Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 17

by Shawn Bailey

  Tomahiko shook his head. “I have no idea what he plans for the future. You are both still young men. It is not too late to change.”

  Rikuro pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “This is Chang. Buy me a telecommunications company. Put it in the name Tomahiko Akiyama.”

  Foolish guy. Though the company would make Rikuro a lot of money it would never be enough to buy Tomahiko’s love.

  The server came in to remove the bowls and to bring in another plate. It was succulent Kobe beef and vegetables. At least he wouldn’t starve. Tomahiko ate the delicious meat. Rikuro poured wine for him. Tomahiko waited for Rikuro to drink first.

  “Do you think I would ruin an expensive bottle of wine with drugs? I don’t have to stoop so low to get a man to sleep with me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you forgotten that it is customary to let an older person drink first? I was just being polite.” Tomahiko drank some of the wine. “Once again, I have to ask why go to this much trouble?”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t come willingly,” Rikuro answered.

  True. “But you didn’t give me a chance to make a decision. I am not a child. I have feelings and desires. By the way, thanks for the flowers and the coat.”

  “It’s not real fur. I know how you feel about harming animals,” Rikuro said.

  If he wasn’t a cold-blooded killer and rapist, he wouldn’t be such a bad guy.

  “Is it true that Edward Green has returned?”

  “Yes, but he is no longer my manager. The two of us have gone our separate ways. He is engaged to another.”

  “Does that upset you?”

  Tomahiko shook his head. “The life of the foreigner is none of my concern anymore. My world revolves around my music.”

  “I saw your performance the other night. You were magnificent.”

  “Thank you. I’m under a new agency now. Or I was. Are you going to let me return to my life and my work?”

  Rikuro shook his head. “No, I’m now your life. I will make you happy and you can always perform for me.”

  Tomahiko didn’t like that answer. He wanted his freedom and he wanted to be with Luke.

  * * * *

  Maybe he should have left the rescuing to the professionals. Luke was worn out and Edward hadn’t broken a sweat.

  “You can always turn around and go back,” Edward said.

  “No thanks,” Luke said to the arrogant C. I. A. agent. “If you can do this, so can I.”

  “All of us have had training for this kind of situation. You’re only going to hold us back if fighting breaks out.”

  “That’s another reason why you should turn back. If something happens to you, Nokie will be inconsolable.”

  Edward sneered at him. “He doesn’t have to worry. I will be okay. Tomahiko will be, too. Chang would never hurt him. He loves him.”

  “I am not stupid, Edward. I know what the man did to Tommy the last time he had him. The only thing that makes me feel a little bit better is that Tomahiko can defend himself now.” They were perched high on a cliff. Remnants of some kind of huge building could clearly be seen beyond the trees. There was also a huge wall around it and they were still a great distance away. “What kind of condition was he in the last time you rescued him?”

  “He had bruises all over his body, a blank stare like he’d seen or experienced something so terrifying he couldn’t get over it. And he wouldn’t let any of us touch him. He kept saying, dirty.”

  “How can you say that Chang loves him if the man hurt him?”

  “Have you ever heard of BDSM?”

  “Yes, I’ve heard of it, why?”

  “Chang is into it. So he didn’t see it as hurting Tomahiko.”

  Luke stopped in his tracks. “You mean he treated Tomahiko like his toy?”

  Edward nodded. “Something like that. Rumor has it that he’s been dating some other rich man’s son lately. The young man’s name is Koji Ueda.”

  “Then what does he want with Tomahiko?”

  “Some guys are just greedy,” Edward said. “But my guess is that he wants to use Tomahiko as a bargaining chip to get Mikuni’s territory.”

  Mikuni’s right-hand man Kacho Takashi came over to them. “Whatcha got?” Edward asked.

  “It is Chang’s fortress. It has several guards around the parameter.”

  “What are our chances of getting in?”

  “Pretty good if we go in through the back way. It’s pretty rocky, but it shouldn’t be a problem for someone like you,” Kacho said.

  “Any sign of Chang or little master?”

