Diamonds and Demons (Beautiful Beasts Academy Book 2)

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Diamonds and Demons (Beautiful Beasts Academy Book 2) Page 6

by Kim Faulks

  “More, silently cautious,” she answered, her green eyes flaring to life.

  “Good,” I murmured. “You should be.”

  And then I turned and headed for my room, leaving her standing there half hidden in the dark. I had nothing more to say to Nesrin nothing that would bring her the kind of peace she was seeking.

  The light was on under Ava’s door. A shadow cut across her room before her bed springs gave that familiar twang. Most nights we hung out together, talking, laughing...hiding bodies in the basement. But tonight, I wanted to be alone with the books...and my thoughts.

  I slipped inside and closed the door behind me before hitting the bedside light. And in that moment between darkness and light my stomach tightened and I caught my breath. The yellow hue brightened, casting shadows into the was the exact same as I left it.

  I strode over to the balcony. There were no small Vampire creatures waiting for me. No weird packages left on my floor. There weren’t even clothes scattered anymore. Everything was neat and clean. Everything was just as it should be. I strode into the bathroom, turned on the light and hit the lever for the shower.

  Steam rose after a second, filling the space as I undressed and then stepped into the spray, washing and then rinsing, letting the water sluice the cold away. But I couldn’t shake the pain in Judas’ gaze, or Mr.. Leather’s warning away. I hit the tap and stepped out, hurried to dry, and climbed between my sheets.

  The heavy book Nefarious gave me still sat on the end of the bed. The thing was big enough to make the corner of the mattress dip. I yanked it closer and opened to the table of contents.

  Transcendence Vampire. My fingers raced along the list of words. But there was nothing. Vampire - Divine Being, Transcend. I stilled, traced my finger along the page number and then flicked through the pages until I found it.

  There was the image of a Vampire, long fangs, pale silver skin. He had his hands placed together, palms facing upwards and in the middle of his hold were two white doves.

  The Transcendic Vampire uses Divine Traits to become more than an Immortal Creature.

  I pulled the book closer...ascendance to true Godhood. “True Godhood? What the hell does that even mean?” I kept reading, taking in every bit of information I could find. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to fill me with dread. I shook my head and pushed the book away. “He’s got it wrong. That’s not me. That’s not me at all.”

  I settled down against the pillows. “Godhood my ass.”

  The idea plagued me though, digging in like thorny tendrils and wrapping around my thoughts. Exhaustion followed and I closed my eyes. The bedside light was bright against my lids, but I was weighed down by the day...unable to lift my arms, or surface long enough to switch it off.

  “Blackthorne Wolves are dangerous, Morwenna.” I turned to see Nefarious Leathers cutting across the classroom toward me. “I’m only telling you for your own good. Wolves don’t belong with Vampires...Vampires belong with Vampires.”

  I shook my head, taking a step backwards. “I don’t think so…”

  Perfect lips curled into a smile as my teacher came closer and lifted his hand, fingers brushing a strand of hair from the side of my face. “I do.”

  I swallowed hard, trying my best to tear my gaze from the sleeveless shirt and the hard muscles underneath. “I’m pretty sure there’s a law against this, right?”

  “Against what...a teacher and a student?”

  His finger trailed to the edge of my chin and then lifted until I met this gaze.

  This was wrong. This wasn’t what I wanted.

  “We could be powerful together,” Nefarious murmured and lowered his head.

  I closed my eyes, inhaling deep, and with the musty classroom air, I drew the taste of him.

  Cold lips brushed against mine. His fingers never trembled, or even moved.

  He knew what he was doing, from the crush of his lips, to the slow trail of the back of his finger down the length of my neck.

  And his lips followed, leaving mine as he bent his neck. I craned my head to the side, letting him go where he wanted. Sure hands skimmed the outside of my body and reached around to cup the curve of my ass.

  “I’m going to taste you, Morwenna... I’m going to taste you and lick you and take you places no Wolf can. You will transcend laying under will touch God.”

  If I had a heart it would hammer, and I’d breathe so fast I couldn’t catch it.

