When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5)

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When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5) Page 22

by Carrie Elks

  And now he was trying to win her back.

  “Your family or mine?” she murmured. “Which one is worse?”

  “There’s no contest.” His lip curled. “Definitely mine.”

  “Yours didn’t make me play football then arrange for an animal stampede.”

  “But don’t you see?” His eyes softened. “They did that because they care. In their own, weird way, they wanted to test me. To make sure I’m good enough for you. My family doesn’t give a shit about me. Not like that.”

  “Your mom does.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, she does. And Nathan, too, but you’ve already met them. I’m talking extended family. My brother and sister.”

  And Melissa. She didn’t vocalize it though.

  “Nobody has ever fought for me the way your brothers fight for you. I’m glad you have them. You deserve to be loved and protected. Even from a guy like me.”

  “I don’t need protecting from you,” she whispered, her breath quickening as he softly stroked her hair.

  “Don’t you?”

  “No.” She shook her head resolutely. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Maybe you should be. I’m afraid of me. Of hurting you so much you won’t ever look at me like this again.”

  “Then don’t. Don’t hurt me. Be my protector, too.”

  Something flashed behind his eyes. He cupped his hands over her jaw, dropping his brow to touch hers. “I want to,” he whispered, his breath caressing her skin. “I want to be the man who deserves you.”

  “You are.” Her throat felt tight. “You don’t need to prove yourself to me, you’re the only one I want.”

  His lips were soft and gentle against hers. She could feel the hard ridge of him digging against her stomach. His fingers tangled into her hair, his lips sliding across her jaw and down her neck, making her gasp as he dragged his teeth against her. “What are you doing to me?” he murmured. “I don’t know who I am anymore.”

  She gasped as his fingers grazed her hips, pulling her even closer. His lips were worshipping her throat, sending shivers down her spine. The need for him curled and pulsed inside her, making her thigh muscles tense and her nipples harden.

  He unbuttoned her jeans, sliding his hand inside, sighing softly as his fingers grazed her. “I can never get enough of you.”

  She closed her eyes at the pleasure his fingers were already dragging from her. “You don’t have to.”

  Her words disappeared because he knew exactly how to make her feel good. Her knight in tarnished armor. Her once-enemy and now-protector. He made her world shrink until all she could see was him.

  And it was the most beautiful sight she’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Becca?” a voice called out as she walked down the corridor from the kitchen. It was Monday afternoon and the coffee just wasn’t cutting it. She blamed Daniel for keeping her awake for most of the night on Saturday, his demands so sweetly dirty it made her breath catch in her throat at the memory.

  “Hi.” Becca arranged a smile on her face as her eyes met Eliana’s. “How are you?” Please don’t ask me about Daniel. I can’t lie to save my life

  “I’m as good as it gets on a Monday.” Eliana laughed. “They’re not my favorite day of the week.” She took Becca’s hand. “Could we have a quick chat in my office? There’s something I want to ask you.”

  Becca’s stomach tightened. She wasn’t sure what Eliana knew. She hadn’t seen her since the weekend before last. “Of course.” She followed Eliana down the corridor and through the door to the executive offices. Daniel’s door was shut, and Becca wondered if he was behind there, or somewhere in the distillery. They’d agreed to keep it professional at work, but it didn’t stop him from messaging her.

  In fact, her phone had been lighting up constantly. If it wasn’t Daniel asking her if she wanted to go out for dinner and to spend the evening at his, it was one of her brothers begging for her forgiveness. She still wasn’t talking to them, but she knew she would eventually.

  Just as soon as she could think of them without wanting to hit them.

  “Take a seat,” Eliana said, gesturing at the leather guest chair at her desk. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “Thanks, but I just had a coffee.” Becca shot her a smile.

  “Ah, the famous coffee club. Is it still no guys allowed?” Eliana lifted a brow, walking around to her seat. Everything in here was elegantly neat. The large windows at the back of her room overlooked green fields, the barrel room just visible on the far left.

  “We were debating letting them in, but then they launched a full scale assault on the donuts.” Becca laughed. “So now they’re excluded again.”

  “They should start their own club.”

  “That’s what I told them.” Becca shrugged. “But they refuse to put in any work. They want the women to organize it.”

  “That sounds familiar.” Eliana gave a wry smile. “Which is kind of why I wantd to talk to you.”

  Becca braced herself for Eliana’s questions, ready to bat them off with a few nonchalant words.

  “It’s my birthday on Saturday and I’m hosting a dinner at my house in Charleston, and I’d love for you to join us.”

  Becca blinked. She wasn’t expecting that at all. Shifting in her chair, she tried to think of an appropriate response.

  “Don’t look so worried. I spoke to Daniel earlier and asked him to invite you, but I know what he’s like. It would be so lovely to have you there. My friend, Julia asked if you were coming – she enjoyed sitting next to you at the ball. I know it’s a drive, but I’ll have a room made up for you. Or for you and Daniel.” Her voice lowered. “Whichever you prefer.”

  “I should… talk to Daniel.” Becca shifted awkwardly.

