The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2) Page 10

by Eden Rose

  "Well, did she know about what happened to that little girl?"

  Oh, hell no. "Excuse me?"

  "Ah, you thought no one would find out how you're such a failure."

  Bradford took a drink from his energy drink and gauged my face. It is obvious he's trying to read everything on my face that I am trying to keep quiet. Damn.

  * Chloe

  I sat on the couch on the other side of the room and waited for the torture to begin. No doubt about it, she is interested in knowing what is going on in my head but since I didn't even know there is no way I would tell her anything.

  Grant looked so delicious in his blue as he sat across from me. I wanted more than something casual but I couldn't fill him in on this. Especially not after the big hissy about relationships in college. The truth was, ever since I became an officer, I have been lonely. Very lonely. My director used to say how it is lonely at the top.

  Mable sat at her desk and clicked on the timer. Fifty nine minutes and forty-five seconds.

  "Where would you like to start?" She broke the ice and I stared at her for a minute. "Let's start by asking how you are handling your collar being released from prison."

  "Excuse me?" That caught my attention. She is referring to Al Thompson. "What do you mean?"

  Mable adjusted herself in her chair and looked at me with cautious eyes. "Thompson claimed that he'd rescue you and making sure that you were safe. He convinced the parole board that he's doing a civil duty. Also, the prison hugger claimed that he admitted to being diagnosed as having erotomania towards you."

  "Well, it looks as if efforts must be doubled." I didn't feel safe with him away and I certainly won't be a victim anymore. Being afraid and worrying about my roommate is getting time consuming.

  She wrote some things down and then leaned over her space to grab her coffee cup. I watched as she drank it and she watched me too. "Have you spoke to your brother since we last spoke?"

  Direct hit to the gut. Hated how people brought up Barry. I did what I needed to keep him alive. He wasn't being safe and doing all of those drugs would have killed him. "You know I don't talk to him. Barry turned my whole family against me. Speaking of family, my sister adopted a daughter. It's strange because I never pictured her as a mother. Janet is always so selfish." Truth is I do miss my brother and my sister. The bust has put a lot of strain on our fragile family connections as it is and barely any of them talk to me.

  Mable did that shrink thing where she brought her hands into a tepee while thinking of her next approach. "People do change, Chloe. Even you can change. Have you considered what we last discussed about you opening up?"

  I couldn't go into full detail about Grant because that could get us both in trouble. "Yes, I'm kind of seeing someone. However, I'm not sure if my current position is going to allow me to have a relationship. Don't those take a lot of time?" I want her advice and guidance but I won't shed light onto my relationship with Grant.

  "Yes, they do. However, you could find someone that could be your match and that would be a good thing for you. Let's do a test. I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you are to say the first thing that comes to mind," she looked at me to see if I understood her and I nodded. "What do you think about fidelity?"

  That is easy. "It never lasts."

  "Care to elaborate?"

  My first response is to say no... My director told Mabel that I needed to be passed before he will promote me. After my stalking case, I snapped and is very jumpy at work. I would pull a gun out if anyone touched me and the director ordered me to spend some time on the couch.

  I closed my eyes and decided to knock a brick down and let her know. "Before I left for the police academy I found my father in bed with his secretary. At first, he made me promise to not tell my mother but I had him tell me everything. He has been sleeping with this woman for years and they actually had two kids together. All of this time that I thought he's working late, he's actually in Golden with his other family." My heart started to beat faster as I thought about the pain of finding out all about my dad. Growing up, I was a total daddy's girl. My dad raised the sun and the moon for me and I would follow him around all of the time. Barry wasn't around very much so my dad would do the fun things with me and I loved it.

  Mabel walked over to me and took a chair out of its place to sit in front of me. "Did you tell your mom?"

  Wow, there is the real pain. "I got drunk when I graduated from the academy and I told her everything. The part that baffled me the most was I am more upset than she. After I threw up half of my stomach, she came into my room and sat on my bed to tell me everything. My mother knew my father had another family but she didn't care. I am surprised that she is being so cavalier about this. The room spun as she began to tell me why she didn't care. My mother had a boyfriend on the side too. I guess my parents only stayed together so they didn't have to get a divorce. If my own parents felt this way about fidelity, how am I supposed to feel about it?"

  She took a minute and then looked over at the clock before returning her attention to me. "You have every right to feel like you do. I just don't want you to miss out on a good thing with this man."

  I started thinking of Grant and how good it felt to be with him... Again. An idiot could have seen that I had feelings for him. What the feelings were... Confused me. My sorority sisters would fall in and out love weekly and I never knew what they considered the feeling to be. I have had strong feelings for Grant since high school and maybe I should allow him in. But love? It doesn't exist and if it did then why are all of these people hurting all of the time?

  "Special Agent, what are you thinking about?"

