Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 15

by Judy Carroll

  “I don’t know, Alarca,” Ashka answered, sadly shaking her head. “Problem is, even though humans can sense energy, and some are quite good at it, maybe they simply can’t sense past the astral level, so they can’t perceive deeper energies. Or they tune in clairvoyantly, but then they get taken in by outer appearance, and of course the Controllers know this and take advantage of it. Unfortunately, many of these groups will allow anyone in spirit to approach, providing they look attractive by human standards — preferably tall, blond-haired and dressed in white! This is precisely why we have so many problems approaching people, and why we often need help from our Pleiadian friends, who look more ‘human.’ It’s so frustrating the way some Earth folk project their own prejudices onto the various off-world visitors. They just can’t seem to comprehend that we all work together in oneness, no matter what our container looks like.”

  “I hear you, Ashka, but all we can do is keep trying. Thanks for the timely warning. I’ll make sure I get there early tonight to try to block his entrance, and a bit of a disguise will definitely be needed. With egos like that I really don’t think a little gray space person would make much of an impression on them. In fact they’d probably think that I’m a negative astral-plane entity, so maybe I’d better take an angelic or at least more human form for this particular job.

  “Gee it’s great being back with you, Ashka,” I said, putting my arm around her shoulders and giving her a friendly hug. “You’ve experienced many more past lives on Earth then me, so you have a much deeper insight into the Earthling psyche than I ever will. I’m sure that if it had been you rather than me left behind down there after our accident, you wouldn’ve been able to bring much more information back to the Guardian Consciousness.”

  “Yes, well, I did feel awful about leaving you behind down there, Alarca,” she replied, “and would you believe I also have trouble driving cars when I’m in human form, just like you? The crash of our disc back then must’ve made a very deep and lasting impression upon both our psyches.”

  “Oh, come on, Ashka, don’t feel bad about it. After all, on one level of reality it was meant to be, to provide one of us with an opportunity to spend time down there among Earth humans. Anyway, I did learn an awful lot while I was there, and gave them a few things to think about as well!” I added with a chuckle.

  “And by the way,” I continued, “speaking of spending time down there, have the arrangements been made for us to meet up in human form yet? With the work load we have ahead of us on the Earth Plane, we’ll really need to do this soon.”

  “As a matter of fact, Alarca, I asked Oris about it a couple of nights ago, and he said there are still a few things that need to be put into place. Remember we’re working within the time frame of a third-dimensional physical planet, so we have to abide by that and be patient.

  “And I still haven’t allowed my human consciousness access to my Guardian consciousness. My daughter Kira is still only a baby, and I plan to have at least one more child, so I feel I need to focus totally on my human life at the moment. Conscious recall of the work I’m doing up here would be too much of a distraction. After all, I’m supposed to be completely immersed in human life as a wife and mother, so I’d prefer to just concentrate on that for now.”

  “You are sensible doing it that way, Ashka, and the experience you’re getting as a mother on Earth would be of tremendous benefit to your work up here with some of those weak and sickly hybrid babies we have to rescue on such a regular basis. I wish those humans down there would stop trying to play God and just leave the genetic work to us! Besides, we have billions of years of experience, and it’s human life they’re playing around with, for heaven’s sake!”

  “I know, and we’re the ones getting the blame for this, just as they blame us for the animal mutilations. It makes me ill just thinking about it! But anyway, on a lighter note — how is it going down there? Are you managing to get through all that study you planned to undertake? You still have a way to go, don’t you?”

  “Oh, my goodness, yes! I have years of it to look forward to, because Maris wants me to teach people about energy, but no short-cuts are allowed — you know what he’s like. I also have a couple of karmic knots to unravel, so I do agree we’ll have to postpone meeting up down there for now, but it’ll be fun when we do! Look out Planet Earth — here we come!”

  Returning home in the early hours of the morning, I entered my bedroom through the closed door. By now I was quite familiar with the pleasant tingling sensation as the finer, higher frequency molecules of my energy body passed in between the coarser, lower-frequency wood molecules. This ability to move solid objects such as bodies through other solid objects such as walls really had the UFO investigators of Planet Earth scratching their heads in perplexity, but with the technology we have at hand it is not so very difficult — just a matter of temporarily adjusting the vibrational frequency of the molecular structure up a notch or two, and creating a corridor through the time/space continuum.

  For a few moments I hovered beside my bed, looking down at my inert human container stretched out in sleep. Thank goodness I’d left it in a reasonably comfortable position! It wouldn’t be too stiff and cramped to get going once I slipped back in. Moving slowly and carefully, I gently lowered myself down into the exact position in which the physical body was lying, feeling a cold, stiff sensation as Guardian consciousness melded into human consciousness. It was only then that I was able to wake up properly in my body.

  In order to carry out my “upstairs” work properly, the human container requires an adequate amount of sleep — up to 10 hours a night if possible, which requires me to sleep alone, so that I am not disturbed in any way during my working hours on board the disc. When the human container is left behind, it must be maintained in a very deep sleep state.

