Daddy's Girls

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by Stella Andrews

  Daddy’s Girls


  Stella Andrews

  Copyrighted Material

  Copyright © Stella Andrews 2018

  Stella Andrews has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the Author of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction and except in the case of historical fact, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  This book is for Adults only. If you are easily shocked and not a fan of sexual content then move away now.



  The Highest Bidder

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Note from author

  Preview of Rocked

  Coming next

  Have you read The Highest Bidder?

  Learn More

  Just before you begin.

  Daddy’s Girls starts off with a scene referred to in my other book, Rocked.

  Two girls are running from 5 powerful men who will stop at nothing to silence them for what they know.

  Rocked is Amelia’s story and Daddy’s Girls is Ashton’s.

  You don’t need to know what happened to enjoy this book as it all unfolds as you read.

  However, if you would rather have an idea skip to the preview of Rocked at the end of the book first. I have included the story which takes you up to the point where this book begins.

  Preview of Rocked



  I hear voices. Low, angry whispers filled with an urgency that should fill me with fear. However, I don’t feel anything but the usual emptiness.

  This was supposed to be the answer to everything. Just one evening in exchange for my freedom. How did I let it go so wrong?

  I feel cold all over. From the inside out, I feel the shivers begin. I must be strong, don’t give into the fear. I just did and look where that got me—in a whole load of trouble that’s where.

  The voices raise slightly and I hear them mention Donahue. It hits me hard as I picture his face, looking at me with disappointment and something else I can’t deal with right now.

  Shakily, I pull myself up and swing my trembling legs to the side of the bed. I need to get it together. He will be here soon and can’t see me like this. My body feels sore and used. It aches all over and the pain is every bit as physical as it is mental.

  So that was what it’s like. Nothing like the books and films. Then again, there’s no romance when you sell your virginity to the highest bidder. What did I expect? Not that anyway. Not to be used by more than just one man. Not to become the plaything of a bunch of powerful men who get off on ripping the innocence from a young virgin. I didn’t deserve that, not for all the money in the world.

  Once again, I shiver as I reach for my dress. This wasn’t supposed to be this way.

  I hear somebody approaching and stiffen in fear. Not again, please not again.

  The door handle turns and my heart thumps. I swallow hard and prepare for more. Silently I pray, please no more.

  I look down as he comes into the room. I close my eyes as if it will make him go away. If I can’t see him, he can’t see me. Isn’t that what we believe as children? But I am no child and this is no fairy story. This is real life, brutal, hard and unrelenting. My life in every way.

  I sense him approach the bed and stand there nervously. Now he is unsure, unlike before when he was sure of only one thing. Claiming my virginity while his friends watched and held me down. Then he tossed me to the pack like a used carcass. I hate him; I hate them!

  He clears his throat.

  “Get dressed, we’ve sent for Donahue. He’ll be here soon and then you can go.”

  I nod, still looking down. I never want to see his face again.

  He is silent and then says softly.

  “You knew what would happen. You signed a contract and there was no going back.”

  I just nod, saying nothing. I want him to leave, he disgusts me in every way. They all do and not just the five men that paid for my soul. I am just a prize, a bargaining chip for men to use and abuse as they see fit. How did my life end up this way?

  He clears his throat.

  “You know, you can never speak of what happened here—it’s for your own safety. Promise me that at least.”

  What does he mean—at least? I owe them nothing. Yes, I signed a contract, but surely if you change your mind it should count? Obviously not.

  I nod and shiver as he drops to his knees before me. I recoil as he reaches out and tilts my face to his.

  He says forcefully. “Look at me.”

  Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and look into the ones of the man I despise almost more than another. He is wearing a hard expression, and the fear grips me.

  He says darkly. “I mean it, honey. You speak one word of what happened here to anyone and you won’t live to tell another. There are consequences of playing with the big boys and you need to know what they are.”

  He grips my face hard and I feel him hurting me again. I look at him with terror in my eyes and just nod.

  He releases me and then traces a light trail down my cheeks towards my body. His touch sends feelings of revulsion through me as he brands my body with hate and disgust. He carries on touching me and I shiver inside. He says huskily, “You are so beautiful, Ashton. What man wouldn’t want to own this beautiful body? Your innocence is like the temptation of Eve to Adam and there is no man who could resist such a prize. I wish you would reconsider. I would treat you well and protect you as only I can. Your life would be filled with riches and you would want for nothing. Think about it because it’s not too late to change your mind. You could have it all, honey.”

