Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Shawn Bailey

  “Mr. Albertson is going to take care of everything,” Kenji said. He looked at his watch. “Ooh, he should be on his way here now.”

  * * * *

  “What do you mean you now own Yukizumi and Dazed contracts?” Edward asked his boss Tory Albertson. They were all seated at a table in one of Kobayashi’s conference rooms.

  Tory Albertson sat at the head of the table. He was a tall, bald, well-dressed black man who owned Albertson Entertainment. He was also one of Edward and Adam’s oldest and dearest friends. “What part of that did you not understand, Edward? I’m their new boss.”

  “Why?” Edward asked.

  “Because that’s what I do. I handle talent. Yukizumi and Dazed are singers, and now they sing for me.”

  Edward mumbled and cursed under his breath. “Your funeral.”

  “Look at it as a career move,” Kenji Kobayashi, Edward’s Japanese boss said. “It is time for these guys to branch out and they’re not getting any younger.”

  Kenji Kobayashi and Tory were around the same age, mid-forties, and they both had been in business a while. He was short, maybe five four and barely one hundred and thirty pounds soaking wet, but he still had the same mindset as Tory who stood over six feet tall like the rest of them in the room.

  “Will they be able to remain in Tokyo?” Adam asked.

  “Only until we secure their visas,” Tory answered. “Then I’m moving them to America.”

  Edward hopped to his feet. “What?”

  “Why is this so difficult for you to understand, Edward?” Kenji asked. “I thought this would make you happy.”

  Luke smirked. He knew why. “Can I be their manager?”

  “I’m their manager,” Edward said.

  “Not anymore,” Tory said. “You have your hands full with Noel and Dazed. Congratulations Luke, they’re yours.”

  Edward looked fit to be tied. A little vein in his forehead pulsed. “What about Ki? He’s been acting as their manager since I returned to the United States.”

  “He’s getting a promotion,” Kenji said. “He’s getting a new group plus Tory has hired him on as an interpreter.”

  “Does he know?” Edward asked.

  “Yes,” Kenji answered. “I told him and Yukizumi before you arrived.”

  “How did they take it?” Edward asked.

  “They are all excited at the prospect of finally being able to go to America and crossover from J-Pop to R&B.”

  Adam and Edward kept quiet through the rest of the meeting. “Are they joining us for the rest of the tour?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” both Tory and Kenji said.

  “I knew it,” Adam said. “They better apologize for making me fight so early this morning.”

  “What’s he mumbling about?” Tory asked.

  “Nothing,” Edward lied. “How did you manage to get the Dazed contract?”

  “Flew my ass to Seoul while you were in Europe,” Tory answered.

  Edward looked like he’d had the rug pulled from under him. “Do they know?”

  “Not yet,” Tory answered. “Do you think you can teach Noel Korean so he can be a part of their tour, too?”

  “I doubt it,” Edward said.

  Luke was getting a big kick out of Edward’s dismay. His worst nightmare had come to light. Two of his ex-lovers and his present one were now on the same continent.

  Edward rolled his eyes at Luke like he could read his mind. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Luke nodded. “Payback is a mother.” Edward had stolen Noel Charles from him, and Noel had broken up Luke and his last boyfriend, Bradley, a couple of months ago. Bradley had high-tailed it back to California and wasn’t answering any of Luke’s calls. Luke had since given up. He wasn’t the begging type and he wasn’t desperate either. In fact, he’d spent the last month seeing the error of his ways. He’d lost Noel and his other boyfriend Gerard Tyler because of his cheating ways. Both lovers seem happier now that they were with their current beaus, Edward and Giovanni Bassett. Luke now wanted to find someone he could love. But that would have to wait. He’d have his hands full with his old group Voices of Reason and his new group Yukizumi. Luckily, he had brushed up on his Japanese while on the last tour because he had a feeling it was going to come in handy.

  The meeting continued for another few minutes and then it ended. Mr. Kobayashi left them to check on with the members of Yukizumi while Tory used this conference room to meet with his other managers. Tory filled them in on what was happening. Later the door opened and Kenji entered, followed by another Japanese guy around their age who he introduced as Tory’s new manager, Ki Fujoika. Moments later three young men entered. They reminded him of three little soldiers as they marched down the aisle wearing suits.