  Luke frowned. He hated that nickname.

  Kacho shook his head. “No, but they’re guarding something. My guess is that Chang is here and he’s entertaining Tomahiko.”

  A chill ran through Luke. He didn’t like the way that sounded. He stretched. “Let’s go.”

  Kacho looked at him and then Edward. He said something in Japanese.

  “Yeah, I can’t figure out why Mikuni likes him either,” Edward said.

  “Hey, I do speak Japanese,” Luke said. “I’m not a noob. I can fight just as well as you guys, and I can use a gun.”

  “That’s why I’m leaving you here,” Edward said. “If I don’t return, then you have to go in and get Tomahiko. It doesn’t make sense for both of us to get shot.”

  “Plus, Edward is good at espionage,” Kacho said in English. “He can get into the fortress first and make way for the rest of us to enter. He can’t do that and worry about you getting hurt. Boss wants both of you and his nephew to return in one piece.”

  Edward looked at Luke. “Did you cut off a finger or get a new tattoo recently?”

  That was Edward’s way of asking Luke if he was now a member of Mikuni’s organization. “No.” To tell the truth he still hadn’t figured out what happened on the night Mikuni introduced him to the other members of his organization. Maybe he was a member and just didn’t know it.

  Edward checked the weapon’s belt around his waist and made sure it and his vest were secured.

  Kacho said something to Edward in Japanese again.


  Kacho nodded.

  Edward laughed. “My boss is going to go ballistic when he finds that out. Stay here, Luke. I will find a way in then I will send you guys a text.” Edward and a few of the other guys disappeared before Luke could protest.

  “You would only slow him down,” Kacho said to Luke. “Edward is the best at this.”

  * * * *

  Tomahiko had lost count of how many days he’d been held captive in Rikuro’s mountain fortress. He was thankful for several things. Rikuro hadn’t laid a hand on him and he was still alive. Tomahiko didn’t know how long either was going to last since his capturer was a delusional kook with a strange desire to hurt the one he loved.

  The room was pretty even though he was locked inside. The bed was similar to the one he had at Mikuni’s place…the Paul Bunyan type with four big wooden posts, a nice firm mattress, fluffy pillows and covers fit for a prince. Still, Tomahiko had trouble sleeping. The nightmares about his former kidnapping had returned, along with the memories of how Rikuro abused him. Tomahiko shuddered. The man never would have gotten away with what he’d done had Tomahiko been an adult or Mikuni would have told the police. Even though he knew his uncle loved him, nothing was more important than the organization, not even him. If Rikuro tried to touch him this time, Tomahiko was prepared to defend himself, even if it meant dying in the process.

  Tomahiko heard a loud ruckus shortly after he closed his eyes. The door to his room flew open and a lot of men entered. All of them were dressed in dark colors and it was hard to make out faces in the dark. One of the men scooped him up into his arms. He had bulging muscles in his chest, neck, and in his arms. If he wasn’t in a strange situation he would have appreciated the erection he suddenly sprung. Tomahiko tried to get away.

  “Be still, brat, before I drop you.”

  Only one person called him that. Edward. No wonder the muscles felt familiar. Edward had come to rescue him once again, risking his life even though he didn’t have to. Noel was such a lucky young man.

  “Let’s get out of here before the others wake up,” he told his men.

  Tomahiko didn’t understand until he saw men sprawled out on the floor in every room that they passed. Edward didn’t kill unless he had to, which meant the men were just unconscious. Edward put him down on the ground once they were outside. “Where is your hair?”

  “Rikuro had it cut.”

  “You look like a young man,” Edward said as they hurried through the woods.

  “I am a young man,” Tomahiko replied. “The hair doesn’t change that fact.”

  “Let’s see what Luke thinks when he sees you.”

  “I’m not worried about Luke. My uncle is going to have a fit. I was supposed to keep the hair until I took over for him.”

  “But you don’t want to do that,” Edward reminded him.

  “Okay, so the hair made me look different from everyone else. Now I’ll just look like every other pop idol.”

  “Maybe, but you have talent, remember that.”

