When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5)

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When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5) Page 17

by Carrie Elks

  But only for a moment. Because then he started to tease her with his tongue, swirling it between her folds, his face pressed against her like she was his favorite meal. His hands slid beneath her, angling her body to suit his needs, his tongue and lips taking everything he wanted, giving her intense pleasure in return. Her head tipped back against the wooden wall of the summer house, her awareness of her surroundings disappearing as Daniel’s tongue lashed against the pinpoint of nerves between her legs.

  Heat coiled inside her, spitting and sparking as he took her to the edge. She rolled her hips against him, earning her a murmur of approval. “Daniel…”

  “Hush, I’m here. Not stopping.” He slid two fingers inside of her, the rhythm of his tongue never wavering. His finger tips curled, intensifying the sensations, sending her over the edge. Then she was flying and falling at the same time, fireworks exploding behind her closed eyes, her breath stuttering as pleasure crashed over her again and again.

  He didn’t stop. Not even when she tried to sit up. “More.” He slid his tongue against her sensitive skin, eking out the pleasure, growling against her with his own.

  “I can’t… it’s too much.”

  “Trust me, you can.”

  Every part of her was pulsing with pleasure. Her body felt so sensitive that she was moments from screaming out. He curled his fingers again, twisting them in a maddeningly delicious knot that made her blood feel like it was on fire. And then she was coming again, hard and fast, her body boneless as he pulled his fingers from her, spasms wracking through her body until she slowly came down.

  “You’re addictive. You’re not kryptonite, you’re crack.” His lips were glistening with her. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to get over you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They’d almost made it back to the ballroom when Becca stopped. Daniel turned to look at her. She was glorious. She’d done her best to smooth her hair down and fix her lipstick, but anybody who noticed her flushed skin would wonder exactly what she’d been doing.

  Not that he cared. Let them gossip. He was too busy trying to figure out how quickly they could leave. He didn’t want to make chitchat or smile politely at another old friend of his late father.

  He wanted to be with her. Alone.

  “We have to go back to the summer house,” Becca said, her eyes wide.

  A slow smile curled his lips. “You want more?”

  “No!” Her lips almost trembled. “I think you’ve wore me out. I can barely walk right now. We need to go back because I left my panties there.”

  “No you didn’t.” He patted his pocket. “I have them.”

  A mixture of relief and shock washed over her features. “Give them to me.”

  “You want me to give your panties to you here?” He inclined his head at the open glass doors in front of them. “In front of everybody.”

  “Oh god, no. Not here.” She looked around. “When we’re inside. Slip them to me and I’ll put them on in the bathroom.”

  “We could do that if you like.” His voice was mild, but his body felt more alive than it had in years.

  “What’s the alternative? Leave?”

  He shook his head. “I keep your panties and know that you’re walking around without them.” He slid his hand in his pocket, feeling the lace against his fingertips. “You’ll know, too.”

  Her chest hitched. “I’ll be bare beneath my dress.” She’d already shown him she was braless, thanks to the cut of her ball gown.

  “Yeah.” His voice was rough. “I know.”

  She stared at him, her eyes still glazed from their activities. “Would you like that?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

  His eyes flashed. “I would. But only if you would, too.”

  She shifted her legs, as though she had an itch she couldn’t scratch. He could see the flush of desire wash over her again. How had he stopped himself from touching her before? It was hard to remember. Because now that he knew how she tasted, he wanted so much more.


  “Let’s go dance while you think about it,” Daniel suggested, leading her to the center of the ballroom. He had to do something to take his mind off the desperate urge to kiss her, to taste her, to feel himself get lost in her. Just like before, she fit him like a glove, her sweet body pressing against his as he led her around the room.

  Every time his thigh touched hers, she gave a little shudder. As though the sensation was too much for her. She was unsteady on her feet. He liked to think he’d made her that way.

  “Can I ask you something?” she asked, as they spun away from the band.

  “Of course.”

  “Why did you do that in the summer house?” Her eyes didn’t quite meet his. “You made me feel good and you ended up frustrated.”

  “Because it’s polite to put ladies first.”

  Becca smiled. “I’m pretty sure that’s not something you were taught by your mom.”

  Daniel grimaced. “Definitely not. And now I’m wondering what kind of guys you’ve been dating where you’re surprised that I enjoyed tasting you.”

  Her flush deepened. “I don’t date that much.”

  “But you’re not a virgin.”

  Becca shook her head. “I had a boyfriend at college for a while. He lasted for about eight months before he met my brothers and got spooked.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a guy.”

  She sighed. “I guess he wasn’t. I’ve had a few other boyfriends and some dates. Mostly assholes who got annoyed that I didn’t put out on the first date. Nobody special.”

  “I don’t understand how you got to your mid-twenties without anybody special.” His brows knitted together. “You’re like a ripe fruit.”

  “Waiting to be plucked.”

  He grinned. “Your words, not mine.”

  “Maybe I’m discerning.” She pressed her cheek against his shoulder. He could smell the scent of her shampoo. Damn, she was intoxicating.

