The Inn

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The Inn Page 16

by D. R. Mather

  “Judy, I can’t I’m marrie…”

  She sat back and they stared at each other for a few seconds. Judy kissed him and said; “It’s okay honey, you’re not ready yet. Don’t worry, I can wait.”

  They both moved chairs and sat at the window. They talked about any plan that might be coming. So far, Kevin knew of none. As they sat, Kevin seemed to get lost in his mind and was no longer paying attention to her. She got up and turned her chair at an angle so that she was facing Kevin. She took off her shoes and plopped her feet right on Kevin’s lap, then began to wiggle her toes as if to wave with her feet. Kevin was leaning against the armrest with his hand up on the side of his face as Judy was wiggling away; he seemed to come around very slowly. It finally hit him and he glanced down, then lifted his head up and looked at her.

  “Toe socks.”

  She simply waved her toes and said, “Umhum.”

  Kevin let out a little ‘humph’ and began to rub Judy’s feet. Judy got the best foot massage of her life. She wasn’t the type who held back much, she was kind of in your face about things. Kevin found this refreshing. However, tonight Judy decided to use it to her advantage, as she slid down in the chair so that she was almost lying in it. She put both feet up on Kevin’s shoulders. Kevin said nothing; he simply changed from rubbing her feet, to rubbing her calves. This went on for about five minutes, until he realized that he no long seemed to have control over himself. He seemed to have wandered way above the knee and was now a lot closer to Judy’s inner thigh area. As he stretched back and forth, he got a little too far up and ‘bumped’ Judy’s pleasure. She let out a “Huuuuhhh…” With that, she slightly thrusted her hips up to meet Kevin’s hand. He smiled and backed off a few inches, but continued to rub Judy’s legs. Judy knew she could try again.

  “It’s yours if you want it,” she said.

  Kevin didn’t speak; he slipped Judy’s legs off of him and stood as he pulled her up along with him. He held her tight and kissed her, a very powerful kiss.

  “I do, I want all of you.”

  Kevin began to remove her clothes in front of the window as the moonlight shone in. There were light random snowflakes falling outside. Kevin brought her over to the bed and sat her down on the edge. Judy reached out and undid Kevin’s pants. She let them drop to the floor. He was full and ready for her, so she decided to welcome him into her love nest with all she had. She leaned forward and made love to him in ways he’d never experienced before. He lay Judy on the bed after a while and returned the favor. Judy’s eyes closed. She felt every breath of him and she was in a place that no woman could ever go. Kevin slipped up onto his knees and slowly entered her; she met his first thrust with her own. He leaned forward and kissed her, “I love you Judy.”

  When Judy woke up, the sun was just beginning to crest near the tops of the trees. Kevin was sitting up against the backboard of the bed.

  “Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well?”

  Judy came out from under the blanket and Kevin saw her nude in the bright light for the first time. “Wow,” was about all he could say. Then Kevin’s eyes scanned down to Judy’s feet.

  “Toe socks,” he laughed. “I guess we never got to removing those.”

  “I didn’t want to, they were for you.” She slipped up to the backboard with him and sat. Kevin leaned a bit and they kissed long and hard for a few minutes.

  “Kev, is it okay if we do that again some time? I’ve decided I really loved that.”

  He turned to her; two hours later, they got up for the day.

  Kevin and Judy came down the main stairs and headed to the dining room. It seemed everyone had finished with breakfast and they were now just sitting around, chatting.

  Judy came over to Barb, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to help Barb, will you forgive me?”

  Barb looked up at her, “Well, just this once I suppose.” She took Judy’s hand accompanied by a huge smile.

  “There are still some pancakes and sausages in the steamer,” said Will. “You guys look like you could use an energy boost.”

  Kevin turned to thank Will and saw the ear to ear grin. “Geez Will, I don’t think you could knock that off your face if a truck drove into it.”

  Will was almost giddy, the way he was looking at them. Barb stood up to start the clean-up, but not before she leaned into Judy and whispered, “We are so happy for you both.” She kissed her cheek and then began to clear the table.