  Tomahiko started to feel groggy. “What is that I smell?”

  “Knock out gas,” Edward said.

  Tomahiko passed out.

  * * * *

  Luke and the other guys just relaxed right where they were and broke out the MRE’s…meals ready to eat that they had brought along with them. Edward was gone for a really long time. “Why is it taking so long?”

  “He probably has to get rid of the guards,” Kacho said.

  “Get rid of? You mean kill?” Luke asked.

  “Whatever,” Kacho said. “I can’t believe little master chose you over Edward.”

  “That’s because Tomahiko has excellent tastes,” Luke said. “Plus, Edward has moved on.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve heard,” Kacho said.

  Luke heard footsteps a few minutes later. He looked up. It was Edward.

  “We have him. Let’s go before Chang wakes up.”

  There was some type of cover over Tomahiko’s face and he wasn’t moving. “What’s wrong with him?” Luke asked.

  “Edward had to bomb the place and put everyone to sleep,” one of the other guys with Edward explained. “Little master got a whiff of it.”

  “The fresh air will clear his head,” Edward explained. “Let’s go.”

  Luke got on the other side of Tomahiko and helped Edward get Tomahiko down the mountain. They were halfway to their vans and trucks when he heard an alarm go off.

  “We need to get the fuck out of here,” Edward said. They reached the transportation. Edward helped Luke get Tomahiko in the back of one, and then Edward got behind the wheel. Kacho jumped into the front passenger seat and they hauled asses out of Chang’s territory.

  Tomahiko started coughing. Luke removed the cover from Tomahiko’s head. “Your hair! Where is it?”

  Tomahiko continued to cough. “It’s good to see you, too, Luke,” Tomahiko said sarcastically. “It will grow back.”

  “I had to look at him twice myself,” Edward said. “He looks like Mikuni’s little brother now. Who knew he’d look so innocent without the hair?”

  “Papoose,” Kacho teased.

  Edward and Kacho laughed.

  “Not funny,” Tomahiko said as he cleared his throat.

  “Did he touch you?” Luke asked.

  “Edward?” Tomahiko asked.

  “No, I mean Chang?”

  Tomahiko shook his head. “No, just ordered the haircut.”

  “You should have seen the room he had Tommy in,” Edward said. “It had one of those huge Paul Bunyan beds and matching furniture like he has at Mikuni’s place. This room had all the creature comforts, including the largest bathroom I’d ever seen. The closets were full of silk pajamas, like the ones he has on, fancy suits and expensive coats. You sure you want Luke?”

  “Very sure,” Tomahiko answered.

  His eyes had that faraway look in them. Luke had seen that happen before. “Are you sure he didn’t force himself on you?”

  “Not even a kiss,” Tomahiko said. “The man does not want me. This is all about territory. He wants Mikuni to give his area over to him.”

  “You mean he wanted his cake and wanted to eat it, too?” Luke said.

  Tomahiko nodded and cuddled up next to him. “Thanks for coming to rescue me.”

  “Edward did all of the work. All I did was worry,” Luke said.

  “Thanks, Edward.”

  “You’re welcome, Tommy, but you need to thank someone named Koji Ueda.”

  “Who is Koji Uneda?” Luke asked.

  “Rikuro’s current boyfriend,” Tomahiko answered.

  “You know him?” Luke asked.

  “He came into my room and introduced himself. I kind of feel sorry for him if Rikuro finds out that he helped me escape.”

  “He just pointed out your room,” Edward said. “I did all of the rest.”

  “He wouldn’t let me come,” Luke told Tomahiko.

  “Damn fool threatened to climb the mountain on his own,” Edward said. “He must have some kind of special feelings for you.”

  “Jealous?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Yes,” Edward answered.

  “You smell delicious,” Luke said to Tomahiko. He ignored Edward’s answer.

  “I took a bubble bath before I retired for bed. The bathroom has everything, just like Edward said. Tomahiko touched his hair.

  “It will grow back,” Luke said. “Now you do look like a kid. I might have to card you.”

