Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 18

by Judy Carroll

  “And how old is what’s-his-name — the Elder you were speaking to?”

  “You mean Oris? Ummm, let me see … I think he’s about two million, give or take a century or three. Not really old by our standards.”

  “What! Do you mean two million years? You’re kidding!”

  “I’m not, Paco, honestly, but the thing is, we are completely and consciously aware of the fact that we are immortal beings, and have almost total recall of all the various lives we have lived. Our Guardian consciousness isn’t subject to the illusion of death that affects Earth humans and causes them to become caught up in the limitations of mortality. This is a false perception which clouds the awareness of all those who don’t have expanded soul consciousness.

  “Now, I went on, “this Human Ladder teaching will be a good way for you to understand more clearly what I’m talking about. The Human Ladder is comprised of ten what we call ‘galactic’ levels, all vibrating at gradually ascending frequencies on the electromagnetic scale. These ten levels form what could be called a multiverse, as opposed to a universe, because the physical universe is only a very small part of the whole. Each galactic level operates on its own unique frequency band, like radio and TV stations, so they don’t interfere or impinge upon each other.

  The galactic level to which Earth belongs is number one, the bottom rung of the Ladder, so to speak. There are approximately 1,000 different humanoid species inhabiting almost as many planets on this level, and they are all at more or less the same evolutionary stage. Some are a little behind, some a little ahead of Earth humans, depending upon the age of the species.”

  “And how did humankind evolve on Earth?” Paco asked. “As a priest I’m very interested to know, because there’s so much controversy over this subject. Science of course insists that Darwin’s theory of evolution is more or less correct — that man evolved naturally from the animal kingdom — but the church insists that humans were created as a separate entity, designed in the image of God. So, who is really right?”

  “Well, the truth of the matter is,” I answered, “neither is correct. The weakness in Darwin’s theory is that it takes physical evolution into account, but completely ignores spiritual evolution, and the problem with the creation belief of the church is that, if taken fundamentally, it goes against nature, and everything must follow natural law. Man is a multidimensional being, so both physical and spiritual aspects must be taken into account. Once a species evolves to the point of attaining reasoning power, as opposed to the purely instinctual drive of the animal kingdom, then responsibility and free will come into the picture, for it is through the correct application of the responsibility of free will, in other words, the voluntary choice of right over wrong, that dictates whether one evolves or devolves through the universal cycle.

  “Evolution in the human kingdom is really all about making choices! This spark is first ignited at the point where man evolves from animal, so it is at this point that higher intervention is required. Thus humans evolve on two levels — physically from the animal kingdom, as illustrated by Darwin’s theory, and spiritually through intervention in the form of energy transmutation by an outside agent under the direction of God/Source.”

  “Okay,” Paco responded, “these ‘galactic levels’ you’re talking about — what are they exactly? Are they galaxies?”

  “No they’re not.” I answered. “What we refer to as galactic levels are actually states of mind or consciousness. They are not physical places as such.”

  “Huh? Come again Ali Cat, I don’t understand.”

  Oh, God, Paco! This is so hard to put into third-dimensional language! Hang on a minute while I think…. Okay, the galactic levels are gradually ascending and expanding levels of conscious awareness through which all human species evolve. As we ascend through these levels, our consciousness becomes deeper and stronger, because we are able to utilize more of our mind.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Well, on galactic level one, we use approximately 10% of our consciousness; on galactic level two we are able to access 20%, etc. As we progress upwards through the Universal Cycle, which is another term for the Human Ladder, our mind, or consciousness, becomes increasingly more expanded as a direct result of moving closer and closer to Oneness.”

  Again poor Paco shook his head in bewilderment, so I continued with my explanation: “By that I mean all the different one thousand or so human species come closer together. We cease being so separate and gradually return to Oneness — to God in other words, but this is not a physical process — it is about mind/spirit.”

  “And when you speak of different human species in the universe, are your people included in this?”

  “Well, Guardian consciousness has moved beyond that, but yes, we most definitely have been part of the human kingdom for many, many millennia — millions and millions of years actually. On the first three galactic levels there are many human species manifesting in mortal form. On level one and even two they are very diverse and separate, with distinctive physical or biological forms adapted to suit the conditions of the various planets on which they reside. You could think of all these different human species being like small streams flowing into and joining up with a large river, which eventually flows into and becomes part of an eternal Ocean, which is God. This is what evolution on the spiritual level is really all about. It’s all about evolving past the need for physical form.

  “And the beautiful part of it is every human species has something of value and importance to contribute to the whole, so it is only by coming together in this way that total balance and harmony can be attained. This is what we mean when we say ‘You are our past and we are your future.’ By the time you reach the third galactic level, all human species start evolving past the state of separation and individual physicality, and begin melding together in oneness. This doesn’t mean you’ll lose your individuality,” I hastily reassured him. “It’s more about moving into a state of deeper empathy and God Consciousness.