  He touches my breast and caresses it reverently. I hear his breathing change as he leans closer and my heart beats so fast I can hear it. Oh, please no, not again.

  Then we hear voices outside and he pulls away. The moment is gone, and he says harshly. “Get dressed, he’s here.”

  As he makes to leave, he stops and turns to face me.

  “If you change your mind, you know where we are. You were every bit as delicious as I knew you would be. You’ve earned your freedom, Ashton. Just don’t screw it up.”

  He leaves the room and the blood pounds in my head. ‘I have earned my freedom.’ How little he knows. I will never be free. I have already screwed it up and now it’s up to Donahue to sort it out—again.


  As I slip my dress over my head the door opens. I look down. I can’t see his face. I’m not strong enough.

  I feel him approach the bed and squeeze my eyes tightly shut. The tears are trapped behind my closed lids but I feel them find a gap and trickle down my cheeks. He doesn’t need this; I have to be strong.

  Like Todd, he crouches before me and then I’m pulled towards him. I bury my face in his chest and his arms fold around me. I battle hard but it’s a battle soon lost as the sobs wrack my body. He says nothing and just holds me as I let it all out. I am damaged in more ways than one and he is left to pick up the pieces – again.

  I don’t want him to let me go. He holds me and keeps me safe. Like he has always done. He didn’t want this and begged me not to do it. I pleaded with him and wore him down until he finally relented. I have no one to blame but myself. This is my mess and my cross to bear.

  He says nothing and continues to hold me. I am scared to see his eyes. They will be my undoing and I’m not ready to face the consequences just yet. However, we have no time for this and he gently pulls me back. I gulp for air as he wipes the tears from my face and says gently.

  “Come. I’ll take care of you. Let’s get you out of here. The rest we will deal with tomorrow.”

  As I look up into his eyes, I catch my breath. They are the hardest gray and pierce my heart with the steel flashing from them. His face is set in stone but I see the hurt within. He is angry, disappointed and broken. I knew he would be which is why I protected myself from seeing it.

  I allow him to pull me up gently and will my legs to work. He’s right, we need to get as far away from here as possible. There will be time to deal with the repercussions of what happened. Now is not that time.

  I take his hand and it closes around mine, hard, safe and comforting. He is my protector and my only friend. The one person I can rely on in life and the only man in my world who I love and trust. He is my rock and the man I will never leave. He is my brother.

  The hallway is empty and the silence deafening. We walk out of that house with no words spoken. I never want to see this place again. What happened here will haunt me for a lifetime. There is no changing it and now I will have to learn how to live with what I did. I sold my innocence for freedom. I needed the money to get away and start again. How naïve was I? I will never be free. He will find me and I will be imprisoned for life. There is no parole on death row and that is where I’m heading. The only way out of my future is death. I hope that Donahue has a get out of hell card because once again, he is my only hope.

  The morning comes and with it the brutal reality of my situation. I wake up in the spare room of my brother’s apartment and know we don’t have long. I should be somewhere else and it won’t take long for the dogs to be on my trail. What happened last night will have to be shut inside that box in my head along with the rest of the bad memories. Maybe one day I will feel strong enough to unlock it and deal with what’s inside—but not now. I need to be strong.

  I quickly dress and head off to find my brother. I know he won’t have slept. He will have found a solution, I know it. It’s what he does. Like me, he has had to find a way to cope with the life we lead. This business of his is secret and only known to a select few. If it ever came out, he would be screwed. We need to work together and whatever he decides will be fine with me. I trust him and know that he has my best interests at heart. He is the only one that ever has.

  I hear his voice as I enter the room. He’s on the phone and silences me with a raised hand as I enter. He looks worried and disheveled. His eyes are tired, speaking of a night without sleep and I feel guilty at what I’ve put him through.

  He hangs up and smiles reassuringly.

  “Did you get any sleep, Angel?”

  I nod and he smiles softly.

  “Help yourself to coffee and breakfast. We don’t have long.”

  My heart starts hammering in my chest and I say falteringly.

  “Have you sorted it?”

  The look he throws me fills me with fear. He nods and looks at me with an anguished expression.

  “I have. Like I said, we don’t have long. Eat up and grab your things. We’ll talk on the way.”

  I try to eat but it tastes like sawdust in my mouth. The feeling of apprehension grows as I wonder what’s in store. I know he will do what’s best for me but I also know we have few options. I could be jumping right back into the fire.

  In less than an hour we are heading off to god only knows where. There is silence in the car and the atmosphere is heavy with unspoken words. I feel nervous and almost don’t want to know where I’m going but curiosity wins and I say hesitantly, “Is it far?”