  I shook my head, tearing away from his hold. “No. I don’t want that...I don’t want you.”

  And as desire flooded through me and welled between my thighs...he whispered. “Oh, I think you do.”

  I jerked my eyes open as my body pulsed between my thighs. I shoved a hand between my legs and clamped down. But it was too late. My orgasm hit me, wave after blinding wave. I turned my head and buried my face into my pillow as a cry tore free and I heard the clink, click, clink of something familiar. I opened my eyes and stared at the purple bag next to my pillow… I didn’t need to look inside to know what they were. The diamonds were back, and they brought with them erotic dreams of my goddamn teacher.

  I don’t want own words echoed.

  But the answer filled me as my body shuddered one last time and fell still...Oh...I think you do.

  Chapter Eight

  Dreams Turned To Nightmares

  “Hey!” Ava called out behind me. “Wait the hell up.”

  But I never slowed, only lengthened my stride and clenched my grip around the book in my arms.

  “What the Hell’s gotten into you?” Ava huffed scurrying to keep up with me.

  I ground my jaw and tried to keep from answering her. ‘cause she wouldn’t like the answer...oh no she wouldn’t. So, I stayed quiet, saying nothing as I headed for the east building.

  The bell rang overhead, loud and shrill. It’d make me flinch if I wasn’t already pissed.

  I reached out, gripped the handle of the front door and yanked. The handle slammed against the stone wall with a bang before I strode through. Students stopped dead in the middle of the hallway, stopped and then turned, watching me as I strode past and made for the classroom.

  I yanked the handle, sucked in a hard breath and steeled my nerve.

  Ava stood, watching me as I strode inside.

  Nefarious lifted his head with a look of surprise as I strode in. “Morwenna...I wasn’t expecting you until—”

  “Take your damn book.” I heaved the thick textbook from my hands and dropped it to his desk with a boom! And then leaned over the desk to stab him in the chest. “And stay the Hell out of my dreams, Mr. Leathers.”

  He flinched, glanced to the book and then back to me before he gave a shake of his head. “I don’t—”

  “—Oh, I think you do,” I lowered my gaze...and kicked myself. Why did you do that? Why did you look at him? And in my head all I could feel was his fingers sliding down the vein in my neck. “You…” I jerked my gaze to his. “You just stay the hell out of my dreams.”

  He stiffened, one brow rising.

  So, help me, if you smile…

  There was a twitch at the corner of his lips, but no smile...not yet, as he murmured. “Dreams, Ms. Livingstone? What kind of dreams?”

  My cheeks burned. “That’s none of your business.”

  But he just turned and glanced at the book on his desk. “If the book is speaking to you, then it could very well be important.”

  “Oh, I doubt it’s the book that’s whispering in my ear, Mr. Leathers. I doubt that very much.”

  “Oh?” he murmured. “And are you an expert on dreamology?”

  I closed my mouth.

  “I didn’t think so,” he answered. “I, on the other hand, have done extensive research into the subliminal messages our brains create into fantasy. Please.” He motioned at the seat next to his desk. “Talk to me, maybe together we can figure this out.”

  I glanced to the door and the hallway. Ava was probably still
waiting for me...or then again, maybe she wasn’t.

  The diamonds.

  I slipped my hand into my pocket. fingers skimmed soft felt before the material warmed under my hand. Tell him...the words echoed through my mind. I swallowed hard as heat filled me, pulsing between my legs and licking my nipples. “I...ah...I had a dream where you….”

  “Yes,” he murmured and rose to stand. My body tightened, breath came at a rush. I hated how I wanted him...hated how I felt.


  A scream swallowed the word, piercing, unmerciful...filled with rage. My heart lunged as I jerked my head toward the doorway. I was already moving before I realized, striding toward the doorway.

  “Wait, Morwenna,” Nefarious called as I reached for the handle.