  As Kevin and Judy walked over to the steamers to get some food, Kevin, in a very quiet voice said to Judy; “I think we just became the entertainment around here.”

  Judy giggled quietly and said, “I’m thinking, what, twenty dollars a ticket for viewing, right?”

  “To view you? Better add a few more zeros to the end of that kiddo.” He headed over to his seat with Judy right beside him. Standing at the entrance to the dining room was Stan. He just stared at them until he knew they had seen him. Everyone there got to meet two Stan’s for the first time. There was the Stan that had seething hate in his eyes as he looked at Judy and Kevin, and the Stan that said, “Hey guys, beautiful day outside,” and cheerily walked off and out of sight.

  Kevin looked at Judy, “That, my sweet Judy, is trouble with a capital Stan.” With that, they sat down to eat.

  Will was just bouncing around in his seat and looked at the both of them; “Are you guys gonna help us repaint Judy’s room?”

  Kevin turned to Judy, “I see where this is going.”

  Judy leaned around Kevin and said “Why would I do that Will?”

  “Well, not too many guests are gonna like an all pink room are they? I figure you’ll be moving in with Kevin into room ten fairly soon, right?”

  Kevin let out a quick snort through his nose because a piece of pancake was in his mouth at the time. He turned to Judy and lifted both shoulders, “Cat’s out of the bag now hun, we might as well do it, right? It is the best room in the place if you don’t count the third floor.”

  Judy sat and contemplated for a few seconds then turned to Kevin, “Can we paint it pink?”

  “No. Shit, how about just one wall?” Kevin turned to Will with a questioning gesture.

  “One pink wall coming up.” Will got up and went over to Barb, kissed her hard on the lips, and headed out to the kitchen. Everyone was pretty sure he was whistling quietly to himself.

  They spent the day moving and rearranging room two and room ten. It seemed everyone was doing something, even Stan and Mark. In fact, they insisted on doing the new paint for room two. Will got dark beige because he had five cans of it out in the shop, as well as what was left from Judy’s original pink room. Cindy helped Judy gather her clothing, while Beth and Alex started moving furniture out so they could remove the pink and white carpet. Roland took up stewardship and started directing everyone else. As everyone was busying themselves, Barb came to each of the two rooms being worked on and announced that lunch was ready.

  Will said it first,” Lunch?”

  Everyone stared at each other. Since when? She didn’t do lunch. Kevin leaned out of the doorway of room ten and looked down an already empty hallway.

  “You heard the woman, lunch!”

  As they all got to the dining room, they saw that Barb had made cold turkey sandwiches, along with several leftovers from the feast. She also seemed to have made a punch as well. She stood in front of her usual seat as if she’d been waiting. Will went in first, with everyone else just standing still behind him as if there were some trap that was going to spring on them if they walked in the room.

  Barb swung her hands left and right, slid her chair out and said, “Sit. Eat.”

  It was a great lunch; Judy discovered Kevin liked his turkey sandwiches with cranberry jelly spread on one half of the bread, with mayonnaise on top of both halves. Kevin discovered Judy would eat anything that smelled like it could or should be eaten.

  By evening, everything was finished in the two rooms and the group was shooting the breeze i
n the living room. Kevin saw Stan and Mark drive away. Who knew what they were up to but at least they’d left the Inn for a while.

  Kevin leaned over to Judy, “No time like the present.” He got up, walked over to Beth and took her hand. “May I see you for a moment or so?”

  Beth said nothing and just stood and followed Kevin out of the room and up to the library. Kevin closed the door to the library, brought Beth over to a sofa and gestured for her to sit.

  “Will this hurt Kevin?”

  He kissed her cheek, “Far from it; you may feel a kind of euphoria, but that’s about it. It’s actually a rather pleasant feeling, so don’t worry.”

  He sat beside her and took both of her hands. Kevin seemed to go into himself for a minute and Beth was just watching him. She suddenly felt a powerful tingling through her, and she began to smell mint.

