Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)

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Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) Page 15

by Addae, Sydney

  Asia thought on his words and agreed. “That makes sense. I must remember there are other Alphas and treat them with respect.”

  Alpha Frederick walked in, Tobias stood behind him. The beta nodded, and she returned the gesture.

  “Greetings Angus Black Wolf,” Alpha Frederick said moving forward to shake hands. “It is good to see you. I appreciate your return to deal with this problem.” The Alpha removed his sunglasses and glanced at Asia. His dark gray gaze flickered over Hawke but he did not address either of them. The alpha was impeccably dressed, suit, shirt, tie, shoes and leather overcoat, all in custom-fitted black fabrics to fit his large bulk. His dark brown hair brushed against his collar.

  “We arrived on time and would like to get started,” Hawke said.

  Alpha Frederick stared at him for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, my apologies for being late. Two Alphas wanted to attend and security took longer clearing them. I hope their attending will not create a problem.”

  “They are here?” Angus asked.


  “Then why ask if their presence creates a problem? I am here in good faith on behalf of my Alpha as you requested. We must start the meeting soon or reschedule.”

  Asia applauded Angus’ handling of the Alpha. The man had been late and rude and Angus called him on it.

  “Yes, we shall.” Alpha Frederick turned and walked to one of the chairs placed in a clearing. There were two other empty ones.

  “I do not like this,” Hawke said in a dark tone. “They think we are weak and defenseless. I will show them differently.”

  “Wait. Diplomacy, remember? I want to see who sits in those other two chairs,” Asia said.

  Angus looked at his watch. “Alpha Frederick you have two minutes to begin or we leave.” His comment charged the atmosphere.

  “When Angus turns to leave, shift then,” Asia added after Angus threw down the gauntlet.

  She glanced at Angus, he continued to look at his watch but she knew he was aware of the movement in the room. A second later they were enclosed in a sheer bubble. La Patron had used this when they were under attack in Lyrill; it helped them escape without losses.

  “What is this?” Hawke asked. Asia explained and heard his gasp of surprise.

  “Can we be heard outside the bubble?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “Angus?”

  “Yes? And La Patron did not provide the bubble, I did. He taught me how.” Angus continued watching his watch.

  “That’s great, can they hear us?”


  “What’s the plan?” Asia asked.

  “If they do not start in thirty seconds, we leave.”

  “Do we destroy them?” Hawke asked.

  “Only if they try to prevent us from leaving. More full-bloods just arrived, should be interesting.”

  “I will shift to hybrid and lead the way,” Hawke said.

  “They may have darts,” Asia said. “That’s what I would use to capture us,” she said when both men glared down at her.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, you may be right. Stay in the bubble. Chacal is waiting to pick us up when we are done.”

  “Can Chacal be trusted?” Asia asked wondering why Chacal remained outside the lines of conflict.

  “He has been involved with many governments over his lifetime, and has been on the losing side often. Now he chooses to remain neutral. He will not fight, or get directly involved. Trusted? We have been friends for centuries. I understand him and never ask for what he cannot give. Within those parameters, yes, Chacal is trustworthy.”

  Just as Angus turned to leave, Alpha Frederick spoke. “One of your pack members released mongrels from a secure location into the public where they have attacked humans violating the most important rule of secrecy. Human authorities are looking into the matter and each day becomes harder to keep our presence quiet.”

  Asia noticed two men sat in the other chairs. “Do you know any of those men?”

  “On the right, the bald one is Alpha Verrick of the Southern Ukraine. I do not know the other,” Hawke said.

  Verrick’s height and breadth mimicked Hawke’s and she wondered if he had been altered as her mate had.

  “How do you respond?” Alpha Frederick asked.

  Angus crossed his arms. “Respond? My pack member discovered the enslavement of full-bloods, something no wolf should ever experience. You call them mongrels now, but they were not mongrels when they were captured and enslaved. These men and women were full-bloods then and are full-bloods now, worthy of respect for surviving their time in captivity. Yet you continue to persecute your own. A secure location, does that mean you knew of this group who stole full-bloods and ran tests on them? Alphas in this country allow this?” Angus looked around the room at the wolves.

