Daddy's Girls

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Daddy's Girls Page 10

by Stella Andrews

  Bonnie thrusts a large glass of wine towards me and winks. “Here you go. Get that Dutch courage inside you. You’ll soon see things aren’t so scary here. The girls may envy you but won’t wish you any harm.”

  She turns to say something to Lily and I look at the girls with curiosity.

  “What about you, why do you stay here?”

  Marie laughs. “Are you mad? I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I have my pick of hot, dangerous, guys who spoil me to bits. I’m treated like the finest bone china and yet they’re the hottest dirty brutes when they get me alone. I have everything I want here and the only way I would commit to one of them is if I fell in love. Hardly likely to happen though. I mean, who would fall in love with a girl that has been with every man here? No, this is my happy ever after. A girl let loose in a candy store and gorging on the delights within.”

  Sonia laughs and nods her head in agreement. “We almost feel sorry for the old ladies. Just one guy when you could pick from so many. You get to clean, cook and care for the kids they put in your belly. We on the other hand, have all the fun with none of the responsibility. I’ll admit the thought of lying with Ryder every night would more than make up for it. But he’s a hard bastard that seems incapable of sparing any love for anyone, other than that gorgeous girl he calls his own.”

  We are interrupted as Lou joins us. She smiles at the girls and then turns to me.

  “It’s good to see you here, honey. A night away from the kitchen sink is just what the doctor ordered”

  She winks at Bonnie who appears to be playing bartender. “A large rum and coke with more rum than coke please Bonnie.”

  Lily laughs. “Someone’s had a hard day.”

  Lou grins. “Brewer was buzzing after their job this morning. I know he plays it down but the thought of what could have happened laid heavy on his mind. When he returned, he was all fired up and I think it’s the relief mixed with the adrenalin that made him horny as hell.”

  The others laugh but I feel myself blush. This is a life that is strange in every way. I wonder how I will fit in.



  I sit and watch Ashton as she chats to the other women. I still can’t believe my luck when she walked through that door. She is something else and I’m impatient to move this thing on. She looks lost and frightened in this den of vipers. My instinct tells me to walk over there and wrap her up in my arms and keep her from the hard facts of the life we live here.

  I need her to understand that it’s not as bad as it looks. I want her to feel safe here and happy to stay because if I know Tyler he’ll be working hard to set his sister free. I don’t want that to be an option when he returns. Ashton must want to stay here more than she wants anything in life and it’s up to me to make that happen.

  Snake interrupts my thoughts by laughing softly.

  “Welcome to our world, Ryder.”

  Brewer laughs and I tear my gaze from Ashton and look at their extremely amused ones. “What are you talking about?”

  Brewer grins. “You haven’t stopped looking at that sexy little wife of yours since she sat down. I never thought I’d see the day when a girl held your attention for more than five seconds. Married life sure does agrees with you.”

  I shrug. “Do you blame me? I mean, look at her, she’s perfect in every way.”

  Snake grins. “It didn’t take you long to recognize that. What was it? Oh yes, five seconds flat. It’s no wonder everyone’s confused. It’s out of character and now we know you may be human after all.”

  Grinning, I stretch my legs and resume looking at the view. “Just waiting for the right woman to come along and here she is. I have no interest in another and things are working out well all round.”

  Brewer looks interested. “What about a certain whore who left here looking devastated yesterday? What will you do when she returns?”

  I flash him an annoyed look. “Who cares what she thinks? I never promised her anything other than my dick when it suited me. She knew the score and if she doesn’t like what’s happening, she shouldn’t come back.”

  Snake rolls his eyes. “You’re a heartless bastard, Ryder. I wonder if your new wife realizes that yet.”

  I don’t answer him. Yes, I’m a heartless bastard most of the time. I’m starting to realize there’s a chink in my armor and I’m looking at it. I can’t shake her from my mind and the sight of those curves under that red dress is messing with my mind.

  Suddenly, the most important thing in my life is to feel them under me, above me and inside me. Feeling my cock harden at the thought I can’t help myself and move towards her, ignoring the amused looks of my brothers. It’s as if she pulls me to her whenever she is near. My body needs to be near hers and sitting watching her a few feet away is pure torture.

  Ignoring the surprised looks of the ladies, I stop behind her and reach out to touch my prize. I run my fingers through her hair and she turns around. I love the way her eyes dilate and she bites her lip nervously when she sees me standing there. I drown in her beautiful blue eyes and watch her lip tremble as she licks it with nervous anticipation. There is silence as everyone watches us and I couldn’t care less. I need to taste this woman and feel her body against mine.

  In one swift move I pull her towards me and she falls against my chest. Instinctively, I run my arm around her waist and pull her as close to me as is possible with the thin fabric of our clothes between us.

  I can tell she is surprised but I don’t miss the yearning in her eyes. I see her need as much as I recognize mine. This woman wants me as much I want her and I’m going nowhere until I get a taste of it.