  “Welcome to you Beth, We are very happy to meet you.”

  “Aaahhh….the feeling is mutual?”

  “Beth, Kevin has decided that you can help us with our problem. What we need from you is a formal commitment.”

  “I killed two men; did you want that in blood on paper?”

  Kevin was in on this conversation. In his head he shucked an elbow at Beth, “Nice one Beth, get ’em where it counts.”

  “We need you to give your word to us as a living human being that you will help us fight this evil regardless of your own personal loss. Can we have that from you?”

  In her mind, Kevin stood beside her. She looked to him and said, “Yes, you have my word, regardless of any personal loss.”

  “Kevin will give each of you something once things are squared away, you need to accept it willingly or it cannot pass to you. Do you agree to this?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  The voice was no more and it was only Kevin and Beth sitting on a sofa.

  “You’ll receive it after everyone has been asked the same questions, okay Beth?”

  “Sure thing boss.” She got up and went to the library door.

  “Beth, will you send Alex up please?”

  Beth turned and gave Kevin a warm smile, “Sure thing Kevin, as soon as I hit the living room he’ll be on his way up.”

  Beth, Alex, and April were now standing or leaning outside the library area. Judy was in with Kevin.

  Judy was on the sofa and Kevin kissed her, “Don’t worry baby, I’d never let anything bad happen to you.” He closed his eyes. Judy felt tingly and she could smell mint.

  “Judy, we have waited a long time to speak to you. We don’t usually deal with the rich because their souls are dirty from greed and want; you seem to have passed over that.”

  “Hey, I try to care for those around me; I can’t be blamed for my parent’s doings.”

  “And we are happy to know it as well. This is for you.”

  For the first time ever, Kevin heard a second voice. It was definitely female.

  “We call it mother’s milk,” and she touched Judy’s hand in Judy’s mind.

  Judy instantly shuddered and tears began to roll down her cheeks, but she was smiling as well.

  “Thank you,” was Judy’s response, “thank you so very much.”

  “Use it for good Judy, only for good.” Then the voice faded away.

  In fact, no voice was heard after that. Kevin was well aware of when the voice left and he knew it had. They opened their eyes and reached out, grabbed each other tight, and stayed there for over a minute.

  The door to the library opened and Kevin invited the others to join him. Judy was laying out seat cushions around a large circle on the floor. Kevin instructed everyone to sit on the floor and put the cushion behind them. After everyone was seated on the floor, Kevin joined the circle.

  “Hold hands everyone, if you would.” Kevin took Judy’s hand in his left, and April’s in his right. Everyone linked together. Kevin continued, “We are joined as one for the good of humanity. This link binds us together forever and wherever we may be.” He closed his eyes. Five seconds later, everyone felt a massive blast of something pass through them, then they all passed out and collapsed onto the pillows. Kevin sat alone now, still holding Judy and April’s hand. He looked up to the ceiling and said, “See, you couldn’t have done it to me that way? You had to give it to me while I was standing? It took three weeks for the lump on my head to go away.” Then he tilted his head forward again and released his hands. He sat in silence until they began to awaken. After everyone was alert again, Kevin told them what they had received from him.

  “All of you will now have the ability to meld into any material that stops you from getting to the person your missions require you to reach. Mainly doors and walls, but who knows what else.” Judy raised her hand as if she were in school. This made Kevin chuckle, “Yes, you in the green and pink top. A question?”

  “Ok smart ass, you’ll pay for that one later but for now, how do we use this?”

  “You need to take an item of yours, something personal, I would suggest something you can carry in a pocket at all times, and bring it to me. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it MUST be with you every time you leave the house, even if we haven’t been sent on a mission. They can pop up suddenly anywhere you go. You’ll always need to have it on you.”

  Kevin took out his mustang keys; on the chain was a metal mustang logo.

  “For me, it isn’t the keys, it’s this logo. That’s where it lies. HOWEVER, I cannot stress this enough, I can transfer this ability from one object to another, and you people can’t”

  ”Why not Kevin? We either have the power or we don’t right?” questioned Alex.

