The Inn

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The Inn Page 12

by D. R. Mather

  “Listen, both of you, we are going into the inner Denver area and I need both of you to stay very sharp. Do you both understand?”

  He heard two “A-has.”

  “Put your hands on mine, both of you.”

  Beth reached forward and Judy sideways, and each touched Kevin’s upturned hand. He engulfed both of their hands in his one and held them. They both felt something; something like electricity but also very different. Something was moving through their arms and disappearing into them. After a minute, he let go.

  “I wanted to give you both a better shot than that, but it will do for now.”

  He went quiet and neither woman asked any questions. Kevin started to talk as they reached the outer area of downtown Denver.

  “Ok, we’re almost there; I’m going to point out a location for both of you to stand. I don’t want you to move any more than one single foot from it once I put you there, got it?”

  He heard two answers, “Yes.”

  “Good. Now, I want you two to think only one single thought while you’re there, “I’m invisible to the world.” Think it without anything else getting in the way of that thought, got it?”

  Again, both agreed.

  “Good, now here’s what you’re going to do…”

  Kevin pulled into a large warehouse parking lot and got out. Judy and Beth followed him over to the building. Kevin opened a door which a second ago had a padlock on it. He simply grabbed it, twisted it, and it snapped in half.

  Judy stared for a moment and then said with a grin, “My man is strong.”

  They all entered the warehouse and Kevin brought them to an inner door area. Now the talk was all whispers.

  “Beth, you stand here on the left side of this door. You’ll hear it as the knob turns, then you do what I told you. Use your power now.”

  Kevin and Judy walked away. Kevin went around a corner with Judy and headed down a hallway. He came to another door.

  “Judy, baby, don’t forget my instructions, okay?”

  “Ok ‘BABY’.” She liked that.

  “Good, use your power now.” He turned and left, continuing down the hall until he turned a corner out of sight. There were no puzzling questions to find answers to right now, both women stood at their posts and waited.

  Kevin could hear them, there were eight in all. He came up to a large steel door and very gently tried it. It was locked solid.

  “Fine, we do it your way boys,” said Kevin.

  Kevin melted through the door. His mind sped up much faster than any human being is capable of. He assessed the situation in a matter of milliseconds. To his left were four, to his far right were three, in front, at a chair, was one more. Each one of the eight held an AK-47. Sitting in the chair was a well-known man, The Governor of Colorado. The man with him punched him in the left side of his head. Kevin walked into the light.

  A man to the left said, “What the fuck?”

  Almost immediately, all weapons were raised and pointed at Kevin. Kevin moved, and FAST. Over ten shots rang out right away. They all missed, he never slowed down. When Kevin got to the chair he grabbed the throat of the man who had punched the Governor and said, “You guys ever hear of a rifle range? They exist so you might learn to be better shots.”

  Kevin was holding the man a clear foot off the ground with only one hand. He didn’t have to ‘dispatch’ this one though; his idiot buddies did that for him. The man caught more than twenty rounds from his buds. Kevin took the now lifeless body and threw it, not down, but across twenty five feet of open air where it hit all four of the men that were on his left, dropping all of them to the floor. Kevin was there at just about the same time the body hit the men. He reached down and started grabbing necks. ’SNAP’, one, ’SNAP’, two , ‘SNAP’ , three ,’SNAP’, four. Kevin stood and turned. Out of the three remaining men across the other side of the room, only one was standing still. One had taken off to a side door; one had the Governor and was dragging him towards another door. Kevin cleared the distance from him to the lone stander and touched his shoulder.

  “You have a giant debt to repay society. I suggest you get to it, but for now, go sit in that chair until we’re all gone.” The man dropped his assault rifle, walked to the chair and sat down. Kevin walked around and picked up all the remaining weapons, then headed to the door straight ahead.

  Judy and Beth could both hear a commotion going on inside the inner warehouse where Kevin had gone. Judy was standing and waiting.