  But I was backed into a corner by seductive dreams and all the things good girls didn’t do. But I wasn’t a good girl. I was Morwenna Livingstone. I twisted the handle and stepped out into the chaos. Nesrin jerked her gaze toward me from the other side of the hallway. Her chest rose in hard breaths, lips parted, eyes wide. There was a smear of blood on her cheek as she lifted her head.

  And from the corner of my eye I caught two black-eyed demon students lunge with bloodied hands raised in the air.

  “They killed our teacher,” Nesrin gasped across the space as a rush of students tore past. “Ripped his goddamn head clean off.”

  I flinched as more frantic students screamed clamored, clawing the people next to them to get toward the front door of the building.

  Sunlight flooded the space, glinting in my eyes as two towering shadows stepped into the doorway and pushed through the frantic fray. One towered over the other students, all brawn and thick muscles. I didn’t need to see their faces to know who they were.

  My dad strode toward me, holding a cage in his hand, and behind him, the towering Vampire warrior, Chuck.

  “Mor!” Ava screamed in the distance.

  I jerked my gaze toward her, and stepped out of the doorway. A young female Vamp shouldered me backwards as she rushed past. Her eyes widened, registering in an instant who I was. But then she was gone, stumbling away from the terror.

  Behind her a Demon lunged across the hallway and hit a male student head on. He gripped his shoulders and bit his neck, savaging and tearing. Blood sprayed into the air, splashing the walls and the floor. Other students slipped in the mess, scurrying to their feet as they ran.

  “Morwenna,” Dad called not bothering with the horror one bit as he lifted the metal carrier and snarled. “This...thing is yours.”

  Tiny claws speared through the gaps of the cage in his hand. Underneath the horrendous sounds of terror, I could hear the hiss and snarl of the honey badger, Dad’s birthday gift to me….

  “Dad,” I muttered as a guttural snarl rippled through the hallway. “I don’t think now’s the time.”

  “This is exactly the right time,” he answered coldly.

  A sickening, guttural snarl rumbled from behind me. I turned, finding myself face to face with the murderous gaze of a Demon. Midnight-eyes shone under the overhead lights, making his pale skin even more washed out. He was just one of us, blond hair, long nails, dressed in his Bestias Academy uniform. But his teeth were coated with blood, and chunks of skin and veins dripped from his mouth as he snarled and then turned his head.

  But there was something in the way he looked at me, and then his gaze dropped to the pocket of my somehow he just knew.

  He knew what was in there.

  He knew what the diamonds were.

  The Demon smiled, lifted his gaze from my pocket to my face, then opened his mouth, and with a sinister snarl he lunged. Chuck moved faster than a man his size should, striding forward as he reached for his waist and drew out a black tipped steel dagger.

  I stumbled backwards, my heart driving into my throat as the squelch of the blow filled the air and Chuck stabbed the Demon in the heart.

  Dad never moved, only he’d seen it all a hundred times before. The Demon stumbled backwards and dropped his gaze to his chest. “I…I didn’t mean.”

  “It’s done now,” Chuck murmured, gripping him by the shoulder and ramming the blade deep.

  But as the Demon in his hands curled his lips and shoved to stand, another Demon stepped out of the classroom in front of Ava, took one look at the dying immortal in Chuck’s hands and then lunged.

  There was no way Chuck could protect me and also save himself.

  But there was no way he’d ever see me harmed.

  And so, he moved, striding out to take the full brunt of the attack.

  Thick, squelching arms lashed out of Ava as the Demon went for the Vampire warrior. In a second her beast filled the hallway, all blood-red suckers and pale shimmering skin. Red markings flared against her jawline and ran along her cheek. She was magnificent and terrifying all at once, and if I hadn’t seen her beast before I would’ve fainted.

  Red lips were the same burgundy blood-red as the curved marks that ran underneath her shirt. She was stronger, and faster, more terrifying than ever before...and as I turned to the Vampire warrior standing in front of me...I saw Chuck go perfectly still.

  He stared as she dragged the Demon into her, devouring every bone and terrifying cell of the Demon. He dropped the dead body in his grasp, and gripped the hilt of the dagger tight as his lips parted...and Ava severed and swallowed...until there was nothing left.

