Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 15

by Shawn Bailey

  “He’s going to be a hard act to follow, but the next singer up will give Luke a run for the money.”

  “Isn’t that Tomahiko?” Gerard asked.

  “Yes,” Daisuke said. “They’re on a date.”

  “What?” Gerard asked.

  “Come on Tomahiko. I know you’re not going to let him show you up.”

  Tomahiko rose, walked to the stage and picked out a song. He chose Ed Sheeran’s ‘Dive.’ Noel loved that song. And Tomahiko sang the hell out of it in English and to Luke.

  Jonas taped that, too. The song ended and Tomahiko got a big round of applause, too. But Luke won the competition. Tomahiko put the fake crown on Luke’s head and then the two of them kissed. Jonas didn’t record that.

  The two of them got up to dance to a slow song. Tomahiko rested his head against Luke’s chest and he had his eyes closed.

  “They make a good couple,” Daisuke said. “I never saw Tommy look so at peace.”

  Gerard pouted.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Giovanni asked.

  “Nothing, I know I’m not supposed to be jealous, but I am. He never sang songs for me or danced like that with me.”

  “I know what you mean,” Noel said. “They do look good together.”

  “I think Luke is in love,” Jonas said as he watched the two of them dancing.

  Gerard looked at him oddly. “He loves me.”

  “Not anymore,” Giovanni said, pointing. Luke kissed Tomahiko on the top of his head. Tomahiko raised his head and Luke kissed him on the lips. Others joined them on the dance floor.

  Noel sighed. Giovanni was right. That big dummy Luke had finally found true love. The music changed to a faster K-pop song. Luke and Tomahiko boogied. Noel did know that Luke could dance. He sighed again. He hoped Luke didn’t blow this.

  Giovanni ordered them another round of drinks. Giovanni paid for them. He damn near had to carry Gerard’s drunk butt out of the club later. Giovanni and Brenton were both tipsy, too. Everyone had had fun. Luke and Tomahiko had left earlier. Noel didn’t think his ex-lover knew they were even in the club. Noel had watched them most of the night. It was like they were in their own little world. Tomorrow he would concentrate on his upcoming wedding to Edward. Luke was now his past and he wished him and Tomahiko all the happiness in the world.

  * * * *

  Luke had never been inside of Tomahiko’s bedroom at the idol dorm. The other two band members would be away for a while and Tommy seemed to be in a good mood. Luke looked around. The room was huge with a round heart-shaped bed, mosquito netting, lots of pillows, and a naked Tomahiko laying prone on the mattress teasing Luke by preparing himself for penetration. Besides the bed and the dresser and chest of drawers, Tomahiko also had a desk in his room and a window that overlooked a garden. It had started to rain and it was coming down pretty hard. It made the perfect ambiance for what was about to happen between him and the beautiful singer. The music playing in the background helped, too. Luke loved him some Barry White.

  “Come join me,” Tomahiko said as he worked himself into a frenzy. “The room is soundproofed, so you can scream as much as you like, and no one will know what we’re up to.”

  Luke removed his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He lay them neatly on a chair. He got out of his pants and briefs, walked over to the bed, and spread Tommy’s legs apart. “Do you have any idea how beautiful and sexy you are?”

  “Is that the only reason that you like me?”

  Luke went down on one knee. He put the condom he’d gotten out of his wallet on the floor. “No.” He pulled Tommy’s bottom to the edge of the bed and went down on him. He’d been with a lot of guys, but Tommy was the only one he loved making him come. To answer his question, he loved everything about him from the top of his head to the bottom of his perfectly manicured toes. Luke loved his wild side and the way he didn’t take crap off of anyone.

  “I need you in me, Luke,” Tomahiko said.

  Another thing Luke loved was the way Tomahiko needed him. Both Gerard and Noel had their families to turn to, but Luke had a feeling that even though Mikuni was his uncle, Tommy didn’t feel safe with him. Luke came up for air because he didn’t want Tommy to come so soon. He quickly donned the rubber and rubbed it down with the lube Tommy had used earlier.

  “Luke!” Tomahiko cried out as their bodies met.

  Luke stifled him with a kiss.