  I notice his hands grip the wheel tighter and my stomach tightens. I know my brother and something is setting him on edge and the signs don’t look good.

  “No, it’s not far. About thirty minutes out of town.”

  His answer surprises me.

  “Oh, I thought we would be going somewhere far away. I don’t know, even another country. Won’t this be the first place they look?”

  He shakes his head and appears to consider his reply.

  “Ash, honey. Sometimes when you’re caught up in a storm the safest place is in the eye of it. Where we are heading is the best place for you.”

  I feel confused and wait for him to elaborate.

  Sighing, he reaches out and grips my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

  “Where we are going is not for the faint hearted. The person, sorry, people who will protect you are the best in the business. I happen to owe them a favor and you may not think it but this works out well for all of us. The man who we are going to see has a daughter. She needs a Nanny, and he wants someone who is well educated, kind and competent. You will look after her and in return they look after you. Hopefully, it won’t be long before I can make this situation right. I wouldn’t put you there if I didn’t think it the best place for you. Do you trust me, Ash?”

  I squeeze his hand. “With my life, Ty.”

  My fear dissipates a little on hearing his words. Looking after a kid will be fine. I mean, how hard could it be. Tyler’s right, this sounds perfect.


  As he said, in less than thirty minutes he pulls off the road down a dirt track. It appears to go on forever and the only sight is of trees, stretching endlessly in front of me. We pull in through some large, heavy gates and I note the name above them.


  My heart beats a little faster and I swallow hard. Rubicon - The Point of No Return.

  I whisper, “What is this place?”

  Tyler answers with a hard voice.

  “To the outside world it’s an MC Club. They are feared and avoided as a result. Nobody comes here willingly and for the most part, they are left alone.”

  My mouth goes dry and I lick my lips nervously.

  “Why are they feared?”

  Tyler laughs hollowly.

  “Because they are the untouchables. They deal in things most normal people would never dream of. Even the Devil would crave a look inside their little black book and they have more dirt on the high powered than a shit factory. They know things that would make Washington burn. Most of them are ex-military and the place is run as such. These men are hard and crude and there are no manners or pleasantries. They are known locally as the Twisted Reapers and as their name suggests, they deal with their problems in a despicable way. If anybody seeks out the Reapers, they end up regretting it.”

  I fall silent. Bikers. I’ve heard of such clubs and feel the fear grip me. This is well out of my league. How on earth will I survive living among them?

  We pull up outside a large barn. Motorbikes litter the yard and my heart hammers in my chest. This is not what I expected. Tyler takes my hand and looks at me reassuringly. “Trust me, Ash. These men may be rough but they won’t hurt you. I wouldn’t place you in danger, you know that.”

  Nodding, I follow him to the great d
oors. I look up and see another sign which makes my heart race.

  ‘Abandon hope all who enter here!’

  I sigh to myself. I abandoned all hope years ago. Tyler is right, this is better than the alternative and whatever lies within these walls can be nowhere near as bad as what’s waiting for me at home.

  Tyler knocks loudly on the door and the sound travels around the yard. I start to shiver but it’s not from the cold. This is it, my fate awaits me and I try to stop myself running back to the safety of the car. I need to be strong to see this through. It’s fine, Tyler will have thought of everything.

  The door opens and my heart hammers in my chest. The man who stands there is huge in every way. His head is shaved and a tattoo of a cobra runs from his neck to his wrist. He has muscles on muscles and his vest does little to cover them. I look into his dark, glittering eyes and see the interest spark in them. A lazy smile breaks out across his face and he turns to Tyler.

  “He’s expecting you. Follow me.”

  My heart beats so loudly I think they could hear it back home. This place is scary in every way.

  We are led to a large room that’s crowded with people. Bikers litter the area and surround what appears to be a large bar. Some are sitting at tables playing cards and others on couches with scantily clad women all over them. A few are stood around a huge pool table and some are watching the game on possibly the largest television I’ve ever seen.

  As we walk, I feel the stares. I must stand out like a neon beacon in a dark sky. I’m wearing a smart skirt and a shirt with a well-cut jacket. I look like I’m heading for a job interview and I suppose I am. My blonde hair is pulled neatly behind me and my heels click on the tiled floor. To say I look completely out of place is an understatement, and I feel exposed as I absorb the stares that follow me inside. The silence is tangible and all eyes are focused on us as we follow snake arm to a man seated at the end of the room.


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