  “I am Alpha Verrick of South Ukraine. You change question to hide pack member’s crime. He released wolves without place for them. Irresponsible act caused this problem.”

  “So he should have left the full-bloods in cages?”

  The man’s face reddened as his jaw clenched.

  Angus turned toward Alpha Frederick. “What La Patron is trying to understand is this. Are you upset because a member from his pack rescued full-bloods which should have been done years ago? Or is this a common practice, allowing full-bloods to be abused as guinea pigs? That notion is alien to him and as such, he approved the release of full-bloods when he saw their condition.”

  Alpha Verrick scoffed. “He saw their condition? How?”

  “The same as he is watching this proceeding, through my eyes, and the eyes of his pack.” Angus pointed in her direction. No one spoke after that declaration.

  “Greetings, I am Alpha Andrei.” He executed a graceful bow. “My territory is Bucharest and Southern Romania. I assure you, no Alpha approves the abuse of any innocent wolf. The situation at the castle has recently reached my ears and I agree no full-blood should be imprisoned for experiments.”

  Asia applauded the man’s reasonable approach. Two problems. How to stop humans from discovering our existence and how we stop… test wolves from attacking humans.

  “Destroy them,” Alpha Verrick said.

  “Why are you so quick to destroy a group of full-bloods without full knowledge of the situation,” Angus said in a dangerous tone.

  “I saw tape of mongrel chasing small girl. No one lives after that,” Alpha Verrick leaned forward, his bald plate glistened beneath the lights.

  “Yes, I agree. But does that mean all those full-bloods should die because of a few?” Angus looked around the room. “Does it?”

  Asia sensed the tide turned again in the crowded space. Angus’ constant use of the term, full-blood worked like magic. None of these men wanted an Alpha challenge because they did not protect pack. Asia hoped Angus sealed the deal without anyone discovering her mate’s address for the past three decades.

  “No. We cannot assume all mongrels are bad,” Alpha Verrick said his tone heavy. “How do we stop this? This must stop.”

  Angus nodded. “I agree. La Patron has agreed to locate the test wolves, if they are out of control, they will be destroyed. If not they will be left in peace.”

  “I do not like others killing in my territory. You find, I decide,” Alpha Verrick said.

  “No. That is unacceptable.” Angus did not explain further.

  “I should allow this? Why?”

  “It solves the problem. But La Patron will do it his way or not at all. You choose. The clock is ticking.” Angus looked at his watch and then at the three men.

  Asia bit the inside of her jaw to keep from smiling. The other two Alphas appeared relieved to have the situation handled and out of their hands. Verrick would be voted down.

  “Patron started the problem, he should fix,” Alpha Verrick said before the other Alphas spoke.

  “I agree and accept La Patron’s offer. I pledge to be more vigilant of my borders so that this evil thing never happens again. If an
y test wolves wish to move to my territory, I will accept them. They will find a haven in Bucharest.” Alpha Andrei leaned back in his chair and looked at the full-bloods crowding the room.

  Alpha Verrick snarled but remained silent.

  “It is settled then. Please thank La Patron on our behalf, and if we can offer assistance let us know. Many of the test wolves have been resettled. Angus made a good point, not all are bad. Those unaffected should be allowed to live. My area is open to them as well,” Alpha Frederick said standing.

  “The charges against my pack member must be dropped,” Angus said.

  Alpha Frederick looked at the other two Alphas and then at Angus. “The charges are dropped.”

  Chapter 26

  Clap. Clap. Clap. The sound bounced around the room. Hawke looked around the building to locate the noise even though he recognized the scent. Greggor. Did the man have a death wish?

  “Well done, you have pardoned the person responsible for breaking and entering as well as theft,” Greggor said walking further into the clearing. Two large hybrids stood behind him.