  Tomahiko wrapped his arms around Luke’s neck and opened his mouth to Luke’s prying tongue. “Don’t ever leave me.”

  Luke was too swept-away with the passion to answer him. He just pumped his cock into the small hole while he rode Tomahiko into the mattress.

  Lightning illuminated the room and thunder crackled in the distance. Tomahiko had left the window cracked just a bit so Luke could hear the sound of the rain as it hit against the roof and the window. Tommy’s body arched and then he rolled his hips, taking more of Luke’s dick inside. He wrapped his legs around Luke’s waist and sank down more. In this position Luke could do a lot of deep thrusting…the type both he and Tomahiko needed to get off. Tommy’s cock was already at full mast and it wouldn’t take much to make him climax. Luke moved his bottom faster. Tommy scratched at his back.

  “More Luke,” Tommy said as he kept up with the thrusting.

  Luke put some weight behind his actions. Tommy wasn’t a delicate little flower like Gerard. He liked to be fucked.

  “Ah, ah, oh! Luke!” Tommy spurted.

  Luke looked down just in time to see the semen shoot out and then ooze over the head of Tommy’s cock. Luke pulled out quickly and went down on Tommy again, licking every drop of it off his body. “You taste delicious.”

  Tommy’s body still shuddered. It took him a short while to recuperate. In typical Tommy fashion, he sat up and patted the mattress. Luke knew what that meant. They changed places and then Tomahiko removed the condom from Luke and went down on him.

  “Oh God, Tommy, your mouth is so nice and warm.” Tomahiko had great technique when it came to fellatio. “Oh!” Tommy had eased a finger inside of Luke. Luke felt his cock salute and harden. Tommy licked down his shaft and sucked on Luke’s balls before returning to the head. He ran his tongue gently over the little slit. Luke’s body shook the bed as a thrill ran up his spine. If Tommy kept that up Luke was going to prematurely erupt.

  “Don’t you dare come,” Tomahiko said. He came up from between Luke’s legs and climbed over him.

  “Wait, we need another condom.”

  “I’m clean,” Tomahiko said. He eased his body down. Luke held his cock in place. “Uh!” Tommy moaned loudly as his tender hole opened to receive Luke’s rock-hard, unsheathed dick. He took total control moving his slender body up and down.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” Luke said. He palmed Tomahiko’s hips. He got back into the game, rolling his ass and rocking it so more of his cock could go inside of Tommy. Tomahiko’s cock eventually rose and hardened again. “I want you on your knees.”

  Tommy rolled off Luke and assumed the position. Luke moved in behind him, spread him, and then pushed inside. There was a significant difference when you made love to someone without protection. Tomahiko must have trusted him a great deal. Luke eased out some, used his legs to spread Tommy wider, and entered him with a powerful thrust.”

  “Ah!” It was Tommy’s voice again. It blocked out the thunder and the rain.

  Luke began humping him. Luke had been with a woman before. Sex with a guy was totally different. It could get a bit brutal at times. He didn’t want to hurt Tommy, but he did need to prove he was alpha. Luke continued to pump through the moans and the groans. He had a lot of dick, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Tomahiko struggled to stay on his knees. Too late. Luke felt the climax churning in his balls. “Surrender to me, Tomahiko.”

  “I’m yours, Lucas,” Tomahiko said.

  No one had called him by his given name in a long time. One more big thrust took both of them over the edge. “I love you, To
mmy.” He lifted his weight off his young lover.

  Tomahiko rolled over on his back. “I love you, too, Luke. That was the best sex ever.” Two seconds later he was unconscious and snoring.

  Luke smiled. He’d never met anyone quite like Tomahiko before or fallen so hard.

  Chapter Ten

  “You guys look terrible,” Adam said at the morning meeting to Luke, Brenton, Giovanni, and Brenton. They had arrived early before the other managers showed up. Luke had left Tomahiko sleeping peacefully in his hotel room after they returned from the dorm early this morning.

  “We had a ball at the club last night,” Brenton said. “You should have been there. You missed Luke singing karaoke.”

  “Luke? Our Luke?” Adam asked.

  “How do you know about that?” Luke asked.

  “I saw your performance,” Brenton said.