  And in a slow, hollow thud of my heart the Great Creature of the Sea was gone.

  And my best friend was there once more, so pale, stumbling sideways as I rushed toward her.

  “Did I save him?” she croaked as her knees buckled. “Is Chuck...okay?”

  “I’m here,” the deep growl of the warrior came behind me.

  He bowed his head toward me, and then slipped his hands under mine. “I have her,” he growled.

  And I knew that he did.

  I slid my hands out from underneath her, and the warrior took my place as the door to the classroom opened behind me.

  Nefarious Leathers glanced along the corridor and stepped out.

  “I came to see…” he started and then turned his head and met my father’s gaze. “Oh, my word...Dante Livingstone as I live and not breathe.”

  I flinched, waiting for the spray of Vampire blood.

  No one called my father by his first name.

  Not if they wanted to live.

  Chapter Nine

  To Hell And Back In A Handbasket

  “Oh, flagellation of the wicked, what in the Ancient's name is going on here?” Dad seethed at Mr. Leathers, before marching down the hallway.

  The tails of his coat flapped behind him, slapping together like cracks of a whip and for those few moments, he embodied the clichéd epitome of a Vampire, tall, dark, and very...very...deadly.

  I winced and scurried after him.

  “Dad! Dad, stop,” I called as he marched.

  But he never slowed, not for anyone. Students and teachers jumped out of his path, and pressed their spine against their lockers. I didn’t know who they feared more; murderous Demons or my Dad—probably Dad—if they were smart.

  He shoved open the door at the end of the corridor and vanished outside into the day.

  “Hell, he looks ready to murder someone.” Ava sidled up to my side, staring at the door flapping shut.

  “Yep, my life’s about to be hell in a handbasket.” My nerves were on edge, and I had to fix this now. “Gotta go.” I took off, running after him. Outside, I swung left, scanning the grounds until I spied him turning the corner toward the front of the main building.


  I darted forward, picturing him causing chaos in the office, throwing out threats like hand grenades. Bursting in through the front doors, I swung right toward the Principal’s office, but Dad’s snarling voice caught my attention from the left. I pivoted on my heels and rushed into a waiting room with an enormous fireplace and two w
alls covered in bookshelves.

  Principal Stone stood deathly still, staring Dad in the eyes, not backing down. Brave woman.

  Daddy Dearest shouted in her face, “This wasn’t our agreement. If it wasn’t for the Ancient.…” They both stared at me standing in the open archway to the room.

  Dad pointed at me, his face darkening. “Demons attacked her on school grounds in broad daylight!”

  Ms. Stone swallowed loudly and squared her shoulders, her jawline tight. “This has never happened in our school before.” She turned to me, glaring.

  “You’re saying my daughter caused this?” He seemed to grow in size. “You promised me safety.”

  Principal Stone snapped back toward my dad. “Mr. Livingstone, our campus grounds are spelled weekly—”

  “I’m tired of lame excuses. Maybe I need to have more of my guards positioned here. You obviously can’t ensure your students’ safety. But I sure as damn Hell can.”

  My mouth opened with a protest as I moved into the room, but Ms. Stone’s lips curled into a snarl.

  I knew what Dad’s version of safety was. I’d be back behind bullet proof glass, hidden in a vault just like our home. That’s not what I wanted...not now, not when I was finally...finding myself.

  “That is not necessary.” The Principal held his gaze with her own. “This will never happen again, I give you my word.”

  “That means nothing to me when it comes to Morwenna’s wellbeing.”

  I stuffed my hand into my pocket, my fingers coiled around velvety bag, and the emblem that no longer sent electricity surging through my fingers.

  “I think I know what the demons wanted,” I said in between the screaming match.

  They both snapped around toward me, the fury on their faces quickly replaced with curiosity. Dad’s titled his head, eyeing me sharply

  “Well, speak up.”

  I pulled the bag out of my pocket and placed it in his hands. “A small hunchback Vampire with glowing eyes came to my room a few nights ago, saying he needed help, then he left these in my room.”


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