  “You accuse my uncle of enslaving wolves but he has not been to the castle in over a decade. So who enslaved the full-bloods?” He looked around at his audience. As performances went his was not bad.

  “Be calm, Hawke. Let Angus handle this. La Patron is furious and may blow the room,” Asia warned.

  “Blow the room?”


  “The man standing with Patron’s Ambassador, Hawke has been the lead researcher at the castle for the past thirty years.” The mood shifted in the room as everyone stared at Hawke.

  “I have watched him with my own eyes do the things Patron claims to despise and –”

  “Silence,” Angus roared. The room expanded and then righted as Silas released a wave of energy. The Alphas hung onto their chairs and the full-bloods looked at each other in shock.

  Hawke stared at Asia.

  She shrugged. “I told you.”

  Angus walked toward Greggor, she and Hawke followed and stood at an angle to watch the crowd.

  “Why is a human here? Who allowed him into this room?” Angus looked at each Alpha, his green eyes blazed with indignation. “You complain of humans knowing of your existence and no one stopped this human when he entered?” he growled.

  No one spoke.

  Greggor glanced at Alpha Verrick and then at Hawke.

  “He came to me to explain. I thought we should all hear,” Alpha Verrick said into the silence.

  Angus glared at the man. “Do you see those hybrids standing behind him? Those were full-bloods once. You allowed him to bring wolves that his uncle experimented on into a meeting to discuss the foulness of test wolves?”

  Alpha Verrick’s gaze swung from Angus to the hybrids and then to the Alphas staring at him. “He says the big one do tests, not his uncle.”

  Angus grabbed Greggor by his shirt and lifted him. The hybrids moved. Asia and Hawke stepped to the side and faced them.

  “Why are you here?” Angus growled through lowered incisors.

  “My uncle wanted me to tell his side,” Greggor stammered looking around.

  Angus looked around the room and called a wolf over. The full-blood looked toward the Alphas and then obeyed.

  “Are you a full-blood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Can you smell a lie?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Angus looked at Greggor again. “Why are you here?”

  Hawke smelled Greggor’s fear. The man never thought beyond the moment. He had lived in his uncle’s shadow for so long, the idea that someone was not afraid of Boris never occurred to him.

  “My uncle wanted me to tell his side,” Greggor whimpered.

  Angus looked at the full-blood who said. “He’s lying.”

  “Why are you lying?” Angus asked Greggor.

  When he didn’t respond, Angus shook him. The hybrids started to move.

  “Wait, don’t shift. Not yet,” Asia said.

  “If they move again I will rip your head off before they reach you,” Angus said in a hard tone.

  The hybrids stopped.

  “Last time, why are you here?”

  “Hawke. I’m here for Hawke.”

  “Why? Why do you want him?” Angus pressed.

  “My uncle wants his property back…”

  Hawke could not believe Greggor said that. But then again it went a long way in clearing his name.

  Growls filled the room.

  “If he ran the lab, why are you here?” Angus shook Greggor once more.

  “Because the chip in his brain isn’t working. We can’t control him anymore.”

  The room erupted in howls and growls.

  “I did not know. I swear I did not know,” Alpha Verrick said shaking his head. “He come to me, ask to tell his side.”

  “How did you know of this meeting?” Angus asked.

  Hawke stood at an angle watching the three Alphas, none of them blinked at the question. Each seemed curious for the answer.

  “I was told to go to Alpha Verrick and tell him what I needed. He told me to come to the meeting.”

  “He lies. He asked to come to meeting. He knew when he came to me.” Alpha Verrick stood and took a step forward.

  Angus looked at Greggor and then Alpha Verrick. “You are right, he is lying. Which means there is someone other than his uncle he fears more than you, and more than La Patron who holds his life in his hand.”

  “What?” Greggor squeaked.

  “You challenged my Alpha. I accepted the challenge on his behalf.”

  “I… I… I did not. I talked about Hawke.”

