Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz

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Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Page 15

by Robert J. Evans


  Chapter Eighteen:



  Suddenly, a strange glow came over everyone -- a sort of alternating blueand orange light. A voice said, "Welcome to UFOland." The light expandedto reveal a man in a glistening white garment molded to the contour ofhis body. His eyes were large and luminous and seemed to reflect a greatdepth of understanding. He spoke again.

  "Greetings in the light, my beloved friends. I am Oxal of Arcturas.UFOland is a base for our ships."

  "I've heard of many sightings of UFOs" said Dorothy. "But, until now, Ididn't know for sure if they were real."

  "Many sightings seen by earth's inhabitants are not real," replied Oxal."But many /are/ real, and the time is approaching when we shall revealthis. Our present mission is to prepare the mortal mind to accept thistruth. Otherwise, great confusion would result, and that is not our intent."

  "What is your intent, sir?" asked the Tin Woodman, rather nervously.

  "The answer to that, my metallic friend, is quite simple," replied Oxal."It is to assist those of planet earth to a greater understanding oftheir place in the universe. In earth's galaxy alone, there are morethan one hundred billion stars or suns just like earth's own sun. Oneout of every two of these suns have solar systems with one inhabitableplanet on which intelligent life exists. And since there are hundreds ofbillions of other galaxies in the universe, life in its many forms hasmanifested in great abundance.

  "Many of these are advanced civilizations. Some far more advanced thanthose of earth, while many are not as advanced. We here in UFOland arerepresentatives from advanced planets of every galaxy. We have apermanent base here, from which we observe earth and discuss ways tohelp her people to advance.

  "Many earth scientists are being helped by us. They are generallyunaware that this help is being given, for we work with them duringsleep or when they are in a very relaxed state. We convey many ideas tothem.

  "We communicate with your world leaders and offer our help, but it isoften rejected. We cannot interfere with their free will, you see. Wecan only offer our suggestions. It has to be their choice.

  "Our main purpose, Dorothy, in coming to the vicinity of earth is tomake the inhabitants aware of a truth, a new understanding that goesbeyond their present concept. We have not an easy task. Our teachingwould not be accepted at this time -- even if we manifested ourselvesphysically. But soon, as more people come to accept our reality, weshall manifest and reveal our purpose. We come only to do good.

  "There are many schoolrooms and many classrooms throughout the universe.Earth is only a schoolroom in which you learn. All things are governedby material law."

  "The great creator of the universe does not punish anyone. He does notpunish mankind to bring him into line. Man creates; he is an extensionof the great creator. He is a co-creator in his own right. Each thoughtthat passes from the mind of man is a creation. So, guard thesethoughts, for they are most important. They bring about results -creation. You are what you think you are. Think well on this, for it isimportant. Wrong thoughts bring about wrong conditions into your life --thus you bring about your own punishment. In the eyes of the greatcreator, there is only good. You create your own world -- an illusionaryworld. The great creator wishes only to bring you back into thebeautiful world of reality from whence you came. We are here to helpmankind to correct his thinking.

  "You see, my beloved friend, it has not been taught in your civilizationthat the great creator and His creation are one, and that you possessthe same powers as your creator. The fact that mankind does notunderstand these laws does not alter the function of the law -- the lawworks whether or not man understands it. So, you see, you arecontinually creating, although you do not realize it. You are creatingsituations, conditions, and many other forms of creation, because, as Ihave said before, you are only what you think you are.

  "Earthman has instilled within his superself many concepts. Theseconcepts, thoughts, and what many refer to as the subconscious mind arebringing about results that are not understood. This inner consciousnessmust be cleared out. The misconceptions must be weeded out. This done byinjecting new concepts. The old must be directed to go!

  "Know that you are all-powerful -- continually tell yourself these thingsbecause, unless the old is replaced with the new, the old shall remain.Know that you are a creator. Know that you and this creation are one,that you are a part of the creative spirit that dwells in all things, inall beings. Therefore, you should be master of your creation. You musttake charge of it. You must command it. It will respond to your command.When you command that your hand move, it does move. You are in completecommand of the movement of your body. You are also in command of everyorgan, every nerve, every cell. You can command it to do as you wish,but you must do it with authority, as it was given you by the great creator.

  "These things are difficult to accept because of your teaching, yourcustoms, which have been handed down from generation to generationthrough your civilization. They are real to you, but they are only realbecause you see them as such.

  "The negative thoughts and deeds among earth people have created anegative aura around your planet, which has caused a great deal ofunhappiness and chaos. That unhappiness and chaos is very real to you,for it has become part of the consciousness of man. But each individualcan rise above it, must rise above it. As more and more people do this,the picture will change. Stay clear of that which tends to pull youdown. The physical structure that you now occupy, your body, is a veryintricate piece of mechanism. It is affected by many things. That whichyou think has a great effect upon the movement of the electrons of thisstructure. Anger, hate, greed -- any of these things tend to disrupt andunbalance the electrons, causing the cells to become out of balance, andmany things result. Learn relaxation. Be conscious of what you do, butdo not be anxious. Anxiety and tension also bring about weakness in thisstructure. Hold your head high and declare your rightful place in theuniverse. The great creator of the universe does not condemn you orcriticize you for your mistakes. He has only love for you. Think longand deeply about this. He has only love for you. Many truths have beentaught among your religions. In our opinion, each of your religions,your sects, has some truth, but there is not one upon your planet thathas a corner on truth. Truth is never ending; it moves onward before us.We can only receive the truth that we are capable of receiving at ourpresent level of understanding. Truth is based upon law -- we live by thelaw of the universe. These laws are universal; they apply not only toyour planet, but to all other forms of life throughout the many galaxiesin space. And what is the greatest law of all, my friends? Love! We mustlearn to love our creator. That is the first law. If we love ourcreator, we cannot help but love ourselves, for we are that creator.That is why we are all one. We are all part of the whole, therefore, wemust love one another. Take the time to make friends with all those youcome in contact -- all will enrich your life. Take time for other people,feel warmth and love extending out to them, and that same warmth andlove will return to you. Give of yourself and reap the rewards. For tohate another is to hate yourself. All dislikes for races, groups, andindividuals must be conquered. We are making progress with the yourplanet. A new age is dawning for you. The masses are slowly awakening.Through our influence, we are bringing about many things. Many thingsare happening to spark a desire in man for knowledge, to step fartherand farther into the unknown. In general, earth man has had a great fearof the unknown. This must change, and this fear must be replaced with adesire to know. For, when man desires to know, and seeks in love, heshall know the truth, and this truth shall set him free from the chainswhich bind him, chains forged by his own mind and the minds of thosearound him, and which hold him back from the full and glorious creativeexpression that is his natural self. Earthlings have forgotten what thegreat master told them. His words were these, and they have greatmeaning: '/Let/ /not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid,for lo, I AM with you always.'/ It would be well to meditate on thesewords o
ccasionally and let their meaning sink deep into yourconsciousness, for therein lies a great Truth. Know, my friends, withall your being, that this great 'I am' is with you at all times and isyour guidance and protection -- your all. It is the most important partof your being, and it will carry you over the roughest path, over thewildest seas. It is yours to use and is within all. That 'I AM' withinyou will do the works. Man is great. He is great within himself. Man inhis true reality knows no boundaries. Earth people have strayed far fromthis reality. So many are caught up in Self, totally unaware that theyhave spun a suffocating web about themselves that holds them in bondage.That web must be broken. Concern with Self must be enlarged to encompassothers equally. And, as a feeling of love and understanding for othersis developed, so will the greed subside and the desire to share beexpanded! When sharing and caring is a way of life for all, then shallyou see great changes take place. Earth will reach a new height in itsclimb. This civilization that you are now in will reach its greatestheight. The advancements that are in the future for earth people, bothscientifically and spiritually, shall bring about a change that themasses at this time cannot conceive of. The darkness is lifting.Suffering, disease, all of these things shall vanish, vanish from theface of the earth. In their place there shall be radiant health, peaceof mind, well-being, a brotherhood of man that has never been known before.

  "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. The time iscoming rapidly, and earth men shall not know fear. In this new age, itshall vanish and be no more. Fear has been man's worst enemy. There isreally nothing to fear but fear itself. The time has come when thepeople of earth must learn and understand universal law. Those who havenot the ears to hear nor the eyes to see shall not move with this planetinto the new age, but shall be sent to evolve elsewhere. Yes, Dorothy,these are times of great change for the planet earth. The great nationof the Eagle, in which you live, must take the lead in bringing aboutthe new age upon the planet. And great concentration, both from those ofus who are working without and those of us who are working within, isbeing placed upon your nation to prepare for this .

  "I have spoken long to you, but the matter is important. However, I donot wish to tire you."

