Baby Mine: A Hudson Family Series- Book Two- Lucas and Sara

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Baby Mine: A Hudson Family Series- Book Two- Lucas and Sara Page 13

by Chontelle Brison

  Walking to the couch, with her wine, fruit, and crackers, Sara sighed. Lucas, she actually missed the aggravating, arrogant caveman. He had tried to convince her to let him come by tonight, but she needed space. Whenever Lucas was around, she had the hardest time keeping rational thought. All he had to do was look at her, and she would forget why she was keeping him at a distance in the first place. And she definitely needed to keep him at a distance. So tonight was about some serious alone time, the time she needed to rebuild some of the defenses that Lucas had started to chip away at.

  A knock at the door had Sara rolling her eyes. She should have known Lucas would never stay away. Hudson men were nothing if not persistent. Hitting the pause button she got up from the couch and attempted to dust off the cracker crumbs that had fallen on her jeans.

  The knock came again, only louder and more insistent. Sara grumbled as she padded to the door barefoot. Smiling, she flung open the door intent on giving Lucas Hudson hell for going against her wishes, one look at the man staring back at her made her scream.

  Travis Donaldson leaned against her door frame. Frozen, Sara could only stare at the nightmare in front of her. He looked older, thinner, but he still had the same wicked looking smile and dead blue eyes. Eyes that had been the subject of her nightmares for over four years, eyes that were so cold and soulless that she felt herself shiver. Dressed in black jeans and a green tee-shirt he leaned against the doorway and smirked at her as if he was an old friend that had come to visit.

  Snapping herself out of her frozen moment, she quickly moved to slam the door in his smug face. Her heart stopped when his large hand grabbed the edge, and one booted foot wedged itself in the doorway. Sara shoved back, but he was stronger, he always had been, and wasn’t that just a bit of a bitch?

  Realising she was losing, she let go of the door and bolted for the kitchen, if she could get her purse, then she could grab her phone and call Lucas. She rounded her table and reached for her purse on the counter.

  Sara screamed when large hands reached before her and shoved her bag off the counter and onto the floor. The same hands grabbed her upper arms pressed her forward into the hard granite surface. She gagged as she felt his erection press against her back. Willing herself to stay calm she kicked back and smiled when she connected with his left shin. It was enough to make him lighten his grip on her arms, it was all she needed.

  Turning fast she stepped on his booted foot. When he laughed at her attempt, she kicked out one leg and got him on his inner thigh. Sara didn’t stop to congratulate herself, she skirted around Travis and made a run for the door. She got about three steps when he grabbed her hair from behind and yanked her to him.

  Sara kicked, scratched, cursed and yelled, but nothing worked. Travis laughed as she tried desperately to get out of his hold. When she realized he was dragging her back to her bedroom, she let out a panicked scream and renewed her struggles.

  “Stop Damn it.” He demanded throwing her on the bed so she was laying sideways, he grabbed both wrists and pressed them above her head. Sara refused to cry, she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. Whatever he was about to do she’d find a way to make him pay for it. The only saving grace was that Logan was with her father, she could endure anything as long as her son was safe.

  “Well, looks like the mouse has some spirit in her, damn Sara, all this wiggling is turning me on.” He told her, his face so close she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

  Willing herself to calm down, Sara wiggled her fingers to keep them from going numb under Travis’s brutal hold. Be smart Sara; be smart, you can do this. The pep talk was helpful, but Sara knew he was stronger than she was, if she wanted to get away from him, she would have to use her brains.

  “You’re not supposed to be out for another four days,” Sara told him, desperately trying to figure out a way to get him off her.

  Travis smiled, when they were younger she had thought Travis’s smiles were always forced, always fake, never reaching his eyes. Just like now, he smiled because he was feeling powerful, not because he was happy.

  “Ah, Sara, so sweet. I was always going to get out today, my family just didn’t want a lot of press hanging around so we leaked the wrong date.” He pressed his body into hers, and she tried not to gag.

