The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 20

by Alice Moore

  “I am mad about that, but not about what you lied about. What you said this morning, about looking the mirror and seeing your mother- I understand that now. I also acknowledge the fact that this is at least partly my fault. I could’ve tried harder to figure out who you were, but I didn’t. I could’ve laid off a little- let you feel more comfortable telling me… I didn’t realize how overwhelming it was for me to tell you I wanted you when I was in a relationship with your mother.”

  “Oh- no! I didn’t… take it that way… I just- after the theater, I was trying to figure out if my mother actually liked you. Six months is a long time for her… she usually tells me before the first date.” Setting the low, glass tumbler down, I blushed hard at how stupid I sounded; as if it was acceptable that I expected my mother to tell me about her boyfriends. “I thought maybe she did, but then you told me you’re younger than her… and that kind of makes sense. It’d give her the confidence to try to get under your skin.”

  “She’s never been under my skin…” Staring directly at me, William’s firm words tickled my spine, and he held my gaze for a few moments before continuing. “Do you want to get out of here? I know a place downtown that serves amazing sushi.”

  The offer knocked the air from my lungs, and I sucked in a starving breath before William pushed himself to his feet. Rounding the table, he took my hand to help me up without asking. His pushiness only sent a pulse of heat through me, and I followed him towards the exit on stiff legs.

  “White wine… who the Hell likes white wine?” Grumbling to himself, William tugged me out of the restaurant to take a deep, piercing breath before turning to me. “Don’t ever lie to me again, Risha.”

  “I- I honestly didn’t think you’d take it well…” Hanging my head in shame, I tried to pull my hand from his. Instead he tightened his grip, sending warmth up my arm to invade my chest. Peeking up at him, I pursed my lips together at the frown that painted his face.

  “I’m not taking it well, Risha. I’m hurt that you lied to me about how you knew Anna… but I’m going to punish you another way than storming off.” Jerking me to his chest, William held my arm above my head as a gasp flew from my throat, and I stared up at him with wide eyes. “I’m going to do the most depraved things to you, Risha- I’m going to do everything I’ve wanted to do to you since I kissed you at that bar. And it won’t be fun… it’ll be exhausting.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up at the promise in William’s voice, and I flexed in his grasp. Smoldering coals settled in my abdomen, and my core throbbed as he slung his arm around my waist to hold me close. My breath hitched in my throat, and his eyes bored holes into mine as they came closer and closer. Fluttering weakly, my eyelids shuttered together when he brushed his lips against mine in a kiss that told of many things to come.


  “You know, if Anna had even a little bit to redeem herself, you might’ve become my step-father.” We’d been driving quietly, but Risha’s words hit me like a brick just as the sushi restaurant came into view. Glancing over at her, I watched with narrowed eyes while she giggled, red bleeding into her face. “I’m just saying…”

  “Is that your way of saying you want to call me ‘Daddy’?” My lips twitched in a smirk, and I let out a laugh when Risha went still. Just that tiny pause was enough to affirm my suggestion, and I reached over to grab her face. Her eyes were wide when they met mine, sparkling with excitement and desire that heated my blood and thickened my tongue. “I’d gladly take you up on that, baby girl.”

  “You’re different…” Risha’s soft breath swirled around my wrist, and I released her to put my hand back on the wheel. Easing off the gas to turn into a large, somewhat crowded parking lot, I only shook my head at her observation.

  “I’m not different, Risha. You just haven’t seen this part of me before… I haven’t seen this part of me in a long time. I forgot how good it feels.” Sliding my car into an empty space, I pulled the emergency brake to lean back in my seat. My mind ran through the events of the day, starting with my decision to break up with Anna. She was the physical embodiment of a wall inside me, and now that I’d broken it down I felt light. “Does it scare you?”

  Staring out the windshield at the dark side of the building, I hid my surprise at the realization that I didn’t actually care if I scared Risha. Pulling my brows together, I pursed my lips into a thin line; she could be uncertain, but she’d get over it. That line of thinking had laid dormant for so long it was alien as it floated through my mind, but her voice popped my inner thought bubble.