  “It’s during this process that one begins to focus less upon physical form and more upon mind/consciousness and the higher-energy centers. At level three the physical body becomes very simple and basic, and the head and eyes much larger. At this level, consciousness is centered in mind/spirit and can move freely in and out of the physical shell, with complete awareness that the body is nothing more than a container or vehicle for the immortal spirit and soul.

  “Once a soul evolves to this point, such a degree of inner connectedness has been attained that we then begin to lose the need to reincarnate back into forms of gross matter — physical bodies in other words. We then ascend to galactic level number four, where we become part of the Guardian Consciousness, whose job is to assist in the evolutionary process of those on galactic levels one, two and three. From there we continue to evolve upwards through levels five, six, seven and eight, gradually accessing more and more conscious awareness until we reach levels nine and ten, which are the ones known on Planet Earth as ‘angels.’

  “These highly evolved Guardians on levels nine and ten are operating at 90% to 100% consciousness, which is pure mind /divine consciousness, with no need at all for physical form, although they can appear temporarily as humans if they want to. For example, if an angel wishes to make an appearance on one of the lower galactic levels then they can ‘clothe’ themselves in a form to suit that level of consciousness. They are known to us as workers of God, or Oneness, and are caretakers of life-force energy on all levels of the universe. We are their assistants.”

  “Many of the Earth people we take on board the discs are experiencing their last incarnation as level-one humans. These ones are now preparing to step up into level-two consciousness in their next life, in order to stay in tune with their planet.”

  “What do you mean?” Paco asked.

  “Well,” I replied, “planets too are living, evolving entities, and Earth Herself is about to take this important step up into galactic level tw
o. Those humans who wish to remain in tune with their planet must also evolve to level-two consciousness. This is part of the reason for our intervention. Many, many children born over the last couple of decades, the next generation of humans in other words, carry a higher percentage of ET genetic material in their makeup.

  “These are the ones known as the Star Children, and it is in this way that humanity’s vibrational frequency is being slowly tuned to a higher octave, to assist their evolution into level-two consciousness. This program has been going on for over half a century on Planet Earth, so there are also a number of adults who carry extra ET genetic material in their makeup as well. A number of different ET cultures are contributing to the gene pool.

  “This is why many who have encounters with us develop deeper psychic and spiritual sensitivity and awareness. It is a spiritual transmutation process, an evolutionary process on the spiritual level that will eventually bring about the expanded state of Divine Consciousness towards which we are all heading.”

  “Well,” Paco answered thoughtfully, “that does explain why I’ve started seeing auras more clearly since my abduction experiences began. I had wondered about that.”

  “There you go then,” I smiled, placing a long, thin, gray arm around his shoulders and giving him a friendly squeeze. You’ll be one of us before you know it!”

  “Oh, great,” came a most unenthusiastic response. “I can hardly wait. Can’t I just leave out that bit and go straight on to being an angel? But seriously,” he went on, “how are you actually bringing this transmutation about?”

  “We’re doing it in three ways,” I explained. “First, the long-term processes are adjusting and fine-tuning the physical makeup of Earthlings and upgrading their DNA structure through genetic engineering. Second, a number of our own people, like me for example, are at present incarnating on Earth in physical human form to work among the Earth human race. We are there to teach them about life-force energy, the concept of oneness and spiritual evolution, and we also try to set an example for them on how to live life as citizens of the Cosmos, by showing respect to all, and by caring for the planetary environment.

  “The third, short-term process, which is for the purpose of speeding things up a little, is through the implants we’re placing in people’s bodies when we bring them onto the discs.”

  “Ah yes!” Paco responded. “What’s that all about? Those implants are causing a lot of conjecture, concern and downright outrage within the field of ET investigation. What are they for?”

  “Okay,” I replied, “some are monitors which allow us to keep a check on health, effects of pollution on the body, different emotional states, etc. Others allow us to tune in to what a person is experiencing at any given time. For example, I carry one of these in my body so that my feelings and reactions to different things can be automatically monitored on board the disc, which saves me having to be de-briefed at the end of each day’s work in human form. Some also are tracking devices so we can keep an eye on a group of our own people who got trapped on Earth in human bodies many millennia ago. We’re trying to rescue them to bring them home, but the problem is, they’ve forgotten who and what they are, so until they can all be contacted and awakened, we need to keep track of them.

  “But, to get back to the transmutation process of humans, many implants are placed directly into the chakra system — the energy system of the body. In this way the vibrational frequency of the chakras can be adjusted in order to speed up the transmutation process. This in turn can have the effect of automatically opening the person to psychic and clairvoyant sensing without the need for many years of training.

  “The advantages are that communication becomes much easier, because these ones can be used as ‘telephone lines’ between us and the rest of Earth’s population, and it also makes it easier to get them onto the disc. The disadvantage is that, without the years of discipline and training to back it up, the acquisition of these seemingly ‘special powers’ tends to cause ego problems with a few of the contactees. Still, this is all a part of the testing process that Earthlings are going through at this time, and it distinguishes between those who have learned from past mistakes and those who have not. As I said before, human evolution is all about having the free will to make choices, right choices or wrong choices.

  “Okay Paco,” I said, bringing us back to the lesson I was supposed to be giving him, “do you have any more questions?”