  “What? So you figured you’d drop in on the woman you raped over four years ago because you knew she’d never fuck you willingly.” Sara spat. She didn’t know if her words came from hanging around Synclair or the newfound confidence she had been building.

  A look of surprise crossed Travis’s face, then it contorted to a dark and angry glare, “I spent four years in prison because of you bitch.” He spat, spit flying from his mouth onto Sara’s face.

  Sara was too angry to gag. “Wrong, you spent four years in prison because the only way a woman would fuck you was if she was unconscious.” She shot back, far past caring about his angry face or bruising hands.

  Before Sara could brace herself, Travis let go of one of her hands and backhanded her across the face. Sara’s cheek felt like it was on fire and she was sure she had a split lip. Tears quickly filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had hit a nerve, she just had to keep needling him until he made a mistake and Synclair said all abusers make mistakes.

  “Can’t handle the truth, Travis? You always were a weak fuck.” She spat back trying to imagine an insult that Synclair would use.

  Travis raised his hand to smack her again but stopped. He looked past her to her dresser where a picture of Logan sat. Sara swallowed the bile in her throat as Travis stared at the picture of his son.

  “So it’s true, I have a son.” He said, never taking his eyes off the picture.

  Sara knew exactly what he was seeing. Logan with his happy, innocent blue eyes and blonde hair was playing with a puppy at the daycare he attended. She felt her blood run cold as her protective instincts for her child kicked in.

  “No, Travis, I have a son. You have nothing but a prison record.” Her tone got his attention, and he swung his cold gaze back to her.

  Sara refused to back down, this was what she had dreaded since she found out she was pregnant. This was the moment where Travis would try to use Logan to hurt her, and that was unacceptable.

  “Yeah, I think DNA will say different, I believe that it will say that kid is mine, I think it will say I have parental rights and all that shit, I think it will say that you and that kid will never be rid of me Sara, I think it’s the perfect payback for what you cost me.” He moved his face near hers and she turned her head.

  She remained stoic as he licked her face from her neck all the way to her hairline. Refusing to vomit, she turned her head to meet his gaze. Remembering Synclair’s rule about self-defense and bat placement, she smiled.

  Her smile must have confused him because the smug look was replaced with suspicion. “Just what do you think you’re gonna do?” He asked tightening his grip on the one hand above her head.

  “Just this.”

  In one fluid movement she threw herself forward and slammed her head against his, the motion made him release her wrists, and she ignored the pounding in her head as she rolled off her bed and hit the floor belly first. She heard him coming around the bed behind her, she grabbed the Louisville baseball bat from under her bed, Synclair, how I love you, flipped to her back and shoved the wood handle into Travis’s groin. As soon as he bent over to grab his crotch, she jumped to her feet and swung the bat against his arm.

  Travis began backing up, cursing and stumbling all at the same time. Gaining momentum, Sara started to scream at the top of her lungs while swinging the bat at his head. Her intent was clear; knock the bastard’s head off his shoulders. With each swing, Travis backed up further until he was in the living room backing toward the front door. Sara did not stop; she forced him out of her house and down the driveway to his black sedan. She knew it was his because only Travis would own a car with plates that read ‘RICH.'

  Travis tried
to avoid her swings; she would catch him on the arm, the leg, wherever she could get a hit in. Once he reached his car, he turned and ran for the driver’s door, flung it open and threw himself inside.

  Sara was still screaming hysterically as Travis tore out of her driveway and a familiar truck pulled up in its place.


  Lucas sized up the situation as he turned into Sara’s driveway. He was just coming to apologize for the night before when he saw Sara swinging wildly. Lucas recognized Travis Donaldson on the spot, his ex-best friend, the boy his mother warned him had darkness in him. He only wished he had listened to his mother when she told him he was not the kind of friend that Lucas wanted. Youth, pride, whatever blinded him to the real Travis was long gone. By the time he reached Sara’s complex, the bastard was tearing out of her driveway like a cricket in a bonfire.

  His Sara, his beautiful, courageous Sara was still screaming curse words as Lucas pulled the bat from her tight grip. When she stared up at him, eyes blank Lucas knew she was in shock. Without hesitation, he swept her light frame into his arms, carried her into her living room, and sat down on the sofa with her on his lap.

