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Sinful_Delights Page 3

by Jodi Olson

Kevin turned to walk away when he heard Amelia call out to him.

  “Kevin, I made a mistake. We want you back with us. I miss you, and want you both in my life.” He stopped in his tracks, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Jenna no longer stood behind the counter when Kevin looked up. Had she heard what Amelia just said to him? “Amelia you’re a year too late. I don’t do threesomes anymore. I’m with someone else now.”


  Jenna didn’t stick around after overhearing the redhead tell Kevin she missed him and wanted him back. And why did she say, we want you back? Does he have several women waiting in the wings? Am I just another quick fuck to him? She’d hoped he was different, but turns out he was just like the rest.

  Since the store would be closing in a few hours, Jenna grabbed her purse and quickly told her employee to lock up; she was going home to nurse a headache. A lame excuse; but she needed to get out of the store without seeing Kevin again.

  Arriving home, she kicked off her shoes and sat on the couch with her mail in hand. Suddenly, she remembered today would be Kevin’s last day and she hadn’t left his check. Mailing it to him would be for the best anyway.

  Her thoughts drifted to the woman in the store. She’d had lovely long curly, red hair and was petite, the exact opposite of Jenna. No wonder Kevin dated her.

  Jenna wondered if all the women Kevin dated were that type: young and skinny. If so, why is he messing around with me? I’m definitely not that type. She thought back to their romantic interlude, Kevin was good with his hands; her ex never could take her to orgasm like that. She was wet thinking about that orgasm. If only her ex had never interrupted them; she would have returned the favor by giving Kevin one heck of a ride.

  Jenna was hot, wet and squirming; if only he were here now. I’d probably jump his bones before telling him goodbye. She changed out of her clothes, pulled on her robe, opened the nightstand drawer in her bedroom and gazed at her old vibrator. It had been a while since she’d pulled it out of the drawer. Damn! No batteries. Maybe there are some in the kitchen.

  The doorbell rang as she was heading back to the bedroom with fresh batteries now in the vibrator. She dropped the vibe in a drawer, walked to the front door and opened it, finding Kevin, looking so damn sexy.

  “Kevin, what are you doing here?” she stood in the way so he couldn’t pass by her.

  “Please, let me inside, Jenna. I have something to say to you and I don’t want say it standing out here.”

  “I was just on my way to bed with a headache, Kevin; I’ll mail your check in the morning, promise.”

  “I didn’t come for my check. All I think about is you; while I’m in the shower, while I’m naked in my bed and can’t sleep. Every night I ache to be inside you.”

  Jenna looked around the neighborhood to see if anyone was watching, and then stepped aside to let him in. “What happened to the little redhead that couldn’t seem to keep her hands off you?”

  “She’s my past Jenna, there’s no one but you that I want. I told her I was seeing someone else now.”

  Is he talking about me or is he seeing someone else? “I think you need to leave Kevin. It really isn’t any of my business the women you see. We went out once and had great phone sex. It was fun, but it’s over.”

  He stroked the side of her face with his hand. “Do you have any idea how beautiful and sexy you are?”

  Before Jenna could say anything, Kevin brought his mouth down on hers as he pulled her closer to him. His lips nibbled at the corners of her mouth, his tongue played with hers. One hand slid across her hip and cupped the roundness of her ass. He pushed her hips against his.

  His fingers made their way to the belt holding her silk robe together, loosening it, letting it fall off one shoulder. The robe completely opened as he kissed her naked skin. He ran his hands inside the robe, caressing the smooth skin of her back. Kevin pushed her robe from her other shoulder, the silk sensuously pooling on the floor.

  The cool air darted across her bare skin making her tremble and her nipples harden. There was no sense in denying deep down how much she wanted him. Years had passed since any man had paid attention to her and the feeling was wonderful. Ted never looked at her the way Kevin did, not even on their honeymoon.