  "Not at all!" exclaimed Dorothy. "What you have said is very interestingto me. Most fascinating. Wait 'til Aunt Em and Uncle Henry hear about it!"

  "Do not be disappointed if you are not believed, my child," repliedOxal. "Now, would you all like to know something of our spaceships?"

  Just then, two other figures approached. "This is Odin," said Oxal,turning to the one on the right, "and this is Arcturas." The twomajestic beings nodded while bowing ever so slightly. They indicatedtheir pleasure at meeting with Dorothy and her friends by saying howpleased they were to meet such an advanced young earthling and thebeautiful souls who were her friends.

  Odin said to Dorothy, "I have been observing you, my dear. You havetaken on a most difficult mission. The witch is wicked because that isthe path she has chosen. She finds a certain pleasure in her wickedness,but it is an empty pleasure. Deep down she longs for love andcompanionship, but she is unable to express her feelings. She is to bepitied more than hated."

  "Oh, I don't hate her," replied Dorothy. "I want to find a way to help her."

  "I know," answered Odin. "You are going to be surprised how much you cando. Not only in this respect, but in all aspects of your life. Thinkback to the time when you first met your friends here -- Mr. Scarecrow,Mr. Chopper, and Mr. Lion. Each felt inadequate in his own way, butlater found that for which he searched was within himself all the time.But certain experiences were needed to reveal this to them. You must allconstantly strive to raise your sights, realize your potentiality, knowthan within you lies the power of the universe. You see, belovedfriends, it is much easier for you to doubt your abilities, your powers,than it is to try to realize the potentials that lie within you. Acceptyour challenges of today. Cope with them and be not concerned for thefuture. You can only live one moment at a time. Live that moment to thevery best that is in you. Realize that there is only the now. Know, eachmoment of the day, that that which you are doing is the right thing foryou. If you do this, each moment, each hour, each day shall fall inplace. Take each task as it comes to you and be conscious of what youare doing. For, you see, no experience is beneficial unless you areconscious of it at the moment it takes place. Each of you has tasksbefore you that you will perform and, if you will allow yourself to flowwith the tide, you shall find that these things will come to you inproper sequence. There is a constant flow of energy around your planet.The entire cosmos is energy. We, too, are energy. Swim in it! Feelyourself as a pulsating, living part of the universal energy; feelyourself to be in tune with this energy -- to be flowing along with it,in harmony with it. If you become disturbed or distressed, you havestepped out of the flow. If you go against your conscience, you will goagainst the flow and be pushed out of it. Keep your thought harmonious.Do not allow little things to upset you. Check yourself several times aday to insure that you are still within the flow -- you will know by thefeeling of inner peace and tranquillity. Eventually you will not need tocheck; being in the flow will be the most natural thing in the world foryou.

  "As each one on earth learns these things, the forces of darkness willperish; they must be banished from your planet for all time. And out ofthis must come a new age of love, harmony, and understanding, an agewhere each shall live to benefit his brother and not himself -- whereinall problems, the answer sought shall not be 'What is best for me?' butrather 'What is best for all concerned?'

  "How often in these times is a problem attacked in this manner? Let usvisualize today, in the disputes that arise between your industries andyour workers; for example, just assume that they would sit around thetable, everyone concerned only with that which would benefit all. Whatsolution could we arrive at that would be most beneficial to allconcerned? What would be the results if love and harmony existed aroundthis table, and around all your conference tables? Can you visualize howdifferent your world would be?

  "Where there is love, peace, and harmony, even the very atmosphere aboutyou changes. All creation about you becomes harmonious; nature becomesless violent --

  nature reacts directly with the vibrations sent out by its people.Dorothy, if your masses and your leaders could realize this, I wonderwhat their reaction would be?

  "Why do you suppose nature is gradually becoming more violent aroundyour planet? Earthquakes are becoming more prevalent, tornadoes,windstorms -- all of these things are gradually becoming more violent.And, around your planet, the vibrations have become more and morenegative, and nature reacts accordingly. The catastrophe that comes toyour planet does not come from your creator; it is the result of thewrong thinking and the wrong doing of your people. Your creator does notjudge you; you judge yourself by nature's own laws. That is why we havecontinually said that if enough love and light could be establishedamong the masses of your people, that much, very much of the futuredisasters could be avoided. If only the teeming masses could catch aglimpse of the gloriously beautiful life that is their rightfulheritage, they would not do the things they do. Why they choose to livein a state of confusion and negativity when it is within their power tocreate a heavenly kingdom is beyond our understanding. But that is whywe are here. We come only to do good -- to offer a helping hand to thosewho will accept and believe. To you, beloved friends, who are attemptingto offer yourselves in service, your efforts are not going unnoticed.You are being given aid, more than you realize. Sharpen your awareness,that you might be better able to use the help we are sending you. Enterinto that oneness and love that is being offered you; become aware ofit. Use the power and wisdom that is being given to you.

  "Do you realize, my friends, the power that is contained in that lovethat is being offered you? Do you realize the power that it will placein your hands once you are established in it? It means, beloved friends,that all things are yours. Once the true love center is opened withinyou, all else is you
rs. Think, beloved ones. Think what this means. Itmeans a great overcoming, a whole new concept opening before you. But itall must start, and the beginning is love: for your creator, for yourfellow man, in all that you do -- express only love, and love returns toyou. Give yourself in selfless service with that great love and desireto serve your creator and your fellow man, and infinite light and loveand understanding shall engulf you. Let not your heart be angered fromany cause whatsoever. Let it sing only forgiveness, joy, praise, for, inthis state, you are receptive to the light that shall make all thingsknown to you. These are the things you must develop, beloved ones.Recognize only the good, for those that persecute you know not what theydo. So, pray for them, and forgive them, with malice toward none. Thissounds like a big order, does it not? But it is the only way. It is Hisway, and so it must be yours; there is no other.

  "The awakening of the people of earth will take place, but there must bea gradual process. People, concepts cannot be changed too rapidly, forit would be detrimental to them. This, each of you know by your ownexperiences. More and more of our craft are being sighted around theearth. Not that there are more of us now; we just had not displayedourselves so much before. It is becoming more and more difficult for thepowers that be to discount our presence. Yes, Dorothy, many more peopleare aware of the presence of our craft and our people in your skies thanyou realize. Many hesitate to talk about it, but within their heartsthey know it is so.

  "We who have come from other systems and other galaxies have come at therequest of others in your system. This service we are happy and proud togive; we are only happy that we have the opportunity to serve. But thereis much to be accomplished among your people in order that we mightbring about conditions of betterment upon your planet; more and more ofyour people must think for themselves. If you think with the masses,believe with the masses, then you have lost your individuality. Then youbecome one with the masses, one with the mass consciousness.

  "We wanted to communicate with your heads of government, with your worldleaders, to bring great offers to them. But our offers are the offersthat would improve the masses, improve your scientific achievements,allow you to live a new life -- one of grandeur and beauty. But, due toyour customs, your economic structure, your monetary system, they whohave the power in their hands are not willing to sacrifice their powerto benefit the multitudes. We turn, then, to you, the people; the futureof your planet is in your hands and in the hands of those few heads ofgovernment and world leaders who are unselfishly striving to benefit themasses. By making the choice to serve in everlasting love and light andthrough these methods, you can bring about the conditions you desire.

  "My friends, you have no idea of your own thought power. This thoughtpower, when concentrated by the multitudes, by the masses, can bringabout anything. There is much power in thought, much power. Our problemsare all solved by thought; we have no need for war or violence. When wehave a problem, our people attack in thought, in unison, and the problemdissolves itself. Think about this, my children. There is much here toponder on. This is only a slight glimpse of what can be accomplishedonce you understand and know life as it really exists. More and morepeople, Dorothy, are becoming aware of the changing times on yourplanet. Some are awakened to action, and others find themselves ratherunconcerned. To use one of your expressions, they take on a /'So what?/'attitude. These, my friends, are mentally lazy individuals. They are notambitious enough to put forth the effort that is necessary for their ownenlightenment, or they are worshipping a false master, which they arenot willing to forgo for the higher learning.

  "Materialism has become a god for the multitudes of earth people. Itsaddens our hearts to know that these people will soon lose their god,and they will have nothing to cling to. They shall find themselves ingreat despair, and they shall sink deep, for there will be nothing forthem to hold on to. Build your foundation, my friends, on the spiritualrock, and you need have no fear for the future.

  "There is such a great amount of work to be done for your planet,Dorothy. The response of the masses is very, very slow. With all thehelp that is being sent out at this time, if your people were onlyslightly receptive, a great deal could be avoided; a great deal ofpollution could be cleared from the earth's area. But the response hasbeen so very, very slow, and the efforts have been so great. We arehoping this situation will shortly change. There has been someimprovement in the results of our influences among some of your leaders,or perhaps I should say there appears to be. The results are not yetevident, but our prayers are going out hourly to these people.

