Kodiak: Infinity Verge Trilogy: Book I

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Kodiak: Infinity Verge Trilogy: Book I Page 21

by DJ Morand

  “I could kiss you!” Echo said.

  “Perhaps that would not be for the best,” Zee said.

  “It’s an expression Zee,” Echo explained. You’re not the one I want to kiss, she thought.

  The evening came and went. Echo was unable to sleep and she was sure she heard Zee moving about the Kodiak as well. She was worried about Abel. She found Zee sitting on the bridge, she rarely saw him look so lost.

  “What is it?” Echo asked.

  “The Captain and I have been together for many years. Neither of us has been captured before.”

  “That wasn’t your fault,” she said.

  “No. It was. I encouraged him to stand down …” he let his statement hang.

  “I did too,” Echo said.

  “It was not your fault either Echo Shade.” Zee said.

  “We’re going to save him,” Echo said. “Whether we die trying or not.””

  “It is good you are here Echo Shade. When we are refueled, you will use the haptic controls to fly the ship,” Zee said. “I will be busy interfacing and trying to decode Abel Cain’s weapons lock.”

  “Weapons lock?” Echo asked.

  “He has them locked down on voice command,” Zee said. “We will need them tomorrow.”

  Echo understood and nodded to express that. It worried her that they would be going into battle without weapons.

  * * *

  Quintar VII - Kodiak: New Exodus Air Space

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 11th 06:00 hours

  Echo Shade did the best should could with the controls aboard the Kodiak. The ship felt bulky and heavy, especially compared to her Darter. Although the controls were a bit odd and much of the ship was meant to be run by neural connections, she had to admit the quantum locked captain’s chair was the most comfortable she had ever sat in.

  That’s at least one point for the Kodiak, she thought.

  She worried they would have to engage enemy forces in this beast and the weapons controls were completely locked down. Weapons systems required Abel’s neural connection in order to be used.

  That’s a point against the Kodiak, she thought.

  Echo considered Abel - at the thought of his name she could not help but feel something. The feeling tugged at her. Echo knew she found him attractive, her body had informed her of that more than once, but she also remembered their first encounter and the heated argument they had shared.

  Echo assumed he was an arrogant child and had treated him thus. He did not accept the disrespect well and it had cost her. The result was the loss of her ship and nearly her life. Then, Abel had risked his own life to save hers. She still remembered the feel of his lips against hers. Echo waved the thought away. It sauntered back.

  Stop it E, Abel needs my help, not my fantasies, she chided.

  “Zee, can you get an idea where Abel is being held? We may have to hack into their systems.” Echo called to Zee at the tactics station.

  “I am scanning now Captain.” Zee said in the same tone he reserved for Abel.

  “You don’t need to call me Captain, Zee. Abel is still the captain of the Kodiak.” Echo said, trying to reinforce the idea that Abel Cain would be alright.

  “I understand Captain Shade, but while you are piloting the Kodiak you are the captain.” Zee argued logically.

  “Alright.” Echo sighed. She had grown to love the older Quintarran like a brother, or a cousin. She was not sure how Zee felt about her, but his trust in her as an interim captain revealed much.

  “I am in the central system. It appears that Abel is set for trial this morning. Dawn. It is a public trial.” Zee considered the documentation he was reading. It was essentially a close and shut case against Abel. He did not feel it was necessary to tell Echo. Abel had been slated more for an execution and less of a trial.

  “Flak.” Echo cursed. “We will be able to get to him?” She sounded panicked. Echo heard it in her own voice and tried to calm herself.

  “It is unlikely. Although we’d be remiss if we did not attempt to.” Zee said, knowing they would be trying in any case.

  “Of course we’re going to try, Zee!” Echo said enthusiastically, “I just want to know if we’re going to die with him or actually free him.”

  “The probability of surviving this encounter is--” Zee began calculating.

  “No, no probabilities please. Let’s just do what we can.” Echo interrupted. She was going to do everything in her power to free Abel, but she was not about to start worrying about what could go wrong.