  “No. Honestly… I think if you weren’t, you’d be a little boring. At least for me. I haven’t been in a relationship since high school, and I’m 25 now. I don’t want safe. I want wild and hot and passionate." Thoughtfulness permeated Risha’s voice, and I let my head loll to stare at her. She radiated a maturity that was rare for her age, but after everything it was expected. Terrified of turning into her mother, she tried to put herself through college only to drop out when her best friend had cancer.

  All innocence was lost.

  “What did you do to pay for college? Did you get a scholarship?” The embarrassment on Risha’s face vanished, and the crease between my brows deepened. Changing the subject was easy; I didn’t want to talk about all of the hot, wild, passionate deeds I would do to her. Especially not when it was so far off.

  “I was a stripper. I took pole dancing lessons to help me stay in shape, and I worked places where I could keep my clothes on. But it paid really well, and I did it until two years ago right before Anthony hired me. Cynthia had a lot of medical bills she couldn’t pay, and she couldn’t work. It was tax-free money- thousands of dollars a night. For an unsupported woman going for business management, that was the best way to go. Cynthia got a scholarship for biology, but she lost it when she had to drop out.”

  “You’re serious? Why didn’t someone help you?” The question flew from my lips before I could stop it, and Risha let out a bark of laughter that gyrated my eardrums. A rueful smile twisted her expression, and she sighed harshly before answering me.

  “Who’d help me? My mother was never around, and if she was she didn’t have time for me. She was too busy with her boyfriends. Cynthia’s parents didn’t have anything they could spare. My teachers didn’t care about my education because I only went to college because Cynthia went. I told you- I don’t like working. I’ve never wanted to work. No one wanted to help someone that was basically riding a scholarship student.”

  “… What do you want to do, then?” It took me a long, heavy moment to find my voice, and I watched a careful, calculated longing spread on Risha’s face. She went through so many emotions, and all of them showed. The transformation was fascinating, and I reached out absently to stroke her jaw and neck.

  “I want kids…” Her quiet admission resonated inside me like a song finally finding harmony, and she met my gaze with a firmness that told me this wasn’t a hasty decision. “I want so many kids I can’t keep track of them all. And I want to give them what I never had. I want my children to hate me because I show them how much I love them. I want them to go do great things, but not because they’re afraid.”

  The underlying message blared from Risha’s deep, soulful gaze, and my heart stuttered in my chest. She’s my parallel. Blinking hard at the thought, time seemed to slow down as I wrapped my hand around her neck. The click of her seatbelt echoed through my car, and I pulled her to straddle my lap. Her dress didn’t tear, and I cupped her bare ass with my free hand as she smashed her lips on mine.

  AND that’s it! That was a long sneak peek, actually half the book!

  You can get the Full book for $0.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon right now by clicking here : My Mom’s Billionaire Boyfriend

  Sneak Peek of The Three Rich Brothers

  Title : The Three Rich Brothers ( A Billionaire Reverse Harem Secret Baby Romance)



p; Clasping Nash’s hand firmly, I grinned at the accomplishment that ripped through my chest. The pure exhilaration of this moment couldn’t be overstated, and he smirked back before I took my eyes off him. Still shaking hands, I looked around the building I’d spent months renovating and specializing, and it was finally ready.

  “Take in that smell of paint that’s never been scuffed and carpet that’s never been stained by coffee, Nick.” Nash’s sturdy timbre tickled my ears, and I took a deep, hard breath. The walls were coated in a dusty colored paint, and pristine, cream carpet coated the floors. True to his word, there wasn’t a single scuff or inlaid smell anywhere, and I held the heavy air in my lungs for a long moment. “I’m glad you invited me to this little celebration. There’s nothing more stressful than dealing with a girlfriend that was wrong about the sex of your kid. You have no idea how big a fit Natalie threw.”