  “You have only a portion of it; you no longer need to take my hand to make yourself invisible. That was a part that I gave you along with the melding ability.”

  Judy looked around at everyone and said, “Neat!”

  Kevin put his hand over his face and just shook his head. “Moving on, Judy may have told you that she saw several men shoot at me, yet I had no wounds. Do not think that you can do this as well, you do NOT have that ability. If a bullet hits you, you WILL go down. Only one thing possesses the ability to prevent getting shot…”

  Judy cut him off, “THE COAT, RIGHT?”

  Kevin took her hand and smiled, “Yes baby, the coat.”

  She snapped her fingers and said to herself more than everyone else, “I KNEW IT!”

  Kevin stood and everyone followed. “I want you all go to your rooms now and find something small but not so small that you can easily lose it. Something you don’t mind carrying with you all the time in a pocket. Once you’ve found that, bring it to me.” Everyone scattered to their rooms while Kevin waited. Everyone, except Judy.

  “Hun, are you going to get something?” he asked.

  She reached in her pocket and took out a small crushed up piece of lead, and handed it to him.

  “What’s this hun?”

  “I found it stuck under the collar of your leather coat, I wanted to keep it.”

  Kevin kissed her and told her it would work just fine. Upon their return, the others each handed something to Kevin.

  For Beth it was a gold ring. “I was engaged once,” she explained as she handed it over.

  For April, it was her key holder with a small dog tag on it. “My grandpa’s from world war two.”

  Alex handed over a keychain with a tiny circuit board on it. “I’ve had that on there for like forever so it should be right.”

  Kevin took all the objects and cupped his hands on them. He was silent for only five seconds, then he handed them back.

  “Remember, always with you.”

  Everyone agreed, then Kevin said, “Class dismissed.” Kevin and Judy were now alone in the library.

  Judy looked at Kevin, “Hun, I think that female being I spoke with in my head gave me something that you don’t have.”

  “I believe you’re right Judy.”

  “Well, what was it Kev?”

  “If it’s like it was with me, you won’t kn
ow until you need it. It’s best to let it go for now. If they wanted you to know first, believe me, they would have told you. Let’s go join the others, shall we?” They left the library and headed down the stairs. From around a book shelf popped Mark. He walked out and headed to Stan’s room.


  Stan and Mark returned later in the evening, both had spent some time at a bar and both were feeling a little drunk. It didn’t bother Stan enough to stop him from talking to something in his own head however. When he was finished Mark told him what information he’d gotten.

  “SHIT, really Mark?”

  “That’s everything I got anyway. They did some stuff one-on-one with Kevin, but it didn’t make a lot of sense because they mostly didn’t talk, they just sat on the sofa and held hands.”

  “That SHITHEAD went and got help. It looks like I’m going to have to get some as well. Just sit over there and wait Mark.”

  Mark did as he was told whilst Stan sat on the edge of his bed and closed his eyes. He was silent for about three minutes, and then he suddenly opened his eyes again.

  “Indiana, that’s where we need to go.” He jumped up and grabbed his suitcase from under the bed. “Mark, go pack a few things, we’re going to Indiana.”

  They walked past the living room and announced that they would be gone for about a week or so, and then they left.

  “A WHOLE WEEK without Stan, it’s like I won the lottery!” sighed Judy.

  Kevin smiled and continued to talk to Will. Kevin had a plan that would make Barb and Will just worship him forever, but he wasn’t doing it for that reason, he was doing it because he loved them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jerry was standing in a dimly lit warehouse in the heart of Terre Haute, Indiana. A steel door slid open and a rather short man walked in, then over to him.

  “You got what I need man?”

  “Yeah, right here.” He handed the man a handgun with ten clips.

  “Nice, nice.” The man slipped in a clip, pulled back the lever and put two bullets in Jerry’s head. He was laughing as he walked out of the warehouse. “Iced motherfucker, iced,” he said.


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