  No words pass between us as I lean down and gently taste those sweet lips that have been calling to me all day. I feel her shiver and pull her harder against my body. Her arms wrap around me and it almost makes me lose my mind. As she presses into me I feel her heart beating against my chest. I wrap her hair around my hands and grind her lips to mine. Then I hold my Angel as if she’s the most fragile porcelain but devour her lips like a raging fire out of control. It takes all my self-control not to sweep her off her feet and carry her off to devour more than just her lips.

  I couldn’t care less at the silence around us as the club watch the spectacle. They’re not used to seeing this. I don’t go to any woman and certainly don’t kiss her like a man starving for so long. But then again, Ashton wasn’t here then and I know I was waiting for her.

  Once I’ve had my fill, I release her and note with satisfaction the brightness to her eyes with the sparkle of excitement and lust shining from them. She looks breathless and her eyes full of longing as she gazes at me with pure lust. Fuck this, I’m done with playing games. I want this woman so bad it hurts and I’m taking what’s mine and fuck the consequences.

  As I grab hold of her hand, I’m aware that someone has entered the den as I see all eyes turn towards the new arrival.

  Tearing my gaze from Ashton I see Bella heading my way with a purpose to her step and my heart sinks.

  Great timing, Bella. Just what I need.


  Wow! I almost can’t stand. When Ryder reached for me I knew I needed it more than air. He kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before and I never wanted it to stop. I didn’t care who watched, and they all faded into the background as I concentrated on the pleasure he gave me. Maybe it’s time for my pride to take a back seat and for me to give into what I desire most—him.

  Then he pulls back and I watch as his eyes turn to watch a woman walking towards us. I’ve never seen her before but I’ll never forget her. She is stunning and I watch along with everyone else as she walks purposefully towards us.

  Her clothes are immaculate and her long, dark hair is pulled tightly behind her into a ponytail. She’s wearing a clinging black dress and her 6” heels click on the tiles announcing her approach. Her walk is sexy and suggestive and she walks like a runway model, with precision and intent. Her eyes are focused on only one thing-

  I don’t miss the impatience in his eyes as he watches her approach. The rest of the club are silent as they look at her and I feel the tension in the air.

  She stops before us and fixes Ryder with an intense look. Her lips part and she wets them before saying seductively.

  “It’s been a long time, babe.”

  Instantly, I stiffen at the realization that this woman is over familiar with him, which can only indicate the history they obviously have. Ryder just watches her, his face devoid of any emotion but his hand grips mine tightly. He nods as her eyes swing to me and I see the curiosity behind them. She smiles and says in a husky voice.

  “I heard you had an old lady. Astonishing news travels fast, honey.”

  She smiles but I see the hard glint in her eyes as she says softly. “I’m Bella. It’s nice to meet you my dear. You’re just what I would have expected. You have my congratulations for landing such a prize.”

  The air is thick with unspoken words and I tense, hating this woman on sight. She has designs on my new husband, that’s obvious and she isn’t about to let the small matter of his marriage get in the way.

  Ryder nods and says in a dull voice.

  “What brings you here, Bella?”

  She smiles sexily at him. “I need a private word, unless you don’t mind our business being common knowledge.”

  She smirks as she says it and my heart plummets as he drops my hand and nods towards the door.

  “Follow me.”

  He turns away, and she flashes me a triumphant smile as she follows him from the room.

  I’m left a mess of doubt, jealousy and hatred for the woman who has taken my husband so cruelly from my side.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and Bonnie whispers, “Here, let me fix you another drink. Don’t worry about Bella, she’s purely business.”

  Shaking, I sit on the stool and lift the glass of wine to my lips. Business, she says. I know what kind of business she’s after and knowing Ryder he wouldn’t think twice about satisfying the need within him that I have yet to experience. He told me he had whores to satisfy him which is why I could take my time. I fight back the tears burning my eyes and try to shift the lump in my throat as I picture them together. The others won’t know that our marriage is just a business arrangement. I’m left sitting in full view of them, trying to act as if my world isn’t being shattered a heartbeat away.

  Lou looks at me with concern. “You ok, honey? Bella isn’t a threat you know.”

  I shrug, trying to play it cool. “Who is she?”

  I notice the girls share a look, as Sonia says in a bitter voice. “She’s a bitch that’s who she is. In fact, if they cut her open and tested her blood it would be 100% proof bitch.”

  The girls laugh and I join in despite myself.

  Sonia carries on. “I can’t stand the woman. I had the misfortune to work for her for a while. She had no feeling and just sold me out to anyone who offered the most. She has some cruel men that takes what she offers them with no regard for the mess they leave her girls in afterwards. Money and power line the walls of her establishment and there’s no second thought for the women they abuse.”

  Marie nods. “I agree, she’s an evil bitch. Luckily, I never had the misfortune to work with her. The stories I’ve heard though back up Sonia’s words. I think Kitty worked for her for a while too. I can’t think why Ryder lets her bowl in here as if she owns the place as well as him. Do you think she has something on him?”

  Lou snorts. “I doubt that very much. Ryder isn’t stupid. He wouldn’t let a woman like that dictate anything to him. It’s my guess she needs him for something. It’s why they all come. He sorts out their problems for a price. The trouble is, the price she usually pays isn’t an option anymore. I would love to see her face when she realizes that.”

  The girls laugh and I look at her with interest.