  "But it is up to the people to demand and bring about their ownsalvation. 'Tis through those who, through their convictions, arewilling to come forth, to come out from among the multitudes and standforth for what is right and good. Great changes which have come aboutupon your planet have not been brought forth by the masses, but byindividuals who have been strong in their faith and willing to standforth regardless of the mass consciousness, for what they believe andknow to be a right. One man, a few years ago, was responsible for one ofthe greatest changes that has taken place in your civilization. One man,beloved friends, who was not afraid to come forth from the masses. As Ihave said before, if you think with the masses, believe with the masses,then you have lost your individuality. Then you become one with themasses. Seek the truth and stand by it, my children. Use yourintelligence. That is why your creator gave it to you.

  "Place no limitation upon yourself, but realize that you are this greatpower and intelligence that rules the universe. Therefore, locked withinyou are the powers that shall manifest all that you need. You need onlyto unlock them through the love and understanding you are seeking.

  "What, my friends, do you think is the greatest power in the universe?"

  "Love is the greatest power," replied Dorothy.

  "You have spoken truly, my sister: Love can accomplish anything. It isthe force that permeates the universe. I say to you, Beloved, love oneanother, for through this love shall you rise to great heights inunderstanding -- love one another. Once this is established, the restshall follow easily. Understanding shall come in abundance; on the wavesof love shall follow understanding. Can you see, my friends, why thisis? You see, when you have a great love in your consciousness, it openswide the door for understanding, for wisdom. Without love the door islocked. This is the power that permeates the universe. There is a greatneed for this upon the planet you call earth, for the lack of it has setup vibrations about your planet, encircling it. These vibrations arebringing about chaos, disturbances of nature itself, for so you think,so you are, whether it be as an individual, as a nation, or as a planet.Do you have a slight understanding of what would happen to your planetif suddenly all would start emanating positive thoughts? Can youvisualize the results? Even your atmospheric conditions would change;you would not have the terrific eruptions of nature you now have. Thegreater portion of these things are brought about by the negativevibrations that exist around your planet. If your people could onlyrealize the power of this thought.

  "We have for some time been photographing conditions upon your planet,recording conditions; these are being relayed back to our people and atthe proper time when our plans are laid, we shall concentrate our powerand thought to help you, but there must be concentrated help coming fromyour planet. We are also trying to establish enough people upon theplanet to do this. In this manner we have to ease the situation greatly.Many of the brothers of the Confederation have volunteered to come toyour planet to serve at this time. They are working among you quietly,trying to establish more love and understanding among the people ofearth. Truth must grow and grow rapidly. There are millions of beings atthis time who have come to your aid. We have come from other planetswithin your system, from other systems and other galaxies. They have allcome with one purpose in mind, and that is to aid your system andespecially your planet. Your people have reached a critical stage intheir evolution; they have not progressed spiritually as they shouldhave. Scientifically, they have advanc
ed much further and therefore donot have a balance. Due to this lack of balance they are in great dangerof destroying themselves. Your people have acquired the use of greatpowers, energies, some of which should not be used at all, and someshould only be in the hands of those who are developed spiritually tothe point where these powers should only be used for good.

  "Such powers as your scientists are tampering with today, in the handsof the wrong people, could destroy your civilization. This has happenedbefore upon your planet. Does this surprise you? We do not want to seethis happen again. We are trying to help you avert such a disaster. Alsoyour planet and your system are entering a new cycle. Your people as awhole, due to the lack of spiritual growth, are not yet ready to enterthe new cycle, the new age. But this will take place; nothing can stopit, and those who are not ready to enter the new age will not be able toremain on this planet when you are well into the cycle. Therefore, it isdoubly important that your people raise their consciousness to newheights, that they acquire new understanding, new truths that willenable them to enter the new age which is upon them.

  "We love your people, Dorothy, far above your highest concept, yourhighest understanding. We will force no one to do anything. We will onlysuggest. No man can force another to do that which he does not wish to do.

  "It is difficult for your people to understand the actions of the moreadvanced planes. But let me assure you that each of you by followingyour guidance, that inner urge within you, will come into your own, willfall into your path and will fulfill your destiny.

  "There are many scientific things that we would like to share withpeople of earth. For one thing, we are controlled by Universal Law; andanother, we could not, as yet, give to earth the powers that will oneday be hers. Her people and especially those who are in power have notyet reached a stage where they are capable of coping with the powers, ofusing them to the advantage of their people rather than to the advantageof selfish interest. And to bring you an example of what I am speaking.Already the powers that control planet earth are using powers wrongly.Already, your military powers are using sacred gifts of certainindividuals to gain information. They have learned that they can applythese powers to their advantage. If certain other energies andscientific knowledge were made known to them at this time, they would beused in the same manner. Your science is advancing regardless, and isdiscovering more and more universal powers and what you term as psychicpowers. These should be used with reverence and used to the advantage ofmankind. Until spiritual understanding becomes predominant among earthpeople, these powers are in dangerous hands. We shall do all that we canto prevent these powers from being used as a destructive force. We arenot at this moment as concerned that these energies, these powers, beknown by earth man as we are with the development of mankind in tryingto bring into this realization a desire for spiritual knowledge, andthis can only come from within.

  "All mankind has somewhere within him this desire. The problem is tospark it, to ignite the flame, so that it might burn within him and spurhim onward. However, earth man has much to overcome. He has allowedhimself to become attached, and many times our attachment can be atremendous block in our path. Emotion can also bring about great blocks.These things we must recognize and deal with. Each in his own way mustdeal with his problem. But above all we must recognize our problems for,unless we recognize them, we have great difficulty in dealing withsomething we do not recognize. We must face ourselves openly and squarely.

  "There is among earth mankind, generally speaking, a great question asto why man is here, as to what man might be. Some give great thought tothis question, while others pass it off lightly. But man, sooner orlater, must come to the realization of what he is and why he is here;the reason for life. Man must come to the realization that he is but anextension of the consciousness of the One Great Being, whom you callGod. That this extension has taken on individuality and is expressing,experiencing and following a path that will take him through experienceafter experience and eventually return him to his source. He mustrealize that this path can be short, or it can be long, depending on manas the individual. When man does not face his responsibilities, theweight of them becomes heavier and heavier and sinks deeper and deeperuntil he comes to the realization that he must face life. Earth man isat such a point. He must face his responsibilities; he must learn to gowith life. He has a responsibility to his creator and to his fellow man.He must learn that he does not live for himself alone. His brother ishis responsibility. When this realization is reached by enough people,conditions will begin to change. Man's load will be lightened; he shallfind within him a great peace which he has not known before. All of lifeshall take on a new look to him. Man does not find peace within himselfuntil he reaches this realization and then does something about it.

  "It is a pitiful sight to see how little understanding exists among themasses of planet earth. A great majority do not have the slightest ideaof what was before, or what will be after the existence they are now in.Few will recognize the fact that the physical, as they know it, is onlya conveyance for the experiences which they are now encountering. Lifeis a series of experiences, and it does not end with this one, nor doesit begin with this one, for it requires thousands of lifetimes onvarious planes to become a well rounded being. Man learns by experience,and you, my friends, each of you, and all man, chooses his ownexperiences, for only he knows the experiences he needs to become thiswell rounded being. I know that it is difficult in this presentexpression for many people to conceive of the idea that they have chosenthe experiences that they are now passing through. But they know whenthey choose to have that experience that they need it. It is needed fortheir development. We, who are shall we say, the opposite of lifeexistence to yours, perhaps even that is a poor expression. You know,beloved friends, it can become quite difficult for us to convey to youin words of your language, a complete understanding of what we areattempting to convey. We do not feel we are above you. It is merely thaton some things, let us say, we have a little better understanding.Therefore we are anxious to help those of you who are seeking higherunderstanding. This we try to do in many ways. We are limited in thehelp we can give you by Universal Law. We dare not and will not invadeyour own free will, your pattern; for each of you does have a pattern ofgrowth that is to be followed by you, but often individuals are behindschedule, so to speak, and we attempt to help them in every way possible.

  "You see, earth man is often mislead by his group consciousness. Heknows deep within that this or that is what he should be doing, but hedoes not go along with those inner feelings because he is afraid ofcriticism by his peers. He feels he must conform to established customs.People of earth have long been victims of customs. These have become apart of the race consciousness. Many of these customs must be broken.