  Eliana nodded, a smile pulling at her lips. “Of course.” She lifted her elegant chin, looking Becca in the eye. “I meant what I said to you before. You’re good for him. He’s so much more relaxed than I’ve seen him in years. And he might not say it out loud, but he cares for you. A mother can tell these things.”

  Becca’s chest tightened. She so wanted Eliana’s words to be true. “He’s a good man.”

  Eliana pressed her lips together, her eyes shining. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to see him happy. Thank you for making him smile again.”

  It was strange how awkward this conversation was, yet it warmed her, too. When she was in Daniel’s arms, everything felt right. But when they weren’t together, she found herself wondering if she was exaggerating the pull between them, or the softness in his eyes when he gazed at her. Last night he’d cooked for her, and she sat in his gleaming kitchen, smiling at how at ease he seemed with a griddle pan and a steak. Yes, he could be difficult, and he clammed up when she asked questions he didn’t want to answer, but he was also soft and loving, and always put her comfort first.

  And he’d sacrificed himself for her family’s approval. Let himself be covered in mud to gain her brothers’ respect. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t feel something for her, would he?”

  “Can I let you know tomorrow about your birthday?” Becca asked.

  “Of course. But if anybody can persuade him, you can.” Eliana leaned on the table, the sun behind her catching her white hair. “It would mean a lot to have you both there. And maybe one day Nathan will be there, too. I feel like I’m finally getting my family back, and a lot of that is thanks to you.”

  “Family is important.” Becca didn’t know what else to say.

  “Yes, it is.” Eliana nodded. “I didn’t know how important until mine started to crumble. So thank you. For bringing him back to me.”

  “He came back of his own accord.”

  Eliana laughed. “I don’t mean bringing him back from Scotland. I mean bringing back the man who knows how to smile.”

  Becca shifted again, looking down at her hands. “I should probably get back to the stills. We’re on a run.”

  “Of course.” Eliana stood, and B
ecca followed suit. “I’ll hopefully see you on Saturday.”

  “Okay, then.” Becca lifted her hand in goodbye, hoping she didn’t look as uncomfortable as she felt. Maybe this was why they said not to have relationships at work. Because when your big boss was your boyfriend’s mother, it made everything feel awkward as heck.


  He didn’t even look up from his laptop as he said it. Becca shifted on the sofa to look at him, folding her legs beneath her.

  “Why not?”

  Daniel sighed, pressing the laptop screen down, the back light diminishing to a single line before fading away. “Because we’re even. You did my family, I did yours. I’d rather spend this weekend the two of us, preferably naked and sweaty between the sheets.”

  Her lips twitched. She secretly liked it when he was grumpy. It reminded her of those days when he couldn’t look at her without a scowl. “It’s your mother’s birthday,” she reminded him. “You can’t miss that. Especially with Nathan in Japan. You’re the only one of her sons who can celebrate with her.”

  Daniel sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Today they hadn’t even bothered to pretend to go to their own homes. Daniel had messaged her this morning asking her to stay at his, suggesting she bring a few things to leave at his place, but she’d countered that it would be easier for him to bring a few things to hers.

  It was simple, guys needed less things than girls did. And she liked seeing him wince every time he tried to get comfy in her small double bed.

  “Why is it that you’re happy to please everybody else in the world but me?” His eyes were dark.

  She tipped her head to the side, grinning. “Because it’s so much more fun riling you up. And you should be pleased I don’t try to always give in to your requests. I keep you on your toes.” She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Don’t tell me you hate the challenge.”

  He shook his head, his eyes soft. “I love the challenge,” he murmured. “Except for when it comes to my family. I don’t want to go, and I’m almost certain you don’t want to go either. So why put ourselves through it?”

  Becca sat back on her heels, studying him carefully. “I’m going whether you are or not.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose between his finger and his thumb, grimacing as if he was in pain. “Becca…”


  “Why can’t we just stay here?”

  “You know why. Because it’s your mom’s birthday and she’ll be hurt if we don’t go. This is what families do, Daniel. They celebrate together. They have fun. I’m happy to go see your mom, I like her.”

  He stared back at her, his brows knitting together. “Okay.” He exhaled heavily. “The truth is, I don’t want to go because Lawrence and Melissa will be there.” His voice was low. “My mother has this stupid idea that we’re becoming closer as a family. She thinks that since we were civil at the ball and they agreed to the single malt that we can play happy family. And I don’t want to.”

  His words felt like a punch to her gut. “Why?” she asked, ignoring the tremors in her voice. “Why would you avoid them?”

  “Because they’re old history. And I’m not interested in getting closer to Lawrence. We share blood, but nothing else.”

  That wasn’t quite true. They also had Melissa in common. The thought made her throat feel tight.

  “Are you still in love with Melissa?” she asked, wincing as his expression darkened.

  “What kind of question is that?” he snapped. “Of course I’m not.”

  His answer didn’t feel like the salve she’d hoped it would be. Her body still felt on edge. Like she was on a boat constantly tilting to the side. “Then why avoid them? If they mean nothing to you.”

