The Benefactor

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The Benefactor Page 17

by Nana Malone

  “Is that so, Jessa?” Bryna cocked her head and kept her gaze narrowed and trained on Jessa. Jessa ignored her and found the courage to speak.

  “Yep. He came to visit.” The lie tripped off her tongue smoothly, but she didn’t meet Bryna’s gaze.

  I tried to help and kept talking. “I’m just so excited to get out of the house. Ben in protection mode is like trying to get past a junkyard dog.”

  Jessa laughed. “I understand why, though. What happened to you is concerning.” With a grin she glanced toward the bar. “I love that we all came with our own personal security team.”

  Bryna rolled her eyes. “You know, at this point, Allison and Emmet are like part of the family. I barely notice them. And they both play a mean game of poker.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “How long have you had them?”

  “Let’s see, we’ve been engaged for two years, so, two years.”

  “Two-year engagement? You guys must be planning the wedding of the century.”

  Bryna wrinkled her nose. “Uh, not exactly. I was finishing graduate school. Lucas wanted me to focus on that since he knew how important it was to me. And then when I finished, we just sort of haven’t gotten together to do it yet.”

  I could tell she was probably a little sensitive about it, so I was going to let it go, but she kept talking. “I don’t know. I think he’s struggling with his, like, role or something. He’s not sure what he means to the royal family.”

  Jessa chewed on that for a moment. “I think he’s having a hard time finding his place. I mean, his degree is in international relations, so diplomatic work is great for him. But Sebastian has Penny, who is also great for diplomatic stuff.” Jessa shrugged. “And I actually have a job outside the family, so I think he’s trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do.”

  Bryna wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know if that’s it, because Sebastian has been keeping him plenty busy with diplomatic assignments. Can I just say the thing?”

  Jessa nodded. Bryna summoned a passing waiter for a drink, and he quickly came by with champagne. With glasses full, we lifted them and clinked. “To new friendships,” said Jessa.

  After a sip, Bryna put hers down. “I think he misses being a thief.”

  I coughed, sputtering as the bubbles hit my nose and went down the wrong pipe. One of my guards rushed over, ready to pull me away in case I was being, what… poisoned?

  Jessa waved him off. “She’s all right. She just can’t believe Bryna said what she just said.”

  Bryna mumbled an apology. “Sorry, he used to be a thief.”

  My gaze darted to Jessa. Am I supposed to let on that I knew that? God, I was the worst liar. “Oh, wow,” I mumbled feebly.

  Bryna didn’t seem to notice my terrible attempts at lying. “Long story. It was ages ago. He didn’t have the best upbringing. At any rate, sometimes I get the impression he misses it.”

  I had no idea what to say, where to look. So I just asked a bunch of leading questions to keep her talking. “Well, why do you think he misses it?”

  “You mean besides the fact that he literally catalogs every stealable thing anywhere we go? Do you know he can give me the value of this whole entire room in less than two minutes? It’s unnerving. It’s also kind of oddly sexy. He could tell you a myriad of ways to steal things in here. Watches, necklaces, brooches. He could steal every car in the parking lot just for fun.”

  I took a sip of champagne. “Ah, you don’t sound like you mind?” I ventured.

  She wrinkled her nose. “I know I’m supposed to mind, because, you know, stealing is wrong and all that, but I don’t actually mind, I guess. It used to bother me because I had this idea of right and wrong. But after what I have seen, after the hell we’ve all endured, I don’t really care, honestly.”

  Jessa lifted a brow. “Interesting.”

  Bryna just shrugged. “I know. It’s terrible. Wrong, right?”

  Jessa slid her gaze over to me. I didn’t know what to say, so I kept my eyes all the way averted and just sipped the champagne. I made a clumsy attempt at changing the subject. “I love this song. Anyone want to dance?”

  Bryna’s gaze snapped to mine. “Okay, you two are acting weird. What’s going on? Olivia, I just met you and I can already tell you’re a bad liar. Spill.”