  "Imagine for a moment this scene in your junior high schools: It is thebeginning of the school year, and all the eighth and ninth graders seemto be walking around with a slight swagger. After all, when they were inthe lower grades last year the bigger boys used to bother them. Now thenew seventh graders look up to them. They emulate their walk, theirmanner of dress, their hair styles, and their tough way of talking.Among the new seventh graders are a sprinkling of quiet -- even shy boys,nicely dressed, excellent students, full of eagerness to learn andadvance themselves. These children, strangely enough, are not emulatedor looked up to, but are ridiculed, called names, and sometimesphysically abused. Often they are not physically big children comparedto some of the tougher boys, and most are not fighters. Many are sosensitive that they cannot bear the thought of hurting another person.These children are often teased and pushed and shoved around in anattempt to make them get angry and fight. Sad, isn't it.

  "Unfortunately, as I look to the years ahead, hurting others, usingbully tactics, both emotionally and physically, could become a way oflife for a number of children. Unfortunately, when these same childrengrow up they will not teach their children the importance of love andunderstanding and gentleness, and so it will go on
and on: The savageviolence that will be presented as entertainment will not exactly help,and every day acts of real violence will be recorded in your newspapers.Gangs will become a problem in your big cities -- the use of weapons away of life for them. What a pitiful world they will make foryourselves; and yet they will wonder why there are wars between nations.

  "Your babies must be shown love and kindness from the day they are bornand taught these things every day by their parents, and later by theirschools and reflected in their entertainment's. And gradually the itemswhich reflect violence must be eliminated. Then, as these children growup, they must come together and take their places among society. Theywill at some point agree to destroy all weapons of war. They must cometo a new understanding of honesty and trust. A new evolved economicsystem must eventually be formulated where all who are physically ablewill want to work and contribute to the good of all. There can be noroom for fraudulence or dishonesty. Free enterprise must reign, andthose that are strongly ambitious and enterprising, and who use theirown initiative to build a successful business honestly must not bepenalized and held back by heavy tax systems, but must be encouraged toutilize their talents and initiative to expand their businesses, therebycreating many jobs for all.

  "They must also be encouraged to utilize their wealth creatively for theultimate good of all. Greed must be eliminated from your society.Evolvement of individuals depends greatly upon the determination anddesires of each individual. Man must learn that the greater evolvementwill come as each individual learns to use the Universal Laws. Man isfirst obligated to himself. There is nothing that is more important toeach of us than our own individual development, for in order to serveand to benefit those about us, we must first be able to radiate the loveand understanding that goes with evolvement. As each of us becomesconscious of our oneness with all creation, as each realizes he is partof this one great power, a tiny part, in essence, of this supremeintelligence. Each will come to realize that there is no limit to whatcan be achieved. The only thing that holds man back from thisunderstanding is his own mortal mind. This mortal outlook greatlydistorts the true picture for mankind. It limits him in every way andcauses him to place obstacle after obstacle in his path. It requires avery determined mind to lift oneself out of this ignorance into theglorious truth that has eluded one because of the determination tofollow the mortal will.

  "But, I must repeat: In order to rise above these levels, that firststep is Love, and to try to see the perfection of creation in everythingthat we see. Truly, truly, beloved ones. Ye are Gods and Goddesses; itis only a matter of time.

  "Let each who hears my words start right where you are, from this dayforward, with what you have at hand to begin your work, and upon thislet us build. Let us meet every situation with love and understanding.Let us know that nothing is by chance, that each experience that comesour way, regardless of how minute, is an experience brought to uswhereby we can learn. For we learn by experience, no other way.

  "There is so much for all of us to learn. We do not make any claim ofhaving the ultimate in truth. Even my own perceptions of things may beincorrect. We must realize that truth is moving ever onward before us,and the ultimate we know not. But this I know: that every step forward Ihave taken has brought the greater happiness, greater understanding, andeach step has been much more glorious than the last. Therefore, I shallattempt to climb ever higher on the spiral of knowledge, for I find themore I have learned of science, of nature, the more understanding I haveof my creator. For you see, my friends, we do not separate one from theother. Earth man has always attempted to separate. You have yourphilosophies, your sciences, and what-not and each must be both or allif we are to have truth. All things that exist come from the one andonly Source; no matter what it might be it is all a part of the whole,therefore we cannot separate. The sooner man of earth can realize this,the sooner he will begin to understand creation.

  "Many of us, when presented with new philosophical concepts, immediatelyclose our minds off. But the man who carries a closed mind has littlechance of becoming wise. He has little chance of raising hisconsciousness. To have an open mind does not require you to acceptanything that does not seem right to you, but there is a greatdifference, my friends, in accepting an idea as truth, or being able, ifit does not appeal to you, to lay it aside until such time as you canfilter it into your consciousness. For we find that many times anexperience does not appeal to us, or something that comes to us by wordof mouth or by writings, does not fit in with what we presently know astruth. But oft-times we find that these things, if laid aside, can bepicked up later and put into the picture perfectly. You see, my friends,there is where a closed mind prevents us from learning. If we haverejected an idea completely, we have lost it for a great time to come.This is a mistake we should not make, for often it is costly.

  "Beloved friends, you are living in times of great change; much greaterthan you think or realize. Each of you is here because you are seeking.You are seeking to know the truth. Therefore you can expect to know thetruth. Knowing the truth shall bring great changes within you, for everystep on the path to truth brings change. Therefore let us be open andreceptive, that we may learn. I do not imply by this that you mustaccept everything as truth. But if we are to gain knowledge, wisdom, andtruth, we must forever have an open mind. When one closes the mind anddecides within himself that he has all truth, he is dead, so to speak.For truth moves ever onward and forward. I know not where it ends; Iknow not what the ultimate truth is.

  "As I speak, Dorothy, please keep in mind that I am also addressing yourfellow earthlings who in time may read my words. But to continue ... Ihave traveled great areas of space, have found life in every corner, butI have not found the ultimate. You see, we too are searching, areseeking, for higher truth. We are no different from you. We do, however,believe that we are a step or two in advance. And we are reaching back,attempting to help our brothers, as are those that are ahead of us,reaching back to help us. For, you see, my friends, this is the way weserve. All creation moves in this manner, each attempting to serve hisbrother, for when I have served my brother, I too have been served.This, my friends, is a good thing to remember. In order to receive, wemust give, and this law applies in everything we do, for if we havegreat truth and understanding, and use it only for ourselves, it shallgain us naught.

  "This, my friends, is happening day by day upon planet earth, and it isthings of this nature that bring the chaos that you find among yourpeople. As those of you who are seeking to know Truth reach higher andhigher, you must be ready to have brought to you many things that may becontrary to some of the things that you have known to be Truth.

  "Planet earth must pass through some great changes in order to becleansed, to be balanced when she passes into the next dimension inspace. We are going to see to it that this great planet is not lost aswas another a few years past. We shall not interfere in the evolution ofthe earth unless it is necessary. But if it becomes necessary, we shalland will, for we have at this moment four million craft standing by foremergency. So you see, my friends, we are prepared.

  "And now, I should like to take a few moments to talk to you in regardto your growth, your understanding, and what it might mean to you in thetime you are about to encounter. There is not one among you who has,shall we say, more than a small degree of knowledge concerning yourabilities. Or should I say an understanding of who and what you reallyare. You see, my friends, each of you, if you could but realize thefact, are potential Gods in yourselves. As man aspires to higherknowledge, he begins to get a realization as to what he is. Is itpossible, my friends, that each of us someday might reach a stage ofgrowth where we have the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom that wethink of as being held by the gods? Does this sound inconceivable toyou, my friends, or can you conceive of this?

  "Man can be anything that he can conceive of as being. Created withinman was a desire, or rather an ability to desire. When man exercisesthis ability, the Law reacts. So you see, my friends, there might be
twoways of looking at this. If you are to desire something, it would bewise for you to be sure that that which you desire is for your own good-- will bring you good. Man does not always weigh that which he desires;he does not put in balance. This we should do if we are to have wisdomand understanding. View it from both sides, my friends, before you letyour desires reach forth.

  "Within the heart of man burns a desire that drives him ever onward,seeking and searching. Man does not always know or realize what thisdesire is, what this urge within him is seeking, and this urge is turnedin many directions by various individuals. Some direct it in search ofwealth, others in search of pleasure, others for knowledge, but this --direct it as you may -- is the same spark that burns within each of you.It is that inner urge to know the truth, to know more of the meaning oflife.

  "Man does not recognize this spark that drives him onward for what itis. It is something that he must release, but he does not always directit wisely. In order for man to grow, he must he must release theseenergies and use them wisely to bring him knowledge and wisdom andspiritual understanding, must have understanding and knowledge of manythings. Spirituality is not denoted by one who claims to have greatknowledge of a great being that rules and controls all things. A trulyevolved spiritual being will have great knowledge of all things, for allthings are spiritual in nature.

  "The great scientist of the universe must be a spiritual man. He musthave great knowledge of the universe about him. He must have anunderstanding of what causes Nature to function as she does. To overcomea true spiritual being requires eons of time spent in studying andsearching for the true answers to Nature's function. Earth man hasbecome so engrossed in his own small circle of function that he does notsee; he does not see the things that are taking place before his eyes.