  “You were there?”

  Brenton nodded.

  “I was just goofing around,” Luke said.

  “You’re very good,” Brenton said. “Does Tory know?”

  “No, and I don’t want him to,” Luke said. “I’m a publicist and a manager. I like being behind the camera.”

  “You sing?” Adam asked him.

  “I was drunk,” Luke said. “Plus, I was trying to impress my date.”

  “You sounded sober to me,” Giovanni said.

  “You were there, too?” Luke asked.

  Giovanni nodded. “The smoochies, too. Both Noel and Gerard were both foaming at the mouth because you never sang for them.”

  Adam laughed. “I wish I could have been there. I was on a conference call with Tory, Mikuni, Akira, and Daisuke’s parents. We were going over some last minute details before we leave for Hong Kong.”

  Luke cringed at the sound of Mikuni’s name. He and Tomahiko were having dinner again with the older man tonight.

  “Tory has found apartments for Ki, Daisuke, and Akira,” Adam said.

  “What about Tomahiko?” Luke asked.

  “He’s getting a house,” Adam said. “Apparently, he had a long list of must haves, including a place to house his cars and motorbikes.”

  “He has motorbikes?” Luke asked, interested.

  “Apparently,” Adam said. “He’s getting a house built to specification in the Garden District.”

  “Is Uncle Mikuni paying for all of this?” Luke asked.

  Adam shook his head. “No,” Tomahiko is. He’s even adding a nursery.”

  “A what?” Luke asked.

  Adam chuckled. “You heard me.”

  “Ooh, your new love is rich,” Giovanni said.

  “That doesn’t faze me,” Luke said. “If he wants a new house, let him. Will it be built by the time we go home?”

  Adam shrugged. “I don’t know. He might have to shack up with Daisuke or Akira if it isn’t. Their apartments have two bedrooms each.”

  “Or he can stay with Luke,” Brenton said.

  “Are you two officially a couple?” Giovanni asked Luke.

  Luke nodded. “I’ve never been with anyone like him before.”

  “Tread lightly,” Adam said.

  Luke knew he was speaking of Mikuni and the family. “I will.”

  The rest of the managers began arriving, including Edward. He looked like he’d had a rough night, too.

  “Have Tory been able to obtain visas for Yukizumi and Ki?” Brenton asked.

  “Yes, Dazed, too,” Adam said. “It wasn’t easy either. He put a rush on them and they should be arriving here today.”

  Michael Klein, manager of Mackavelli, raised his hand.

  “Yes, Michael?” Adam asked.

  “How are sales?”

  “Every venue is sold out,” Luke answered. “Tory had to add a second night to accommodate the fans.”

  “Well we better enjoy these next two days,” Adam said. “Because things are going to get busy after this.”

  Their tour was taking them to places like Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, and Bangkok before moving on to South Korea. He and Tomahiko had plans. They were going to do some sightseeing, followed by coming home for a rest before heading to his uncle’s place.

  The meeting went on for another hour. Luke went back to the room. Tomahiko was gone. He left a note saying he’d be back in two hours, and for Luke to dress casually for their date like jeans and tennis shoes. He added a heart next to his signature. Luke smiled. He went down and joined the others for breakfast before returning to his room. Less than two hours later, he got a text from Tomahiko that he was back and waiting downstairs. He left his room just as Gerard and Giovanni were leaving theirs. They looked like they were going somewhere. They got in the elevator together.

  “Going out?” Giovanni asked Luke.

  “Yes, sightseeing.”

  “We’re going shopping,” Giovanni said. “You’re welcome to share our Uber.” The elevator stopped on the bottom floor.

  They all got out and headed to the lobby door. “No thanks,” Luke said. “I have a ride waiting for me.” They stepped out. The Uber sat at the curb. Behind it was a guy on a very expensive-looking motorcycle. The rider lowered the shield of his helmet, winked at Luke, and then handed him a helmet. He was in jeans, boots and a motorcycle jacket. Luke was so glad he wore his jacket. He accepted the helmet.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Gerard said as Luke strapped on the helmet and climbed on the bike behind Tomahiko. “Since when are you into riding motorcycles?”