  Chuckling at the contrast, I shook my head before releasing Nash’s hand to down my whiskey. I hadn’t even met Natalie yet, but I could imagine she was a handful. He told me little things when we spoke on the phone, and I heaved a burning sigh.

  “I bet I don’t. I’m glad you’re here, though. James and Ethan couldn’t be bothered, so it’s nice to have someone to celebrate with. I’m more than happy to take you out of Natalie’s path of destruction.” Thinking of my brothers dulled my smile, and I reached to scratch the back of my head absently. “When Ethan told me he wanted in on this venture, I thought he’d be more involved. Then again, he’s always been a lazy, little shit… so-“

  “You’re damned right he’s a lazy shit, Nick. Don’t tell me you expected him to do anything more than milk this success. You’re not that naïve. He’s 22 years old, for Christ’s sake.” A grimace twisted my face, and I grunted quietly into the otherwise quiet room. Nash had a point; Ethan was young, and he didn’t feel the need to find the success James and I had. I’d always lend him money if he could make a good case for himself, which he usually did.

  At least he was a sensible kid, if nothing else.

  “Speaking of lazy, did you finish those financial diagnostics I asked for? I want to open this office before the summer rush.” Steering the conversation to business, I swiped the bottle Nash had brought to refill my glass. Beyond the bright, yellow lights that shone down from above the world was dark, and I moved towards the window to stare at the city. Snow was piled up on the edges of streets, but according to Nash it hadn’t actually snowed in weeks. Under my jacket my skin twitched, and I brought my glass to my lips as he came up next to me.

  “Of course I did. I know how busy you get with the good weather. I’m also not taking any projects for now- Natalie’s only a month and a half from giving birth. You’ll have me all to yourself, Nicky.” Scoffing at the tease, I necked my whiskey with a lightness in my chest and a warmth settling in my gut. “But- seriously, I did. I was going to e-mail you, but Natalie couldn’t find her favorite shirt and started crying and all of that.”

  “I’ve always been jealous of you.” Gazing down intently on the cityscape, I furrowed my brows at my own confession. Nash eyes rested heavily on me, and I resisted the urge to frown when I opened my mouth again. “You’ve always been good with people. Even in high school. I’m not nearly as proficient as people think I am. They look at me and all they see is a handsome guy that got lucky but didn’t do any work.”

  The sudden seriousness of the conversation weighed down the air, and next to me Nash sighed heavily. Wisps of thoughts floated through my mind, and I flexed my hand into a fist. In my faint reflection my face was drawn; not even the alcohol in my system could dissuade my expression. Staring through my own eyes, I shook my head before running my hand through my hair in exasperation.

  “I guess being underestimated is better than being overestimated, Nick. Since we’re sharing, I’ve always wished I could relax. Just let everything else go for a while and not worry about anything. You were really good at that in high school.” Groaning softly at the memory, I pursed my lips together as I remembered high school. Nash and I had attended the same, all boys preparatory school, but he’d been much better at it. I was already running my businesses; I didn’t have time for classes that taught what I already knew.

  What Nash described as relaxation, of letting go, was just simple boredom and a need to fill that time.

  “You’re going to have a daughter soon. Think of all this as practice- you’ll never be able to relax with an infant. As shitty as that sounds… I’m sure you’ll be a great father, Nash.” Speaking slowly, I lifted my glass to my lips only to pause when I saw it was still empty. Frowning deeply, I turned away from the window and my reflection to saunter to the small folding table that sat nearby. There weren’t any other furnishings in this office, and I knew that as soon as we were finished here, the table would be gone, too.

  My mind worked as I refilled my glass; Nash was the only person I had ever been envious of. Everything came easy to him, which was why I went out of my way to put him on big projects. He worked fast, errorless, and when that green monster reared up inside me to prevent me from seeking his help- everything just went wrong fast.