  I shook out of my gaze and looked at Mabel. "I am thinking that maybe you are right." As I stood up, I fluffed the pillow as I normally do when I'm done here and walked towards the door. "Thanks."

  Walking through the hallways of the agency is always interesting. Maybe one day there will be more females working here because right now there is an abundance of sausage. I made my way down to the fourth floor from the eighth and decided to take the stairs. Christine would have been happy I took the stairs since we are trying to get healthier.

  What to do about Grant? I really like him and don't want him to see anyone else but I can't help feel that a title on whatever this is is actually a death sentence.

  I needed to talk to Christine. As I pulled out my phone, I realized I missed a call from my mother. Sometimes I wonder if she bugged my phone and that is how she knew I am alone.

  She of course answered on the first ring. "Chloe, baby?" Does she not have caller id?

  "Hi, mother."

  "Are you back in town? Janet is coming over for dinner and it would be great if you came too."

  Damn it. Perfect Janet and her perfect family. "Yes. What time?" No way in hell did I want to go but my parents would be so feisty if I didn't go.

  "Seven. I know it's Friday. Are you seeing anyone?" Why does it always have to go to that? I wanted to lie and say yes.

  That actually isn't an awful idea. My parents loved Grant and they would get off of my back if I brought him. "Yes."

  "Fabulous! Bring him tonight. I need to make the carry out order and I will see you two at seven."

  Damn it. I texted Grant.

  Me: What are you doing tonight?

  By the time I made it to the fourth floor, I still didn't hear from Grant. I walked into the space where I left for my time and the table is now covered in photos and sticky notes.

  "Um. Wow. What happened here?" I asked as I made it to my seat. No doubt about it, I will need a coffee. William got up and left the room. "Where are you going?"

  "To get my boss some coffee! Be back soon," he smiled and ran out the door.

  "I knew I kept him for a reason."

  Always eager to please, Colin started to divy photos in front of me. "So, we have found a pattern. The perp likes redheads and targets down the main strip. Each of the victims are redheads and the same age. It is obviou
s that the rapist only wants natural red heads because the ones he keeps alive and doesn't touch are fake ones."

  "Okay. Have we found a similar schedule between these women? Do they work in the same place or go to the same gym?" Nine times out of ten the rapist or perp will target the same kind of woman and stalkers do the same. Since this stalker is obviously trying to keep up with multiple people, it is clear that he will make a mistake.

  My phone buzzed and as I looked at it, I noticed that it is from Christine.

  Cris: What are you doing tonight?

  Me: Dinner with the parents. What's up?

  I didn't even put the phone down when the next message came.

  Cris: I told Grant he can stay on our couch until he gets his new place settled.


  How bad can this be? Honestly... What is the worst that could happen? My heart get crushed and I loose my best friend all over again? I told my ther-rapist that I would try. Maybe this is a good way to start. We lived together before and it is fine. Plus, it isn't like it were for forever. I denied the pang in my heart and choked down the feeling of sadness of being without Grant again.

  I need to talk to Christine. She would know what to do. Apparently, I'm too much of a mess. Sure, the sex is amazing and it would be great to have him with me at night. But what would that make us? Could I honestly see myself committed to one man? Maybe I could give it a chance.

  Me: Wow. Crazy little bitch.

  "What the hell?" I groaned out loud when my phone buzzed again.

  Grant: Have you spoke to Christine?

  I walk out of the room and right into the bathroom. There is no way in hell that I would allow my team to see me upset. I wanted Grant. I couldn't deny it, but how far am I willing to allow this to go before one of us hurts the other?

  Me: Yes, I did. Are you excited to sleep on my couch?

  I texted him back as I walked back to my room.

  "Chloe! I have your coffee!" William ran up to me holding an extra large cup.

  "I could hug you!" Was my reply as I grabbed the cup and handed him a ten.

  "I am excited to be anywhere near you, baby." I didn't realize that Grant walked out of the room that I am standing by and he whispered in my ear. As he walked away, no doubt about it... I checked out his ass.

  * Grant

  I stayed at the agency long after everyone had left. The building is so big and I wanted to get to know it in order to feel comfortable.

  It is obvious that the fourth floor would be where I would be living. I walked to the office that held my desk and looked around there is a desk off to the side and I wanted to know who sat there. As I rounded the corner, I noticed that there were pictures of Chloe and Christine holding a dog and others of them having fun.

  This is her desk. That's awesome. We have the same office.

  I set my speakers around the computer for when I listened to music in order to get those damn reports done. My new computer is old and the chair looked broken. Great.

  While setting my stuff on the desk, I heard the door open and someone coming in. Before I could look up the intruder spoke.

  "You know you are making me look bad by you staying here so late," Chloe stated as she walked over to my desk and scooched her ass up it. "Don't ruin my reputation by being a harder worker," obviously she is joking.