  It took a minute or so of reorienting before I could move my body enough to check the bedside clock. Much to my relief, it was only 5:30, which meant I’d have time to relax for a bit longer to meditate on the day ahead, as Maris had instructed me to do first thing each morning.

  “You don’t need to spend hours in meditation, Alarca,” he always reminded me. “Just put a little time aside at the beginning and end of each day to look quietly within and to ask for direction from your Higher Self.”

  Lying quietly in bed, I directed my focus on the written exam in Eastern medical philosophy that was coming up in a few hours. Without this, I wouldn’t have the necessary qualifications to become an instructor of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The practical examination in Chinese massage therapy had gone well, as had the empty-hand and weapon forms of Tai Chi in which I’d had to prove myself, but today’s theory examination was the one that worried me the most. There was just so much to remember.

  I attempted to collect my human thought processes of what I’d learned during the semester into some kind of order. My mind went back over such fascinating topics as the five ways to recognize the presence of life-force energy, known in Chinese medical philosophy as chi, or qi, depending upon whether you were speaking Cantonese or Mandarin, and which acupressure points would be used to ease such problems as muscular pain, headache, insomnia and nausea (a handy one to know when taking an examination in Chinese medicine!).

  Then there were the definitions of the three aspects of the san bao to remember — those manifestations of life-force known as qi, jing and shen, and their respective polarities of yin and yang. And of course the important functions of the kidneys in Chinese medicine would be sure to be included, and we had to know all seven. My goodness, it was almost harder than what we had to study “upstairs”!

  When I’d raised an objection to all of this with Maris, pointing out that I was learning it in class on the disc anyway, so why must I learn it in human class as well, he very deftly squashed my argument.

  “Because, Alarca,” he said, “knowing it at Guardian level does not necessarily mean you can access it on the conscious human level. These classes you are attending on
Earth serve to ground the knowledge in your human brain. And for the same reason, once you pass this exam, I want you to be attuned to Reiki, which will be highly compatible with the Qi Gong and Tai Chi.”

  “Oh,” I replied with a grin, “that’ll be easy. Just the other day I saw an ad in a magazine offering all three levels in one weekend. I’ll be a Reiki Master before you know it.”

  Guardian teachers are usually fairly patient, and not prone to raising their voices, but this time I had obviously over-stepped the limits of Maris’s self-control.

  “Alarca!” The sheer force of his telepathic outburst nearly knocked me off my feet. “You will not learn to be a Reiki ‘Master’ in one weekend! Don’t be so ridiculous! As a Guardian you should have far more understanding of and respect for universal energy than to make such an assumption. In a human body the frequency of the energy system needs to be turned up gradually — it cannot be done in one weekend. One weekend indeed! And don’t you dare tell me that as a Guardian you don’t need to learn such things as Reiki and Qi Gong. You are in a human body, which is extremely difficult to maintain in a state of balance and harmony.

  “No, Alarca,” he continued a little more calmly. “You will take your time to learn Reiki properly, so that one day in the future — not next month, or next year, or even in three years — but one day when you have gained a little more maturity and spiritual understanding, you will be able to teach it to others, with a proper and thorough comprehension of what you are doing.

  “Also,” he went on, “while we are on the subject, when you are fully qualified to teach, that is what you will refer to yourself as — a Teacher! Not a Master! In the Japanese tradition where Reiki sprang, they do not call themselves Master but rather Sensei, which translates as Teacher. You are not a Master until you have learned to master self, and believe me, there are very few on Planet Earth able to make such a claim, and those who can have well and truly moved past any need or desire to attach such a title as Master to themselves!”

  “But Maris,” I objected, “surely after so many years of study I’ll eventually be able to make some sort of claim to mastership?”

  “No, Alarca, you will not!” he answered emphatically. “Mastership is not about what knowledge you have acquired, achieved or learned during your life, but rather about what you have been able to let go of. And that includes letting go of the need for such labels as Master. And I’m sorry, Alarca, but you do have some way to go yet.”

  My mind went back over the past few years of my life, to all that I had learned and accomplished. I thought of the incredibly mind-blowing experience of being able to see everything from two perspectives, as a Guardian soul in human physical form, but then I thought of the loneliness it entailed, and how I could never live a totally normal human life like others around me. Talk about non-attachment — my whole life felt that way — non-attached! With the responsibilities of a young family to take care of, no wonder Ashka preferred to keep the two aspects completely separate for now.

  The examination that afternoon went better than I expected. For once, luck was with me and I was able to remember all that was required, even a couple of the more obscure acupressure points that I really didn’t think had registered with me. Maybe more was filtering through from my Guardian consciousness than I was humanly aware of. But then again, I had studied hard as well and actually liked what I was studying.

