Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 12

by Judy Carroll

  “Yes,” he said, “exactly! Well done! Now are there any other questions?”

  The inquisitive student at the back raised her hand again. “Maris, I’m still not clear about Adam and Eve and the ‘original sin.’ Did they really get kicked out of the Garden of Eden for having sex with each other? Weren’t they supposed to? I’d have thought they’d be encouraged, you know, to help expand the newly developed human race on the planet!”

  Deep amusement rippled through our Teacher’s energy field. “Yes, well, that story has caused quite a lot of ‘discussion’ in religious circles on Earth, and unfortunately, also some unfair discrimination against the female population!”

  “But,” the student persisted, “what were they really punished for? Is that the ‘original sin’ the Christian Church on Earth talks about? And where do we, as Guardians, fit into the picture?”

  “Well,” Maris explained, “as I’m sure all of you know, as guardians and caretakers of energy in the physical universe, it is our job to intervene and provide the impetus on all levels that is required to transmute soul energy from the vibrational frequency of the animal kingdom to that of the human kingdom, and also to develop suitable containers through which these evolving souls may experience physical existence. Now, is there anyone here who can tell me why that has to be done?”

  The one sitting next to me put his hand up. “Is it because on Planet Earth it is only through the reasoning power of human consciousness that cosmic, or divine consciousness can be attained?”

  “Yes, exactly!” Maris replied. “You see, evolution on the soul level does not occur naturally on a level-one planet. Animal species can only evolve to a certain point. After all, as we know, the Earth apes do not naturally evolve into humans, otherwise the so-called ‘missing link’ would have been found long ago — in fact it would still be in existence today, because both apes and humans are present on Earth, and the process of evolution is ongoing.

  “Once an animal species reaches the point where it is ready to evolve to higher frequencies, then higher intervention is required, because both spiritual and physical input is necessary at this crucial time of transition. We spent many millennia checking out the viability of a number of different species on Earth, carrying out a few initial experiments. There were several possibilities, and each one had to be tried and tested, then left to develop naturally for a while to see how things turned out. Finally, one species emerged whose genetic code seemed the most compatible, and so we got down to business.

  “Once we had a successful prototype, we then took genetic material from it in order to create a mate to keep it company. We provided a nice, safe place for them to live where we could keep a watchful eye on them and gradually refine their energies to higher and higher frequencies. They had a good mixture of ET genetics within their makeup, and so in a way were our ‘children.’ Because of this we wanted to protect them and keep them separate from other members of the species from which they had evolved. The area set aside for them is referred to in the Bible as the Garden of Eden.”

  At this point I just had to ask a question: “So, Maris, are you saying that these ones were the Adam and Eve of the Bible?”

  “Indeed they were,” he replied.

  “But Maris,” I persisted, “I know the story of Adam and Eve, and there’s no mention of extraterrestrials being present on Earth back then.”

  “Well actually, Alarca, there is. Don’t you recall a group of beings known as the ‘Sons of God,’ and also the ‘Elohim’? These terms refer to various extraterrestrials visiting Earth from elsewhere. The young Earthling race mistook them for gods because of their advanced technology.

  “Everything went smoothly enough for a time with the newly developed species as we slowly worked with them. Our main task was to transmute their energy systems to a higher-frequency band, which involved much fine tuning and re-adjustment.

  “That’s what we’re doing now with Earth humans, isn’t it?” I inquired.

  “Yes, it is,” Maris answered, “and this is why so many contactees develop higher-dimensional senses like clairvoyance and ESP. They are beginning to resonate on a higher-frequency band and can therefore tap into intuitive abilities beyond the third-dimensional human ability to reason. This reasoning power, I might add, was bestowed too prematurely on the Earthling race — in fact, much earlier than they were spiritually able to handle wisely at the time!”

  “Ah!” I spoke up, “Do you mean the ‘serpent’ in the Garden of Eden who tempted Adam and Eve? Is that what it was all about?”

  “Yes, Alarca, you are absolutely right! You see, the so-called ‘serpent’ was a member of a band of renegades who were rebelling against the leadership of the group in charge of the work back then. The temptation to interfere and disrupt the work in order to take control of the newly developed Earthlings was too much for them to resist. Their plan was to keep the humans where they were and exploit them as slave labor, rather than helping them to evolve further.

  “Despite the fact that the Earthlings had been transmuted to a higher-frequency band, and therefore were on the borderline of the human kingdom, they were still resonating closely with their predecessors. Consequently, there were two vital ‘human’ factors still missing in their makeup. One of these was the ability to reason, with its accompanying gift of free will as opposed to the purely instinctive drive of the animal kingdom. The other missing factor was the concept of immortality, which can only be grasped by more enlightened and evolved members of the human kingdom. In the animal kingdom, and even in the lower frequency bands of the human kingdom, the process of immortality through reincarnation of the soul is totally automatic, with no conscious control or understanding of the process.