  “What do you mean?”

  Lou grins. “Women like Bella are used to manipulating men to get what they want. She has a history with Ryder who took what he wanted from her as payment for whatever job she needed him to do. I mean, he’s a man after all and she’s a fine woman who has cultivated her trade to give a man his wildest pleasure. However, she won’t know that Ryder is an honorable man. Now he’s married he won’t want payment in that way anymore. He has a wife now who he swore to stay faithful to. I would love to be a fly on that wall when she discovers what that means for her.”

  The others laugh and start chatting among themselves but I feel sick to the pit of my stomach.

  They don’t know that Ryder has no such ties to me. He is free to do whatever he wants with that disgusting woman and is probably indulging in her offer right now. I feel the blood rushing to my head as I picture them in his office. I want to scream and throw my glass against the wall before marching in there and slapping that smug bitch in the mouth. My anger surprises me. Where has it come from?

  I feel a resolve creeping over me as I look at Bonnie and say softly.

  “Bonnie, will you teach me how to fight?”

  She grins. “Of course, I will. I thought you’d never ask. Cassie starts school in a couple of days, doesn’t she?”

  I nod and she flashes me a determined look.

  “As soon as you drop her off, come and find me. We’ll train in the mornings for two hours. By the time that man of yours comes home every night, you’ll be able to surprise him with a few new moves. I wish I could see his face when you use them on him.”

  Taking another large gulp of wine, I feel my heart hardening. It’s not him I plan on fighting. It’s the realization that I’m a victim all the time I don’t have the tools to stand up for myself.

  Well, that’s about to change. I’m no longer a victim and won’t be thought of as such. These women apparently came here broken and destroyed and they’ve built themselves up again into strong independent women.

  Now it’s my turn.



  Bella follows me to my office and I try to stem the irritation that’s threatening to show itself. Typical. The one time I was going to move this thing on with Ashton and business gets in the way.

  I push open the door and turn to face her as she follows me in.

  “What’s so urgent that you come here unannounced?”

  Bella throws me her usual seductive look and sits on the couch patting the seat beside her.

  “Come and sit down and I’ll tell you what you will very much want to hear.”

  I sit on the edge of my desk and fix her with a hard look.

  “Stop playing games and just spill what’s on your mind.”

  She smiles and I watch her eyes fill with excitement. “I met a friend of yours yesterday in a place I would have last expected her to be.”

  I say nothing and she laughs softly.

  “Always the hard man, Ryder. No pleasantries with you are there?”

  I shrug and she carries on, obviously enjoying her little secret.

  “It appears that a member of your club has spread her wings and is keeping much finer company. I was privileged to be invited to an intimate gathering at a club I often frequent and was surprised to see her on the arm of a well-known senator.”

  Still, I say nothing and just stare at her with a passive expression.

  I watch as she stands up and sways towards me with purpose. Standing before me she reaches out and runs a scarlet fingernail down my chest and licks her lips. “It appears you are holding more than one secret, my darling. I also happen to know that your new wife is on the missing person’s list and there’s a huge reward for information of her whereabouts. You’re a naughty boy, Ryder. Holding a young girl here when she should be tucked up safe and sound with her daddy to care for her.”

  She leans forward and her breath hits my face as she whispers, “Knowledge is a powerful thing and it’s useful to know how to use it to your advantage.”

  She shifts closer and I stand motionless as she presses her bo
dy against mine and her breath fans my cheek.

  “You and I are from the same mold. We use and abuse to get what we want and I want you - very much. So, I was thinking that we could use this… um… situation, to our advantage. My silence and cooperation in exchange for you in my bed. Not a huge price to pay and one that we both know would be mutually beneficial. I’ll keep my eye on your project at the Whitehouse and you’ll have fun keeping your dirty little secret.”

  As she moves her mouth to mine, I raise my hand and push her back sharply against the nearby wall. Holding her hands above her head, I press my body into hers-hard. I watch her eyes dilate with passion and she groans.

  “God, I’ve missed you. You know I love it rough, don’t you baby. Give it to me hard and fast, just the way we like it.”

  I squeeze her wrists and say in a low voice laced with steel.

  “I’m guessing that you’ve lost your mind, Bella. Why would you come here and try to blackmail me? You must have known I don’t take kindly to threats of any kind.”

  I see the desire in her eyes as she hisses.

  “We’re two of a kind. We do what we must, to get what we want. You haven’t called and I’ve missed what we had. What was a girl supposed to do when the opportunity presented itself?”

  Squeezing tighter, I snarl.

  “It’s your choice, darlin’. You keep that vicious mouth shut, or you will find that you’ve lit the match that will set your life on fire. Nobody will be around to save you from the shit storm you’ve brought on yourself if you go against me or the club. Now I’m a patient man but it’s fast wearing out. So, listen up and listen well. You will leave this place and if I see you here again, it’s because I’ve brought you here. If you spill a word of what you know you can expect a visit and you won’t like what happens next. Nobody will save you, darlin’ because they have their own secrets to protect. You mistake me for somebody who gives a shit about what happens outside these walls. If they come here they will regret it, as will you.”


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