Bear it All (The Hidden Pack)

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Bear it All (The Hidden Pack) Page 5

by Gracie Meadows

  “Okay, how about a truce. We all care for her. Let’s just start at the beginning and go from there.”

  “Sure that’s sounds good. I’m Dmitri, this is my brother, Nikolai, and our mate, Becky. Over there is Gage and Axel and their mate, Millie. You know Tiny, and our healer, which is Lily. Oh, and the woman over there who floated in, is Millie’s mother, Xandria, who is the Fairy Queen. We are just full of surprises today. So now the introductions are over, let’s get down to business and discuss how she seems to be a piece of the puzzle we didn’t expect.” Sam and Grey nodded as they went into a tale about how Becky was a dreamwalker and so on.

  An hour had passed and his head was swimming with all the information, but then he remembered why Cece was giggling when she found out she was mated to a bear.

  “What’s so funny?” Grey asked.

  “Remember what Cece said when we told her we were bears.”

  “Yeah, she laughed and then said, “Wolves, panthers, and bears, oh my”. Oh, I get it now. That’s funny,” he chuckled and everyone once again looked at them like they had lost their minds

  “Okay, so now that we have the basics with you being a weird fairy princess with the ability of persuasion, and the dreamwalker who is half witch, how does Cece play out to be this Keeper as the queen said?” Sam asked as he looked around the room. No one had any answers, but then the queen herself started to walk to them, he held his breath.

  “It is best if we discuss this when Cecelia is awake and healed. She will need you, all of you in this room. She was affected more than I had thought. It wasn’t until I discovered tonight that she had a brother, or supposed brother, that it rang true with the deceit that had been played out. It seemed she was discovered at a young age and they didn’t want her to come into her powers, or in her case, ability. I do have to let you know she is still in great danger and I fear this once again is going to start a war. So much has happened to this poor child, and I am truly sorry for not discovering this information sooner. However, there is more than even I foretold. She will wake soon, and when she does, do not scare her off, and just remain silent. She is going to have to process her fate, if she does not, then I don’t know what the future will hold for us all.” When she was finished speaking, she turned to each of the women and smiled before sitting down. That seemed to calm various people in the room as food was being made, and someone shouted the microwave was blown up and to leave it alone. Who had the power to do that, or did someone leave a metal lid on top of a jar?

  “Why do you two take her to the spare room, so you can rest as well. I’m sure she doesn’t want people staring at her when she wakes. She is big on helping others, and I’m not sure what she would do if you tried to help her right now. Both he and Greyson agreed and carefully lifted her, keeping the blanket Lily had put on her tight against her body. They both found the room and laid her down. He was shocked the room held a king size bed, but even with his large frame and Grey’s, he was happy that Cece was a tiny thing because the room was scarce.

  “You think she is going to be okay?” Sam asked Grey.

  “I don’t know, man, but I will do anything to make this right with her. I can’t believe I left like I did. I should have just stayed in the parking lot or hell, even the building to make sure she was safe and not have gone home. It’s my fault. I don’t know how she can forgive me. I let her down, I promised her that I wouldn’t let him touch her again. I know it wasn’t him, but still. What if I hadn’t gotten there in time? She could have died, or been raped. I have never felt this way before. Yes, I know we just met her, and the pull to her because of the mating urge is there, but it’s something else. When we talked at lunch, it was so easy. I didn’t have to pretend to be something I’m not, and the same with her. It’s rare to feel like that. You know?” Grey knew he was laying it out for Sam, if they both were fated to mate the same woman, he needed to be honest as well.

  “I hate to say it as well, but I know what you mean. I can’t say its love, because it’s too soon, but I can honestly say I have never loved a woman before, and that thought excites and scares me at the same time.”

  “Do you think she will accept all this crap going on?”