  “But you noted he was with a member of La Patron’s pack. Any challenge to a member of the pack is a challenge to the Alpha.” Angus looked at the Alphas seated. “At least that is how we operate.”

  Alpha Andrei cleared his throat. “We do as well. I do not know this human. I cannot believe his uncle sent such a one to represent him. He had to know what would happen when in the presence of so many wolves. I suspect there is more afoot.”

  “Such as?” Alpha Frederick said.

  “Some sort of trickery to gain information,” Alpha Andrei said standing and moving closer to Greggor.

  “Trojan horse?” Hawke said to Asia.

  “Could be. I will inform Mistress.”

  A few moments later Angus dropped Greggor and stepped back, the three of them formed a triangle inside the bubble.

  “Gentlemen, I suspect Alpha Andrei may be correct. Dismiss your packs and leave this place. We have seen incidents where explosives were carefully hidden to avoid detection.”

  “I smell nothing,” Alpha Andrei said as he moved toward the exit.

  Angus walked toward the double steel doors. The hybrids remained in place. Greggor lay gasping on the floor like a fish out of water.

  “Hawke! Wait. I need to talk to you.” Greggor stood and walked in their direction.

  “If he shoots you with another dart I swear I will kill him,” Asia said as they cleared the building.

  “I appreciate it. Although I think he is his own worst enemy. He had to be crazy to walk into that place.”

  “Or someone assured him he would be safe.”

  “Hawke, wait. I need to talk to you,” Greggor said moving faster.

  Asia stopped and turned. Hawke sensed her frustration with Greggor and decided to allow her to handle things.

  “Chacal will be here in a few seconds,” Angus said.


  “What do you want?” Asia asked Greggor.

  “I need to talk to Hawke.”

  “He is not returning to the castle, and he is not talking to you. Go home before I break my promise not to kill you for what you did to him.”

  Greggor frowned, looked at her and then Hawke. “Why would he kill me? We were friends, kind of. I never hurt him. My uncle just wants him back, that’s all.”

  “Go home, Greggor. I
’m never returning to that place and we were never friends,” Hawke said over his shoulder.

  Greggor’s face whitened and then his eyes narrowed. “But…”

  “Go. Leave, I want nothing to do with you,” Hawke said hardening his tone.

  “You’ll regret this, Hawke. I will make sure of it.” He turned and headed back inside.

  He should kill Greggor and destroyed the hybrids to keep them from returning. He stepped backward as Angus moved forward in the bubble. Asia grabbed his arm.

  “We need to go.”

  “Greggor is cancer that needs to be destroyed.”

  She nodded. “Yes. But not by you, not today. Today we represent La Patron, vengeance is done in his name alone.”

  Hawke had not thought along those lines and nodded. He looked over his shoulder and met Greggor’s hate-filled stare.

  “He had a crush on you.”

  “I know. How did you know?”

  “Remind me to tell you how I entered the castle, it all started with Greggor.”

  Surprised, he slid into the back seat of the Hummer next to her. “That sounds interesting. I can’t wait to hear about it.”

  “What do you think, Asia?” Angus asked as the Hummer moved forward.

  “These Alphas would not last a week under La Patron.”

  “True, they answer to no one and are constantly defending their position within the pack. It is one reason they cannot organize.”

  “And why they fear and hate La Patron. They do not want him to touch down on their shores,” she said.

  Angus shrugged. “It is the way of the world. Someone bigger comes along. Do you think one of the Alphas work with the Liege?”

  “No, I did not sense deceit, did you?” She asked.

  “No. If they want to survive they need to band together even if it’s just to share information.”

  “Greggor was too confident when he walked into the room. No one questioned him, makes me think he has done that before. I found that strange,” she said.

  “True. Silas was furious. I thought he would kill the Alphas on the spot. Makes me wish Leon and Brix were here to challenge the bastards. They are weak and that’s not good.” Angus looked out the window as they drove through the countryside. “How many following?” He asked Chacal in a casual tone.


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