  I took another sip. “Oh no. I—I, uh… oh God. I have to go to the bathroom.” I stood to make my escape.

  Bryna was surprisingly fast though, her hand snapping out to stop me. “Sit.” She turned her attention to Jessa. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “Jesus, Bryna. You’re putting us between a rock and a hard place. He’s my brother.”

  “Yeah, and I’m one of your best friends. Tell me.”

  My gaze ping-ponged between them. Jessa rolled her shoulders. “Okay, but you should talk about your concerns with Lucas. Leave Livy and me out of it.”

  “Is he stealing again?” Bryna’s voice was high pitched when she asked.

  Jessa wiggled in her seat. “Stealing is the wrong word, I think. Wouldn’t you agree, Olivia?”

  I raised my hands. “Please, leave me out of this. What happened to a nice girls’ night out? How did we somehow get on the topic of men?”

  Jessa laughed. “You’re no help. Look, there’s something going on with Ben and the London Lords, and they asked Lucas for his help.”

  Bryna leaned forward. “I knew it! He’s been distant and weird. Cagey. He won’t tell me who he’s talking to on the phone. I thought he was giving me a surprise. Or cheating.”

  Jessa rolled her eyes. “He would never. Not only because he loves you, but that’s also totally not his style. Lucas might liberate items from time to time, but he has that strong core value of never hurting anyone, especially not intentionally. Cheating would destroy you. He would rather die.”

  Bryna sat back, chewing her bottom lip. “I know that. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t tell me.”

  Jessa sighed. “Because he doesn’t want to disappoint you. He wants to be the prince that you think you’re marrying.”

  “He’s an idiot. When is he going to realize I love him no matter what? I don’t want to change him.”

  “Then maybe tell him that because I told him it was dumb that he wasn’t including you in the meetings.”

  “There were meetings?”

  I needed to make an escape. I pushed to my feet. “I’m going to go.”

  This time, it was Jessa who stopped me. “Relax. She’s not going to lose her shit.”

  Bryna did lift a brow though. “Olivia has been in the meetings, but I haven’t?”

  I shifted uncomfortably. “If it’s any consolation, it’s only because I’m in trouble that’s loosely related to what they needed Lucas for.”

  Bryna downed the rest of her champagne and then waved the waiter over for more. So, it was going to be that kind of night.

  “Okay, if you can’t tell me, that’s just fine. But what we’re going to do is start including me in these little clandestine meetings.”

  Swallowing hard, I frowned. “I don’t know. He was really adamant that he didn’t want you—”

  Bryna shut me up with a glare. “Next meeting, I’m there. Do you hear me?”

  I had no choice but to nod. She was slightly terrifying. Never mind that she was dimpled and sort of resembled a pixie. Two things were certain; she wasn’t screwing around, and she was seriously in love with Lucas. It didn’t matter what he did. She was ride or die till the end. And I could respect that. “Sure. I’ll give you a call. But maybe you should just talk to him. I’m sure you guys can work it out.”

  She shook her head. “No, with a man that stubborn, the only way to deal with him is a full-on ambush. You’ll learn.”

  I laughed. “Something tells me I’ve already learned that lesson.”

  Jessa waved her glass. “To complicated men and the crazy women who love them.”

  I lifted my glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

nbsp; 17


  I could be a man and admit it.

  It took a real man to fully admit to being pussy-whipped. God save me from the moment Olivia Ashong realized that I would do anything for her touch.

  I was quite certain she’d use her powers for evil.

  We’d spent the weekend having a lovers’ shut-in. I probably should have given her more breaks than I did, but for the first time, I loved being in the house. I loved everything about it. Not to mention, Livy was changing everything.

  Every time I turned around there was a new painting or a new photo, knickknacks. Just little bits and pieces of her life that she’d been injecting into mine.

