “Hope there’s room for one more.”

  “But your father-“ I start to say.

  Waving away the air with her hand, Bree replies, “Daddy will never let me past the bridge, so this is the perfect chance to see what’s out there. I don’t think our people should be so shut off from the rest of the world like we are. Flexing our muscles and shooting our guns at anyone who moves – it’ll be the end of us one day.”

  Thinking about her dad’s discussion last night I reply, “But I don’t want any of my parts hanging from your Christmas tree this year – I think it’s a bad idea.”

  “Oh come on, Quinn,” she says. “Tell me you’ve never disobeyed your parents.”

  I think about lying, but I know she’ll see right through me. I can only shake my head in frustration.

  “So how did you get away?” I ask while Sledge jumps in the front, Rose scooting to the back by us, eyeing Bree suspiciously.

  “Oh that was easy,” Bree says winking one of her green eyes. “A little sleepy juice mixed into some vodka for Captain Wilson standing right outside my door knocked him right out. Captain Vonn here agreed with me that I should see the world if I were going to rule it one day, so he was more than willing to let me be a stowaway for the mission.”

  From the rearview mirror, I notice Vonn’s eyes dart up silently and a thin smile breaks out as he glances at Bree.

  “Oh, I see,” replying smugly as the jeep’s engine roars to life.

  Vonn finally speaks, a monotonous, but deep voice matter-of-factly briefing us. “We’ll make our way to a rendezvous point down at the Hidden Forest. From there, we change into Mechanicus attire, make the tattoos, and remove any trace of our Semper roots. Quinn and Rose will be in the front seat, tattoos will be placed on their left hands. We are nothing but simple traders running our regular route to the Terra merchant district. I’ll pass you our credentials at the rendezvous point and you’ll give those papers to the guard who stops us. Overall, we should reach Vantage in eight hours. Any questions?”

  “Millions,” I reply, “But most of all, is there a chance, even a slight one, we’ll end up all dead?”

  Vonn flashes a smile again. “I’d say for you there’s a fairly good chance. For me, probably not.”

  “That’s reassuring,” I reply, sighing heavily.

  The aroma of fresh earth still moist with rainwater teases my nostrils, and though it burns as if I’ve eaten something spicy, it’s refreshing to the senses like a palate cleanser. Looming oak trees encroach near the road, and except for a whiff of exhaust every now and then, it feels liberating to be away from the smell of metal and claustrophobia-inducing buildings of Vantage.

  Hours pass as Sledge and I attempt to play “I Spy,” twenty questions and any other game to pass the time. It’s a relatively quiet road trip, apart from the jeep backfiring and nearly making me jump out headfirst onto the road.

  “So Sledge,” I ask, as we travel along a sparsely wooded area known as the Devil’s Snare. “What happened to the rest of the world after N-Day? I mean, I imagine there are other survivors like us, right?”

  Sledge furrows his brow as he says, “Well, I imagine so, but honestly, the past five years, I think we’ve all been so concerned about our immediate survival, no one else really cares what the others are doing. Every now and then you hear of people saying they saw some lights in the sky, like from a plane or something, but it’s become a myth along the lines of aliens or bigfoot now.”

  “I see,” replying, thinking about the rest of my family – my parents and my sisters. “What happened to the rest of the people in the US then? They must’ve been in contact, right?”

  “Well, California’s gone, so is most of Oregon – lost in the ocean as the waters flooded in. Vantage is about as far West as you can get now for civilization. For everyone East of the Rift –“

  “The rift is what you guys call the Midwest now, right?”

  “Right,” Sledge says, as Vonn looks back at me oddly – he’s probably wondering what cave I’ve been in my whole life. “So the land in the Midwest is torn up, huge caverns and canyons where there used to be land. No one can cross over it as far as we know – even the geniuses in Mechanicus haven’t made a trip over it. Past that to the East, you’re guess is as good as mine about what lies over there.”

  Vonn speaks up, his mechanical voice blending with the rumble of the engine. “They say there’s a whole civilization over there, a new United States, with power to every house, weapons beyond our imagination, and enough food so no one ever goes hungry.”

  I reply, “Then why haven’t they come over here yet if they’re so advanced?”

  Both Vonn and Sledge shrug. Rose suddenly speaks, nearly startling all of us since we’d forgotten she was here. “Father used to say they had become so advanced they had left the Earth completely. Gone to Mars or some other planet – left us all behind on this god-forsaken place.”

  I can see Bree thinking about something, biting her lip as she considers asking something until she finally speaks. “Daddy used to say the same thing, only he said they saw rockets shooting off into space just a couple days after N-Day, and he said the rest of the government and rich people were leaving all of us.”