  He kissed her temple, and rubbed his hands up and down her arms, trying like hell to comfort her. He could feel her trembling, and her breathing was shallow. God, damn, Travis. If Sara didn’t need him right now, he would tear out of here and beat the man to a bloody pulp.

  “Lucas?” She asked clutching his tee shirt in a death grip.

  Lucas rocked her back and forth, “I’m here babe, he’s gone.” He hoped to reassure her.

  Lucas froze when he felt Sara smiled against his shirt. Was she worse off than he thought? Was she going to have a meltdown? Thoughts flooded his already panicked brain as he pulled back to look at her.

  Her lovely brown eyes blinked up at him, and she was smiling, no grinning, she was actually almost chuckling.

  “I’m going to call Doc Williams.” He told her as he pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket.

  Before he could even dial the number, Sara grabbed his phone and threw it on the armchair across the room. He watched her shake her head, her grin never wavering.

  “I don’t need a doctor Lucas, don’t you see, I got him.” Sara beamed with pride.

  Nope, he didn’t see, he didn’t get it. Travis Donaldson his ex-best friend, the man who had raped Sara had been in this apartment with her, and now she was grinning like a loon. Nope, didn’t get it at all.

  Without warning, Sara brushed her soft lips softly against his. When she pulled back Lucas instinctively wrapped his arms around her and brought her back to him. He couldn’t stop himself, the taste of her had kept him up at night, had played out in fantasies over and over again where one taste wasn’t enough.

  “God, say yes Sara, please?” Lucas practically begged. Yeah, they would be coming for his man card later but right now none of that matter. Seeing Travis so close to her had scared the hell out of him. He needed to erase Travis from his mind and hers.

  Sara searched Lucas’s gaze. He did not understand, but she didn’t expect him too. He could never know how good it felt to finally take back some of the power that Travis had taken from her. She was not that mousy little school girl who followed the Hudsons around like a puppy. She was not quiet, meek, Sara, who tried to make it up to Lucas for being from the wrong side of the tracks by being his everything.

  She knew who she was now. She was Sara Wilmington, the single mom to a wonderful little boy, she had a great business and friends that loved her and would stand by her. She didn’t want to do the right thing or the cautious this. Right here in this moment still high on her victory against Travis she wanted Lucas. She wanted his mouth, his hands and his body on hers.

  Cupping his face, she brought her lips to his for a searing kiss. She poured everything she hadn’t told him into that kiss, and when she pulled back, she smiled at the dazed look he had.

  “Lucas Hudson, if you don’t take me to my bed and fuck the hell out of me, I will never speak to you again.” She warned as she ran her hands up and down his broad chest.

  It only took Lucas a fraction of a second to catch on. Once he did, he was all hands.

  Sara squealed as he jumped up from the couch with her still in his arms. He strode with her down the hall, kicking open the first door, realizing it was Logan’s room he turned and went further down the hall, opened the next-door and smiled.

  “You with me hon?” Lucas asked when she stiffened. She looked at the bed she had just battled Travis on and shivered. She hugged Lucas tightly. She wanted to erase the memory of her and Travis on that bed, and she knew exactly how she wanted to do it.

  “I’m with you, all the way Lucas, please make love to me.” She pleaded.

  Lucas tossed his bundle onto the small mattress, making a note to move Sara and Logan into his larger cottage at his first opportunity. As he crawled up her body, he smiled when he noticed her chest was heaving. She was as turned on as he was. Just as he reached her face, she grabbed him and thrust her tongue into his mouth. Both caught up in forces stronger than reason, they met each caress, each thrust of their tongues, with equal passion and urgency.

  Sara had never been this turned on in her life. Lucas had always been slow and reverent when they made love, now he was hot and passionate. She felt his hands undressing her searching out every part of her body, and it surprised her to realize she wanted him to. She still loved the jackass, no matter how many years had passed, no matter what idiotic thing he did she loved him.