  "While earth man is endangering the population of his planet, poisoningits people, bringing to them great miseries, there lie within his reachgreat powers, great resources, that could eliminate all of these thingsand supply for man an abundance of power, of energy, to be used for thegood of all mankind at a cost of almost nothing. Earth science todayrealizes and knows the dangers of the powers with which they areworking. Still they insist that these powers must be used. They havebeen told that there are alternative powers, energies, that arecompletely safe, but they heed not. Why is this, my friends? Could it befor selfish reasons? Could it be that certain interests see their powercrumbling through the introduction of certain improvements upon planetearth? Could this be, my friends? I leave this to your decision.

  "If people of earth were to be told the things that have been rejectedfrom us by the powers that be upon your planet, I wonder, would theybelieve? I fear they would not. We have tried to share both ourscientific and spiritual knowledge, but in every case we have beenrejected. You see, your profit system would not function well under thestipulations which we presented, for what we offer is for all and notfor a few; it is for the benefit of all mankind.

  "Earth people have been lulled into a deep sleep of contentment. Theyhave been content to let someone else think for them, guide them, and asthey believed, protect them. Only now are they beginning to slowly wakeup. Our contacts are now with the people. A great change shall comeabout through people like yourselves. When enough of your people haveestablished in yourselves enough love and understanding, the changeswill be inevitable.

  "As time passes, you shall see many changes come about. Changes inindividuals; great mental changes, shall occur with many. It isnecessary that each person who wishes to grow in understanding spendmuch time in developing his understanding. How do you do this? By beingaware, becoming conscious of that higher consciousness which leads youinto experiences, into paths that shall bring you understanding.

  "Proper meditation is of the utmost importance, and I should like todwell for a moment on this subject, for proper meditation is mostimportant to your growth.

  "First of all, place yourself in a position that is proper formeditation. The best meditation can be had in a sitting position. Sitthe body comfortably but erect, with both feet placed firmly before you.Keep the body and head erect and straight. Place the hands open andupward in the lap. Allow those racing thoughts to race. Do not try toforce them to stop, but bring yourself into a relaxed feeling. Let yourmind relax; do not try to control it, and you shall find these racingthoughts in time will slow, will become slower and slower until theyeventually stop. And with practice, my friends, this time shall becomeshorter and shorter, and in due time you shall reach that state ofstillness quickly and in that state of stillness you can become one withcreation, and life begins to speak to you. In this stillness you canbring yourself in attunement with whatsoever you wish. In this still,very still quietness, all things can flow to you, for your mind is openand receptive to the higher knowledge.

  "In this great stillness within, you become one with your creator, andHe passes to you many things that will enlarge your understanding. Now,to some of you it may seem that it is impossible for you to relax inthis position, but I say to you, my friends, that it is the only truerelaxation. For when the body is in positions for which it is notintended, true relaxation does not come, you cannot be receptive. Muchof the Universal Energies come to you through the spine when you are inthe physical and, unless the spine is erect, they do not flow. You wouldbe amazed when this art is mastered, at what you can do; how quickly youcan attune yourself in this state to anything that you desire. It ispossible to attune yourself in this state to anything in nature and todraw from that the information you seek. Any spiritual or enlighteningexperience that you may have during meditation, that brings you truthand understanding, should be held in great reverence. So often valuableexperiences are dissipated and lost, so easily through speaking of themto any great extent. An experience that carries great impact for youshould never be discussed except with one whom you feel or know hasgreat understanding, for as you spread these pearls, they are lost,perhaps not to be regained in this lifetime. Your great master oncesaid, /'Seek the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.'/ This isstated in your book of religious histories, but there is one thing whichwas omitted, for he added to this, /'Seek the/ /Truth first which iswithin your understanding, which you can grasp and use, for only in thisway will you prepare yourself for higher Truths.'/ In other words, onestep at a time. Master what you have and then proceed to master more,for Truth is of no value unless you can use it in your life. Unless itbenefits you, it means nothing.

  "People of earth, I'm afraid, have some terrific shocks coming to them.They are going to find that a great many of the concepts which they havebeen taught and which they have accepted as truth, are not truth at all;this is going to come as a great shock to some ... yes, to a great manyearth people, and especially to some of your religious leaders, butsooner or later man must know the truth, for only by his knowing thetruth can he be freed, and earth man has been held in bondage long enough.

  "Upon planet earth are many, many teachings: religions, metaphysicalteachings, occult teachings, and what have you. Among each of these youfind divisions. Each of your religions, your teachings, has truth. Eachcontains a segment of the whole, yet none that we have found has thecomplete truth, but each is found to be a stepping stone for those whoare seeking. For as all men are at a different level of understanding,each must seek according to his understanding; to his capabilities tounderstand. Many people have found great help in each of them; yet, hewho is a true seeker, sooner or later moves on to a higher truth. Heseeks new experiences that will bring him new knowing, and thus doeslife move ever onward, but man must go a step further in his search fortruth, he must also search and have a desire to serve. For though mangains all knowledge, and serve not, his knowledge will avail him butlittle, and man shall find as he seeks and serves that he shall moveever onward and upward on the spiral of understanding. Where the spiralends, I know not. It is of such magnitude that our conception of it isonly slight. Man reaches ever forward and onward, attempting to gainthese experiences and, as he moves on thr
ough the process of evolution,he passes through many periods of experience. This life or existencewhich you are now passing through upon the planet you call earth, is amost important experience upon this path. Many have passed through manylifetimes upon this planet, expressing and experiencing. Yet in theirpresent state they have no recollection whatsoever of what has passed,and this, beloved ones, is as it should be, for if many of the peoplewere to look back into their lifetimes upon earth, they would shrink inhorror. Yet these experiences were very necessary for the evolution ofthe individual, for when all these experiences are gathered together ina state of consciousness where the entity is able to evaluate themproperly, he will have a great knowing. The soul growth of any personcannot be determined by their present expression upon this plane. Seekyour experiences, beloved friends, where your inner consciousness guidesyou, for there you will find the experience that you need.

  "As man travels the corridors of time and gathers unto him experiencesthat bring him growth and understanding, he develops a wisdom, aknowledge an understanding, but how often man must repeat hisexperiences over and over and over again, before he really becomes awareof his learning. Unless your awareness keeps you conscious at all times,many lessons are missed. Man only comes into the physical existence forexperiences that can be learned in no other way. But how often in thepast generations has man experienced great things that should havebrought him great wisdom, great understanding, but still he failed?Civilization upon civilization has risen and fallen upon your planet dueto the lack of man's understanding, and many of these beings have passedthrough and shared the responsibility of these failures and yet have notlearned.

  "We are most anxious that this civilization does not fail, that it doesnot, through its ego, greed and hate, bring about again its destruction.This is still possible in your civilization, and unless man will comeforth and exercise his rights, he shall again fail. This realization iscoming to many of your people but, as yet, few of them are doinganything about it or, if they be, it is very little. The time is rapidlydrawing nearer when earth must stand forth and be counted -- who wouldstand forth with what they know to be true. Soon the lead must bebroken, and we hope and pray that it shall come from this greatcontinent upon which you live, Dorothy, for yours is the logical nationto take the lead in bringing about the Brotherhood of Man upon planetearth. We are doing all in our power to get your nation to stand forthupon the principles upon which it was founded. Your nation professes tobe a Christian nation, to follow the principles of this Great Teacher,but as yet this has not occurred. We wonder why it is so difficult for aculture such as yours to lack this foresight. If these principles couldbe followed by your nation, could be established among its masses, itshould spread and engulf the planet, for the light that it shouldemanate would be so bright that all would be attracted to it, and thosewho could not be -- would fade into nothingness, for where that muchlight exists, darkness cannot exist.

  "Earth people have been told many times to establish love, harmony andunderstanding between each other. Yet, they desire to make greataccomplishments, to demonstrate their powers. But I say unto you,beloved ones, that these things cannot be established, cannot bedemonstrated without first establishing the love and understanding amongall; for without this you have no power. This is the power. In love andunderstanding all things are possible; without it you accomplishnothing. It is the lack of this that has brought about the conditionsthat exist on planet earth today. How can you establish this among yourpeople? It can be established only through your own efforts, throughbecoming masters of yourselves. Be ye perfect ... How shall we becomeperfect? Perfection is not an easy thing to accomplish, but we mustaspire to this perfection at all times. Self-discipline is verynecessary, very necessary. The desires of the physical must not beallowed to master us. Emotions must be controlled. How can we establishlove and understanding among us if these things are not mastered? As youprogress in your understanding, you have much in store for you. Giveyourself in love and understanding. It is necessary for you, each ofyou, to develop a clear understanding of yourself and your fellows, foronly through understanding will you be able to accomplish your mission.