  Rose turns to Bree, staring into her eyes. “It sounds like your dad and my dad would’ve gotten along – both absolute nutters.”

  Bree laughs – a beautiful, light noise. “Daddy means well, I think, but he controls everything in my life, even what I can wear, so it’s not too revealing to tempt the poor soldiers who haven’t been with a woman for a while. Maybe he was on to something…”

  Sledge looks back at Rose and Bree, brushing his dark hair out of his face so he can see. “I mean I don’t blame him. A pretty girl like you doesn’t come along much in Vantage.”

  I nod as Bree glances ov
er toward me, a splash of pink on her cheeks. “I’d have to agree completely,” I say, making her smile with her full red lips. But I notice Rose’s sharp glare at Bree, and decide to try to change the subject. “Hey Vonn, can we put on some tunes or something? Some road trip mix or something you got in there?”

  Vonn shakes his head. “Radio is broken, hasn’t worked in three years.”

  Rose scoots up toward the front, pushing Bree into my side, and I have to admit, I don’t mind having her warm body against mine. “Let me take a look at it – Father taught me a few things before he, er, disappeared. About the only thing he was good for.”

  I have my doubts, and I’m pretty sure she’s just trying to prove something to Sledge. But to all of our surprise after about five minutes of tinkering with the thing, music is roaring from the speakers – a CD from Drake I used to listen to.

  “You’re pretty amazing,” Sledge says, grabbing Rose’s hand. “Full of all kinds of surprises, especially that thing you did with your tongue last night.”

  She smiles, winking wickedly back at Sledge.

  Disgusted I reply, “Come on man! Keep it in your pants or I am going to have Vonn drop you two off in one of these forests so you can have your alone time.”

  “Affirmative,” Vonn quietly replies.

  So with newfound music serenading us, the jeep rolls along for another hour as rolling hills and dense forests start to surround the road, weeds reaching up through cracks in the asphalt where cars haven’t passed by in some time. Eventually we come to a stop in front of what looks like an old lumber mill.

  “This is our stop,” Vonn says. “We’ll switch everything over here and prep for entry into Pyre. You all start switching your clothes and Sledge, you’ll find the equipment you need to start making the Terra insignia on our hands. I have to get the credentials from one of our contacts here at the mill.”

  Vonn pulls out a large duffel bag from the back of the jeep, complete with four sets of ornate brocade robes of olive green with gold and red trim spiraling along the edges – Mechanicus colors.

  We sit awkwardly, no one really daring to take the initiative on undressing in front of the others. I decide to jump out onto the road facing the lumber mill. “Alright, guys over here, girls over there on the other side of the jeep. No peeking. Let’s all be grown ups here.”

  I smirk at Bree, flashing my dimples in her direction as Sledge and we drop our pants and begin putting on black tights.

  “We’re sure these things are for us? I thought tights were for women. It's not good for the circulation.”

  Sledge mutters, “The little pricks that are Mechanicus believe they are far too superior to wear anything as common as jeans. They like to think they’re all noble, so they wear these flamboyant, ridiculous robes all the time.”

  “Sounds hot,” I reply, finally getting the tights to go all the way up. “Like literally.”

  I can’t help sneaking a glance in Bree’s direction, noticing the delicate curve of her upper back where black bra straps wrap around her exposed shoulders where her blonde hair has been pulled away. Her head is tilted to the side showing off her long neck, and I suddenly find myself wanting to run my lips across her perfect porcelain skin. It’s untouched, unblemished, silky smooth like fresh cream, and a thousand thoughts run through my mind about how I want to feel it, touch it, even taste it with my lips.

  But I can’t do that. I’m on my way to find Celeste. She’s my girl.

  I quickly dart my eyes away, feeling a wave of guilt followed by a rush of wanting to have her.


  As I’m finishing putting on the curly-toed shoes that awkwardly fit two sizes too large on my feet, I stop because I hear yelling.

  Only this time the yelling comes from Rose, which probably scares me even more.

  “Are you looking at her?”

  For a second, I think she’s talking to me, but then I see Sledge nervously shaking his head while his eyes glance up to the sky.

  “No Rose,” he says, one of his lips quivering slightly. “I was just looking at you of course.”

  “You pig!” She yells again, and Bree, who is now fully dressed, and I glance with wide eyes at each other. “I cannot believe you Sledge! You know my insecurities!”

  “Ugh,” Sledge mutters. “Here we go again…”

  “Here we go?” Rose yells back, now coming around to the back of the truck. “Oh I will go – I don’t trust you with her! The whole trip you’ve been batting your eyes at her – I know she’s pretty! She’s a freaking doll! And me! What am I Sledge?!”