  And the woman was obsessed with making me cook things. Making me fend for myself. On Saturday, we’d cooked instead of getting takeout. Last night, she’d caved and begged for Korean as we lay on the couch and I massaged her feet. Granted, the massage had come after three spectacular orgasms in a row, and I’d rendered her basically boneless.

  Was this that feeling? Did Mina make Bridge feel like this? I doubted it.

  But if this was the feeling that turned men into fools, then call me a fool because I didn’t think I’d ever been so content.

  Don’t be a pussy. Just say it. Happy. You’re fucking happy.

  I was. And I wasn’t quite sure what to do with that emotion. I’d always been restless. A little bit dissatisfied. But with her, it was like I had figured it all out. The meaning of life or some bullshit.

  I thought if that was what it was going to be like, I could live in that kind of blissful existence forever.

  But we still had a problem. People were trying to kill her. And you. And your friends. And you have a diamond to steal.

  Oh yeah, welcome to the real world.

  By the time Monday morning rolled around, I had a spring in my step strolling into the office with Livy at my side as I tried to get a better look at the hint of cleavage down her blouse. I was too comfortable, too happy.

  On the ride to work, my naughty girlfriend had given me a blowjob. I had to put the partition up and refrain from yelling, but then she wrapped her mouth around me, and well, I knew I was going to have a very good morning.

  “After you, Miss Ashong.”

  Before we stepped in, she released my hand and fixed my tie. Then she smiled. “You look very respectable, Mr. Covington. Considering what we were just doing in the car, I’m shocked.”

  “Why don’t you look ruffled at all?”

  “You ruffled me plenty this morning.” She laughed as she scooted out of my reach. “Now, I’m going to work. Remember, be a responsible adult.”

  “Right. I want a rain check for lunch.”

  She shook her head. “Oh no you don’t. I have actual work to do today. If I come near your office for a closed-door rain check, my clothes will be a disaster and I won’t be able to think. So no lunch.”

  I pouted. “But how am I supposed to make it through the rest of the day?”

  She laughed at me as she shuffled in with Scott. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

  She saw Kennedy in the lobby, and the two of them chatted amiably and walked together. I let them go ahead as my phone started ringing. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it anyway. “Covington.”

  “Covington. Where are you at the moment?”

  I recognized the voice. “Downs?”

  I didn’t have any good news for him. Why was he calling?

  “I just walked into the office.”

  “Oh good, that was you I saw with the pretty girlfriend that you looked like you wanted to eat.”

  Motherfucker. He was watching? “Is there a reason you’re calling?”

  “Yeah. Come outside. Let’s have a quick meeting.”

  I wasn’t used to being the one directed to do things. I was usually in charge.

  Oh yeah? How does that work with Livy?

  I swallowed the wry smirk that threatened and stepped back out onto the teeming sidewalk of SoHo. I found his car easily enough. It was a vintage Rolls. Very nice. His driver opened the back door, and I slid in. I was greeted with a nod and a smile. “You have excellent taste, Covington.”

  I lifted a brow. “You mean in suits?”

  He lifted a brow. “Women.”

  I changed the subject. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

  He nodded. “That’s the way I like it.”

  “Well we’re not having this clandestine car meeting for no reason. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m checking on you. On my investment, so to speak.”

  “Is that what this is? An investment?”

  “Well yes. I’m counting on you. And you need me.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “If I were you, I’d keep her off of Marcus’s radar.”

  I shifted uncomfortably at the mention of Livy. “I’ll do what I need to do to keep her safe.”

  His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to delve in, but he didn’t. “So, where are we? How close are you to getting the jewel?”

  “Things are still on target.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  “It’s probably better you don’t know what I’m planning.”

  He watched me. “Fair enough. But I’ve already started your campaign.”

  “Have you?”

  “Yes. Do you have a name?”

  “Not yet. I’m mulling it over, but it will likely be Drew Wilcox.”

  He frowned. “It’s not Hale?”

