Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 27

by Judy Carroll

  “To the Earth human’s way of reckoning, the evolution of their species has taken a great span of time, and so they consider themselves to be very mature and advanced, but really and truly, in the eternity of cosmic time this is a humanoid species only very recently evolved, so therefore fear and territorial instinct still control a large part of their makeup and behavior. This fear may be expressed, for example, as a fear of the unknown, which includes an unnatural and exaggerated fear of death.

  “Because of a lack of proper teaching, and in some cases deliberate untruths spread by the Controllers, Earth humans are generally terrified by the prospect of death. Because they exist in such a state of duality and separation — duality of the physical and spiritual aspects of their being — separation of lower self and higher self, many of them find it well-nigh impossible to understand and accept death as the natural process of rebirth into higher-dimensional frequencies of reality that it truly is.

  “Depending upon which mind set they are trapped in, they perceive death in one of two ways. If they are caught up in the delusion that they are nothing more than a physical, three-dimensional body of flesh and blood, then they see and fear death as total annihilation, and the end of everything they have set out to achieve in life. This in turn often leads to a state of depression, particularly as they grow past their prime. As death approaches they fight it with every part of their being, terrified at the thought of disappearing forever into a black void of nothingness.

  “If, on the other hand, they adhere to one of the many belief systems which prevail on Earth, then at their death their mind, which, as we all know, does not die with the physical body and brain, is automatically drawn to the astral plane of emotion, dreams and Controller-inspired illusions, to create for itself and live out whatever belief patterns it has been exposed to and taken in during the course of its past physical-life experience.

  “For example, if the mind believes that, providing it has been good, it will go to a heavenly utopia peopled with angels sitting on clouds and playing harps, then that is exactly what it will create for itself. If on the other hand it has taken into itself a belief in a hell full of devils, fire and brimstone, and at the time of death a sense of guilt prevails, then that is precisely what will be experienced, until such time as the mind can wake up and move beyond such limiting illusions, and move on up to the vastly expanded awareness of Divine Consciousness.

  “There are still many Earth humans who are trapped one way or another within the different beliefs, superstitions and illusions of reality which govern their lives, and therefore simply cannot conceive of what really occurs in the energy shift they refer to as death. They cannot accept it for the perfectly natural transitional process that it is — a process which enables them to break through all barriers and limitations in order to expand into pure mind, and thus merge back into the blissful ecstasy of the all knowing and omnipotent Oneness that they call ‘God.’”

  For several moments my Teacher paused, perceptions turned inwards, lost in transcendent memories of his own many passings to and fro between the veils of life, death and rebirth, as the entire auditorium waited patiently for him to continue, moved deeply by the expression of total peace that suffused his features. Then suddenly mindful of the large, intergalactic audience seated in front of him, he pulled himself back with reluctance to continue his talk.

  “Fear is often expressed on Planet Earth through over-inflated ego, which is one of the greatest blocks to soul evolution that we, as testers of souls, come up against. So many Earth humans are very afraid of having their ego shattered, either by being made to appear foolish or gullible, or by being proved wrong. They grow up exposed to various beliefs, ideas, concepts and theories through the Controller-influenced education and belief systems on their planet, as well as through their family environment, which itself has been exposed to these same beliefs, concepts, etc. But no matter how well or how badly these concepts and beliefs work, either personally or for society in general, Earthlings tend to stubbornly hold onto them. What they believe just has to be right, no matter what, and nobody can tell them otherwise. The walls of the mind are up, the doors are firmly closed and locked, and they are safe and secure inside.

  “This aspect of fear comes up often within their investigation of ET contact. One of the biggest blocks associated with this on Planet Earth is the possibility that such investigation and contact will ultimately prove that they are not after all the greatest, cleverest and most evolved species in the entire universe, alone created in God’s image, and with dominion over all ‘lesser’ creatures.

  “With such a deluded mindset firmly entrenched within their psyche, is it any wonder so many of them have trouble coming face to face with ones such as us — or for that matter with anyone else present in this room? The average Earth human believes that either science or religion has all the answers.

  “Admittedly, both science and religion are necessary on such a young planet. If it were not for scientific discovery and exploration, they would still be mired in the superstitions of the Dark Ages; and religion, as long as it is based on love, provides a most necessary framework for humanity to function as an ethical, compassionate and caring society.

  “But herein lies more fear for many Earth humans — fear of what really exists in the ‘beyond’ if they are willing to open their eyes and minds to look. Or alternatively and perhaps potentially even more frightening — what they will find within themselves if they are willing to open their inner eye and mind to look!

  “Another barrier Earth humans need to break through is fear of change. Evolution is never static. It is all about change, movement forward, flexibility of mind and spirit, letting go of the old in the way of outmoded beliefs, traditions and concepts in order to make way for the new. If people refuse to do this, to acknowledge and accept change in the way of new concepts and new ideas, then they will not evolve. And herein lies the problem — they have no choice if they wish to remain. The time is ripe for their home world to step up to a higher frequency, and so must they.”