  “Because Lawrence enjoys making people feel bad. I saw the way you looked when you were dancing with him. You didn’t enjoy it and neither did I. He’s been like this as long as I can remember. He’s competitive and nasty, the way our father made him. And I don’t want you being exposed to him more than you have to.”

  “I’m a big girl,” she reminded him, her voice soft. “I can deal with your brother. It’s you I find hard to understand. I just wish you’d talk to me, open up. Tell me what it is that makes you so uncomfortable around them.”

  He slid the laptop onto the table beside the sofa, taking her hand and pulling her on top of him, until her knees were straddling his thighs. She could feel the hard muscles of him against her soft behind, as he brushed the hair from her face.

  “It’s old history,” he told her, leaning forward to kiss her, his lips warm and demanding. “They’re the past. We’re the future. I don’t want to talk about them. I’m more interested in us.”

  She knew he was avoiding her question, but his lips and hands were so damn teasing. He knew exactly where to kiss her so she’d forget every thought in her head. Exactly where to touch her until her body began to sing.

  Her head fell back as he kissed his way down her throat, his hand pushing up her blouse so he could trace the circle of her breasts. He hardened against her, the thick ridge of him digging into her exactly where she needed him. Her body began to move against him, making him groan.

  Somehow, she managed to form a coherent thought. Cupping his rough jaw with her hand, she lifted his face to kiss him again, breathing in his masculine scent.

  “Just say yes,” she whispered, undulating against him again.

  “To what?” His voice was thick. He grabbed her hips with his hands, fingers digging into her soft flesh as he pulled her closer against him.

  “Take me to your mom’s birthday.” She gasped as he slid his hand inside her bra.

  “You’re a jezebel, using your body against me,” he muttered, sliding his thumb across her nipple. The sensation made her body jerk against him, making him harder.

  “Yeah.” Her words were as thin as gossamer. “But isn’t it worth it?”

  He captured her lips with his mouth, sliding his tongue against hers, kissing her until she was breathless.

  “I’ll take you to the dinner,” he said, when their lips parted. “But you’ll owe me. Big time.”

  She smiled, pressing her chest to his, hearing him groan as she slid against him. “Of course,” she whispered, kissing his jaw with soft, feathery caresses. “And I look forward to repaying.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Her Bluetooth connected and her phone rang out over the stereo speakers, Daniel’s name flashing across the display screen on the front of her car. Becca accepted the call, smiling as Daniel’s voice echoed through the speakers.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “About thirty minutes out. How about you?”

  “I just arrived.” He sounded tetchy. “And I still can’t figure out why you wouldn’t let me drive you.”

  “Because you should spend some time alone with your mom tomorrow. It will make her happy. And since you’ll be doing such a nice thing, that will make me happy, too.”

  “What makes you think I want to make you happy?”

  She smiled at his grumpiness, feeling the heat of the spring sun radiating through the window, landing on the side of her face. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The forest lining the sides of the road were full of verdant trees, their leaves dancing in the breeze as she whipped past them. “You wanted to make me happy last night,” she reminded him.

  “I wanted to make you come.”

  “And that made me happy. See how easy it is to be nice?” She loved teasing him. Finding the little chinks in his grumpy exterior and pushing her way in. “Now go in and see your mom and I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “Did you deliberately leave late so I’d have to do this without you?”

  She laughed. “No. I’m not manipulative, I’m just a slower driver than you. Now I’m going to hang up so I can concentrate, so goodbye.”



  “Press that pedal a little harder. It’s
completely legal to drive faster than forty miles per hour.”

  Her chest rumbled. “Stop it. And go inside!”

  “Shit. My mom’s walking down the steps. I should go.”

  “Yes, you should.”

  “I’ll see you in thirty.”

  She managed not to laugh this time. “Yes you will.”

  “And I haven’t forgotten that you owe me. I’m still planning on collecting. Very soon.”

  He ended the call before she could respond. And maybe that was for the best, because his low-level threat sent a thrill through her, making her cheeks flush.

  If Grumpy Daniel was fun, Passionate Daniel was everything. She liked them both. But the one she loved most of all was Happy Daniel.

  She hoped to see a lot more of him.

  Daniel turned to see Becca walk out of the little dressing room connected to her bedroom. She was radiant. Wearing a white cocktail dress that molded perfectly against her breasts and slim torso, then flared out to her knees, with embroidered flowers lining the hem. Her slender legs were exposed and tanned, and her feet were encased in pale pink shoes he wanted to see wrapped around his hips later.

  He was wearing a suit. Dark blue, with a crisp white shirt. Becca had insisted on knotting his grey tie for him, her fingers sliding against his neck as she twisted the fabric under and over. He’d inhaled deeply, loving the soft floral notes of her perfume, and the way she stared up at him with those big eyes.

  He could never get enough of her. She was the only one who could make him do things he didn’t want to do. He blinked at the thought of it. She was the sunshine to his darkness, the smile to his frown.

  She warmed him in a way nobody ever had before.

  “Come here,” he said softly, holding his hand out to her. She took it, and he pulled her toward him, circling his arms around her waist. “I’ve decided on what you owe me.”

  A smile curled at her lips. “You have?”


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