  Tory did the honors. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to the three new members of the Albertson Entertainment family, Tomahiko Akiyama, Akira Maki, and Daisuki Abe, better known as Yukizumi.” The trio stopped at the front of the room next to Ki and bowed. The other managers clapped. It was hard to tell if they were disappointed or excited about the news. Luke bet they were confused.

  Tory went around introducing the managers. “You already know Edward Green.”

  “What perfect gentlemen,” Ursula Smithfield said as they bowed to her. Ursula was the only female manager in the company, and she handled the four female members of the pop group, Cinnamon.

  Luke smirked. Gentlemen my ass. She wasn’t around this morning when the trio ambushed him, Edward, and Adam. They were cute though. They weren’t short and petite like Noel or the members of The Kerrys, but they weren’t taller than him. Tomahiko probably came up to Luke’s chest. The one named Akira had short stylish brown hair, brown eyes, and a nice smile. Daisuke was the youngest, had a boyish face and wore what Luke called a traditional bowl cut…bangs, thick at the top and tapered in back. Tomahiko had the sexiest set of eyes, rare double lids and long lashes. That suit he had on wasn’t off the rack either. Apparently he knew a thing or two about fashion. No facial hair. Another plus in his favor.

  Finally Tory got to him. “This is Luke Austin. He is the manager of the hip-hop group Voices of Reason and he’s now going to be your manager.”

  All three looked at Edward and then straight ahead again. They bowed respectfully to Luke.

  Luke bowed back. “I’m honored. I will try my best to be a very good manager to you. All I ask is if you have a problem please come to me to discuss it.”

  “When will we get to see and hear them perform?” Harley Norwich asked. Harley was the manager for the ex-rock band turned R&B group Vizio.

  “Tomorrow night at Luke and Noel’s birthday party at the hotel,” Tory answered.

  Luke grimaced. He didn’t need a reminder that he was getting older. He was turning the big thirty-one. Noel wasn’t too far behind him, turning twenty-six. He did a little research on his international cell phone. Daisuke was twenty-five and Akira and Tomahiko were both twenty-six. Kenji was correct. They weren’t getting any younger, so Luke was going to promote the hell out of them starting today after this meeting ended.

  Luke glanced up and saw a pair of dark brown eyes gazing into his. His cock hardened. He’d been around gorgeous young men before, but there was something about Tomahiko Akiyama that woke up that beast in him. Maybe it was the way the guy fought, or the long braid, whatever. Luke winked at him.

  Tomahiko’s raised an eyebrow and then went back to listening to Tory speak. Tomahiko crossed one leg in front of the other and tugged the hem of his suit coat down. Luke smiled. For a moment, he thought he’d lost his touch. An erection meant he was at least interested.

  The meeting finally ended. The three singers marched out with Tory, Kenji, and Ki. Adam took the rest of them back to the hotel for lunch. Afterward Luke hooked up his laptop and got busy adding Yukizumi to the promotional material for next week’s Tokyo concert and the rest of the tour.

  * * * *

  “So what do you think
of the new boss?” Akira asked Tomahiko and Daisuke as they sat around the recreation room later after they returned from their meeting.

  “Which one?” Daisuke asked.


  “He seems okay, plus he’s bringing us to the United States.”

  “I had no idea Kenji-san was trying to get rid of us,” Tomahiko said.

  Both Akira and Daisuke looked at each other.

  “What do you mean?” Akira asked.

  “He sold our contracts, not someone stole them from him,” Tomahiko explained as he took his gaze off the television screen. “He has other groups that he wants to promote, and he’s tired of wasting money on us.”

  “You wanted a break,” Daisuke reminded him.

  “For a couple of weeks!” Tomahiko shouted. “He was the one who stopped the promotions, not me. This has been in the making for a long time. He got rid of us because we’re not making the kind of money for him that we used to. And let’s face it, we’re not cute kids anymore.”

  Daisuke frowned. “Do you really think that’s what happened?”

  Tomahiko nodded. “We are men now, and he can’t control us like he used to.”