  “Tell me about it… So, where are your brothers right now, anyway? If they’re not here…?” Just like I’d never met Natalie, Nash didn’t have much experience with my brothers. Rolling my eyes at the memory of this afternoon, I downed my whiskey before setting my glass down. Three was just enough for me, I knew; I still needed to drive back to my apartment.

  “They’re both at a strip club. Ethan’s a playboy, and I think James went just because he didn’t want to be here drinking and alone. Plus, the company probably looks better than our ugly asses.” We shared a laugh at that, and Nash stuck the cap back on his bottle. “These next few weeks are going to be busy… I’ve got resident managers coming in from San Francisco that were good to relocate, but I’ve still got to finish setting up the infrastructure and everything. I won’t be able to hire anyone until I do, and that’s a long list and growing. Mostly college kids… I don’t want to forsake quality, but I was thinking of hitting up your university. What do you know of it?”

  “I’ve never been there, but Will has a few times for seminars and guest speeches. You should try asking him. I’m sure he’ll have no problem going with you, either- if you can get him away from Risha.” Arching an eyebrow at that, I silently waited for an explanation as Nash tapped his fingers against the tabletop thoughtfully. “I sent you the video of her-“

  “Oh yeah- yeah, I remember. Aren’t they still in Utah?” The video of William and Risha flashed in my mind’s eye, and I pursed my lips together. I’d never been to a seminar, but that video had squashed any curiosity I had. Sex in public was disgraceful, degrading, and while I was glad they seemed so attracted to each other- it definitely wasn’t something I needed to watch.

  “Yeah, but they come back on Thursday. William wanted to do it before Risha couldn’t handle the heat, which I understand, I guess. I wouldn’t put Nat’s ass on a plane even if a doctor signed off on it, though.”

  “You mean you wouldn’t put your ass on a plane, you wimpy bitch.” Snickering at the grimace Nash sent me, I grabbed my coat from the floor with steady hands. “I’m going to call it a night. Drive safe.”

  “Yeah, you too.” Heading for the elevator, I patted my pockets absently before fishing out my car keys. The cold that waited for me was sharp, so different from the other side of the country where it didn’t fall below 70 degrees. Heading down to the first floor, I rubbed my palms together in anticipation for what lay beyond the front doors.

  Taking a deep, hard breath of air that cut into my lungs, I glanced around the dark streets with a twitch of my lips. The roads were getting busy now that offices were letting out, but the headlights did little to illuminate the sidewalks. Glancing down at my watch, I stared at the hands displaying 6:53p.m. before slowly making my way to the parking garage.

  Give it a while and RedRocks will be the new New York, New York. The tho
ught sent a huff of pale fog out into the atmosphere. I hated New York; the City that Never Slept was too busy for me. Time lost meaning in places like that, and now that I was 33 I wanted all the time I could get.

  I was far from done with my ambitions.

  My studio apartment was empty when I shuffled through the door, and my buzz beat against the backs of my eyes. Shirking my jacket, I tossed the clothing carelessly on the floor before tackling the buttons on my shirt. Silence only made the blood rushing in my ears louder, and I unbuckled my belt before sitting on my bed.

  Without the sun, it felt later than it really was, and for a while I stared into space to contemplate that giant star around which civilization has obsessed. Drinking was the only time I thought about such weighty subjects, and I fell back onto my bed with a groan.

  “I’ve got that early meeting tomorrow…” Mumbling into the quiet, dark room, I slowly kicked off my pants as my mind moved away from the universe. “I have to call Will… set up lodgings for my transplants…”

  Crawling up to the top of my bed, I crossed my legs to fiddle absently with my phone. My days were so busy that I didn’t know what to do with myself in times like this. Glancing through my text messages, a grimace painted my face at Ethan’s name right at the top.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t want to come? This stripper is great…’

  ‘James is hogging her.’

  ‘This is getting boring. Come pick me up.’

  Scowling down at my phone, I turned off the bright screen before setting the device on the night stand. Ethan was bored at a strip club- that was a first. Flopping onto the mattress, I stared up at the ceiling for a moment before sighing heavily.


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