  Feeling reasonably confident that I’d done well, I went to bed that evening in a much more relaxed frame of mind. The atmosphere was relaxed on the disc that night too. In fact quite a party mood prevailed as we mingled with our Pleiadian friends who’d come on board, and also with some others of the various Star Nations who had joined us. I couldn’t help but observe how different it was here than on Earth — how such vast differences in physical appearance are respected and honored. This was really brought home to me at the sight of one of our tall, thin, large-headed, black-clad Elders comfortably engaged in telepathic conversation with the equally tall, blond-haired, very human-looking Pleiadian, Solarno. It was obvious they were sharing a joke together, and the aura of deep respect and mutual unconditional love passing between them was quite tangible to behold.


  Chapter 18 A Rite of Passage

  After passing my exams, I spent three years working as an instructor at the Tai Chi school where I’d done my training, then I took on the challenge of establishing my own school. I also completed three levels of Reiki, spending several years as a practitioner before going on to so-called Master Level, which qualified me to teach. These studies were undertaken slowly and thoroughly, as instructed by Maris, and looking back, I could fully appreciate why such time was required.

  Maris was right that profound energy work cannot be rushed in a human body — time and patience are the keys to success. After attaining what Western Reiki practitioners call Master Level, my “upstairs family” put further opportunities in place for me to undertake deeper studies in the original Eastern tradition. This was done over a five-year period, involving a number of very profound initiations connected to the Mandala of the Healing Buddha. These initiations dealt with the attainment of self realization, which in turn enabled me to undergo further upgrades of my energy system to bring human and Guardian consciousness into even closer alignment.

  At the same time, Paco followed a parallel path in his more traditional studies, and at the end of six years of seminary training, he took up a position as Assistant Priest in a parish some distance from home.

  Mara was still with us and I loved visiting with her as much as possible, but felt guilty that my work now kept me away too often. Her health was declining, so it shouldn’t have surprised me that one night during a very profound and lucid dream state, I found myself accompanying Mara up a steep and rocky mountainside. The way was rough and difficult, so I placed my arm around her, so she could lean on me for support. I was not occupying my human body, but rather my more comfortable and familiar gray container. Once at the top, we stopped for a moment to rest, and there, laid out before us, sparkling and azure blue in the sunlight, was the most beautiful lake I had ever seen — so beautiful that I felt my heart would burst with joy at the very sight of it.

  Turning large, black eyes towards Mara, I placed my hands on her temples, and, as I looked deeply into her eyes, I was aware once again of the beam of white light passing from my brow chakra into hers, then returning to me. For several minutes we stayed there, wrapped warmly in a cocoon of deep, mutual understanding and unconditional love as we communicated telepathically and exchanged energy through our higher chakras. Then slowly Mara’s face began to change, as if a veil were being pulled away. Right there before my eyes I saw her lined and aged visage disappear to be replaced by another. It was still Mara, but she now appeared as she had been in the prime of her life, with a strong and supple body, and a youthful face framed with lustrous black hair.

  I then became aware of another figure standing nearby — a most beautiful angelic being — tall, dark-haired and Romany-looking — who stood beside the lake, holding his hand out to her. For a moment she held my gray hands in her human ones, then with a smile of pure, radiant joy, she turned and went to him. I stood for a few moments more, watching them move towards the lake, where they gradually merged together as One, becoming a shimmering pillar of pure white light, which slowly disappeared from my sight.

  The next morning I was not in the least surprised to be told by my parents that Mara had passed over during the night. Paco was given leave to attend to her funeral, which he insisted on conducting himself, and so the Romany customs were honored as well as the Catholic ones. As we ritually set fire to her vardo, containing all her belongings, he spoke the traditional words of the Romany Rite of Passage:

  “The mourned should be allowed to continue on her voyage in the new life, as we should resume our lives. I open her way into the new life and release her from the fetters of our sorrow.”

  This act of burning all the p
ossessions of a deceased person is done not simply as a ritual to mark their passing — it is done more to release the spirit from gross physicality, to allow it move on to where it needs to be. This is a carryover from the original Romany people of Northern India, who, as Guardians, had a much deeper understanding of the process of death than do Earth humans.

  Even more important is the complete disposal of the physical remains of the deceased. Either the body must be buried or its ashes must be scattered and disposed of completely. If ashes are kept, the spirit is blocked and imprisoned from moving on to where it is supposed to be by the emotional energy of the one who is preserving the remains. I realize that this act of letting go may be very hard for some people, but in actual fact it allows the spirit to remain closer to loved ones if they wish to do so. When ashes are retained, part of the spirit’s energy is trapped, which surely nobody would want for a loved one. The religious act of preserving saints’ relics has the same effect of trapping and fragmenting the spirit.

  I knew very well that the tears I shed were more for me than for Mara. After all, I had seen with my own eyes the pure joy on her face, as she set out upon her “voyage” on the azure lake, united at last with her higher self.

  Before Paco returned to his work I took him quietly aside and told him of my dream, not mentioning the ET aspect of course, but describing how we walked up the mountain side together, and Mara’s meeting with the angelic being. I wondered how, as a Catholic Priest, he would react to such a strange revelation, but I felt it was important for him to know. For a while he just sat there, staring at the floor, and I fully expected him to tell me not to be so ridiculous. But instead, after a few moments he looked straight into my eyes, then suddenly threw his arms around me.


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