  Her hands slid up inside his t-shirt, caressing the hardness of his chest with her fingers. His mouth was on hers again, hot and demanding. Yanking his shirt over his head, he let it fall to the floor with her robe; his pants quickly followed.

  Kevin fell backwards onto the couch, taking her with him. Her body was aligned on top of his as Kevin touched her bare shoulders and back. His tongue meshed with hers, their legs tangled together. Her breasts pressing against his chest created a spark that fired his entire body.

  One hand cupped the firmness of her breast, her puckered nipple pressing into his palm. Kevin suckled her other nipple into his mouth. Moans filled the room. He wasn’t sure if it was hers, or both of them, he just knew he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Jenna, let’s go to your bedroom.” He scooped her into his arms, carrying her down the hall and laying her on the bed. Kevin stared at the woman who consumed all of his thoughts from the moment he stepped into her store.

  He teased her nipple with the tip of his tongue before gently suckling. The taste of her drove him insane. He ran his hand up her inner thigh until he reached her dripping lips.

  A moan of pure pleasure escaped her throat when he inserted his finger into her fiery slit. Her fingers stroked down his body until they reached his thick, hard shaft.

  Her legs wrapped around his hips, her head falling to the pillow.

  Kevin moved between her legs and slowly thrust his cock inside her. He didn’t know how much longer he could stay in control. Since the first day he saw her behind that counter he’d wanted her in his bed. He set a pace, and soon Jenna met him, thrust-for-thrust.

  Suddenly her body convulsed; her climax pulling him deep within her and wrapping tight around his cock. Kevin gave one final, deep thrust and his body shuddered hard with his release.


  Jenna woke up to find Kevin gone; lying on the pillow was a note.

  Morning Jenna, I made you breakfast.

  Hopefully it’s still warm by the time you read this.

  I’ll be back soon, had some errands to run.

  Don’t go into work today, I have plans.


  Her face spread into a smile, no one had ever made her breakfast before. As she made her way down the hall, she grabbed her robe. On the plate she found in the oven was the omelet he’d made her. It smelled heavenly and she devoured it like she hadn’t had a good meal in days.

  Before jumping in the shower, she called Sinful Delights to let them know she wouldn’t be in today, but to call if they needed anything.

  Instead of a shower, Jenna decided to run a hot bubble bath. Usually she didn’t have time for that luxury, but today seemed like a good day. Sliding in the tub she immersed herself until the bubbles hit her shoulders. When she closed her eyes, her thoughts drifted to Kevin, wondering what kind of errands he had to do. She hoped they had nothing to do with the little redhead that came into the shop yesterday? Why did she have to go and fall for him anyway?

  Her bath was short lived when there was a knock at her front door. Maybe it was Kevin returning from his errands. Quickly drying off, she put her robe on. To her disappointment, it wasn’t Kevin—it was her ex.

  “Oh, Ted! What do you want now? I’m busy,” she tried to close the door on him when he barged in, pushing her aside.

  “You’re bleeding me dry, Jenna. Next month there will be no money coming from me.”

  “Please, Ted, the lawyers say different, you pay every month, end of story.”

  “I want you back Jenna.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes, “What happened to Stacey, the little twenty-year-old bimbo?”

  “I kicked her out. All I can think about is the way we were together and I wa
nt that back.”

  Jenna didn’t know whether to laugh or throw something at him. Does he really think I’m that stupid? “Ted, I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I think she dumped you. I give her credit for waking up and finally seeing you for the bastard you really are.

  Now get out!” She opened the front door to find Kevin standing there with a dozen roses in one hand.

  “I’ll be back, Jenna,” Ted growled, “we’re not over. Soon you’ll be begging me to take you back when junior here dumps you for a younger woman.” He tore out the door.

  When Kevin found the door cracked, he’d stood outside listening to Jenna and Ted’s conversation. His mood had changed considerably from early this morning, the smile now disappeared. Instead, a scowl covered his face and if Ted hadn’t left already, he’d have hit the guy. Jenna didn’t seem too upset by Ted’s visit, but it didn’t sound like she wanted Ted back either.