  A rush of anger went through him at the men who hadn’t treated her the way she deserved. “Don’t ever let a guy take without giving.” His voice was hard. “You deserve more.”

  Her gaze lifted to his. “Is that why you did it? Because I deserve more than a quick romp?”

  “Maybe I did it because you deserve to be pleased, rather than pleasing everybody else.”

  “I’d like to please you.” Her voice was low. It went right to his core. He could feel himself harden against her.


  “I’d like to taste you, the way you tasted me. To wrap my lips around you, and slide my tongue up and down.”

  He inhaled sharply. Didn’t she realize what she did to him? He was throbbing. “I’m half a minute away from taking you back to that summer house.”

  “Not the summer house.” She pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I want to see you above me, all angry and concentrated. I want to watch your face as you c—”

  He released his hold on her back, spinning her around and leading her off the dance floor. The song hadn’t even ended. A smile pulled at her lips as he held tightly to her hand, walking over to their table to bid farewell.

  “So early?” Eliana said, looking at them with a confused smile.

  “Becca’s hungry.” He shot her a look, and Becca squeezed his hand. “I need to get her something to eat.”

  “Well that’s understandable.” Julia lifted her glass to them. “The food here is terrible. And it’s no place for young lovers. Off you two go. Have a good time.”

  Eliana pressed her lips against Daniel’s cheek, then hugged Becca. She whispered something in Becca’s ear that Daniel couldn’t hear.

  And then they were heading to the car, waiting for them at the base of the steps thanks to Daniel’s quick text. He opened the door and helped Becca in, then walked around to the driver to speak quietly to him.

  When he climbed into the backseat, Becca slid her hand back into his, resting her cheek on his shoulder. A strange
emotion rushed through him. Was it contentment?

  “What did my mother say to you?” he asked her.

  Becca bit down a smile. “Nothing important.”

  He blinked at her refusal to tell. The driver pulled away, down the graveled driveway and out of the huge cast iron gates. Becca curled against him, and he wrapped his arm around her, marveling again at how perfectly she fit against him. Her skin was warm, her hair soft against his cheek, her hand softly resting on his thigh as the driver made it to the outskirts of Charleston.

  Five minutes later they came to a stop. Becca looked out of the window and back to Daniel with confusion.

  “The Ambassador Hotel?”

  “I figure it’s better not to make you scream in my mother’s house.”

  “Do they even have a room?”

  He nodded. “I texted them while we were driving. The penthouse is ours.”

  A slow smile pulled at her lips. “Like a do-over of last week. But with less angst and more pleasure.”

  “I certainly hope so.” His voice was smooth. Sexy.

  He helped her out of the car and led her into the hotel, where the concierge nodded at them both, slipping a card into Daniel’s hand. “The code is your usual.”

  “Thank you.”

  It was only a short wait for the penthouse elevator, but every second felt tangible, like it stretched for minutes. Becca was still holding his hand, standing close to him. He usually hated being too close to his dates. But with her it was different.

  Then the gold leaf doors opened and they stepped inside.

  Becca walked to the back of the elevator and turned until her back was pressed against the rail, her hands reaching behind her to curl around it. Daniel stepped inside, his jaw sharp and tight, his eyes dark and delicious as he scanned her face.

  “When you look at me like that it makes me want to take you against the damn mirror,” he growled.

  “Like what?”

  “All doe eyed and innocent. Like you’re half afraid of and half desperate for me.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel,” she told him. “Like you’re a predator and I have no idea what you have planned.”

  “I have a lot of plans.” He glanced at his watch. “For the next few hours.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. The memories of his face between her thighs, his lips and tongue taking and giving until her body was drowning with pleasure flashed through her.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “That I might not get out of here alive.”

  His face relaxed into a smile. “I fear for my own life more than yours.”

  She loved the way he was looking at her. He was so intense, so dark. Yet there was a softness there, you just had to find it. He gave her pleasure first, because he wanted to.

  And now she wanted to see his pleasure written all over his face.

  “They’ll find our bodies in a few days still sweaty and flushed.”

  “Our faces still full of pleasure.”

  He took a step forward, reaching out to cup her cheek. “Where did you come from?”

  “I’ve been here all along. It’s you who came back.”

  He inhaled sharply. “I don’t know what’s going to happen between us after tonight.” His eyes gazed at her, as though he was trying to tell her more.

  “I don’t want anything from you after tonight. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.”

  He chuckled. “Touché.”

  “And while we’re talking about trouble, do you have any insulin?”

  His eyes softened at her question. “I checked my levels earlier. I’m good.”

  “Okay then.”

  He stepped even closer. Enough for her to lift her head to look at those dark eyes. He was overwhelming. Not just in height, but in everything. Definitely trouble with a capital ‘T’.

  The doors pinged as they opened behind him. He leaned forward and her breath caught. Was he going to kiss her again? Instead, he slid his hands beneath her, lifting her up and carrying her out of the elevator, his sudden movements shocking the air from her lungs.

  “Five five seven eight,” he said, dropping her enough so she could punch the number into the keypad. The lock clicked, and Becca pushed down the handle, Daniel kicking the door open with his foot.