  “Well, you keep going on about ‘deepening conscious awareness’ as we evolve up the Human Ladder. I still don’t quite understand. For example, what can we, as Earthlings, do to assist this process?”

  “Evolution on the soul level,” I replied, “is simply the deepening and expansion of conscious awareness into other dimensions, but conscious awareness cannot be expanded and deepened unless you are willing to break down and move past the limitations and boundaries imposed upon you by your own mind. These limitations and boundaries are a product of fear — the ‘Satan’ within. It is this fear that limits the expansion of your conscious mind, but many Earthlings refuse to look at these inner fears, preferring to remain static and stuck in a comfortable little rut, and totally brainwashed and controlled by certain elements within society that are deliberately imposed upon Earth humans to keep them in a state of fear.

  “But the thing is,” I went on, “evolution cannot be static. There must always be momentum and growth for evolution to take place. Evolution is a perpetual state of becoming and unfolding, which, by the way, is not always pleasant or easy by any means. This is where we, as ‘tryers or testers of souls,’ come into the picture, drawing to the surface these inner fears that people have, so they must be looked at and faced up to. It has to be done at this time, or Earth humans will begin to devolve instead of evolve.

  “It is most important to keep yourselves flexible in mind, body and spirit to assist in moving past these boundaries and limitations. This is why practices such as tai chi, yoga and meditation are of such benefit.”

  “Do Guardians meditate?” Paco asked, fascinated.

  “Yes, of course we do, to stay closely in touch with Oneness. All of us need a little time of quiet, inner reflection each day.

  “Now, Paco, I don’t know about you, but I really need a few minutes’ break — all this talking is making my head spin. How about I take you along to our meditation area here on the disc — would you like to see it? And on the way we can get something to eat.”

  “Oh, wow! Yes, please, can we really?”

  “I don’t see why not. Come on, I’ll show you.”


  Chapter 21 Oneness

  As I led Paco through the computer bay on our way to the meditation room, dozens of pairs of large black eyes, and a few blue ones as well looked up in amazement. Humans were not generally brought into this part of the ship, so everyone did a double take. Even those engrossed in work stopped what they were doing, fingers poised over the touch screens, turning to get a good eyeful as we passed. A couple of small workers taking a meal break stood rooted to the spot, tubes of blue paste halfway to their mouths, gaping in surprise.

  “What the heck is that they’re eating?” Paco whispered loudly in my ear. “I didn’t know Greys ate food!”

  “Some of us do,” I explained. “It depends upon what sort of container we’re occupying, which in turn depends upon the work we’re carrying out.”

  “Huh? Come again? You keep going on about these containers. What did you mean before when you were talking about that Elder, Oris? You kept referring to his ‘container’ as if it were something separate from him. It was his body you were talking about, wasn’t it?”

  “Okay Paco, just hold on a bit until we get to the meditation area and I’ll explain. Here, do you want to try some of this? It’s only a vitamin drink.”

  He took the vial of yellow-colored liquid and sniffed it suspiciously before taking a tentative sip. For a moment I expected him to spit it out, but he bravely swallowed it and even m
anaged not to pull too much of a face.

  “Well,” came the diplomatic comment, “it certainly is, umm, different! Rather pleasant actually… in fact quite pleasant. But are you sure it’s safe for human consumption?”

  “Oh, yes,” I assured him, “quite safe.” I waited until he’d downed the whole lot before adding: “At least I think it is. We’ve never given it to an Earth person before.”

  “Gee, thanks a lot!”

  “Oh, come on, Paco, I’m only joking. I’m not going to poison you now, after spending so much time and energy explaining all this to you. Besides, I’ve got heaps more to show you.”

  “Hey, wow! What are those pen things they’re using?” Paco kept turning around and craning his neck trying to get a better look.”

  “Oh, they’re just standard infrarays,” I explained. “Although we have extremely advanced technology, we also take great pride in the arts, especially our script work, and these are a type of lower-intensity laser device that burns the script into the writing surface. That is how we write by hand. Some documents and manuscripts are prepared in this way, as a counter-balance to our technology.”

  I took Paco over to stand behind one of the scribes as he worked, deftly manipulating the instrument between four long, gray fingers, the yellow-colored laser light burning away the surface of the sheet on which he was writing. This took an awful lot of practice, as it was very easy to burn a hole if the light paused too long in one spot, as I well knew from experience. What makes our scribing even harder is the fact that our script is multidimensional, with strokes overlaying strokes to change the meaning of certain symbols.

  After a few minutes observation, I led Paco down past the rest of the computers and through one of the many doors leading out of the work area. As we stepped into the meditation area, a sense of deep tranquility closed around us, wrapping us in an almost tangible blanket of serenity. Paco sighed, closing his eyes and leaning back against the door that had slid shut behind us. The room was round in shape, not overly large, and illuminated by a softly glowing light that emanated from the walls themselves. Sweet-smelling incense permeated the atmosphere, and calming music played quietly in the background. Lifelike effigies of enlightened beings seated in cross-legged meditation lined the outer walls.


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