  “Of course.” Zee said somewhat sullenly. He was going to make up a number in any case. In truth, Zee was not certain of the outcome or probability of survival and that made him just as nervous as knowing would for Captain Shade.

  Echo took his acquiescence at face value and directed the ship towards the coordinates Zee provided. She didn’t activate the main thrusters, still fearful of retaliation from the NE LED. However, she did give full power to the defensive systems as well as both the port and starboard nacelles. Echo didn’t want to get caught trying to rescue Abel and have no power to escape capture herself. Echo felt rusty flying the Kodiak. For one it was far larger than any other ship she had piloted and two she felt naked without the ability to power the weapons.

  Right now, she thought, the Kodiak is just a glorified battering ram. At least it is a big battering ram.

  She decided that she needed to have a talk with Abel about his trust issues. How was anyone supposed to be able to help him in a predicament such as this if half of the effectiveness of the ship was locked down? Echo was mostly just grumbling about it now. Like Abel, she punched the throttle as the Kodiak blasted towards the heart of New Exodus.

  “Zee have the quantum plates ready for maneuvering. I have a feeling once we drop the cargo ramp to pick up Abel we’re going to meet some opposition.” She called to her co-pilot. If he was going to insist she was the Captain, she was going to insist he was the co-pilot.

  “Quantum locked plating maneuverability in 3 … 2 … 1. We have go. The quantum field is established and the plates are ready for maneuverability Captain.”” Zee intoned. Echo nodded and steered the Kodiak into a higher altitude. Her plan was brazen at best and would likely get them killed, but the Kodiak and Abel deserved to be re-united. Blazing through the atmosphere the Kodiak boomed with power as it broke the sound barrier. Echo had no intention of this being a covert operation. In fact, she felt that Abel would appreciate this level of boldness; or he might blow his lid entirely. She didn’’t mind either way. If he was able to blow his lid then the plan had paid off.

  “Captain, I am reading multiple ships in the area.” Zee cautioned.

  “NE LED?” Echo asked.

  “NE LED personal atmospheric vehicles, numbering around twenty five and at least four unidentified LGS-AC Hawkeyes. I am also reading a RAVEN F Mark XII although its signature is off.” Zee said, confused at the image in his head.

  “Off? How so Zee?” Echo asked, more concerned.

  “The Hawkeyes too Captain. They are all reading magnetic signatures like the Kodiak.” Zee said, fearful of what it meant.

  “Magnetic? Like the Quantum Plates?” Echo guessed.

  “Yes, Captain. In much higher quantities though. It is like they are wholly magnetized.” Zee was astonished at the image he was seeing. His mind and his nanites worked side by side and at times this led to a profound imagery most humans could not comprehend. This was one of those times as he could see the waves of magnetic energy flowing off the ships like some kind of sonar.

  “Flak.” Echo cursed. “Can we use that to our advantage without weapons?” She was seriously concerned about engaging anyone, especially other gunships.

  “Possibly. If we can destabilize the magnetic field, the quantum plating will blast in all directions. There could be a high amount of casualties, this is a highly populated area.” Zee said as he ran the scenarios in his head.

  “Flak them. They took Abel and are likely pla
nning to execute him. I don’t care about casualties today.” She bluffed, trying to act tough and decisive.

  “As you say.” Zee said quietly. “I will prepare our active scanners and increase the output. While I am doing this we’ll be vulnerable to attack. I suggest moving the plates over the anti-matter containment and the forward bow.” Zee advised.

  “Do it.” Echo ordered and angled the Kodiak for an intercept course with the city center. The quantum plating on the ship split, covering the forward bow of the ship and the mid-aft portion protecting the cockpit and the antimatter containment respectively. Echo didn’’t pause to wait for the plating to move into place and she dove into the fray.

  The large gunship narrowly fit between the stone buildings and blocked the exit for Hawkeyes and NE LED bikes both. Echo put her communications link up and broadcast on all channels. Personal speakers, radios, and other ships all heard the same message.

  “This is Captain Echo Shade of the Exodus Fleet Naval Force, I have come to collect Captain Abel Cain and return him to authorities in EFNF controlled space. There he will be tried for his crimes. Stand down and we will collect him peacefully.” She bluffed.