  “I don’t know, Grey, it’s a lot to take in, and she seems to have dealt with this all better than I would have, but then again, she has had a longer time to process it as well. Maybe she can help calm our bear down because right now he is on edge,” Sam answered back. Grey laid there in silence on his side staring down at his red-haired mate. He noticed her glasses were off, and wondered if they were for show, or if she needed them. He thought they were cute, but with them off, he could see her grey eyes better. Moving a piece of hair off her face, he heard a quieted snore and saw that Sam was asleep. His hand rested protectively on her stomach and he could only smile. For a big bad bear that Sam pretended to be sometimes, he had a soft heart for woman. Then again most bears did. Women in their shifter breed were rare, and harder to come by than the declining wolf population.

  Grey kept his eyes on his mate as voices could be heard outside the door, and a lot of muffled, how did we not know, what type of friends are we, is she really going to be okay, and one he knew belonged to Becky was, why does she get coffee and I can't. Trying to keep his focus on his mate, he closed his eyes and listened to the soothing sounds of her deep breaths and steady heartbeat, giving him comfort she was going to be okay, at least until she woke.


  She hurt, a lot and all over, but surprisingly not in places she would have thought. She carefully opened her eyes and focused on what was going on around her, but it was dark. Sadly, she was lost and confused. Her throat hurt and suddenly all thoughts about what happened came flooding back and she cried out sitting up.

  “Shhh, baby girl, it’s okay, we got you, your fine, your safe.” That voice, she knew that voice, that voice meant safe. Looking around a small light clicked on and she looked into deep chocolate brown eyes that were staring down at her. Samuel. He was here.

  “There you go, deep breaths, that’s it, love, calm, deep breaths.” Looking to the other side, she looked at Greyson and he smiled, but his smile held some concern, was she really hurt, did they not get there in time? As she let her eyes drift from side to side she noticed she was in Becky’s house. Shit.

  “Does everyone know,” she tried to speak louder, but it hurt, coming out as barely a whisper. Putting her hands to her throat, she could remember the feeling.

  “Yes they do, and they are not mad at you, but themselves. Your throat will be sore, but your friend, Lily, said you will be fine. And just so you know, Cece, I am so sorry. I should have been there, you shouldn't have gone through that.” Greyson turned from her and she could hear the sadness and regret in his voice. It wasn’t his fault she was attacked, again. She left early to try to see if she could calm Billy down and she had even thought about leaving and trusting her friends, but before she could even think about it, she was attacked.

  “Greyson, look at me please.” He turned and faced her. She knew she looked like shit, but right now she needed him to look her in the eyes. “You saved me, yes I may look like dog shit, but at least nothing else happened. I’m alive and just a little black and blue.” She smiled and he seemed to relax some, but not by much.

  “I will take what you say and think about it, however, my love, you have never looked more beautiful than you do right now.” Cece’s heart was pounding at his words. “You're awake and so trusting of us, and forgiving, I can only hope you will give us a chance to win your heart too. But seeing you awake and talking is simply breathtaking to me.” She lowered her head as she felt a blush creep across her face, but Grey grabbed her chin with his thumb and forefinger making her look at him. “I mean it.” Then suddenly his lips were brushing against hers. His hot breath smelled sweet and the soft touch of his lips made her quiver inside. She had been kissed, but the slightest touch from him, and not even a full kiss made her melt. She leaned up and pressed her
lips more fully on his. Grey released her chin and moved it to her cheek as he kissed her sweetly. He ran his tongue along the contours of her mouth and she opened for him. She would have guessed he would have been demanding, but he was slow and steady as he ran his tongue in her mouth exploring her, caressing her. With her eyes closed, she surrendered herself to the man who showed such tenderness and compassion and had already stolen a part of her heart. He pulled away from her, resting his forehead against her.

  “That was amazing, love, simply amazing.” He kissed her nose before Sam cleared his throat. She turned and looked at him and saw something she had never really seen before, lust, lust for her.