  "How can this understanding be accomplished among your people? It can beestablished only through their own efforts, through becoming master ofthemselves. The rules they should know well. They were given to themlong ago --/'Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile; give, love./' Allshould see only good in all that they come in contact with. They shouldrefuse to see anything but good. But they have been taught fear. Theyfear the results if they turn the other cheek, or go the extra mile.There is nothing to fear, my friends, nothing to fear. Let that loveemanate from you so strongly that all negativity shall melt intonothingness before you. /'He who lives by the sword shall die by thesword.'/ I quote from your Scriptures. These things are not new to thepeople of the earth. Your Great Teacher gave you all the rules. They areall there; you need only apply them. Why, oh why, make it difficult?

  "You would be amazed at what a few of your people, a very few, couldaccomplish if only they could establish between them complete love andunderstanding. Their accomplishments would amaze them. Each of you haswithin you the ability to establish this. You need only put forth theeffort, to make the decision and to apply the discipline necessary. Knowwithin yourself that you are completely dedicated to the service of yourcreator. This shall help you in establishing more love within you.Eliminate all self, holding only that desire to serve, for through yourservices administered sincerely and selflessly shall you gain newknowledge, new understanding and new growth. /Come unto me all ye whoare burdened, who are heavy laden, and I shall give you peace, love, andunderstanding./ Live always in the now. Now is the only important time.The past is passed, and you can do nothing about it. This very moment isthe only thing that counts. Live the truth, and the truth will set youfree. The time is now. Now is the time. Realize at this moment yourat-oneness with your creator. We do not bow our head when we worship. Welook up and out. Realize that Christ-like quality within you; realizethat you are God: that you are a part of that One, and that you areexpressing Him; He is expressing through you; you are His expression.

  "Once these realizations have come into your mind, once you know who youare, then, my friends, truth shall unveil itself to you, and all shallbecome clear.

  "Great wisdom must be used -- recognize wisdom when you hear it and seeit. Do not become steeped in your beliefs, as many of them will need tobe changed in order to understand and apply the Law. Much has been givento you in the past; we brothers who are working with your planet,Dorothy, for your people, have brought you much truth, but it has beenbrought to you in such a manner that you must put forth some effort tounderstand and apply it, and that is as it should be. We could give youmany of these things in so many words and say to you, /'This is the wayit is /--/ you must believe this,/' but this is not our way, for you mustchoose; it is your choice that you shall prove yourself. I shall repeatsomething that has been said many times: We cannot make this choice foryou, this /you/ must do. Think well upon what I have just said.

  "There is great work to be done among your people, Dorothy; you can beof great service, but the requirements are very stiff. In is not easy inthe environment in which you have received your training, many thingsmust be overcome -- the ego must not become inflated. You must be theleast among them in order to be the greatest, for I, of myself, can donothing. It is the Father within me that doeth the works. I, of myself,am nothing, but I and the Father are all things -- there is no limit towhat I and the Father can do.

  "The I AM; that word has been much misinterpreted in your HolyScriptures. Your great Avatar often spoke of the I AM, but how has itbeen interpreted by your people? They have taken it to mean the manhimself, but the I AM that he spoke of was not the man, it was the I AMthat you all possess. The Father within -- the higher part of you that isthe Creator. He spoke not of himself as the man. You see, much of thetrue meaning of His teachings have been lost by misinterpret
ations. Isay unto you again, love one another, for you are all one in this greatcreation. Try to understand the true meaning of love, for it reachesfar, much farther than you can possibly realize in your present level ofunderstanding. Learn together, help one another; receive from oneanother in love and understanding, for by so doing your growth shall bemuch more rapid; for all on earth have so much to give to each other.The veil needs only to be lifted ever so slightly for each to see thatthis is so.

  "A great deal has been written in your Scriptures; there is a great dealto be interpreted. There are many keys for interpreting the writings;many of these have not been available to your people. In searching theScriptures, your people have found many things that seemed to becontradictory. This has been pointed out by many of your people, butthis is only due to lack of understanding, the lack of being able tointerpret. To go into the interpretation of many of these things wouldtake great lengths of time. This, at this moment of your growth, is notof importance. Before understanding of all these writings shall be madecompletely clear, there must be brought about among all a higherconsciousness of love, of understanding, between you. When these thingshave been established, these vibrations -- your understanding shallbecome much clearer. Those things shall all become clearer,understandable to all.

  "Your Master Teacher stated that the greatest of all the commandmentswas to love. If this one great commandment, Dorothy, were to beuniversally adopted, your planet would truly become a Heavenly body,radiating a beauty and harmony that has never been known on earthbefore. Social want and poverty and sickness would vanish from yourplanet forever.

  "A Brotherhood of Man would come into being, where each would take hisrightful place, where everyone would do his part for the benefit of thewhole. No man is entitled to more than he earns and, in Universal Law,no man receives more than he earns. When man has understanding and lovein his heart, he is willing to earn his advancement; he is willing towork for his understanding, for nothing, my friends, comes without effort.

  "It is time that earthman realized his true existence. It is time thathe stops living for himself and starts living for the whole. There is noother way, my friends, for any other way must go against the Laws ofyour Creator. Therefore man, to exist for long, must learn to love. Yousee, the great difficulty for earthman is that he does not understand,he thinks of love as emotion, but true love, my friends, isunderstanding. Therefore we must learn to understand ourselves, then webegin to understand our brothers, and when we understand Man as Man is,then we begin to love. We know man is what he is because he is man, andwe realize that man is only expressing to gain experience so that hemight know Truth, and when we have this understanding, we lose hate,greed, jealousy, resentment and all these things that go to make up theconditions that are found upon planet earth today. Beloved friends, werealize that this has been repeated. But what else is there to say?Because, before man can have anything of value spiritually, he must haveunderstanding, and the first step in understanding is to know one'sself. As you meditate upon this sincerely, you shall find many answerscoming to you, many realizations, or revelations, as they are sometimescalled by earth people.

  "Now, why is man on earth? The only reason man finds himself in thisphysical world is that long ago, eons of time back, he chose toexperience in the unknown. Much caution was given, great efforts weremade by those of higher understanding and love as to the results ofthese experiences, but still this path was chosen. And so from higherand more pleasant planes of existence, many millions descended for anunknown experience, and that is why we find in existence today, worldsand worlds of life as you now see it. These things did not come about inmoments or hours of time. Neither will man return to his original stateof existence in a short time as you know it. Yet time is eternal. Timedoes not pass, you are merely moving through time. And so, as thedescension took place, so must the ascension, and man is climbing backon the ladder of evolvement rung by rung. If this picture could be seenand understood by each, it would make quite an amazing story. Some haveclimbed the ladder of progress more rapidly than others, yet each in hisown body is progressing step by step.

  "The decisions that we make as we gradually climb back towards our goalare a determining factor in the speed of our progress. Nevertheless,each individual is climbing ever onward and upward, sometimes fallingback for a time and then again proceeding. As we find ourselvesattempting to make progress upon the wheel of incarnation, we must learnto face all situations honestly, fairly, and squarely. Take eachdecision deep within our consciousness, and there we shall find a trueanswer if we are sincere and honest in our seeking.

  "You see, beloved friends, when the Creator breathed us forth, Heendowed us with this God-like ability to take all things into the coreof our being, of our /at-oneness/, of our allness with His creation and,when this point has been reached, all things come into balance and wesee clearly. And as we see clearly, our decisions are made and thingsbegin to happen that bring us into harmony with Creation and that, dearfriends, is most important. For all Creation must function in harmony ifwe are to have well-being, peace of mind, and harmony within ourselves.

  "Man has allowed himself to become out of tune with Creation -- or Nature-- and when man is out of tune with Creation, he is out of balance and hedoes not function as he should. The precarious situation the people ofplanet earth find themselves in at this time exists only because theyhave allowed to come into their hearts greed, hate, jealousy, self-pity,ego, and so on. Man has had these things so implanted in hisconsciousness that they have become a part of him, so to speak. It isdifficult for some of us who live in an environment of love andunderstanding to see how men of planet earth can be so oblivious of thethings that are bringing about his downfall. Over the centuries man hashad the opportunity to learn of these Laws. Master after Master has cometo your planet, bringing a message of Truth and Love, telling earth manof the Universal Laws and asking him to go with their Laws. Buddha,Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad, and many others have brought this message toearth people. Great multitudes of earth people profess to follow theteachings of one or another of these Masters.

  "In your hemisphere, those who call themselves Christians are morefamiliar to you. They profess to follow the teaching of the Great Masteryou call Jesus of Nazareth. Yet how few, even to a small degree, attemptto follow the teachings? How many do you know, would go the extra mile,would turn the other cheek, would do many of the things necessary inorder to be a true follower of the teachings of this Great Master?