  * * *

  Quintar VII - Raven Squadron: New Exodus Air Space

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 11th 06:47 hours

  Mercury watched as the laser banked to his right cutting down the pillar and dragging Abel with it. He was infuriated that the laser did not intersect Abel directly. He saw his nemesis crawling from the rubble.

  Nemesis, he thought again.

  He liked the sound of Abel being his arch-rival, something about it sounded just. He decided that he was glad the laser had not killed him. He needed to face Abel Cain man to man instead of blasting him from the sky; that is - of course - unless he wanted to pit the Kodiak against his own gunships. He thought that the latter would be the best solution, but likely not the most prudent. In any case he had decided to duel with Abel Cain rather than execute him. Swinging the Nevermore around, he deployed the landing gear and brought the Raven HAW-K in for a landing.

  Mercury Frinz landed the vessel at the closest area not riddled with rubble from his attack on New Exodus. He marveled at the destruction his one killer and several of the light gunships could wreak. He marveled and then he grinned.

  The people had cleared out of the city square. Even the police force was busy trying to track down the gunships he had led here. He stepped out of the pilot’s seat and retrieved two pistols from the cargo hold of the Nevermore and checked their charge. Both plasma pistols had enough energy to fulfill the scenario playing out in his mind.

  He was a man of honor - at least he believed himself to be, and so he took the second pistol to give to Abel. He would have a fair fight. Opening the access hatch, Mercury climbed out of the fighter. He could feel the heat emanating from the rear engines and could hear the low whine of the quantum magnetic bands powering down. He considered rearming the quantum plating as he left the vehicle, but took a look around and decided no one would care to bother the ship. They were all still in a panic. Mercury equipped one of the plasma pistols, attaching it to a loaded ejector inside his coat. The other he kept in his hand, if he had to he would use the pistol in hand to deal with any resistance prior to reaching Abel. Once he was there, he would decide if his honor held.

  Mercury continued his pace unabated. He climbed over rubble and ducked under other debris. When he finally made it to the platform where he had destroyed the pillars holding Abel, he saw that the area was littered with other bodies, likely the officials who had put Abel in shackles.

  He smiled. It was a bleak smile devoid of joy or laughter. Mercury knew he was close to his prey and this burned in him. He wanted to kill Abel to give him that grim satisfaction. He reached the pillar and found the chain he had seen attached to Abel. At its end was an intricate electronic collar. He made the mistake of touching the inside of the collar and received a shock.

  “This is both devious and clever.” He said aloud.

  “You should feel it on your neck Mercury.” Mercury heard from his side as something slammed into him, causing him to tumble into the rubble. He skidded a few feet and he could feel the burning sensation as his skin tore beneath his clothing.

  He was fast though and on his feet before Abel could make another attack. He knew it was Abel, he recognized his voice. Mercury turned to face his attacker. Abel stood there with the pistol Mercury had brought for him.

  That is a bit ironic, Mercury thought.

  “Hello Abel.” Mercury said darkly. “So good to see you again.”

  “Can’t say the feeling is mutual Mercury. Why are you here?” Abel barked, demanding an answer.

  “Do you really need to ask Abel? You ruined me! Killed my precious Talia!” Mercury screamed, his face going red.

  “Let’s get something straight Mercury. I didn’t kill Talia. Your actions led to her death, the EXOs killed Talia, and if I had my guess they’’re the ones putting you up to this nonsense now!” Abel said switching the safety off the pistol he took from Mercury. The whine of the plasma chamber grew in intensity until the pistol was fully charged.

  “NO! IT WAS YOU! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HER!” Mercury was on the verge of madness now, his veins bursting from his forehead. Abel thought he might actually have an aneurysm. Mercury shifted his wrist and the second pistol he had stashed flew from his sleeve to his hand, he switched off the safety. The same whine coming from Abel’s pistol earlier, emitted from Mercury’s now.

  “Damnit Mercury! We were on the same side once man! How long have you been working for the EXOs!?” Abel winced as he raised his voice. The skin around his neck was still raw from the collar. He raised his pistol and aimed it at Mercury, ““Come on man! Let’s talk this out. No-one else needs to die today!”

