案内所 ぁんない じょ/しょ annai jo/sho information center
案内書 ぁんないしょ annai sno guidebook
入学案内 にゆうがく あんない nyūgaku annai guide to admission into school
げんあん gen'an original plan/bill
案内図 あんないず annai zu guide/information map
名案 めいあん meian good idea/proposal
115 洗
ara-u, sen
洗 combines the radical water (cf. 28 水) and 先 toes (cf. 48). 洗 originally meant washing toes with water, and came to mean wash in general.
洗う あらう arau to wash
(お)手洗い (お)てあらい (o) tearai washroom, toilet
手洗所 てあらいじよ tearai jo washroom, toilet (formal)
洗面所 せんめんじよ semmen jo washroom, restroom
せんたくき sentaku ki washing machine
せんざい senzai cleanser, detergent
116 子
ko, shi
子 depicts a baby in a bundle, indicating child.
子ども こども kodomo child
男の子 おどこのこ otokonoko boy
男子 だんし danshi boy, man, male
女子 じよし joshi girl, woman, female
京子さん きようこさん Kyōko san Ms. Kyoko
女子大 じょしだい joshi dai women's university/college
女子学生 じょしがくせい joshi gakusei female student
117 事
koto, (goto), ji
こと、(ごと) 、ジ
thing, affair; job
事 depicts a hand holding a bamboo case containing fortunetelling sticks. A fortuneteller’s job is to forecast various things.
事 こど koto things, matter
火事 かじ kaji fire (destructive burning)
用事 よぅじ yōji business, errand, things to do
工事中 こうじちゆう kōji chū under construction
しごど shigoto work, job
大事な だいじな daiji na important
じけん jiken event, incident
へんじする henji suru to answer, to reply
118 故
deceased, old; accidental
故 combines 十 ten, 口 mouth, and 攵, indicating an action (cf. 47 攻). 古 implies the act of oral transmission through some ten generations, meaning old. 故 thus means deceased as well as old. An associated meaning is accidental, because old things break down easily.
事故 じこ jiko accident
こしようする koshō suru (for a machine, etc.) to break down, to become out of order
故人 こじん kojin the deceased
こきよう kokvō hometown, native place
119 不
non-, un- (prefix)
不 depicts a bird that has hit a ceiling and is not able to fly farther up. 不 is generally used as a prefix like un- or non-.
不通 ふつう futsū interruption of traffic or telephone service
不便な ふべんな fuben na inconvenient
不用品 ふようひん fuyōhin unnecessary/useless goods
ふか fuka failure (in a school subject)
ふそくする fusoku suru to be insufficient, to lack
不明な ふめいな fumei na unknown, obscure
4 Practice
I. Write the readings of the following kanji in hiragana.
1. 案 内 所
2. 男 子
3. 女 子
4. お 手 洗 い
5. 手 洗 所
6. 事 故
7. 不 通
8. 故
9. 北 口
10. 南 口
11. 北 部
12. 東 南 ア ジ ア
13. 東 西 南 北
14. 入 学 案 内
15. 洗 面 所
16. 男 の 子
17. 火 事
18. わ た し の 大 学 を 案 内 し ま し た 。
19. ご は ん の 前 に 手 を 洗 い ま す 。
20. 子 ど も は す ぐ 大 き く な り ま す 。
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kanji.
5 Advanced Placement Exam Practice Question
Heavy snow is falling in the Tokyo area. A reporter for a news program is broadcasting from Tokyo Station.
レポーター: こんにちは。わたしは、今、東京駅にいます。みてください。 がたくさんふっていま す。 今日は 1 東地方が ゆき のため、 中央線の東京・新 間が不通、山手線の東京 ・ 新間が不通です。 また、鉄、地下鉄も 2 のろのろ です。 東京にこんなに雪がふる です。東京にこんなに雪がふる のは、 20 年ぶりのことです。
タクシーり場にもたくさんの人がならんでいます。 では、こちらの男性にインタビュ ーしてみましょう。
こんにちは。すごい 雪ですね。
男性: 電車が動かなくて、 こまったよ。 タクシーにろうと北口に行ったんだ。 そうしたら、事故があって道は車でいっぱい。 ぜんぜん動いてなかったんだ。 案内所できいて、いそ いで南口にきたんだよ。 でも、もう 1 時間もまっている。