  “Oh gods, please help me do this. I know it’s the right thing to do, I just don’t know if I can. Kevin is counting on us; if we fail someone is going to die, maybe even Kevin or me. Please, please, help me do this.”

  Judy was a fireball, but not this way. She had a high love of life, this was the source of her energy; not taking life. She knew she had to dig deeper than she’d ever dug before, or she’d fail. If she failed, someone would die, or all of them would die. Judy was taut with tension. Her hands vibrated with the fear. She knew that, for now, she was alone with an insurmountable task.

  Beth was a bit cooler, but not by a lot. She didn’t think the same way that Judy did. Instead, she said a prayer and told her mother and father that she loved them. She thought to herself, “I have to separate my anger towards men now; I can’t let that rule here. If I do, I could end up shooting everyone, even Kevin. What’s in the past has to be laid to rest.”

  Beth thought this now, as she knew that her life was about to change in one single instant.

  “I trust Kevin, I have no idea why I should, but I do. With all that I am, I do. Damn it,” she thought to herself, “Can I even do this? Do I have what it takes to kill a man, even an evil man?” Like Judy, she was vibrating all over. Beth started to think about everyone at the inn. They had become her family; she liked them a lot, maybe even loved them. She started to think about Alex.

  Beth heard the door as it ripped open; a man started to run through it. He had an assault weapon in his hands which Beth just reached for and grabbed. The man stopped dead and looked at his hands, stunned. Beth put three bullets in his head without blinking an eye. He never saw a thing. She took the weapon and headed around the corner to where she knew Judy was.

  Judy heard the door open and was face-to-face with a man who was dragging another man in tow behind him. She wasn’t startled. She let the front man who was carrying a rifle get past her, then grabbed the second man and yanked him from the first man’s grip. He turned and Judy pulled the assault weapon from his hands, firing three times into his head. The man was dead before he hit the concrete. A smiling Kevin walked thirty feet behind him. Judy dropped the weapon and ran to him, jumping on him as she got there. He had to drop the weapons he was carrying so no one got hurt. They were hugging and kissing when Beth came around the corner.

  “Oh nice, murder and a porno movie; I have to say, I like this theater, it just offers everything.”

  Judy released Kevin from her death grip but remained holding his hand.

  “Funny Beth, very funny. It looks like we have to squeeze another guest into the back seat with you, so let’s see how funny you think it is then.”

  They all picked up the rifles and headed out to the car. The Governor followed and didn’t even know why. Kevin loaded all the weapons into the box in the trunk. Beth was on his right, Judy on his left. Kevin told the Governor to get in the back and wait. He looked at Beth, and then turned to Judy; both of them were just staring over at the warehouse with a solid stream of tears running down their cheeks. Judy’s lips trembled as she stared off at the warehouse.

  ‘SHIT,’ thought Kevin, and he reached around both women at once.

  “Group hug girls,” he said to them both. As soon as they pulled up to Kevin, the real crying began; it wasn’t soft but loud, hard crying. Judy broke off and ran several yards away from the car, leaned forward and vomited. She returned to Kevin’s side when she was finished.

  “I’m so sorry, both of you. I’ve done this for so
long now, I don’t think I even feel it anymore. I did the very same thing after my first one, believe me I did. I kept thinking, ‘hey, I’m just a carpenter, what the hell am I doing’?”

  Judy tilted her head up a little to try and look at him.

  “Reall…reall…really?” She said, barely able to talk. Then she slapped his arm and said, “Baby,” and started to giggle. Beth was still holding on to Kevin and practically giving the man a body massage when she started to giggle along with Judy. They broke free of Kevin and went to each other for a hug.

  “I love you Judy.”

  “I love you too Beth.” With that, they separated.

  Beth turned to the warehouse and let out a roaring “ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH……” She leaned her head forward and her arms back as if in a threatening posture, then turned to the others. “Shall we?”

  Judy had already headed for the shot gun seat and Kevin had turned to Beth.

