Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 38

by Judy Carroll

  “This band of frequencies is what is known as the astral plane, and as multidimensional beings, we each have an aspect of us called the astral body, or spirit. This is not our solid physical body, but rather our mind and emotions. Mind and emotion is the vehicle of the astral realms, and if we wish to fully access this finer aspect of our being, we must step away from the physical body and experience life solely through thought, feeling and imagination.

  “Surrounding and permeating both the physical and astral/spiritual aspects of our being is our soul, which vibrates at an even higher and finer frequency. It is like the steam that is created when our melted ice block is made to vibrate at a higher rate through being heated past the boiling point.

  “This soul,” I went on to explain, “is our higher, or true self, and is the cosmic, universal, God-part of our being. Although we do tend to use the terms ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ fairly loosely, they don’t quite mean the same thing. The spirit is actually just a small part of the soul and is, as I said before, comprised of our mind and emotions — the astral aspect of our being.

  “As I mentioned, it’s within this astral part, our mental/emotional body, that most ET contact takes place. The reason for this is that Earth human consciousness is focused more strongly in the physical, whereas ET consciousness is focused more strongly in soul, that’s why the astral plane is a good common meeting ground between the two which is reasonably compatible to both parties.

  “This also explains the fear factor inherent in many ET contact experiences. Because the astral plane is created out of mind and emotion, Earth human perception of it is nearly always clouded by belief and superstition. A person’s memory and understanding of ET contact is always filtered, blurred and distorted through the lens of their own mind stuff, which has been created out of beliefs, fears and superstitions that have built up in the psyche over many lifetimes. In this way, the contact is made to fit their particular belief system, which may involve any number of fearsome or ego-centered scenarios.”

  “But Ali,” Maddie persisted, “what has all this got to do with Kate’s soul being taken? Can this really happen? Whatever can we do? I’m so scared!”

  “Hang on, Maddie,” I replied, “I’m getting to that. Sorry if I seem to be going off the track, but I had to go into these details so I can explain to you what Kate’s visitor was really doing. I especially needed to clarify the difference between soul and spirit.

  “The belief that the soul can be stolen from a person’s body stems from superstition and misunderstood concepts of what soul and spirit really are. Nobody can take your soul, for you are a soul, manifesting a lifespan in a physical body. What really happened was that Kate’s ET visitor was simply trying to assist her spirit, her astral form, out of the physical body so that they could communicate more easily without her being weighed down by the slow and gross vibrational frequency of the physical plane.

  Everybody does this every night during sleep, when the mind/spirit is more easily able to step free of the physical shell in order to experience the lighter, finer reality of the astral realms. In these astral realms beyond the physical plane, time as we know it does not exist. Time is not the fourth dimension as some believe, for it does not reach beyond the third dimension. This is why in the dream world of the astral plane we can travel back into the past or forward into a possible future in the blink of an eye. We may also encounter friends and relatives who’ve died to physical life on Earth, because, in reality, only their physical containers have ceased to function. The mind/spirit that is much more the real person is eternal and continues to exist in the astral realm or higher after what humans call ‘death,’ so when we step free of the confines of the physical body during sleep, we can contact those who’ve passed over more permanently through death.”

  “But what about the sensation Kate had of an essence being sucked out of her body and a weight on her chest? If our astral form really leaves our physical body each night when we go to sleep, how come we don’t feel things like this then?”

  “Because,” I answered, “Kate’s experience wasn’t entirely natural and self-induced as it is when we fall asleep. Her ET visitor was assisting the process and Kate became conscious as it was happening. Some people are able to do this consciously themselves during meditation, and it is indeed a very strange feeling if you aren’t in a deep sleep when it happens.

  “I must admit to getting an awful fright when the first ET came for me and assisted me out of my physical body — I really thought I was dying. And because our astral essence vibrates at a higher frequency than our physical body, it can cause the body to shake uncontrollably and the heart rate to rise dramatically. Also, the roaring sound Kate experienced was simply her senses opening up to the sounds of the astral plane as she hovered between the two states.”

  “But why couldn’t she move? She was completely paralyzed and had to fight to bring herself back.”

  “The paralysis is just a safety measure to keep the physical body still and quiet while the mind/spirit is absent. Some investigators on Earth dismiss claims of ET visitation or astral travel in which people describe this paralysis. They scoff at any paranormal explanation and insist that what the medical profession calls ‘sleep paralysis’ is a perfectly normal and natural condition that happens to everyone.

  “In one way they’re quite correct in that yes, it is a perfectly normal and natural condition that happens to everyone, but they need to take it further to know why it happens. If a clairvoyant could be present at the time, they would see the spirit vacating the body, leaving behind only a very low level of consciousness to maintain the inner workings of the body to keep it alive and breathing.

  “It’s like parking a car outside a shop and running in to do errands, leaving the motor running and the handbrake on. We, the spirit, are the driver, and the physical body is our ‘vehicle.’ We don’t want our vehicle shifting about and potentially getting damaged by falling off the bed, so we apply the ‘handbrake’ in the form of physical paralysis to prevent it from moving.”