レポーター: このじゃタクシーもあまりきませんね。
男性: 東京はによわいね。
1 東地方: Kanto region,
2 のろのろ: low speed service
1. What is the situation with the Chuo Line between Tokyo and Shinjuku station?
A. interruption of train service
B. operating a special train
C. low speed service
D. construction delay
2. What is the situation with the subway and the private railway?
A. interruption of train service
B. operating a special train
C. low speed service
D. construction delay
3. What is the situation with the north exit?
A. Bus services were interrupted.
B. blocked by heavy snow
C. major traffic jam
D. There was no cabstand.
4. What does the man think of Tokyo?
A. It is very convenient.
B. The person in the information office is kind.
C. Sometime he gets lost, because it is very wide and complicated.
D. It becomes gridlocked with traffic when it snows.
5. Which item does not match the text?
A. Many people are waiting for the taxi at the south exit.
B. The traffic system of Tokyo is weak in snow.
C. People of Tokyo are used to snow.
D. When it snows, a taxi will seldom come.
On the Platform
If you’ve lived in Japan for some time, you probably have had the experience of taking the wrong train and wasting time and money. Most lines have local trains, semi-express trains, express trains, and special express trains. Maps posted inside the stations and trains show where each type of train stops. The sign in the upper photo shows departure times. The lower photo shows a platform at a station.
1 Introductory Quiz
Look at the illustrations below and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.
I. The guide below shows all the stops between terminal stations on a particular line. The various types of trains are marked with ○▲■◎ and labeled in kanji. Naturally, the fewer stops a train makes, the faster it goes. Fill in the spaces with the correct letters (a through g).<
br />
1. ( )と( )と( )は どの 駅にも とまります。
2. ( )が 一番 はやいです。
3. ( )には だれも のりません。
4. ( )は 二番目に はやいです。
5. ( )は 三番目に はやいです。
a. かくえきていしゃ
b. とっきゅう
c. じゅんきゅう
d. きゅうこう
e. かくてい
f. かいそう
g. ふつう
II. Timetables for both weekdays and Sundays/holidays are found on the platforms. Shown below is part of a timetable for the Marunouchi Line. Read the timetable and fill in the spaces with the correct times.
1. 水曜日の 始発は ( ) 時 ( ) 分です。
2. 日曜日の 終発は ( ) 時 ( ) 分です。
III. This is part of a timetable for the Shinkansen Nozomi のぞみ, Hikari ひかり and Kodama こだま trains. Along the top row from left to right is a list of trains. Along the left-hand column from top to bottom is a list of stations. Departure and arrival track numbers are also indicated.
Choose the answers that correctly complete the statements on the next page.
1. のぞみ 34 は (a. 東京へ 行きます。 b. 東京からきます。)
2. こだま 586 は 東京 (a. 発 b. 着) 20 時 56 分です。
3. ひかり 422 の 発車番線は (a. 16 b. 26) 番線です。
4. この 時表は (a. 上り b. 下り) の 新線の 時表です。
2 Vocabulary
Study the readings and meanings of these words to help you understand the Introductory Quiz.
1. かくえきていしゃ kakueki teisha local train
2. 各停 かくてい kakutei local train (abbreviation for 各駅停車)
3. ふつう futsū local train, slow train
4. 特急 どっきゅう tokkyū special express
5. かいそう kaisō out-of-service
6. きゅうこう kyūkō express train
7. 準急 じゅんきゅう junkyū semi-express train
8. 快速 かい そく kaisoku semi-express train
9. じこくひよう jikoku hyō timetable
10. しはつ shihatsu the first train
11. 終発 しゅうはつ shūhatsu the last train
12. 〜ごう ~gō train number ~
13. 〜発 〜はつ ~hatsu departure from/at ~
14. 〜着 〜ちゃく ~chaku arrival at ~
15. はっしゃばんせん hassha bansen train departure track
16. どうちゃくばんせん tōchaku bansen train arrival track
17. のぼり nobori inbound train
18. くだり kudari outbound train
19. しん かん せん Shinkan sen Shinkansen (bullet train)
3 New Characters
Twelve characters are introduced in this lesson. Use the explanations to help you understand and remember the characters. Study the compound words to increase your vocabulary.
各 停 普 準 急 速 快 特 表 終 着 発
120 各
kaku, (ka’)
each, every
各 combines 夂 trailing leg (cf. 22 後) and 口 here representing a square stone. When limping down a rocky road, one must stop and rest at every stone.
各地 かくち kakuchi each/every place, various places/districts
各自 かくじ kakuji each person; respective
かくい kakui Sirs (in a letter)
各国 かっこく kakkoku each/every country, various countries
121 停
stop, stay
停 combines イ man, immovable building, and 丁, which here represents an inserted nail and suggests remaining still. 停 thus implies people who stop or stay in one place.