  Luke ignored him. “See you guys later.” He wrapped his arms around Tomahiko’s waist and held on for dear life. He wondered if Tomahiko really knew how to handle such a powerful machine. He got his answer when Tomahiko rode out to the highway and the open road. They rode past farms and animals and some of the prettiest scenery Luke had ever seen. The mountains made a lovely backdrop. They rode for a long time before Tomahiko left the road and drove into a parking lot of a restaurant/country store. Tomahiko parked the bike. Luke climbed off first and Tomahiko followed. “How old were you when you learned to ride?”

  “Sixteen. My uncle used to take me riding when I was a kid.” Tomahiko entered the place and Luke followed him.

  “Tommy,” the older man behind the counter said. “Go on back. Mama will be glad to see you.”

  Apparently he was no stranger to these people. An older woman appeared to greet him. Tomahiko hugged and kissed her on the cheek. She led them to a table. “Luke, this is my grandmother.”

  Luke bowed before sitting down. “Your grandmother?”

  “Yes, my mother’s mother. The guy at the register is my grandfather.”

  “But I was led to believe that you had no other relatives.”

  “That’s because his father’s brother is an ass.”

  Luke chuckled. He did not expect that from the kindly-looking older woman. “Sometimes he forgets we lost a daughter, too,” she said. “Now who is this?”

  “Grandmother, this is Luke Austin, my manager.”

  His grandmother adjusted his glasses. “He’s a foreigner. A handsome one. So, is he the new lover?”

  Luke felt his cheeks heat from the embarrassment. Tomahiko was all calm and cool about it.

  “We’ve come for some of your delicious ramen,” Tomahiko said to her.

  “No, you come to show off your boyfriend,” she said laughing as she headed toward the kitchen door. “Nice to meet you, Luke.”

  “You have her smile,” Luke said.

  “Her attitude, too,” Tomahiko said.

  “Do they know you’re moving to America?”

  “Yes,” Tomahiko answered. “They are glad that I’m getting away from Mikuni. That’s why I thought you should meet them. Besides Uncle, they are all I have. I’m all they have.”

  “I understand,” Luke said. “I want their names, address, and phone numbers so I can update your points of contact. They should know all about where you’re going. You’re going to make them a My First American Home video and send it to them when you move into your
new place.” Luke sighed. “Had I known they were alive, I would have at least sent them tickets to the concert.”

  “They don’t like the attention,” Tomahiko said.

  “It’s called common courtesy,” Luke explained. “I date you, I date them.”

  Tomahiko’s grandmother came out and dressed the small table. She spoke to Tomahiko in Japanese. Luke understood some of it. She left and returned carrying a big tray. Luke hopped up and took it from her. He placed it on the table next to theirs and then sat down again.

  “You’re a good young man,” she said to him as she placed bowls and saucers in front of them. “Ramen is Tommy’s favorite.”

  It looked delicious with lots of vegetables, meat, and eggs. Tomahiko served him first because Luke was older and then he ladled food into his bowl.

  “Eat,” the grandmother said to them. She went away.

  Tomahiko waited for Luke to eat first. “You have so many customs I want to learn.”

  “You, too,” Tomahiko said.

  Luke watched Tomahiko eat.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “You,” Luke answered. “I’m amazed how well you use chopsticks.”

  “Silly. I’ve been doing it all of my life.”

  “How are you with a fork?” Luke asked.

  “Clumsy,” Tomahiko answered.

  “I’ll make sure to get you a bib.”

  Tomahiko chuckled.

  “Why didn’t your grandparents raise you?”

  “They wanted to, but my father had a will and it specifically said he wanted Uncle to do it. He never kept me away from them. I could visit them or they could visit me any time we wanted to.”

  “Did you have a hard life?”

  “Not harder than it would have been growing up here. But I’ve done some things I definitely wouldn’t have done had they raised me.”

  “Have you killed anyone?” Luke asked.

  Tomahiko hesitated before he answered. “No, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t or won’t if it comes down to my life or theirs. Despite what people see on the news, the yakuza is not all about violence. It’s about family and loyalty.”

  “They strongarm people for money and take over their businesses,” Luke said.


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