  Then Maris paused for a moment to sip water from the tubelike receptacle provided. Ashka and I sat with bated breath, waiting to see if he’d forget to keep a grip on his cape, thus revealing our little “mishap” to the entire auditorium, but no, it remained tightly closed, held firmly by all four fingers of his left hand. Whew, what a relief!

  Briefly glancing over at us, Maris continued with his talk. “After our initial attempts at contact, we quickly came to realize that this fear factor inherent in the makeup of Earth humans and exploited so cunningly by the Controllers, was going to be a major issue in our dealings with them. There was no way that ones like us, so different in appearance from the human inhabitants of the planet, could possibly make any headway, particularly given the political and cultural climate on Earth at that time, which in their time frame was the late 1940s through to the 1950s. There was just so much fear. And to many people of that era, anyone who looked foreign or different in any way was considered a potential enemy, at the least not to be trusted, and at the worst, destroyed.

  “Our work could not be delayed any longer, so our way around this problem was to either obtain assistance from other interplanetary species who are closer to Earth humans in appearance, or else to take on the appearance of Earth humans ourselves, which we can easily do by means of our shape-shifting abilities.

  “Both methods worked quite well, and in this way some positive contact was made during the 1950s and ’60s. When the inevitable questions were raised by the Earthling contactees as to where the visitors were from, the answer given was generally ‘Venus’ or ‘your own moon’ — places within the Earth’s own solar system where bases had been established at the time, and which Earthlings could more easily relate to given their very limited knowledge of the universe and space travel.

  “This worked for awhile, until the usual problems began to arise, which we have always encountered on Planet Earth. Here I refer to the proble
m of ego in some of the contactees, which clouds and distorts the information and messages we were trying to convey through them, and ego in some of those who flocked to hear our messages.

  “Appearing as we did in ‘normal’ human form, some began looking upon us as gods, or at least as saviors, which, because of untruths spread earlier on by the Controllers who pretended to be gods, is an inevitable and ongoing problem with ET and interdimensional contact on Planet Earth. As incredible as it seems, even today there are still some Earth humans who persist in the belief that God is human in form. The reason the Controllers are able to maintain this distorted belief is because they have kept humans in a very physically oriented state of mind, generally lacking any depth of understanding in regard to the finer-energy aspects of their being. Why, some Earth humans even refuse to acknowledge the reality of their soul and spirit, believing themselves to be nothing more than a physical body!”

  This last statement caused a murmur of shocked comment to ripple across the auditorium, particularly from those who’d not had much contact with the Earthling species. Those of us who were more familiar with the limitations of Earth human awareness simply shook our heads in resignation.

  “This lack of deeper conscious awareness,” Maris continued, “is why they misunderstand the energy of Oneness they call ‘God.’ Very few on Earth comprehend that ‘being created in the image of God’ simply refers to energy, and that this energy is the driving force behind all of creation. And surprisingly they refuse to believe that no matter what physical form life energy chooses to express itself through, all living creatures are in fact ‘created in the image of God.’

  There was even more murmuring around the room after this disclosure.

  “It is this misunderstanding among Earth humans that has caused endless difficulties for us in our dealings with them. If we appear on Earth in human form, we are worshipped as ‘gods.’ If we appear there in any other form they immediately label us as ‘alien monsters’ or ‘demons,’ because in their eyes we are not created in ‘God’s image,’ which in actual fact is the Controllers’ image — so what are we to do?

  “As all of you here this evening are aware, it is our role as caretakers of energy, to assist all humanoid species to awaken to Universal, Cosmic or Divine Consciousness.

  “Universal Consciousness is attained by a soul when it reaches a point in its evolution when it can fully and consciously acknowledge, tune into, and empathize totally with all life. On Planet Earth only a few cultures have approached this level. Most are still out to destroy species on their planet that don’t serve them or who are ugly or dangerous in their eyes, such as the insect and reptilian species. We are finding that when humans acquire empathy and acknowledgement for all life-forms on their own planet, it more easily extends to those that exist in other dimensions and realities.

  “We have been pleased to assist in this awakening process on all levels — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, for in order to unfold and grow, all limitations and barriers within the psyche must be broken through. This ‘breaking through’ process could be compared to a chick confined to its shell. If further growth and development is to take place, the chick must break free of the shell. If it is unable to do this it will not reach maturity — in fact it will die of its confinement.

  “As tryers and testers of souls, it is our task to assist in the breaking down of the shell of fear and ego which confines a soul from further growth and unfoldment, for it is fear and ego alone that creates this shell, this barrier, that blocks a soul’s full potential. We do this by reflecting back to those who look upon us a mirror image of that which lies hidden and buried within the deepest layers of the psyche. It is here too, in these deeper layers, that humans will find the doorway to their higher self, which cannot be perceived accurately and without distortion until the blockages of fear and ego are cleared.