  “Sam, I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, baby girl, don’t be sorry. I can be patient, and now it’s my turn.” She smiled and shifted to face him. She could see why Millie and Becky went on and on about having two men, and she had only kissed one of them.

  This time Sam grabbed her hair and held her still while he kissed her. He was softer than she would have thought, but when he pushed in her mouth it was like a dam broke and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She went willingly and was shocked her ribs didn’t hurt as before. Thank you, Lily. Wrapping her arms around him, she succumbed to the passion he was giving her.

  “Well, it seems like everyone is getting along just fine, but if you’re almost done, we have some food and things to talk about.” She opened her eyes and saw Millie smirking at her by the door. Blushing, she bowed her head into Sam’s shirt as he laughed and hugged her tight.

  “Seems playtime is over, let’s get you some food so we can talk.” She nodded and together the three of them made their way to the living room to hear her fate.

  Chapter Eight

  “You have failed me. You are no use to me, and the plan will still work as long as the others are not found.” Billy watched as the Master walked back and forth.

  “It wasn’t my fault, Master, she did come back, and I would have her if it wasn’t for the bears. You never said anything about shifters coming, Master.” Billy was furious at the situation he was in. He wasn’t given all the information and had he known she knew bears and others, he would have taken her away from that town.

  “Do not address me in such a manner. I am your Master and Master of all, and you will do wise to remember it. The other shifters I had taken notice of, but the bears were unexpected, and will cause a problem. They need to be removed and the girl brought to me. I will remedy this situation myself. Now be gone before I change my mind and take your miserable life you maggot.” Once again the puff of black smoke filled the area, he was hiding and the Master disappeared.

  He had lost several of his lemmings with the fight with the damn shifters, the disgusting mutated freaks of nature. He was able to make it out the house without anyone finding him, but he would take care of them, all of them, and soon, Cece would be in the arms with his Master and he would be free to not watch the mousy little woman anymore. He smiled as he rubbed his hands and knew the right place to look for some help. It would take a couple days, but she would die, even if it was the last thing he did.


  Sam sat in the living room looking around the area with Cece sitting between him and Greyson. Cece seemed to be more comfortable with them than before. With his arm around her neck, and Grey’s hand on hers, she retold the story about her life with her brother.

  “You see, mom and dad didn’t know about Billy. He just showed up one day with a birth certificate saying he was dad’s. Dad of course looked into it and found out his mom had passed like Billy had said. We took him in and it seemed that people took a liking to him right away. But when we had outings Billy was always sick, or had something to do and couldn’t come. He would take trips to visit his grandparents, which I knew nothing about. Mom and dad did that stuff. Then he left, saying he had found work and would come back. When my parents got into the accident, he showed up to help me grieve, but when the Will was read, it seemed he got everything. Once again, Billy always seemed to get his way with things. I just thought it was me, but then Billy kept telling me I needed to spend more time with my friends and such. So, I never questioned it. He started drinking and the first time he hit me I was shocked, and then embarrassed. I didn’t go to school the next day, and played sick. It just spiraled since then.”

  “But what about school for him?” Becky asked.

  “He did homeschool and graduated early. No one ever questioned it.”

  “Did he ever say who he was working for?”

  “No, he just left, came back for a couple months, and I dealt with him, he always took money and then left again. It was off and on like that. I would count the days until he left. It was the only thing that gave me comfort.”

  “Well, I’m not sure why you didn’t tell us.”

  “I wanted to, so many times, but I was ashamed, and then he threatened to kill or hurt all of you. I didn’t need him finding out about shifters or anything like that. It would have cost me more to lose you than myself,” Cece confessed.

  “Baby girl, we have some information you need to know. Do you think you can handle it?” When she nodded Sam started, “Well we found out he wasn’t really your brother. Whoever set him up did the background to cover everything up pretty good, but we found better records and more accurate. He was sent to you, you have no blood with that man.” She looked at him and suddenly tears welled in her eyes.