  Kevin handed her the roses, “I’m back, and I got these with you in mind,” he closed the distance between their mouths.

  Jenna’s breath made a sharp intake at Kevin’s closeness. She dropped the roses into the nearest chair.

  “I want you so bad, Jenna; it was hard to leave you this morning. I ache to be inside you again.” Kevin dragged her down the hall to the bedroom.

  His hand stroked her cheek, moved along her jaw, then caressed her throat. Kevin kissed her slipping his tongue between her parted lips. “This robe has got to go,” he slipped it off her shoulders. “Beautiful,” he murmured, before moving his mouth to one of her hardened nipples, his tongue licked at it before sucking it deep into his mouth.

  Jenna moaned as the sensation of his sucking had her dripping wet with desire. She didn’t want him to stop.

  He took his time before releasing her nipple. His head lifted, his lust-filled, feral eyes staring at her..

  Down her stomach, his hand slid until he reached her wet heat. His other hand pulled on her nipple making her tremble. His finger stroking in and out of her pussy made her cry out in orgasm. Yet it wasn’t enough; she needed more.

  Kevin’s fingers never left her slick passage and her eyes widened as he continued to probe her.

  When her hips lifted up from the bed, he left her only long enough to shed his own clothes. Quickly he returned, his eyes never leaving her.

  She gasped when he took her by the ankles, pulling her crossways on the bed. He placed the soles of her feet flat on the edge of the bed just far enough apart to see the glistening of her moist folds.

  He came forward, kneeling between her legs, his hands running up and down her thighs. Heat flooded her face as he stared at her pussy.

  “You want me, don’t you Jenna?

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “I want you to make love to me.” He rose up over her, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “You’re mine,” he muttered, entering her with a single thrust. Her moans urged him on as he plunged into her with a long, slow rhythm. They danced a lover’s dance.

  Within no time, Jenna came with her second release. Kevin was soon to follow.


  Jenna woke up finding Kevin’s hand on her breast, but he was dead to the world. Slipping out of the sheets, she headed to the bathroom for a much needed shower.

  While there, she thought of him; he was good at everything, and not just sex. Someone would think he hadn’t had sex in years. Jenna gave up counting the number of times they’d made love. He also educated her on a couple of positions she’d never tried before.

  Jenna was in love with Kevin and she was tired of fighting it. He wasn’t anything like Ted and never would be. For the first time in years, she was really truly happy. She wanted to spend every day with him if that was possible. So what if he was younger; it was her decision not anyone else’s. Did Kevin love her too? She thought maybe he’d said it last night, but wasn’t really sure since he’d exhausted her with their lovemaking.

  Getting out of the shower, she quickly dried off and went back to the bedroom. Kevin was awake, sitting up with his head against the headboard. “Morning baby, you been up long?”

  “No, about fifteen minutes. You must be starving, we forgot all about dinner last night.”

  “I’m alright. Jenna, I want us to get married. I know, it’s sudden, but it feels so right. We belong together. I love you and I won’t ever let you down.”

  Jenna was stunned, she had no idea this was coming. Before she could find her voice, he said, “I want to wake up next to you every morning and go to bed with you every night for the rest of my life. Marry me Jenna.”

  “Yes,” she breathed.


  Jenna and Kevin agreed to marry in one month, on Kevin’s thirtieth birthday. If it were only up to him, they’d have gone to a justice of the peace and gotten right on with the honeymoon. But Jenna wanted her mother there and they still needed to tell her about him.

  The next couple days were spent moving Kevin into her house since he lived with two other guys. She met his roommates and they seemed happy for him.

  One night while Jenna lay in Kevin’s arms he said, “I’ll go with you when you see your mother tomorrow.”

  “She’s not a very pleasant woman; she’ll wonder why you want to marry me. Her main topic of conversation will be my weight and my clothes.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Before we leave, she’ll know I’m marrying you because I love you. And how much your wonderful curvy body drives me insane. ”

  “Oh, Kevin, I love you with all my heart, but you have no idea what she’s like.”