  “Maybe so,” Akira said. “Plus we haven’t had a hit record in a long time.”

  “That’s because he won’t listen to our ideas, and have his people write that bubble gum crap for us,” Tomahiko said. He had a slew of songs he’d written that he’s been dying to record.

  “Frankie and the others don’t seem unhappy, do they?” Daisuke asked.

  Akira shook his head. “And the man’s giving that party for Noel and Luke tomorrow. When was the last time Kenji-san gave us a party?” He paused. “Now I’m making myself sad.”

  “I say we make the best of it and reinvent ourselves,” Tomahiko said. “Vizio did. And The Kerrys, too.”

  “But we’re J-pop singers,” Daisuke reminded them.

  Tomahiko frowned at their maknae. He was the youngest and the most clueless. “It’s not like we don’t know how to perform rhythm and blues. We’ve listened to Western music all our lives, and we’re good at it.”

  “I like hip-hop, too,” Akira said.

  “Can you rap?” Tomahiko asked him.

  Akira shook his head. “How hard can I be? I can be another Rap Monster.” He started rapping. Rap Monster was a South Korean rapper, producer, and leader of the K-pop group, BTS.

  Tomahiko and Daisuke laughed.

  “You’re no rapper,” Daisuke said.

  “But you are a monster,” Ki said, entering the room. “What are you demons discussing?”

  Tomahiko waved at their assistant manager. Actually, he was more manager than the current one, Edward Green, who had deserted them and was now managing the carrot top, Noel Charles. It was bad enough they had to share him with that pretty-boy group, Dazed. Now they didn’t have to worry about that either since Luke Austin was their new manager.

  “Why did Kenji-san really sell our contract?” Akira asked. “Tommy thinks he did it because he wasn’t making any money off of us. Is that true?”

  Ki shrugged and sat down on the loveseat. “Maybe. The man’s invested a lot of money in you over the years, so he must have jumped at the opportunity since you guys haven’t been in high demand.”

  “So why an American company?” Daisuke asked.

  “More exposure, and I’ve done my homework. Albertson Entertainment isn’t the biggest company but it has some of the hottest entertainers in the country. And they’re all chart-toppers. You guys could have done worse.”

  “And The Kerrys get major air play,” Daisuke said.

  “That’s because they’re young and cute,” Tomahiko said. “And we aren’t anymore.”

  Ki disagreed with him. “You guys are still pretty cute, but you are older. That’s nothing you can do about that.”

  “Tommy thinks we should reinvent ourselves,” Akira said. “What do you think?”

  “I think it is a good idea,” Ki said. “You guys have to set yourself apart from Tory’s other groups. And believe me, it won’t take much. You guys do stand out already.”

  “A new look,” Akira said.

  Ki nodded. “New hair, clothes, and attitudes.”

  Tomahiko touched his long braid. It was his pride and joy, but it did get in the way when he performed stunts and when sleeping. Jonas Kerry used to have as much hair as him. Now he wore it in an adorable bob. He did look a bit manlier now.

  “You can also write some love songs and ballads,” Ki suggested.

  Tomahiko chuckled sarcastically. “Love songs? Would you let either one of us date your sister?”

  “Oh hell no,” Ki answered a little bit too quickly. “You fellows are too wild. Besides, you and Daisuke don’t even like girls.”

  “That’s not the point,” Tomahiko said. “You want us to write love songs, but at the moment none of us losers are in a relationship.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” Ki picked up the remote control and changed the channel to YouTube. He found The Kerrys’ latest concert video. “Watch what they do.”

  “We don’t want to be a carbon copy of them,” Akira said.

  “I know that,” Ki said. “You guys are way sexier than they are. They are just a bunch of kids, but you are adults. Just imagine you serenading the fans with your heated looks and manliness.”

  Tomahiko looked at the screen. Frankie was singing. He held the portable mic like it was a precious jewel and looked directly into the camera and seduced it with his blue eyes. The females in the audience sat captivated by his voice.

  “He has charisma,” Ki explained.

  “And passion,” Daisuke said, giggling like a typical fan boy.

  “You can have passion, too,” Ki said.