  He carried her inside, stalking across the living room of the suite toward the door of his bedroom, dipping her again so she could press down on the handle.

  “You could put me down,” she murmured against his cheek. “It would probably be easier.”

  “If I put you down, I don’t trust myself not to take you. And I want to see you on my bed.”

  Sure enough, he headed straight for the king in the center of the room, carefully laying her on the smooth bedsheets, stepping back to look at her like she was an installation at an art gallery.

  He stalked around the bed, his gaze still on her, as though he wanted to see her from every angle.

  “Still a predator, circling your prey.”

  “Just trying to work out the best way to die.”

  She lifted herself up on her elbows. The fluffy tulle of her skirt was wrapped around her thighs. Her breasts were fighting to escape the bodice. “This must be how it feels to lose your virginity on prom night,” she said, as he pulled at his bow tie and unfastened his top button.

  His eyes crinkled. “Who took you to prom?”

  “You don’t want to know.” There was no way she was going to admit it was Tanner.

  “You’re keeping all the secrets tonight.”

  “Maybe I want to be more like you. Strong and silent.”

  He shook his head slowly. “You really don’t.” He shucked his jacket off, then toed off his shoes. If he’d looked glorious in his full tux, now he looked dangerously sensual. White shirt, loose tie, and pants that hugged his hips as though they never wanted to let go.

  “Who did you take to prom?”

  “I didn’t go. I was going through a rebellious phase.”

  Becca grinned. “I’m not sure you grew out of it.”

  He reached the base of the mattress, his eyes scanning her. She knew how she looked. Louche, needy, dirty. Her legs splayed, her dress half off her body, her hair a mess of waves as it tumbled over her shoulders.

  He dropped to his knees, leaning forward and circling his hands around her thighs, pulling her toward him, his thumbs digging into her skin. She tried to slide her shoes off her feet and he stopped her.

  “These stay on.”

  Damn, even the way he talked sent shivers down her spine. “What if I want you to keep your shoes on, too?” She raised an eyebrow

  He laughed. “Not the same.” Running his fingers along her inner thighs, he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss against her.

  “Not again. Please. I’m ready for you.”

  “Maybe I’m not ready. Maybe I want to taste you again.”

  She sat up, hooking her legs around his waist, pulling him forward until their faces were almost touching. “Kiss me.”

  Something flashed behind his eyes. “You’re giving the orders now?”

  She ran the tip of her nose against his. “I’m asking nicely.”

  His mouth curled, as he slid his hand into her hair. He tipped her face back and kissed her throat, his lips demanding and hot.

  Becca’s nipples tightened, rubbing deliciously against her dress. “I should take this off,” she said. “The dry cleaning bill is going to be astronomic.”

  “I’ll buy you a new dress.” He continued kissing her neck, reaching behind her to unzip the mesh fabric, pushing the straps down her shoulders. The rush of cool air made her nipples tighten more.

  “Then I’ll buy you a new tux. This needs to come off,” she muttered, tugging at his open tie and flinging it on the floor. Then she tried to unfasten his buttons, but he wouldn’t let her lift her head to see what she was doing, too busy kissing her jaw, her cheek, the corner of her lips.

  There was a
movement as he took over, shrugging his shirt off. This time she made sure she looked, and she was so glad she did.

  Thick, muscled shoulders. Warm skin stretched over rippled pectorals, with dark nipples that made her mouth water.

  She could never get bored of touching a man like him. Her breath caught as she reached out, tracing her finger over him, loving the feel of his skin.

  His erection jutted proudly against his pants. She touched that, too, and he let out a strangled moan.

  “I want this,” she said, tracing the line of it again. “Now.”

  “So demanding,” he murmured, unfastening his fly.

  “I just want to see if you taste as bitter as your personality.”

  He laughed, the deep chuckle filling the room. His fly was open, revealing black shorts that did nothing to hide the size of him. He leaned over, stroking her face softly before pressing his lips against hers.

  “What are you doing here with me?” he asked, kissing her again. She curled her arms around him, her thigh pressing against his groin, and he let out another groan, circling his hips as though he had no choice.

  “It’s a fight to the death,” she whispered.

  He kissed her again. “La petite mort.”

  “Are you trying to seduce me with your language skills? Because if you haven’t noticed, I’m already seduced.”

  He pushed her bodice down, jaw tightening as he took in her breasts. “It’s the French word for orgasm. If you translate it literally, it means little death.” He dipped his head, sucking at her nipple, growling approvingly as she arched herself against him.

  “I’d like to die a little tonight with you.”

  “Or a lot.” He sucked at her other nipple. How did they end up like this? She was supposed to be tasting him. Teasing him. Seeing how dark she could make his eyes. Instead, she was at his mercy, subdued by his teasing lips.

  He peppered kisses across her chest and she reached down between them, sliding her hand beneath the waistband of his shorts. He was thicker than she realized. His hot skin was tight as her fingers circled him. Slowly, she ran her palm down him, loving the way his kisses stilled against her.


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