  “I’m afraid you’re going to have to sit with our illustrious Governor back there. It’s a small seat in a mustang.”

  “Yeah, yeah, as long as I can keep my hands off of him it should be ok.” She then pushed Kevin in a friendly manner as if to say, ‘Go; get to driving will ya?’ He jumped behind the wheel and turned to the back seat.

  “Everyone comfy back there?” He had a shitty grin on his face.

  “Oh ha, ha, very funny chuckles,” Beth gave him a loving tap on his arm.

  “Hey, careful there Beth, I plan on using his arm later!” But Judy was smiling and they knew she was joking. They dropped the governor off at the nearest police station. Kevin sent him in the front doors, then drove to the back and dropped off the assault weapons. The police never saw a thing. The Governor could remember everything that had happened to him. Everything except how he went from sitting in a chair in a warehouse to being in a police station, that is.

  “Judy, sit in back with Beth, will you?” asked Kevin. He’d seen Beth’s face, her eyes, in his mirror; he knew what she was holding in.

  Judy didn’t bat an eye or waste a second arguing; she just got in with Beth. Ten minutes later and Kevin glanced in the rear view mirror. Beth and Judy were in a strong embrace, both of them were crying. Kevin felt like shit.


  The Newspaper’s morning edition reported on the strange occurrence with the Governor and the confirmation of seven men found in a warehouse. All seven were wearing tactical armor and all were dead. Eight AK-47 assault weapons were left in a burlap bag the same day. Police were baffled. The news reporter was placing wages on the fingerprints matching the men found at the warehouse.

  Kevin pulled the mustang into the garage and everyone got out.

  “When do we get to talk this over Kevin,” asked Beth.

  Judy walked to her side, “I don’t think we do, right honey?”

  “What’s to talk about?” Kevin grinned. “It is what it is,” and with that, they all went back into the mansion.

  Everyone was sitting in the grand living room when the three came around the corner. Beth went to her usual seat, picked up her book, and began to read. Judy was once again locked onto Kevin’s arm as they headed over to a sofa, the one that was on the opposite side to the fake walls. Will put down his evening paper and looked at Kevin and Judy.

  “You guys go out for pizza?” Will said.

  “Will that work for you?” asked Kevin.

  Will laughs. “It can, it certainly can. However, just in case I’m wrong, Barb put dinner in the steamer for all of you.”

  Judy and Beth were up in a shot. “I’m starved,” they both said at once. Everyone laughed and the girls rushed off to the kitchen.

  “Kevin, would you mind a few words with me?” asked Will.

  “Sure Will, name the time and place and I’m yours.”

  Will got up and gave Kevin the ‘come on’ wave. He headed to the end wall panel, found the finger pull, and the panel opened to the left side hallway that went to the basement and the back ballroom.

  They walked very slowly while Will got his courage up.

  “Kevin, I’m not the brightest bulb in the package, but you don’t get to my age without figuring out at least some of life’s tricks and ways.”


  “Well, it’s kind of hard to miss how much things have changed around here since the day you moved in. This place was mostly dead to the world and dead inside. These people hardly ever talked to each other before you arrived, and now Barb and I see them all day long. I don’t believe the ‘guest cave’ has been used more than once since you got here. I have everyone asking if they can help out with my repairs, and Marie, Beth, and April keep storming the kitchen offering to help Barb. We won’t count Judy; she’s been storming the kitchen for a few years now, although now that Barb mentions it, it’s a lot less than she used to.” Will nudged Kevin’s arm before continuing. “Believe me, we aren’t complaining; no sir, just the opposite. It’s just that I…I…”

  ”You don’t want to see her hurt?”

  “Right Kevin, you wouldn’t hurt our little fire ball, would you?”

  Kevin stopped and turned to him, “Will, are you giving me the ‘dad’ talk about Judy?”

  “Huh? I guess I am Kevin, I guess I am.”