  Tomahiko laughed at his joke. “Uncle is going to be so mad. I was supposed to keep it long until I replaced him.”

  Luke ignored that statement, too. “I like the way you look. I can see your dimples.”

  Edward peeked thought the rearview mirror.

  “Eyes on the road, Eddie.”

  “We better get him home before Mikuni puts out an APB on us,” Kacho said.

  Luke put his arm around Tomahiko and held him close. “I hope this is the last time Edward will have to rescue you.”

  “Then you will have to get rid of Chang,” Kacho said to Luke.

  “No problem,” Luke said. If he had to, he would put a bullet between the other man’s eyes.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mikuni was very happy to get his nephew back and did have a fit when he noticed that Tomahiko no longer sported hair down to his ass. It was a lot for Luke to get used to, too. Call him a pervert, but he liked it shorter. It reminded him of how Gerard’s hair used to be when he was younger. Of course, Luke had sense enough not to mention that.

  The last thing Luke expected was a party. Mikuni and his people really knew how to throw a celebration. No women were allowed though, not even Jasmine, who was having a bad bout with morning and evening sickness. The guys did cultural dances and drank sake and other hard liquors. Some of them even smoked, not just cigarettes but the illegal stuff, too. Luke had to continue to remember that he was no longer on American soil or under western rules. He and Edward were scheduled to fly out tomorrow, along with Ki, Akira, and Daisuke, and meet up with the others in Hong Kong. No one had heard from Chang, but this time the incident had been reported to the authorities. “Where’s Tomahiko?” Luke asked.

  “He’s resting,” Mikuni told him. “He’ll be joining us shortly.” Mikuni had been drinking all evening and was very talkative. “Thank you two for bringing my nephew back to me. Now I must ask you a favor, Luke.”

  “Me?” Luke asked.

  “Yes. I want you to take Tomahiko to America, marry him, and don’t bring him back here except for when I call for him.”

  Edward looked at Mikuni, and then Luke and then shrugged. “Is something wrong?”

  “Chang is not going to stop until he has his hands back on Tomahiko and he has this territory. I promised my brother that I would take good care of his young son.

  “And you have,” Luke said.

  Mikuni shook his head. “This life is not good for him. He is an entertainer, not a hood. I have just been an overprotective uncle. He has the voice of an angel and he’s not going to go anywhere being in Tokyo. Do you know that I’m about to become a father?”

  “Yes, Miss Jasmine is a nice lady,” Luke replied.

  “Yeah, but she’s been on my case to straighten up. Her father wants me to come into business with him.”

  “What does he do?” Edward asked.

  “He’s in the hotel business. He thinks I can make a good manager.”

  “What do you think?” Luke asked.

  “I think I want to give my future kids a fighting chance and a good life,” Mikuni answered.

  Luke didn’t know if it was the truth or the sake talking. It sounded like Mikuni was getting out of the mob business and going legitimate.

  “Should anything happen to me, I want you to promise me that you will look after Tomahiko. My nephew loves you. I heard him praying to his altar after the two of you met. He told his parents about you. He said you were a fun guy and he wants to have a family with you.”

  Edward raised an eyebrow. “Does he know about your past with other guys?”

  Luke nodded. “I told him everything.”

  “How many other guys have you looked at since you met Tommy?” Mikuni asked.

  Luke didn’t have to think hard. “None.”

  “And how many guys have you looked at when you were with Noel and Gerard?”

  Damn, Mikuni knows about Gerard. “Too many to count. I really did love Gerard. I was his first and he was so beautiful. But then I saw Noel with the red hair, freckles, and pretty greens eyes, and my tastes changed.”

  “And Bradley?” Mikuni asked.

  Luke gave up. “He was only supposed to be a one night fling. Then he showed up in New Orleans just as we were about to leave on a tour. I can’t say I was in love with him because I really didn’t know him.”

  “What color are Tomahiko’s eyes?” Mikuni asked.

  “That’s an easy one,” Edward said.

  “Brown,” Luke answered.

  “What food does he hate?”


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