  She didn’t remember how they both got naked, she really didn’t care. She loved the feeling of his hard body pressing into her soft curves, she groaned when she felt his hot, erection against her belly.

  “So beautiful and all mine.” Lucas murmured as he pulled one taut rosy nipple between his teeth.

  Sara arched her back and groaned as Lucas pulled and sucked her breasts, making sure to give each one equal attention. Writhing with pleasure beneath him, she grabbed his dark locks and pulled his mouth to her.

  Lucas kissed her with all the pent-up desire he had been dealing with since they had made love a few months back. At the time, he had made love to her, slow, deliberate, and intimate. Now he was changing tactics. He wanted Sara to know how much he wanted her, to know how hard he was all the time just thinking about her. He wanted to lick her, taste her, lap at her juices as she came on his face.

  Lucas pulled away from her lips and ignored her groan of protest as he left a trail of hot, wet kisses down her neck, through the valley of her breasts and along her flat stomach. When he reached her mound, he buried his face between her lips, devouring her like a starved man.

  Sara bucked and writhed wildly as she grabbed his hair and pulled. Every yell, every curse out of her mouth made him want her more. He felt her orgasm approach, and he took one giant finger and pushed inside, then two, then three, then he felt her tighten and scream as she came saying his name over and over again.

  Sara was lost in her post-orgasmic bliss, she had needed that, she had really, really, needed that. She felt like she was floating as if nothing in the world could hurt her. She looked down at Lucas, who was resting his chin on her mound, looking up at her with eyes heavy with lust.

  Smiling, she went to sit up; she wanted to return the favor he had done so unselfishly for her. Apparently, Lucas had other plans. As if reading her mind he shook his head and using one large hand on her belly, he began to lick her swollen nub. Sara knew she couldn’t handle it, there was no way, she was a one orgasm kind of girl, he knew that.

  Confused she grabbed his head and started to pull his head from her clit. Refusing to budge Lucas sucked harder, causing Sara to arch her back off the bed. No matter how she struggled against the sensation, Lucas did not move. He sucked, he nipped, and he licked her like the best-flavored sucker until Sara was coming again. This time, it was harder than the first, she rode each orgasmic wave as Lucas licked and sucked causing her orgasm to stretch out
further until dots passed before her eyes.

  “Fuck, oh Fuck, Lucas, now I need it now.” She had never cried out like that during sex before. Never felt so out of control with want or desire, but she needed that man, she needed that man to fill her, to pound her, if he didn’t do it soon she felt like she would explode.

  “Condom,” Sara stated, hoping he had one.

  “In my wallet.” He told her, using one hand to grab his jeans.

  She smirked, “Well aren’t you confident.”

  “No baby, hopeful, really, really, hopeful.”

  Sara didn’t have to wait long; Lucas grabbed a condom from his wallet, rolled it down his length and filled her with one forceful thrust. Both of them groaned, it felt so good. Lucas paused a moment to let her adjust to his size, he had always been considerate. However, Sara didn’t want considerate she wanted to be pounded.

  “Move Lucas, now or so help me I will tie you to this bed and take it myself.” She warned far past caring.

  Lucas chuckled, “Well, alrighty then.”

  With that, he pulled back to where only his tip was still inside her. Just as she was about to actually, lose her temper he slammed back into her, taking her breath away. Sara cried out as Lucas stroked in and out of her, each thrust harder than the one before, each carrying her more and more out of control. Grabbing his beautiful ass, she pulled him closer, she pushed her hips up to meet his and her room filled with the sounds of sex. She loved it, she loved that he was wildly out of control, that he was as lost in this as she was.

  “Oh god, Lucas, I’m going to c-come again.” She cried, as she got closer to her peak.

  Quickening his thrusts Lucas leaned down to her ear and whispered, “Not without me sweetheart, never without me again.” That said, he followed Sara over the edge and collapsed onto her as he came.


  Sara snuggled deeper into the warm body behind her. A large hand was on her belly, and her legs were intertwined with a long, hard body. Lucas. She reveled in his scent and greedily took in all the comfort and security his thick arms had to offer.


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