  I shook my head. “He’s not ideal. That choice would make his father far too happy, and East’s hatred of the man runs deep enough that he’ll want to avoid any happiness for him. Drew’s a good candidate. His family’s been Elite for generations. He’s the one we need. They’ll follow him.”

  Rowan sighed and folded his hands in his lap. “I know you have trepidations, but I at least expected Hale would step up. He’s another leader. I sense too much of a wild card in Edgerton. They would never follow him.”

  I shook my head. “East doesn’t want to lead.”

  “But why Wilcox?”

  “He is tried-and-true Elite.”

  He shook his head. “I’m telling you he doesn’t have what it takes to lead.”

  “People can surprise you. Drew’s a good egg. Besides, he’s exactly who we need. He’s the guy they’ll assume is all about them. They won’t see him coming.”

  “You recognize you’re making your job that much harder, right? The Van Linsteds are old power. They will be pulling out all the stops. You, I can get people behind.”

  “I’m not running. When this is done, and the Van Linsteds are gone, I’m out.”

  He lifted a brow. “What do you mean out? Have you forgotten Elite are members for life?”

  “Yeah, then we’ll have to just call me an inactive member. I want other things for my life.”

  “It won’t be quite so easy as you think to walk away. You think we haven’t all tried at some point? We haven’t all had that itch to be independent? You’ll soon discover that weaning off mother’s teat isn’t as easy as you think it is.”

  “The night of my initiation, I knew I’d made a mistake. I’d made a mistake by answering the call, and I made another by pulling my mates in with me. All of it was a mistake. I don’t want this.”

  “Well, want it or not, heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

  “Well it won’t be my head. It’ll be Drew’s.”

  “You’re sure about this? You are prepared to let him take the reins and be the most powerful man in the world?”

  “I could be. Because I don’t want it. I spent my whole life chasing things that I thought I should want, thought I should have. None of them made me happy. Stripping the Van Linsteds, that’s all I want. Who they are, what they stand for… They weren’t kidding when they said power corrupts.”

  Downs shrugged. “Isn’t that the truth. All right, if that’s your pick, that’s the one we’ll go with, but I
urge you to reconsider.”

  “Thank you, but our minds are made up. East won’t do it, and like you said, Bridge is more likely to burn it down than I am, and the establishment knows it. And I want nothing to do with it. So who’s left but Drew? I don’t care who’s in charge, it just can’t fucking be the Van Linsteds anymore.”

  Downs nodded. “Fair enough.”

  The car pulled over to the curb again. “Covington, I meant what I said about your woman. Keep an eye on her. The Van Linsteds know what you’re doing. They won’t play fair.”

  “Neither will I.”

  “In that case, let the games begin.”


  Following a project meeting, Ben leveled me with a stern gaze. “Come with me, Ms. Ashong. I have a special job for you.”

  I fought to hold back a laugh. I got the distinct impression that the job in question would include his dick. “Mr. Covington, you know it is illegal for you to sexually harass me in the office.”

  He narrowed his eyes, leaning close, almost inappropriately so, as we walked. “It’s technically not harassment if you like it. Or was that not you this morning screaming, ‘Oh God, yes. Right there. There. Oh God.’” His smile was all smug smirk.

  “That is not what I sound like.”

  “I think it’s a fairly accurate portrayal of you from this morning. If you care to make a wager as to exactly what you sound like, I can make you scream again in another two minutes.”

  His low whispered words made me clench. And I was fairly sure my panties were a drenched mess. “Sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  The grin that spread over his full lips was pure smug evil. “You better believe it. So, come on, what do you say? Are you up for your special assignment?”

  Hell yes, my vagina chimed in. Though, honestly, she had no business chiming in. She was the reason we were both late to work that day. I opted for reason and caution. “No. Because I have work to do. My boss, he’s kind of an ass.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s your boss’s boss.”

  “You are incorrigible. I have things to do.”

  His teeth grazed his bottom lip as he watched me with a hooded gaze. “Yeah, one of those things is me.”


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