  Kevin took Will’s shoulders with both hands, “Will, I want you to know this and then repeat it to Barb: I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Judy, I’m about to tell her that tonight actually, and I promise both of you this right now, I will give my life to keep her from getting hurt. Is that clear enough, ‘DAD’?” Kevin smiled at Will and Will no longer feared for Judy’s feelings. Will turned and they started to slowly walk again.

  “Now Kevin, about Stan…”

  Kevin and Will came through the ballroom and out the other side, into a hallway, and then Will opened a door into the back of the kitchen. All the women of the house were there. Beth and Judy had a plate of meatloaf and everyone else had a dish with cake in it. They were all standing and gabbing up a storm, when Will and Kevin came around the old dishwasher.

  “Is that snorting and oinking I hear, Will?” asked Kevin.

  “I believe it is Kevin, I believe it is.”

  Judy put down her fork and said, “Well, girls, it looks like we won’t have these two men around anymore, once you find the ‘coven’ you must be ‘removed.’”

  “Just make it fast and clean,” Kevin said as he walked over to Judy. He took her fork and tried the meatloaf. Judy looked at him as if that signified an engagement. “MMMM…..more, I must have more.” Kevin added.

  Barb didn’t waste a second; she went over, grabbed a plate and started to fill it.

  “Good thing I put it all in the steamer huh, Kevin?”

  Will walked over, “Then there’s more?”

  “Hey, no more for you, can’t you see that belly when you’re in front of the mirror?”

  “Ya, ya, ya,” and he ‘finger grabbed’ a piece of meatloaf.

  After the little feeding frenzy, they all headed back out to the living room.

  Roland stood up from one of the sofas, “What the hell did we miss?”

  Judy headed over to him and made a fake full mouth sound: “MUFIM HUMY.” Then she went to the sofa where Kevin had sat and sat down next to him. Everyone heard the sound as Stan slammed his hand down on the arm of the chair, got up and walked past Judy, bumping her leg as he headed up the stairs. Kevin instantly reacted but Judy grabbed his arm. He looked at her and she shook her head to indicate “no”. About a half hour later, Kevin excused himself and went out to catch a smoke. Judy excused herself as well and followed Kevin outside. The night was cold, and two people who were meant to be together finally professed their love while sitting on cushions on a marble seat, out in the middle of nowhere.

  As the evening ended, Kevin and Judy were standing outside of Judy’s room. They were holding each other and kissing deeply. Finally Kevin moved her back a bit and said his goodnights. She returned the sentiment and went to her room
. As she closed the door, they both heard the click of the door to room 4.

  “Stan,” said Kevin before heading back to his own room. Once inside, he walked to the window and sat, pondering.


  Kevin, Judy and Beth were sitting together in the library on a sofa that looked like it may be original to the house. It was in pristine condition but very old. They were all going through some old books on ancient folklore that seemed to crop out of this area of the country. A pile of twenty or more books were scattered around them. After spending the last six hours looking, Kevin slapped a book closed and announced to them, “Nothing. There isn’t anything that even comes close to what’s going on.”

  Judy was far from stupid. She looked back and forth between the two of them. “Yeah, if we’re dealing with anything of the types these books talk about, I’m afraid it’s going to go back a lot farther than these do.”

  Kevin just gave a small, “hum”, but Beth agreed with Judy.

  “I’m seeing that as well. These are all based on local myths anyway and can be proven false in today’s world.”

  Cindy shyly stepped in the library, “Kevin, can I maybe have some time with you when you’re free?”

  “No time like the present, if that’s okay with you, ladies?”

  “No, no, that’s okay hun,” said Judy with a smile, “Beth and I are going to look through a few more old books anyway. You go, enjoy Cindy’s company.”

  “You’re my sweetheart Judy,” he leaned over and kissed her, then got up and went with Cindy.

  “Can we talk and walk outside?” asked Cindy.

  “Sure thing Cindy, after you.”


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