  "Many of your so-called Christian churches have removed part of theteachings from the writings that have been handed down to your people.They have decided who shall be given the teachings and what part ofthese teachings shall be given to their people. This, my friends,follows down to the individual, who decides for himself the certainportions of these teachings he will follow; other portions which do notsuit his purpose, he will ignore. This does not work. This does notblend with Universal Law, for if man is to reap the benefits ofUniversal Law, he must go all the way, not a quarter or a half. I cannotlove the neighbor on my right and hate the neighbor on my left, for I amnot fulfilling the Law if I do this. I cannot extend to one man the handof fellowship, of love, because he is conforming to my truth or myunderstanding, then refuse another, because he doesn't. These are theconditions that exist among the masses on planet earth; this constitutesthe race consciousness that exists. Each of you who are able to riseabove this consciousness, to go all the way, to master Universal Law --these, my friends, will be the ones that will bring this raceconsciousness to a point where man of earth will move into a completelynew consciousness. There are today upon your planet, many people who areon the verge of accomplishing this. They need only to put forth effortand determination to do so.

  "I do not imply that they are in the majority, but rather in theminority. But a minority group can do a great deal in furthering theevolvement of earthman. Once this has started; and it has been started,it shall gain momentum, for the light emanated by these enlight
ened onesshall bring unto them many more, for all man is seeking to some degree,and any light that shines bright enough is bound to attract unto itothers. So I say unto all of you, love one another. See in each aperfection that ye know exists. Ah, how beautiful is the true you. Ofall of us. Let us see this beauty. Let us see ourselves and our brothersand sisters for what they are.

  "Beloved children, let the Peace of the Great One sink into your hearts.Be ever grateful to this Great One for the blessings that you have, forthrough this gratitude shall come great peace and great knowing, for ifwe are grateful for the small things in life, the greater things areinevitable. Ah yes -- so shall it ever be and ever has been for all yewho are faithful in the smaller things shall also find the greaterthings. Let this great Peace and Love of the Infinite One fill yourhearts so full that there is no room for resentment, jealousy, hatred,or anything that is negative, for where dwells this love and peace thesethings cannot exist. Build for yourselves, build for yourselves, not inthe material for the now, but for the future, build for the future, thisspiritual knowledge and enlightenment, increase your Light, that it mayshine forth and lighten that dark world called earth. Great is the needin this hour. You can be of no greater service to your fellow man thanto build your own Light and use it to lighten the lives of those aboutyou. It is not necessary to preach your truth in the temple or to shoutit from the rooftop -- nay -- not so, for he who lives the Law attractsunto him that, and those who are seeking to know. Cast not your pearlsbefore swine, no -- but let your light so shine as to fill the lives ofthose with whom you come in contact. These will be the temples thatshall bring the truth to earth man; not the temples built by those whowould bring to man that which they would have him know. Man of earth hashad the truth withheld from him long enough. Now he shall have theopportunity to know the truth, and woe unto those who have falselytaught in His Name. Great temples of stone are not necessary in the eyesof the Great One. His Truth is revealed in the hearts of men.

  "Many have been the Great Masters who have trod the earth. Each hasbrought great teachings of truth, but the darkness has hidden thesetruths. Therefore, let he who has eyes to see -- and he who has ears, lethim hear and know the truth. It shall not be found in the great temples,but in the heart of man.

  "Know ye not that ye are the Temple of Creation? I give a message tothose of earth: Open your hearts and receive this Great Light which isbeing given to you at this time. Yea, I say unto you. Man needs but toopen his heart and receive the glory of the One Great Being. He needonly be touched by this Light to awaken in him great revelation; tobring about a degree of understanding that will put him in a path ofgreat magnitude, great learning, great wisdom and understanding. Belovedchildren of the Light, open your hearts that this River of Light mightflow to you and raise you to heights far, far beyond that you can nowconceive of. Your love should so radiate that those about you feel youlove and light whenever they are near you. This creates more desire inthose with whom you come in contact, more desire to know this Truth thananything you do. That is what is meant by the statement in your Holyworks which states, /'Do not hide your Light under a bushel, but letyour Light shine forth that others might see it.'/ This Light radiatesfrom you when you are able to demonstrate it in your own life, becauseyour life is a happy and glorious one and it radiates all about you forall to see.

  "Now; let me tell you a little more about ourselves and about ourmission. I shall refer to our solar system as Arturas, since our sun isknown to your astronomers by that name. Our craft is located outsideyour solar vortice. We came by request, by request of members of theConfederation within your system. We came to help your system andespecially your planet at a time of crisis. We are not alone. There aremany, many craft at this time surrounding your planet. These have comefrom planets from your system and from many many systems. We have allcome to serve, to serve your system and your planet. Each has a missionto perform; each was chosen for his mission because of his particularcapabilities. Our main craft, which we call the mother craft, is onehundred twenty miles in length and thirty-six miles in diameter; itcarries upward of twenty-five million and approximately fifty thousandsmaller craft. It is difficult for you to conceive of a craft of thissize, but we do not do things on a small scale. We serve only to ourfullest capacity.

  "Your people, Dorothy, through all generations of time, have had theright to choose; they have not chosen wisely, so in your time you face agreat crisis. We, as have many others, have come to help you. We areawakening your people in great numbers; not to any great knowledge, butto the fact that they must make a choice, that there are two paths thatthey can follow. To those who make the choice to serve their humanity inevery way and to follow the path of service, of love, of light andunderstanding we pledge our help. To all who make the choice, we shallmove in with protection, with love, light and truth. We shall guide theminto opportunities for service. They shall find themselves going about anew way, not knowing why they do this. We pledge our protection; no harmshall come to those that make the choice in full faith andunderstanding. All of this we shall do and more. The powers of my peopleare such that any one of them could stand upon the face of your planetand perform any of the '/miracles/' described in your religious history.We do not mean to brag of our achievements, for we are servants,servants to a Cause, and we are grateful and humble for the opportunityto serve you.

  "There are many, many brothers and sisters working for your planet andyour people at this time; some of those are able to come among you andare among you. They are seen daily in your skies; many of them areliving among you and are serving quietly. If they were to be known,their work would be greatly hampered, so they work quietly among you, asone of you, and thereby accomplish these missions. Those brothers whoare working among you were brought by craft which landed upon yourplanet and became absorbed into your humanity. Others voluntarily camethrough the normal route, and live among you as one of you, many noteven aware of their true identity. But at the proper time they shall beawakened, and will go about their Father's work.

  "Do you realize that these brothers and the Masters who are working onbehalf of earth today have made great sacrifices; they have given upgreat peace and comfort. They have left their homes and their friendsand are passing through what is to them great discomfort and sacrifice,but they complain not. Neither do they think of their sacrifices assacrifices, but they are spurred on by the great love they have formankind, for their desire to see man of earth raised up out of thestench in which he lives. Little does earthman realize the sacrificesthat are being made. How many earth people would be willing to leavetheir comfortable homes and work in your slums, to go there and live inthe filth that exists? Once you have known life on the higher planes andreturn to conditions that exist on planet earth, you are doing justthat. These individuals come entirely by their own choice as volunteers.They are not asked to come; they are not told to come. It is theirchoice through their great love for mankind.

  "Much more help is awaiting earth people if only they will gainunderstanding. When earthman has attained understanding, even to a smalldegree, peace will reign on planet earth, for with only a slight amountof understanding, man will see the utter futility of war, of hate andgreed. So, my dear friends, take advantage of every opportunity to raiseyour consciousness. Encourage your friends to do likewise for, as youraise your consciousness, you have improved the mass consciousness to adegree, and this is the one thing that will eventually turn the tide.The time is now. Time has run out for your planet, Dorothy. Theprophecies are being fulfilled, therefore your people have no choice.The only choice man has is whether he will go with his planet into theNew Age, or leave his planet for one that is of a like vibration, wherehe must begin the evolutionary cycle all over again. For in the New Age,planet earth will have a new and higher vibration, and in order to liveupon it, spiritual understanding will be necessary.

  "Nothing comes to you or anyone without effort. The seeking of Truth,Dorothy, requires effort, /stick-to-itiveness/, to use yo
ur terms, forin your persistence, in your search, is the thing that will bring youresults. Many of your people start the search for Truth, but they findthat it takes effort, patience, and above all great sincerity. Many ofthem fall by the wayside when they discover that Truth must be earned.They desire it provided they do not have to work for it. Many times,great sacrifices are necessary to gain the truth and the experiencesthat will bring a higher understanding. This is as it should be, forthings gained without effort, without sacrifice, are not held dear, arenot appreciated and are soon lost. It is the things we gain throughhard, sincere efforts and suffering that really benefit us, that bringsound growth that is permanent.