  “NO! ONLY YOU!” Mercury screamed, all the rage pouring out into the last word as his pistol came to a full charge. He jammed his trigger finger down and fired at Abel. The plasma bolt blasted against the rubble behind Abel as Mercury advanced. He fired off several more times at his nemesis. Abel broke into a run, opposite Mercury.

  * * *

  Quintar VII - Kodiak: New Exodus Air Space

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 11th 05:30 hours

  “This is Captain Echo Shade of the Exodus Fleet Naval Force, I have come to collect Captain Abel Cain and return him to authorities in EFNF controlled space. There he will be tried for his crimes. Stand down and we will collect him peacefully.” Abel overheard the message. Overjoyed he sent the Kodiak a ping from his neural transmitter. With the collar off he could access his wet-ware and neural transmitters again.

  Abel looked back to see if he was still being pursued by - the insane - Mercury Frinz. Mercury fired another blast of plasma past Abel’s head. Plasma lined the path behind him, splattered across the debris and wreckage.

  Mercury had been relentless in firing the weapon and Abel not much less so. The two had exchanged shots on the run, neither hitting their mark, until both guns had lost their charge. It would take several minutes for the weapons to charge up again and Abel took the opportunity to increase his sprint.

  The Kodiak pinged him back as he ran through the streets and cut into an alley way. The gunship was much larger than Mercury’ modified RAVEN and unable to land within the city itself. Echo, Zee, and the Kodiak were still two kilometers away. Abel was out of breath and ached all over. He had barely any sleep and his neck stung from the sweat his body was producing now.

  His heart was pounding in his chest and it felt like it was going to burst through his sternum. He gasped for air, but he continued regardless. Mercury was not much better - years of a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition left him out of shape and gasping for air as he chased after Abel. In addition Mercury was at least ten years Abel’s senior. The two dodged and ducked through the wreckage of the once beautiful New Exodus.

  Abel ducked around a corner and nearly lost his life as a chunk of the building above cra
shed down in front of him. He flailed backwards and landed hard on his back. The pain lanced through him. Abel could hear the explosions directly to his right as two Hawkeyes crashed into each other. Abel heard a whoop from Mercury and then a crunch. Not daring to look back he leapt to his feet painfully and pinged the Kodiak again for a location.

  He grinned when he realized it was only half a kilometer now. With renewed vigor Abel bolted towards his ship. The Kodiak came into view and he saw the hurt the gunship had sustained. The front quantum plates were gone and the magnetized strip was laid bare. The lower front end of the ship appeared also to be heavily dented. He sighed, that would put his anti-matter cannon out of commission for some time. Shrugging off the momentary shock, he bolted for his ride. As he ran for the cargo hold something burned like hellfire in the back of his calve. He stumbled forward and fell into the hold of the Kodiak.

  “GO!” Abel yelled to Zee and Echo (he hoped). The gunship lifted off the ground and the cargo bay began to close. He slid sideways down the cargo ramp as it closed inward towards the ship. Several plasma bolts burst through the opening to the bay and scorched the roof before the door sealed shut.

  Abel grimaced as he looked down at his torn, burned, and bleeding leg. The plasma was still hot. It didn’t hurt so much anymore. He knew that was bad. His right leg was nearly melted away from his calve down, bone and all.

  “MEDIC!” he cried out before closing his eyes and willing away the sudden pain of realization.

  * * *

  Quintar VII - Kodiak: New Exodus Air Space

  2972 ESD - Tuesday, November 11th 06:50 hours

  “I have optimal disruption Captain.” Zee said as he finished the calculations to kill the magnetic fields on the other quantum plated ships. “We have a problem though.” Zee said as he ran the scenario through his mind.

  “Spit it out Zee.” Echo said through clenched teeth. She was maneuver the extremely close quarters the Kodiak was in between the buildings. After calling for the release of Abel they had both noticed the wreckage around the square; and the Darter landed nearby. Moments later, Abel pinged the gunship and they replied with a suitable pick up, which happened to be the only open area in the city.


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