各駅停車 かくえきていしや kakueki teisha local train
バス停 バスてい oasu tei bus stop
停留所 ていりゆうじよ teiryū jo bus/streetcar stop
停電 ていでん teiden power failure
一時停止 いちじていし ichiji teishi temporary/momentary stop, stop
122 普
general, ordinary
普 combines 並 and 日. 並 consists of two 立 stand (cf. 167), meaning side by side. Combined with 日, 普 implies that the sun’s rays radiate out over a wide area. From this came the meaning of becoming widespread and eventually ordinary. By itself 並 also means ordinary.
普通 ふつう futsū ordinary, regular
普通電車 ふつうでんしゃ futsū densha local train
普通車 ふつうしや futsū sha ordinary-class car (train); ordinary-size car
123 準
level; semi-, sub-
準, which combines water, 隹 fat bird (cf. 26 曜), and 十 many, suggests calm water where many birds gather. The surface of calm water is level.
-備する じゅんびする jumbi suru to prepare
ひようじゆん hyōjun standard
水準 すいじゅん suijun level
124 急
iso-gu, kyū
hurry; urgent; sudden
急 combines a hand reaching out to grab the man ahead, and 心, which derives from a pictograph of a heart and means mind. Joining these together, 急 means hurry or urgent.
急ぐ いそぐ isogu to hurry up
急行 きゅうこう kyūkō express train/bus
急用 きゅうよう kyūyō urgent business
準急 じゅんきゅう junkyū semi-express train
急停車する きゆうていしや する kvūteisha suru to stop (car/train) suddenly
きゅうきゅうしゃ kyūkyūsha ambulance
急行券 きゆうこうけん kyūkō ken express ticket
125 速
haya-i, soku
fast, quick, prompt
速 combines 束 bundle tied in the middle and go (cf. 79 通). Carrying things in a bundle is faster than carrying them one by one.
速い はやい hayai fast, rapid
時速 じそく jisoku speed per hour
そくたつ sokutatsu express mail
そくど sokudo speed, velocity
126 快
pleasant, comfortable
快 combines a variation of 心 mind, and 夬, which means open because the left side is open compared with 央 (cf. 96). Opening the mind makes one feel pleasant.
快速 かいそく kaisoku high speed, semi-express train
かいせい kaisei clear and beautiful weather
全快する ぜんかいする zenkai suru to recover completely from an illness
127 特
toku, (to’)
特 combines which is a variation of 牛 cow (cf. 227), a typical slow-moving animal, and 寺 move hands and feet (cf. 23 時). 特 thus indicates a cow moving quickly, which makes it special.
特に どく(こ toku ni in particular, especially
特急 とっきゅう tokkyū special express train/bus
どくべつな tokubetsu na special
どくちよう tokuchō strong point, merit
どくちよう tokuchō characteristic, peculiarity
特急券 どっきゆうけん tokkyū ken special express ticket
128 表
omote, hyō, (pyō)
surface, front; list, table; expression
表 combines 毛 hair or f
ur and 衣 clothes. A fur coat is an outer garment; thus 表 means surface. The surface of a thing can also express something about its content. An example of this is a list.
表 ひょう hyō the surface/front
表-4 ひょうよん hyō-yon Table 4
時間表 じかんひょう jikan hyō schedule (of classes, work), timetable
表面 ひようめん hyōmen surface
ひようし hyōshi front cover of a book
じこくひよう jikoku hyō schedule (of trains), timetable
代表する だいひようする daihyō suru to represent
129 終
owa-ru, shū
end, come to an end
糸 thread (cf. 81 線) suggests closing a bag by tying it. 冬 depicts foods being hung over ice to store for the winter, the season that ends the year. The two characters together make 終, meaning end.
終 (わ)る おわる owaru to end, to be finished
終電 しゆうでん shūden last train
終日 しゅうじつ shūjitsu all day long
しゆうてん shūten last stop, rail terminal
しゆうりようする shūryō suru to be closed, to be completed
130 着
tsu-ku, ki-ru, (gi), chaku
つ・く、き・る、(ぎ) 、チャク
arrive; wear, dress
着 combines which derives from 羊 sheep, and 目 eye. Sheep are easily seen when they arrive. Thus 着 means arrive. Associated meanings are attach and wear.
着く つく tsuku to arrive
着る きる kiru to put on clothes
上着 うわぎ uwagi coat, jacket
250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 Page 9