  “You’ll see, I’ll have her eating out of my hand. I’ll turn on the charm and it’ll all work out. It worked on you, didn’t it?”

  Jenna giggled before he ravished her again.


  Jenna and Kevin arrived at her mother’s place early the next day. Her mother glared at Kevin. “Mom, this is my fiancé Kevin. We would love for you to come to our wedding.” Kevin took her hand and she was glad for the support.

  Her mother stared at Kevin for the longest time. Then finally spoke. “How old are you young man?”

  “I’ll turn thirty next month, why?”

  “My daughter is over forty, you do know that, don’t you?

  “I love Jenna, that’s all that matters.”

  “You’ll want young and thin one day, and where will that leave Jenna?”

  “I have no desire to be with anyone other than Jenna. She’s agreed to marry me and I’m the luckiest man in the world because of it. In my eyes, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world and I will not tolerate anyone making derogatory remarks about Jenna in front of me. We’d love for you to be part of our wedding, but you will need to leave the nasty comments at home.”

  Jenna looked over at him, shaking her head. He squeezed her hand to let her know it was okay.

  An hour later, Jenna and Kevin were on the way back home. “See it worked,” Kevin said. “She fell for my charm, like I knew she would.”

  “She didn’t say she’d be there. She said she’d think about it.”

  “She’ll be there, honey. I know she will.” Kevin leaned over and kissed her.


  In an hour, Jenna would be saying her vows to Kevin Johnston, but she was nervous. The guests were already arriving and being seated. Kevin’s best man was Mike and she now knew the little redhead was Amelia, Mike’s wife. Kevin informed her of his past with Mike and Amelia and Jenna was okay with it. Today was her day and she put all bad thoughts out of her mind. As she approached the aisle, she spotted her mother standing at the end waiting to walk her down. Now the day was complete and soon she’d be Kevin’s wife.


  Other Erotic Romances by Jodi Olson

  Raining on Sunday

  Amelia lost her husband and was now in danger of losing her dream house. The constant rain drenched her, washing away her tears…and hope. Could the answer to h
er problems lay in becoming the sex slave to the two handsome builders of her dream home? Mike and Kevin could only hope her answer would be “yes.”

  Naughty Whispers

  What’s a girl to do when she’s got two hot men, willing, able and more than ready to take care of her needs? Gina had almost everything she could ever want: a college degree, money, and a new business - everything except the love of a man; let alone two men. Hudson and Grant, her brother’s best friends, were back in her life. Could they be the ones to accept the challenge?

  Hunter’s Possession

  When Travis Hunter dies, his Will brings together his long-lost sons Ryan and Adam, and Travis’s beautiful young widow Brooke. How will they divide Travis’s legacy, the Triple-H ranch? And who will claim the richest prize of all, the ravishing Brooke Hunter? Can they have it all?

  Getting Wild

  Neal Riley gets more then he bargains for when he takes a leave of absence from his job to tend bar for his brother at The Swollen Pussy Club. His life is turned upside down when librarian and would-be erotic novelist Jennifer Logan, takes a job as a stripper to – “research” – her next book. Jennifer’s ex-boyfriend Steve, and hostile erotic dancer Cameo, bring danger to the mix and threaten Neal and Jennifer’s on-again-off-again torrid romance. Only time will tell if her research will bring more than just a great story for her book – and a happy-ever-after ending for herself?

  Seduction - The Riley Way

  Nicole Champagne isn’t bubbly. She’s down and out: locked out of her apartment, out of a job, and definitely down on her ex-boyfriend, Chaz, the cause of her problems. The light at the end of her tunnel is the neon sign for the Swollen Pussy Club. Can a gentleman’s club, and its hunky owner Nathan Riley be the answer to her prayers. Seduction – The Riley Way is the sequel to Jodi Olson’s erotic romantic romp, Getting Wild.


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