  The next video featured the Americans singing a fast song and dancing along with it.

  “Look how much fun they’re having with the lyrics and the beats,” Ki continued. “I can see you three doing the same thing. And you can use your hips to convey a message.” He stood up and demonstrated. There won’t be as many restrictions in America as there are here in Japan.”

  Tomahiko and the others laughed at him.

  “We do understand what you mean,” Akira said once they stopped.

  “Oh, there’s one featuring Noel Charles,” Daisuke said. “I like that one. It’s called Requiem.”

  Jonas and the others were in it with him. Tomahiko took mental notes.

  “Look at them,” Ki said. “They are singing to the camera.”

  “Noel has blond hair in this one and Jonas is a red head,” Daisuke said. “I think Jonas cut his hair for the video.”

  Tomahiko wondered how he would look with a different style and color. “We need fancier costumes.”

  “Gerard is the designer,” Akira said. Get him to make us something fresh.”

  “You have an appointment with him tomorrow morning,” Ki said.

  Daisuke bounced up and down excitedly in his seat. “I can’t wait to meet him, too.”

  * * * *

  The grand ballroom at the hotel they were staying at was alive with people. Luke got a big kick out of the fact that he and Noel showed up in navy suits with beige shirts. He guessed their brains were still in sync with each other even though they weren’t still dating. The room had been decorated in light blue and white crepe paper streamers, tablecloths, and balloons. Noel came up to him and pinned a carnation boutonniere on him.

  “You look so handsome, birthday boy,” Noel said.

  Actually, Luke’s birthday had already passed on the sixth of September, and Noel’s birthday was today on the thirteenth. “Thank you. You look handsome, too.” Luke really meant it. Noel had gotten rid of the bleached blond hair and gone back to red. He’d also gotten it cut short and styled before he left New Orleans.

  Adam put a glass of champagne into Luke’s hand. “Here, birthday boy. Welcome to old age. How does it feel to be thirty-one?” Adam was just a year older than him. He had turned
thirty-two in March.

  Tory entered the lounge with Kenji Kobayashi, Edward Green, and Edward’s assistant Ki Fujoika, who had just been promoted to manager. They came over to the table and Edward introduced him.

  “This is manager Ki Fujoika. He will be joining us in New Orleans. Ki, this is the birthday boy, Luke Austin. He is the publicist for Albertson Entertainment. He handles the group Voices of Reason and will be taking over the management of Yukizumi.”

  Ki bowed to him. Luke found him cute. He barely looked older than the members of the group, but Luke figured he was about thirty years old. He also had to know more about Yukizumi than Edward since he lived with them. “Are you the one instrumental in teaching them to be ninjas?” Luke asked.

  Ki shook his head. “Oh no. Sorry about that. They did it as a welcome to Japan joke. They will formally apologize later.”

  Luke liked him. Maybe the two of them could hang out together when the tour returned to Louisiana.

  They moved on. “This is Adam Montgomery. He is in charge of the tour and the manager of The Kerrys.”

  The two men bowed. “Welcome to Albertson Entertainment.”

  “Thank you,” Ki said.

  Tory added two presents to the already humongous piles. “Happy Birthday,” he said to Luke. “Your time has finally come.”

  “Thank you,” Luke said, not quite getting what Tory meant. Tory didn’t explain either. He just walked off with Kenji to another table. The ballroom filled up quickly with their people.

  The disc jockey arrived and the celebration began. Noel sat down next to him with Edward at his right. Ki sat down next to Edward. Tory stopped being the gracious host and went up to the front of the room to give the opening announcement. “Good evening everyone, and welcome to Luke Austin and Noel Charles’ birthday bash. Also, welcome to Tokyo.” He waved Kenji over. “This is our host Kenji Kobayashi, CEO of Kobayashi Music. For those of you who don’t know, I have obtained the contract of a J-Pop group who are about to take the stage.”

  Kenji took over. “Yukizumi has been together for nearly seventeen years and training since they were nine. Introducing Tomahiko Akiyama, Akira Maki, and Daisuke Abe…Yukizumi.” He and Tory hurried back to their seats as the curtains opened.


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