  “These two concepts are referred to in Genesis as the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, of which Adam and Eve were ‘forbidden to taste the fruit.’ In other words, they had not at that stage evolved far enough past the animal kingdom to be able to properly comprehend the concept of reasoning power, symbolized by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil — or immortality, symbolized by the Tree of Life.

  “This is where our trouble-making ‘serpent’ comes into the picture, tempting them with the ‘forbidden fruit’ of the Tree of Knowledge, thus instilling within them the ability to reason, which automatically bestows the gift of free will, which they were simply not ready to handle at that early stage in their evolution, being still too immature on the spiritual level.

  “These trouble-makers are doing exactly the same thing again, now that we are involved in the next stage of human evolution on Earth. This time they are interfering by bestowing fifth-dimensional abilities on some who are not spiritually mature enough to handle this deeper sensing wisely, or else tempting certain ones with technology that is beyond what Earth humans are ready to access. Needless to say, this is causing major problems on the planet!”

  One of the students raised his hand. “Maris, I understand what you’re saying about abilities such as clairvoyance and ESP being a problem if they’re bestowed upon humans who are too spiritually immature, and I also see the danger of their being given access to technology that is beyond their level of soul evolvement, but what’s wrong with reasoning power and free will as occurred back in Eden? What harm could that do?”

  “If you want to see what harm free will can do without the spiritual maturity to handle it wisely,” he answered, “just look at the horrible mess Planet Earth is in right now. Free will without the self-discipline that only comes with spiritual maturity is as disastrous and dangerous as letting a class of five-year-olds play with gunpowder and matches. It was this gift of free will without proper understanding with which Adam and Eve were tempted that brought about the ‘fall of man.’ The results have continued to reverberate throughout the human kingdom of Planet Earth ever since, effectively keeping their energy at a very low frequency level. This ‘fall’ refers to the dropping or lowering of their vibrational frequency.

  “You see,�
� he went on, “back in Eden they were given free will before they were evolved enough to be able to choose wisely between the lower-animal self, out of which they were evolving, and the higher cosmic self within, which had only just been awakened. These two aspects of their psyche are symbolized by the two ‘sons’ born of their union, Cain and Abel. These two represent the life choice they had to make once the responsibility of reasoning power and free will was bestowed upon them.

  “Maris,” I asked, “if this story of Adam and Eve is actually a parable, then what is the deeper meaning behind Cain killing his brother Abel?”

  “Well,” he answered, “the fact that it was ‘Cain,’ the lower self, who overcame and killed ‘Abel,’ the higher self, shows which path was chosen. It was at this point that humankind chose the way of the lower self, with its associated lower emotions and vices of greed, lust, jealousy, egotism, etc., all of which are expressions of the energy frequency of fear. The higher self always chooses the energy frequency of love, trust and oneness. It is this wrong choice made back then that is partly behind the concept of ‘original sin.’

  “So what happened to the Earthlings after that?” somebody inquired.

  “Well now,” Maris replied, “that is rather sad, because once they learned how to exercise free will, they became defiant and intractable, just as undisciplined children tend to do. In the end they began getting into so much trouble that they had to be forcibly ejected from Eden and left to fend for themselves.

  “Guards had to be posted in the area to stop them from getting in to attack us, because if they had, then we would have been forced to defend ourselves, and they would not have had a chance against our highly sophisticated weaponry, which we did not want to have to use against them. It certainly became a difficult and trying situation all around!

  “After their eviction,” Maris continued, “they scattered far and wide, and many of them began mating back to members of the animal kingdom, so they began to devolve as a species. This, by the way, is another side to the concept of ‘original sin,’ which I will clarify in a moment.

  “A very few of them did learn to handle free will and reasoning power wisely — like Noah and his family. They continued to evolve over time, and even back then they were well on the way to becoming cosmic citizens. Special mention is made in the Bible of their unusually long life-spans, and this, of course, can be attributed to the strong infusion of ET genetics in their makeup.

  “We were now faced with a major dilemma, because these more evolved humans needed to be protected from the rest, who were rapidly degenerating. This problem, however, was effectively resolved by that event referred to in the Bible as ‘Noah’s Flood.’

  “As the water level began to rise, a rescue mission was mounted to make sure that the more evolved humans were protected, along with genetic material from as many varied plant and animal species as possible. In this way these ones were kept safe and were used to repopulate the area once it became habitable again. Thus humankind survived the ‘great flood,’ which is recalled in the folklore of many different cultures on Earth.”

  “Maris,” I raised my hand, “about ‘original sin’ — you were going to tell us more about another aspect.” This was something the nuns at ‘human’ school spoke of on a regular basis, and I was interested to hear more of our ET version of the story.

  “Ah yes — thank you, Alarca,” he replied. “I very nearly forgot to clarify that point. Once the human species was re-established on Earth after the flood, dire warnings were issued of what would happen to them if they fell back into mating with members of the animal kingdom. It was sincerely hoped that Homo sapiens, after having experienced what punishment ‘God’ was capable of meting out, would behave like civilized human beings.