  Now Paco spoke up. “That is interesting, Ali. In some books I’ve read on ET contact, a few instances have been mentioned in which experiencers fully believed that their souls were being taken, but they just blacked out at that point, only to wake up the next morning feeling fine, with nothing ‘missing.’”

  “So,” Maddie asked, “you’ve never heard of it actually happening? You know, somebody dying after an ET encounter because their soul has been stolen?”

  “Oh, good heavens, no! And it’s like what Ali and Kaz said last time. When they manage to get past the fear factor, then their lives become incredibly enriched by the contact experience. After all, Maddie,” he added with a grin, “the three of us are living proof.”

  “Were you really scared at first, too, Father? I wondered if your being a priest would’ve made a difference, you know, whether your having so much faith in God would protect you.”

  “Maddie, believe me, I was absolutely terrified! Yes, I do have faith in God’s protection, but when you’re faced with something like that, waking up on an ET disc, totally paralyzed and surrounded by weird-looking, obviously non-human-looking beings doing strange and seemingly horrific things to you, the fear is a visceral, gut reaction that you don’t have much control over, despite your faith in a higher Force. Luckily for me, I had Ali to help me through and reassure me that they meant no harm. Once I realized that and got past the fear, it was fine.

  “The key is to have the understanding — knowledge is power as they say, because that’s the only way you can move past the emotion of the situation, whether that emotion is fear or anger. Understanding is the only answer, plus enough faith and trust in yourself to know you can do it. If you can’t, then you remain stuck within a horrible, disempowered state of victim mentality that doesn’t get you anywhere. In fact, even in your everyday life, being a victim doesn’t get you anywhere, does it?”

  “You’re right there, Father.” Maddie s
ighed. “I guess this will help in many aspects of life”.

  “It has for us. There’s quite enough victim mentality on Planet Earth as it is, and as far as I see it, the ETs are doing their best to push us through and past this. We certainly won’t be ready to take our place as citizens of the universe until we stop being helpless ‘victims’ and learn to stand up and take responsibility for our own selves and actions, thereby becoming self-empowered.”

  “Here, here!” Kaz put in, “I couldn’t agree more, and that holds true both for yourself and for your child, because in helping her to break through the fear you’ll also help yourself. What you need to understand, Maddie, is that the encounter experience is not about ‘evil’ or ‘good’ ETs trying to take over your soul, or your child, or your planet, for that matter. It’s designed purely as a transformative experience, like what trainee shamans must go through. And the mind, power, or energy, if you like, behind it is neutral, not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ — that is only our polarized Earthling perception of it. It’s neutral, and whether you sink or swim is entirely up to you.

  “That’s why many people think of the ET Visitors as ‘Greys.’ Sure, they do generally occupy greyish-colored containers, but on a deeper level it’s about their neutrality. The Greys are a tangible, sometimes even physical channel for the non-polarized energy of the universe. They’re agents of creation, in other words.

  “Transformation on the soul level means overcoming fear. It’s not seeing lights in the sky, or having the ability to see auras and spirits — it’s not about being able to perform miracles, or to recall past lives or see into the future. It’s not even about having ecstatic meditation experiences. Sure, you might experience some of these things along the way, but the bottom line of the whole transformation process is overcoming fear on the soul level of your psyche. Transformation happens when we face up to and move through the fear; otherwise we become stuck, both emotionally and spiritually. It’s entirely up to us. It is a personal choice — our own inner Battle of Armageddon.

  “The Greys are like actors in a theatre company, with our own higher self as director, advising these ‘actors’ how best to play out the ‘drama.’ This drama is the core fear in our life that is blocking our spiritual growth, and which needs to be played out on the stage of our conscious and subconscious mind in order to be understood and cleared.”

  “So what you’re saying, Kaz, is that for Kate, and probably for me too, our core fear is having our soul taken? But that’s really weird — I mean to say, we’re living in the twenty-first century, for heaven’s sake!”

  “Believe it or not, Maddie,” Paco interjected, “that’s a very basic, core fear with many people, often buried on deep levels of the psyche. I can’t say if it’s a carry-over from past lives, or simply something that’s passed down through the genes from medieval times, but although modern humans may outwardly scoff at such a concept, it still holds true with many people. Fear of death is similar, and both probably reflect a core fear of loss of control. In my readings, the fear of losing one’s soul is quite common, particularly among those who hold strong religious convictions or who have done a lot of Bible study.

  “Quite often the authors of these books refer back to earlier times when certain members of the population, usually ones in religious orders, underwent what were perceived as ‘attacks’ by demons known as incubi and succubi. The succubi were said to be female demons who preyed upon religious men such as monks and priests, entering their monastery cells in the middle of the night and indulging in sexual intercourse with them for the purpose of ‘stealing their soul.’ Incubi were the male equivalent of succubi, who ‘stole the souls’ of females, usually nuns, in the same way.

  “Now,” Paco continued, “the theory put forward in these books is that perhaps those visitations by succubi and incubi were really ET-encounter experiences dressed up by the superstitious mindset of medieval times as ‘attacks by demons,’ because the basic scenario is so similar. They suggest that back then, these contactees had their minds so steeped in superstition and religious dogma that they perceived ETs as being demons, whereas now that humankind has become more sophisticated and technologically minded, we can see the encounter experience for what it really is, that is, visitation by ETs.