  "Works without faith are valueless. We could give you manydemonstrations that would convince you of the many things of which wespeak, but this would be only temporary. For only the things that yougain through your own efforts, your own searching, your own suffering,can establish the faith in you that is necessary to reach the heights towhich you aspire.

  "To he, or she, that sees and witnesses, it is no problem to believe.But he who sees not, and believes through faith, faith in his creatorand in his fellow men, to him shall come great awakenings, greatexperiences. Prove these truths to yourself by demonstrating, by puttingthem to work for you. You are not asked to accept a truth without firsttrying it. To see it demonstrated by another does not qualify you. You,yourself, each as an individual, must take these results and let themmanifest in your own life, building your glorious Light for all to see.We are still putting forth every possible effort to influence yourleaders in their decisions, but we can only influence or attempt toinfluence. We cannot interfere physically; we cannot interfere with thefree will of man, only to the point that is necessary to save yourplanet. Man must evolve upon his own as much as possible. To interferewith the evolvement of another only brings Karma upon the one who isinterfering. But according to Universal Law, we shall interfere at thepoint of total destruction; that is our right.

  "Now, what is this they called Man who was given dominion over allthings by his Creator? How do you define this thing called man? In yourexistence of your plane of existence, we see man in a physical chemicalbody, so to speak. He functions through this chemical body, controllingit and its actions through what you call a brain. But on yet anotherplane of existence, after the death of this physical body, man continuesto exist. Here he functions in what, to use your terms, you call anastral shell. In this astral body, he moves, he thinks, he carries onlife much as he did when on the physical plane, yet he does not functionwith a chemical body, nor does he control or manipulate his astral shellthrough a brain as before. He finds that thought is much more effectiveupon this plane. He finds that he brings into being that which hedesires by merely creating a thought, and promptly this thought comesinto being for him. He builds his own surroundings with very littleeffort on his part and these surroundings and action depend entirelyupon his ability to think. But he is limited in many ways, for he hasbeen lost for so long in a physical existence, through desires that werecreated within him many years back in time. He finds this desire whichhe has, continually pushing him, so to speak, to express in the physicalor the chemical, and offtimes not realizing exactly where he is, he doesnot take advantage of the situation that he finds himself in, but rathertries to pull himself back into the physical, chemical plane ofexistence before his time. Offtimes this becomes quite confusing to theindividual -- and for those with whom he may make contact, who are stillin the physical realm. You see, he is neither functioning on thephysical chemical plane of existence, nor on the astral plane, but in atwilight world of his own creation. He has, in effect, becomeearthbound. Now, to those who have somewhat of a higher understanding;they are able to live a happy fruitful existence in what your occultistsrefer to as the astral planes of existence. These higher planes are verybeautiful.

  "As we move farther out, we find other planes of existence, other levelsof life. As we pause here, we find beings of greater understanding; wefind beings with greater knowledge of the universe and its functions. Wefind that these individuals also function in a world of thought but theyhave a higher knowledge of this power. They also have greater knowledgeof many other powers. They have an understanding of matter to a greaterdegree. We find that these beings are able through their power ofthought to control and manipulate this matter. They are able to changeit to different forms, to bring into being that which they desire and tomold it into whatever suits their purpose at the time. They are able totransport themselves from place to place without the aid of a vehicle ifthey so desire. Yet if they desire a vehicle in which to travel -- thiscan also be created by thought and the manipulation of matter. Also wefind that many of them can bring themselves into your plane of existenceand create for themselves a chemical body to be used temporarily as theymove among you and then again to be returned to the nothingness fromwhence they came.

  "How do we define this man? Shall we go higher? Shall we move from thisrealm where man lives, in a world of thought, yet he lives a lifesomewhat as yours in that he lives with his fellow man ... they worktogether, they have their homes and their families, but yet so different.

  "As we move on, we find ourselves surrounded by beings of such greatintelligence, of such great Light that our understanding of them isnaught. We see nothing but Light. These beings have such great knowledgeand control of matter, of intelligence, of consciousness, that it isbeyond our understanding. They have such great knowledge of theuniverse; they know of its creation. They understand consciousness. Theyare able to divide and subdivide their consciousness, sending it outinto many spheres and many planes and there expressing it, helping toraise the consciousness of these beings on other planes that they toomight someday move into their plane of consciousness. These beings, Ican only state, are pure consciousness.

  "You ask, /'is this the ultimate in man?/' I must answer, /'I do notbelieve so, for I understand that man reaches even beyond this.'/ So,beloved friends, how should you define man? I have no definition forman, for man, shall we say, is inconceivable. At my level ofunderstanding, I believe I would have to state it so. But man on earthhas all these potentialities and man of earth sooner or later shallreturn to the high states of consciousness from whence he came. We aregradually climbing step by step. As time is never ending, so is ourclimb to the ultimate. A man grows and moves ever outward and upward onthe spiral of evolution; he will become more and more aware of hisconsciousness; his consciousness will widen, and will grow ever wider.It will take in more and more of this universal knowledge and wisdom,and consequently man's understanding of how to use this consciousnesswill become greater and greater. Man will be able to extend hisconsciousness over vast areas of space and encounter experiences thatwould otherwise be impossible. The important thing at this time, belovedfriends, is to use that which you have to the greatest possible extent.Use your wisdom and knowledge today, and use it in a reverent and holyway, with ever a high motive in mind. By so doing, your consciousnessshall widen, shall extend out and take in more of this universalknowledge and wisdom.

  "Once man has truly taken this step in sincerity, placed it above allelse, above all other things, then he will begin to move rapidly on hiscourse. This will not be done without effort and sacrifice. Manycomforts will have to be sacrificed to gain this knowledge. The greatMasters did not accomplish this without making these sacrifices, andthey continue to sacrifice.

  "The great Master who walked your earth two thousand years ago walksstill today, unseen, but serving that struggling humanity he loves sodearly. Other great Masters walk with him. Tears fill their eyes as theyobserve the horrors of men, the needless suffering, the domination ofmankind, and all the evil that does prevail.

  "The evildoers are ignorant of the vast repercussions of their actions.They think that if they escape man-made laws they are in the clear. Butthey are totally unaware that each action taken of an adverse naturetoward their fellow man; whether of physical violence, or destruction offreedom, or acquisition of materia
l property through force orbeguilement, must be accounted for. Any action that be hurtful in anyway shape or form is a violation of Universal Law and must be accountedfor, eventually.

  "Each hurtful act towards another accomplishes naught but to form achain of bondage around the one taking such action. But alas, little canbe done for these people at this time, for they have for so long beenvictims of their own material thoughts that they are no longer incommand. They are ruled entirely by their own mortal self. Thatmortal-devil self has been allowed to feed for so long on negativedestructive thoughts, that it has become the total entity. The higherspiritual self -- not having been given any expression -- lies dormantdeep within.

  "But the forces of darkness must perish; they must be banished from yourearth for all time. And out of this must come a new age of love,harmony, and understanding; an age where each shall live to benefit hisbrother, and not himself -- here in all problems, the answers soughtshall not be /'What is best for me?/' but /'What is best for allconcerned?'/

  "During the transition, many changes will take place upon the surface ofyour planet, as have taken place before in other transitions, for, yousee, systems, planets, and individuals are ever evolving, onward andupward. Man does not digress; he is ever progressing. And so, we moveon, ever looking outward and upward, to a new and higher understanding.Those above, ever reaching down to lend a helping hand to his brotherwho is coming after. For as we serve those who are struggling justbehind us, we also receive help from those who are just ahead of us; itis a never-ending chain."

  "We must leave you now, my friends," said Oxal. "But before we do, I amgoing to place upon the heads of each of you my special blessing." Hestood and raised his hands. Everyone listened with closed eyes as hebegan to speak:

  "O, Radiant One, send forth Thy Light, and surround each of us, Thychildren, that we may have enlightenment and wisdom. We relax and give ourselves completely to the Father. We relax and give ourselves wholly andcompletely to Him. We know that all is well as we relax in His arms. We give ourwhole selves to the father, we want only to do His will. We relax and give ourselveswholly and completely to Him. "I am his perfect child. He guides me anddirects me. He continually surrounds me with His pure white Light; I visualize thisradiant substance of purest white, until I actually feel the consciousness ofthe Father. His presence, His power, His Light and Love flowing through me. Irelax in His presence. He is the ever-loving Father and Creator. He loves and protects me. He is the one and only Power andIntelligence... I am this perfect expression... He expresses through me... I am a doerof His will... The Father and I are one... There is but a single power andintelligence... This great power and intelligence is now a part of me... It is guidingme and protecting me at all times... I give myself completely to this greatPower and Intelligence ... I am a part of it ... I live in and have my being inthis, the Father. Amen."


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