  Bree and Sledge both turn a shade of fuchsia.

  Sledge says, “Rose, honey, let’s talk about this later – I promise you, I only have eyes-“

  “You only have eyes that want other girls!” Rose says as she starts storming off toward the forest. “You don’t want me! I knew I wasn’t good enough for you! I’m trash. Broken trash.”

  “No!” Sledge hastily huffs and runs after Rose as she’s now nearing the edge of the forest. “You’re mine, forever – I made a promise to you last night. When we were together. Don’t you remember?”

  As they start to walk near the edge of the forest, Bree comes around to my side of the truck where we both just stare in the direction Captain Vonn went, in the hopes this awkward situation would come to an end.

  Deciding to break the silence, I turn to Bree and say, “I mean she’s right. You are pretty.”

  Bree looks over at me, green eyes shining with red cheeks. “Thanks Quinn. I don’t think anyone has ever said that without catcalling me.”

  “Did I say that?” I say jokingly. “But let’s be real for a moment. That was literally the most I’ve ever heard Rose say on our hundred mile journey together – I never would’ve thought she was the clingy, nagging type. My mind is blown right now.”

  “Stop,” Bree says, a hint of a smirk showing above her dimpled chin. “Don’t make fun of the lover’s quarrel.”

  We both laugh as Captain Vonn walks up to our side of the truck, a muddled look wearing on his face.

  “Where are the other two?”

  “Probably making up,” I reply. “If you know what I mean – we better give them another five, maybe ten minutes at best. Those two are a hot mess.”

  Bree elbows my side.

  Vonn sighs deeply enough for both of us to hear, muttering, “Captain’s duties never used to include babysitting.”

  ┈┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈┈

  The city of Pyre was a vast, monstrous city sprawling along the flatland where Boise used to stand before it was ransacked and destroyed. Driving out of the mouth of a gaping canyon, I can’t help but feel small as I stare at the fifty foot high stone wall that surrounds the whole perimeter where a littering of farms reside with heaping acres of green crops. Lofty cylindrical towers, at least twenty of them, jut out along the edges of the wall, and according to Vonn, there will be at least ten guards per tower fully armed in the event of an attack.


  And that’s the exact reason I can’t help but feel like a tiny ant compared to the task at hand. Lives depended on me somehow stealing a battery out of a stone fortress, and more than that, I knew who I would find somewhere within its walls.

  The first task would be to convince the guards at the gate.

  Second would be to find the battery.

  And third would be, find Celeste and convince her to run away with me and get married and make babies and live happily ever after.

  I wasn’t so sure about that third task.

  Glancing down at my hand, I spot the tattoo Sledge had placed – a black circle with a rake and rifle crossing each other in an “X” shape, the symbol of Terra. Rose is sitting quietly, still seemingly perturbed about Sledge allegedly checking out Bree.

  “Just pull up to this gate,” Vonn says, pointing to a guard checkpoint on the north side of the wall. A hefty iron gate, about twenty feet high sits between us and our tic
ket into Pyre. A small guardhouse made of stone blocks sits on the outside of the wall, and anywhere from ten to twenty guards would be in there throughout the day.

  Stopping the black Jeep Wrangler, I park in front of the gate, which makes the Semper’s gate look like a kid’s toy.



  My heart is about ready to jump out of my chest as the adrenaline kicks in.

  A guard, tall and slender with stark red hair, dressed in green military garb approaches the jeep. Along his belt, I notice glowing orbs that look like grenades from the future. Resting comfortably across his arms is a large, nearly transparent rifle that on the inside is filled with a red glowing light like a laser.

  I roll down my window as he approaches, his eyes glancing right and left suspiciously as he checks out the jeep.

  “State your business,” the guard says roughly, the air smelling as if he’s been smoking a pack of cigarettes.

  Eyeing the man resolutely, I speak in the monotonous sort of way Mechanicus tribe members use. “Our business is trade. Various goods and sundries for the Gray Market.”

  “Acceptable,” the guard says, now trying to look in the backseat where the rest of the crew stares blankly forward. “Credentials please.”

  I pass the red-haired guard a stack of papers Vonn had obtained earlier, and without speaking, continue to stare at the man between narrowed eyelids – a trait the intellectuals would apparently do quite often.

  “Wait. Please.”

  I let out an irritated sigh, and reply, “If you must – I could take my goods and turn around to head to the Sempers – I’m sure they’d be happy to have a high caliber shock inducing sniper rifle.”

  I was making up crap, but it sounded cool.

  The guard again replies, “Wait.”

  As he walks back toward the guardhouse, I turn and look at Vonn who sits expressionless.


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