  I'm gonna bite that ass.

  "I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart. Why aren't you home or out? It's Friday night."

  Before she said anything, I looked her up and down. She had been home and changed into a pair of jeans with a tight sweater that showed me every piece of her. Chloe's tits were playing peek a boo with me. Wow, I got instantly hard.

  "I have a favor to ask of you," she said with a smile on her face as she caught me staring at her tits. I nodded and then continued taking her in. "So, I kind of told my parents that we are involved... and they want you to come to dinner with me to their house. Would you hate me? I need you to come."

  "So let me get this straight. Your parents think we are in a relationship but you don't believe in those. Did I get it right?" She will admit she has feelings for me whether she likes it or not.

  "What I'm saying is... maybe it wouldn't be so bad trying to be with you. You are kind of good looking..." Now she is teasing me.

  "Kind of? I bet you wouldn't be saying that later. All right. I will go, but you have to go to my old partner's wedding in two weeks with me."

  "Deal. Come on. We don't want to keep them waiting!" I didn't notice she had a bag on the floor until she got off of my desk and went to it. "I brought you a change of clothes. For being an agent you sure don't know how to lock your car!"

  It took me a minute to think of what she is talking about, but then I remembered I am too nervous this morning and forgot to lock my car. "Aren't you the little criminal?" I picked up the bag and walked past her. Chloe is leaning on my desk and I couldn't help but run my hands up her side. "You are lucky that we are at work. I'm fighting the urge to bend you over that desk."

  Her cheeks flushed and she started breathing heavier. Looks as if I'm not the only person who is affected.

  Chloe took a deep breath and stood in front of me. "Tonight," is the only thing she whispered to me.

  After I changed, we walked out together and got into my SUV since she walked here.

  "How are the good old Delacruzs doing?" I asked as I drove to her parents house.

  "Fine, Janet got married and she just adopted a baby," Chloe said dryly.

  "Why do you sound so happy about it?" My tone is just as dry as hers was.

  "Because now there is even more pressure on me to be Betty Crocker mama like Janet."

  I looked at Chloe out of the side of my eyes and noticed that she is playing with her hands. "Is that what you want? Are you looking to settle down sometime?"

  She didn't answer me for a few minutes and she didn't answer me as I lulled into the familiar house of her parents. I reached for my door handle but she grabbed my arm and I turned my head to look at her.

  "I think that might be what I want. However, who would want to marry an agent?" She held tightly onto my arm and I noticed that she looked nervous.

  I leaned over and kissed her lightly. "I would," is my reply and got out of my car before I told her how I feel about her. The truth is that I'm actually in love with her and have been since high school. However, she wouldn't return those words if I gave them to her even if she meant them.

  She met me on the other side of the SUV and held her hand out for me to grab. "Thanks, Grant. You are great," she squeezed my hand and laughed as we walked up to the front door.

  Janet threw open the door and came running over to us and Chloe tensed. Where Chloe is petite and little, Janet is the opposite. She took after their dad who is tall and athletic with darker features. She used to be pretty but she looks so old now.

  "Grant! Chloe! When Mom said that you were bringing a date, I didn't think it is Grant! You guys are finally quitting the game of friendship and admit that you are in love?"

  "Jesus, Janet! We just started seeing each other," Chloe yelled as she pulled me to the door.

  A little girl appeared in the door and had a big smile on her face. She is adorable and I felt a pang of longing in my gut. Stop it. You are an agent and you don't have time for a kid! I yelled at myself.

  "Hi, I Meeka. Are you my Aunt Cwoe?" She asked and smiled at her. Chloe dropped my hand and squatted in front of her.

  "Yes, I am Nice to meet you!" Meeka ran into a hug with her and Chloe stood up holding her. "This is my friend Grant."

  "Hi," I shook her hand and laughed when Meeka blushed as I kissed her hand.

  Janet came in and held her hands out to her kid. Meeka held onto Chloe and I could see Chloe is trying to not laugh. This is going to be interesting.

  Meeka wanted to sit between Chloe and I at the table and Janet isn't happy about that. I know from my how nieces and nephews that kids always like to go with anyone that isn't th
eir parent. My nephew, Alex, loved to watch hockey with me and my sister, Diane, would get mad because he ignored her.

  Speaking of my brothers and sisters, I should probably call them and invite them to Denver for the day. I missed their kids more than I missed my two brothers and two sisters. Being the middle child isn't all that it is cracked up to be.

  Diane is thirty-three and had two twin boys, Alex and Allan. Trevor is thirty-one and he had a daughter named Kate. Kyle is twenty four and didn't have kids year but he's engaged. Kylie is twenty-one and she had a daughter named Audrey who is only a couple of months old. She is the rule breaker in the family. The little hellion.


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