  “The concept of ‘original sin’ has become extremely confused in the collective consciousness of humanity. They know that it had something to do with the ‘temptation’ in the Garden of Eden, and also that there were sexual connotations involved, and so poor old ‘Eve’ has been made the scapegoat ever since. However, the sexual aspect of ‘original sin’ was actually humankind reverting to bestiality as a result of the misuse of free will. In other words, it was all about giving in to the lower self rather than following the way of the higher self.

  “It is the deeply ingrained memory of a great flood ‘sent by God to punish’ humankind for this ‘original sin’ — that is, a cleansing of sin by water — that is at the root of the Baptismal rites carried out by many religions on Planet Earth to this very day!”


  Chapter 14 Mick the Mouth

  Life on Planet Earth with my human family went on as usual, with Mara and Paco often joining us in our evenings of music and dance. Seeing each other on an almost daily basis, Paco and I soon became as close as any brother and sister could be. We were similar in age and even in appearance, but our views on life were contrastingly different. This, however, was not a source of contention between us, but rather brought an element of balance and mutual support into our relationship.

  One of the greatest differences between us was that he enjoyed school and the study involved, whereas I detested it wholeheartedly. He was quiet and hard-working, always near the top of his class, and underneath his easy-going nature I could detect a core of grim determination to succeed academically.

  In total contrast, I disliked the confines of school intensely. It wasn’t that I was lacking in brains, and in fact when I applied myself to study I did well, but there was always a streak of rebellion hidden away, not too far below the surface, especially now with the knowledge I was acquiring each night on board the disc. So much of what I was told in human school was either a badly misinterpreted version of the truth, or simply incorrect. The nuns sensed this in me, and so I often ended up in trouble, sometimes for things I had not even done.

  Both of us had been brought up in the Catholic faith and dutifully attended church every Sunday with our families. Paco often served on the altar at Mass, but again, we approached the subject of religion from very different angles. He went along quite happily with the traditional teachings we were given by the priests and nuns, whereas I, of course, questioned many of the things we were taught.

  One afternoon after school when we were supposed to be doing our homework, we became immersed in a fascinating discussion on the concept of God. “Why,” I demanded, “do they always portray God as an old man sitting on a cloud? That is not how I perceive Him.”

  “How do you perceive Him?” he asked, curious about what I would say.

  “It’s really hard to put into words,” I had to admit, “but I can tell you one thing: God is way, way beyond the male, human form they show in our Bible history book, which is just so ridiculous. And what really makes me annoyed is the way they ascribe to Him petty little human vices such as anger and jealousy. The God force is the driving energy behind all of creation and surely beyond such limitations.”

  “But Ali,” Paco answered reasonably, “it doesn’t really matter. If it gives someone comfort to think of God as an old man sitting on a cloud, or if that image causes just one person to choose love instead of fear, then something positive has been achieved.

  “I know you get upset when anyone tells you this, but you are different, and you think differently than most. Perhaps the way you perceive God is right, but most people need to picture Him in a way they can personally identify with and relate to. They feel better and safer by seeing God as a protective old father-figure. That is just the way the human mind works.”

  “Well,” I retorted, “it’s lucky you’re the one planning to be a priest and not me. I’d turn the whole thing upside down!”

  “Heaven help the world,” he grinned, “with Pope Ali the First in charge at the Vatican!”

  Time passed, and by age 15 I was determined to escape the confining demands of the education system of Planet Earth, to follow my heart’s desire to become a dancer. Paco, too, whose mother had been born and raised in Triana,
the Gypsy Quarter of Seville in Spain, shared this love. During the past two years we’d often danced together at family fiestas at home, so we both felt confident in our ability to perform professionally.

  My father was our guitarist, so it wasn’t as if I’d be going off alone at such a tender age to work in clubs and restaurants. He and Paco would be with me, so I’d be adequately chaperoned and perfectly safe. My work “upstairs” would continue as usual, but at least by working as a dancer in the evenings I’d have a legitimate excuse to catch up on sleep during the day.

  Paco had two more years of school to go before he was to begin his seminary training, but he felt confident of being able to handle a couple of night’s work on top of his studies, providing there was no school the following day. So, with full family approval, we embarked upon a career of professional flamenco dancing — a dream come true for both of us.

  Life up on the disc also passed, as I slowly but surely regained my lost Guardian identity and again took my rightful place alongside the other workers and Elders on board. My first night spent working in the clinic proved to be quite a challenge, as well as a major learning curve.

  “Oh no, not ‘Mick the Mouth!’” was Zogar’s horrified response as he checked through our duty roster for the night’s work. “You’d better put earplugs in for that one, Alarca, or at least completely tune out of your Earth human senses until we can paralyze him enough to shut him up and get him on the table.”

  “Why?” I asked, starting to feel apprehensive.

  “He’s a huge, red-haired fellow who lives near you in Australia,” Zogar explained. “He has a temper to match his hair color, and a — er, shall we say, a lingual repertoire with which he is able to fully express it. For some unknown reason his friends call him ‘Blue,’ but up here he’s known as ‘Mick the Mouth’ because of how he yells and swears so much.”


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