  “This theory is fine, and probably quite correct, except that they then go on to surmise that perhaps modern ET visitation really does involve an attempt to steal peoples’ souls, and that the medieval monks and nuns had it right after all and weren’t just imagining things. However,” he went on, “all this says to me is that in reality, humankind has not progressed very much since then — not on a spiritual level anyway. Sure, we may have all our wonderful technology, and science may have replaced religion as the leading light in modern society, but deep down on the subconscious level humans are still like frightened and immature children, scared stiff of anything that goes bump in the night, and trapped within this state of fear and disempowerment. Perhaps the Greys are right when they say that Earth humans are only on the very first rung of the Human Ladder, and that in order to reach the next level in our evolution we must overcome fear and learn to trust.”

  Maddie frowned in puzzlement. “The Human Ladder? What the heck is that?”

  “Paco looked at the two of us rolling his eyes and Kaz said, “Oh, boy. We better get some more coffee for this.”

  After we settled down again, Paco toasted me with his coffee cup and said, “This is your area, Ali. Go ahead.”

  “Okay,” I said, settling in. “It’s a term used by the Greys for the path of evolution taken by all human species through ascending energy frequencies of the universe. As we explained last time, our journey does begin in the animal kingdom, so Darwin’s theory of evolution is partly correct, but there’s much more to it than that, because, as we said, the soul is involved as well.

  “When the time comes for us to evolve from the animal kingdom into the human kingdom, outside help is required, because at this point we move past the ‘animal instinct’ level and into the ‘mind’ level of developing reasoning power. It’s here that the creation story of Genesis comes into the picture, because this is the stage of our evolution where outside assistance is needed to awaken us to a conscious awareness of the fact that we are a soul — a spiritual being inhabiting a physical form of flesh and blood rather than just a physical body and nothing more.

  “In fact,” I continued, “recent genetic research has actually proven that some sort of outside intervention occurred in the evolution of Man — that Earth humans have not simply evolved straight out of the animal kingdom. It’s been discovered that 223 human genes lack the required forerunners in our supposed evolutionary background. These extra genes are completely missing in the invertebrate stage and have not been acquired through gradual evolution along a straight line, but rather have been added as a ‘sideways insertion’ of genetic material. Also, these 223 genes make up two-thirds of the difference between chimpanzees and Man, and they include important psychological functions. In other words, science has now proven that we did not simply evolve naturally from the apes.

  “As members of the human kingdom,” I explained, “our lesson is to learn to use our mind’s reasoning power with wisdom, compassion, and most especially free will, which is an intrinsic part of our ability to reason. This is an important learning experience that eventually enables us to make use of more and more of our mind. As we evolve up the Ladder, we gradually focus less on physical aspects of our being and more on mind aspects.

  “Once we’ve mastered all the lessons of the mind, which mainly involve using our gift of free will wisely and compassionately at all times, we are then able to link consciously and mindfully with our inner God Spark. This in turn gives us the inner strength, trust and love to overcome all fear, and we are then ready to move onwards and upwards to the next stages of evolution. These are the levels some people think of as the devic and angelic kingdoms, where the ones known as Greys and Angels are situated in
the scheme of things. The Angels are known as the workers of God, or Oneness, and the Greys are their assistants. All of them are ‘Guardians.’

  “The Guardians have evolved from the human species of many different planets and have mastered a much greater part of their mind than we have. This is why they can do such seemingly magical and mystical things as appearing and disappearing at will, and walking or floating through closed doors, windows and walls. These are not physical abilities but rather mind abilities, which we will all master eventually as we evolve further up the Human Ladder. Why, there are even humans here on Earth who can do some of these seemingly magical things. Like those really advanced Eastern adepts who have dedicated many lives to mastering their mind, which is what is meant by the expression ‘mind over matter.’

  “The ones we know as Angels,” I continued, “are on the very highest rungs of the Human Ladder. They have mastered and expanded their minds to such a high level that they neither need nor desire physical bodies any more. They are just pure mind/spirit. If they do require a physical form to carry out certain aspects of their work, as, for example, to appear to someone on Earth, they can create an appropriate container for themselves, but their natural state of being is not physical.

  “As we evolve upwards through the Human Ladder, we progress from level one, to level two, and so on, up to level ten. The Greys refer to these steps as ‘galactic levels,’ but they are not galaxies or any ‘places’ as such — they are simply states of mind, or states of conscious awareness. Remember what I was saying before about humans having three aspects — physical body, spiritual mind and universal soul? Well, mind/spirit is the bridge between body and soul.

  “As our mind evolves through the ascending ‘galactic levels’ of the universe, our consciousness gradually becomes more and more unlimited, expansive and omniscient as it synchronizes more closely in resonance with the soul essence — the God-part of us. This is the whole point of the need to break down the barrier of fear, because only fear limits the mind’s potential. Human evolution is expansion of mind/conscious awareness — nothing more and nothing less.”


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