  “For many souls, this can be a quite shattering and traumatic experience, to say the least, whereas for others it can be transformational and freeing, for sometimes it is not so much hidden fear that must be drawn to the surface but rather hidden potential! Now, before I proceed further, do any of you have questions?” A pawlike hand went up somewhere down the front, but I couldn’t see the body it belonged to.

  “Maris,” the questioner politely addressed my Teacher, “can you please explain the relationship between the earlier contacts your people had with Earthlings and present-day contact. Why did you change your tactics? Can you clarify that a little more, please?”

  “Yes, of course.” Maris replied. “Today we are only discussing the most recent, stepped-up contact since the 1940s and beyond, not the contact over the millennia. So these contacts of the 1950s which involved more human-looking entities, were simply a gentle introduction meant only to open them up to the fact that indeed there are other sentient, human beings ‘out there’ on planes and dimensions other than the physical Earth Plane.

  “At that stage there was so much fear being spread on Earth through superstitious, Controller-inspired belief systems that we tried to keep the fear aspect to a minimum. Our hope was, that by exposing them to the reality of other more highly evolved civilizations, they would come to see the errors in what they were being taught and cease to be so egotistical. It was most important that they be shown, because until then many of them believed without question that they were the ultimate life-form in all of creation.

  “Even the time frame we chose was not by accident. Our plan was to approach them at a point when, after so many years of war and strife on a world-wide scale, they would surely be totally fed up and sick and tired of fighting each other, and they would be craving peace. We hoped that what we were presenting to them at that point in time would give them the incentive to become more civilized, and more united as a planetary culture.

  “But no! Ego began to cloud the issue, and the fear persisted. We did not take into account the depth of it. This fear of anyone not part of their own ‘herd’ had to somehow be drawn out of the Earthling psyche, and the major part of overcoming it lay in making them face up to the fact that not all sentient, evolved life-forms in the universe are necessarily created in the image of Earth humans. Thus we began appearing to them as we really are, rather than sending others or disguising ourselves behind an Earth human façade.

  “Many of them still do not understand. Although the Controller-inspired concept of a beautiful ‘space brother,’ or ‘angel’ may be warm, cozy and very comforting to the psyche, true spiritual growth only comes from being challenged. It is only by facing up to and overcoming the highly disturbing and often terrifying experience of having their limiting boundaries of consciousness and their concept of ‘reality’ broken down, that they will ever be able to move on to the more expansive conscious reality that is their rightful heritage.

  “Thus the ‘alien encounters’ of the 1960s onwards began. These encounters also involved so-called abductions, because physical adjustments and genetic work involving the taking of sperm and ova had to be carried out to assist the evolutionary process on the DNA level, just as it was many, many millennia ago when the shift from animal to human was initiated. In fact quite a significant proportion of the fear they suffer now during encounters with us actually stems from that time so long ago when, as members of a biped primate species that had evolved on Earth, they were taken on board our discs and subjected to the processes that assisted their further evolution into the Adamic Race.

  “We began removing the aggressive, territorial instinct from the human psyche back then, teaching them about Oneness, and offering the newly evolved species the protection of what they recall as ‘The Garden of Eden,’ but then they began mating back with their earlier and less evolved ancestors. In this way they gradually devolved almost back to the level of beasts, which in turn adversely affected their DNA. It is this ‘downfall’ that now threatens their survival as a species, and the inherent territorial aggression in the nature of the Earth human must be overcome before
the next evolutionary step can proceed smoothly. While they retain this trait they can neither be admitted as members of the Star Nations, nor evolve to their rightful place as true citizens of the universe.

  “Now,” said Maris, stepping back and taking another sip of water, “we will take a short break at this point before continuing. Please feel free to talk among yourselves.” My Teacher stepped down from the podium, still mindfully keeping his cape tightly wrapped around his body, and went to join a group of other Elders standing off to the side.

  “You know what,” Solarno whispered, leaning across to Ashka and me, “you Guardian folk really do deserve full credit. It must be so frustrating doing this sort of work with a stubborn species like the Earthlings. I don’t know how you stay so patient with them.”

  Ashka chuckled. “We don’t always. They reckon we lack emotions, but you should’ve heard some of the colorful language Dagar was using the other night when he came back on board the disc after a particularly difficult ‘encounter.’ I made the mistake of asking him what had happened, and he almost threw his infraray at me.”

  “You were lucky!” I replied. “He did throw it at me, after I innocently suggested that maybe he needed a holiday. Boy, was he riled up, but it made me realize how lucky I am. The Earth humans I’m assigned to at the moment are all quite friendly and easy to get along with, so they’re not all hard cases. Would you believe one of them even told me a joke the other night?”

  “Really!” the others chorused in unison. “I didn’t think Earth humans had much of a sense of humor!”


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