  “I don’t know why I am crying, I’m so mad, sad, and mostly relieved that we are not related. I spent years praying we weren’t, and I was right.” Sam wiped away her tears, but it seemed more information was needed.

  “Then why did he want me?”

  “I can answer that, finally.” Every one turned to watch Xandria place her hands in her lap before telling the tale.

  “You see, many years ago when the prophecy was written, magic was already creating back up plans if you will. It split important people apart, and by Rebecca coming into her own powers, and the twins on the way, she has become a beacon of hope, a ray of light. With knowing magic and key people would come into their abilities, is why Amelia has been working with me to harness her talent. But it seems since you have met your mates, yours have started to come forth. You, my darling child, are the Keeper.”

  “What the fuck is a Keeper?” Millie spat out, but earned a look from Gage who shook his head at her before the woman shut up.

  “Well, it’s a bit complicated to explain, but I will do my best. A Keeper, is the one who is the keeper of knowledge. The one who would be able to understand and explain powers and abilities of others as they find their way home. You will be able to tell if something is dark magic, or good magic. It will become second nature to you. You will simply know things. Have you ever wondered why you read something, but saw more than what was on the pages. Why you come up with ideas of how to help train or why things happen. You have been the Keeper since the beginning. If dark magic or the Coven was to get you, they would be able to take you places and find the lost souls and they would be able to harness their talent and magic for themselves.”

  “Okay, so she has always been the Keeper, but why now is she in danger more than when she lived with the psycho?” Sam was going stir crazy not knowing anything.

  “That’s a great question, Samuel. You see, like Rebecca and Amelia, they didn’t come into their powers, or control them, until they were mated. A mate grounds them and helps understand things clearly. Once you three are a mated couple, she will suddenly realize everything, but would be vulnerable.”

  Greyson started to see why things happened the way they do, but why them. He didn’t understand it. Sure they were smarter than the average bear, but seriously.

  “And before you can ask, Greyson, a bear is what is needed for her. She needs someone, or two someones strong enough to help guide her. You both have talents that will help aid her in her quest. Bears have strong minds, and strong hearts, and know what she will need. The great Luna
and the fates did not just pick someone to sit back and watch, no, you were chosen to help her. Trust in yourself, bear.” Xandria smiled at him and it seemed to be better. “Now I must go. I am never far away.” The damn woman shimmered in lights and went away.

  “Okay, that was cool,” Sam said in awe. Grey was in total agreement.

  “So who’s hungry?” He could only laugh as Becky came into the room with a plate of food and his stomach rumbled.

  The small house was filled with so many people and he was happy that Dmitri and the rest of the men offered them a beer and stood outside while he grilled up some steaks. It was a good thing he was hungry too because they had a lot of food. He watched from the outside looking in through the glass door as Cece talked with her friends. Lily had checked her over again, and said her throat would be sore tonight, but she would be better in the morning. He was still shocked at having a healer, or witch, in his presence. She was something else, so much different than he would have suspected. He had thought of them as old dark looking women, not a young woman with raven hair and green eyes. She was pretty, but no one looked at good as his mate. Her sexual undertones were there but hidden. She spent a good chunk of her life trying to be invisible and he was going to show her she wasn’t.

  “Cece is something special.” He heard Nik say.

  “Yeah she is, she hides from herself to go unnoticed, but it’s hard to dismiss her natural beauty and kindness,” he responded.

  “We knew she was something different when our mate was taken. She had a way to calm us down and make a crazy situation seem manageable. Hell, she discovered how the hell to kill a crazy ass troll,” Axel chimed in.

  “She knew Becky needed to embrace her witch and helped push her. The signs were all there and we missed them as well. But I am seriously sorry, man, for not catching something else wrong with her personal life. Becky and Millie said she got moody periods and just needed alone time to figure crap out. They both thought it was because her brain was overloading, but I never would have guessed she was getting beat. And I promise, hell, all of us promise that we will do our best to find this bastard and kill him,” Axel stated once again.


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