Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 44

by Judy Carroll

  “Ali,” Paco cut in, “how far up the Human Ladder does the physical universe actually extend? I know you said there are ten levels, but how many of them are physical?”

  “Only the first three,” I answered, “and even by the time you evolve up to the third level, things start getting very fluid, with people able to move in and out of physicality very easily and consciously.”

  “So what are the inhabitants of these first three levels like?” he asked.

  “First-level folk,” I replied, “are like Earth people. In fact, there’s been a lot of coming and going over the millennia between the level-one planets. Because Earth is a really good ‘school’ planet, people from many other level-one planets have come here to master certain lessons, which has caused such a diversity of races, religious beliefs and customs on Earth — a lot have been ‘imported’ from elsewhere.

  “Level twos are more ‘perfected’ humans, like the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and many others, who have been through the ‘rough and tumble’ of many lives on level-one planets like Earth — planets on which they’ve had all their ‘rough edges’ rounded off, so to speak. They’ve learned the value and importance of keeping their energies well balanced and harmonized, and they’re able to access 20% of their potential conscious awareness, which makes them geniuses, compared to Earth humans. With more of their DNA activated, and therefore operating through a more expanded state of conscious awareness, they’re able to tap into fourth- and fifth-dimensional reality.

  “They’re still centered in mortal bodies, but their deeper conscious awareness gives them greater control over the physical aspect of their being. A hint of this can be seen in some of the Eastern adepts on Earth, who have mastered the ability to control body temperature, blood pressure, etc. In level-two reality, illness and physical degeneration as occurs on Earth is less of an issue to contend with, hence their much longer life-spans and more attractive physical appearance.

  “Level twos have also moved beyond the Earth human state of disharmony and fear and are much more peaceful, lacking any warlike tendencies. They have a much deeper respect for other life-forms and the environment, and they understand how to access clean, natural energy, so their technology is more efficient and far less destructive than here on Earth. Everyone’s needs are met, and there is no poverty, hunger or misery. Life may not be perfect, but it’s certainly an improvement to down here!

  “It’s no wonder that level-two civilizations like the Pleiadians appear to Earth human eyes as ‘angel-like,’ because they truly are very beautiful souls on every level of their being. That is where Earth humans are heading on the next stage of their evolution, if only they can move beyond their fears, which in turn create their need for war and aggression.”

  “And what about the level threes?” Maddie inquired. “What are they like?”

  “By the time a soul evolves to galactic level three of the Human Ladder, they are beginning to move beyond the need or desire for physical expression. They have mastered almost all there is to learn with life in physical form, and the focus starts shifting entirely into the ‘mind’ stage of evolution, hence the small, frail bodies without much physical detail or substance and the larger heads and eyes that Earth researchers label ‘Zetas.’ But these ones come from a number of home worlds, some of which are beyond the Earth human range of perception. Level threes can access 30% of conscious awareness, so the advanced technologies and mind abilities of level two are taken a step further.

  “Here one fully grasps that the body is really nothing more than a temporary vehicle, or container, for the pure soul essence that can move easily, freely and consciously in and out of its physical body. This is why level-three bodies are very basic and simple — convenient ‘tools’ to be used by the soul only when needed.

  “Once a soul evolves past this point and into level-four reality, mortal form is discarded completely. This is the first step into what is known as the Guardian realm, which is beyond and above the physical universe in vibrational frequency. From this point on, the soul essence vibrates at higher and higher frequencies through what Earth humans call the devic and angelic realms, to eventually meld back into the Oneness of Source. These are the levels to which the spiritual warriors and caretakers belong, whose job is to help beings of the first, second and third galactic levels evolve up the Ladder. The Guardians are caretakers of the life-force energy of these first three levels.”

  “So what about those like Entil, who are coming here and contacting people?” Maddie asked. “What level are they from? And how are their bodies specially adapted for space travel?”

  “Okay,” I answered, “Entil, and the other so-called ‘Zetas,’ or ‘Greys’ that are involved in ET/human contact actually come from levels six, seven and eight. Smaller ones like Entil are from level six, slightly taller ones are level sevens, and the really tall teachers like the one who sometimes accompanies Entil are from level eight. Beyond that, at levels nine and ten, are the Angels.

  “People from level-two and level-three planets also visit Earth. Some physical, human species breathe an atmosphere like Earth’s, but if they don’t, then they need some breathing apparatus to enable them to visit, whereas the Guardians don’t, because of their specially adapted, semi-artificial, bodies.

  “What most researchers on Earth still don’t understand is that the Guardians have actually evolved beyond all these planetary cultures. Some may have been Earth humans long, long ago, as well as inhabitants of other planetary cultures of our universe, but now they are no longer physical beings from any physical planet. They don’t think of themselves as ‘having a soul’ — they know that they are soul. However, much of the work they carry out in the physical universe requires a physical body, or what they call a container, just as Earth human astronauts who travel in space need to don special, protective suits to enable them to operate and carry out tasks in the totally alien environment.

  “Those Guardians whose work takes them to the far reaches of the universe to carry out physical duties on planets with various atmospheric conditions and temperatures use semi-artificial bodies to enable them to carry out this work. The soul, being pure energy, doesn’t need atmosphere to breathe or food to eat, but unlike biological human bodies, neither do these containers. This is how the so-called ‘Zetas’ who appear in physical form are able to operate without any breathing equipment.”

  “But then,” said Maddie, “that means they are robots!”

  “No, they’re not,” I explained. “The physical body may be artificial, but the soul operating it, which in the greater reality is what we all are, is totally sentient consciousness. In this way they can and do experience emotion just as we do. In fact, because their emotions aren’t filtered or dulled by the gross physical matter, they can feel more intensely, which is why they have some trouble with the lower human emotions. The older Guardians are so balanced with their energy so they have learned to protect themselves, but the younger ones feel very intensely the emotions being put out by humans because they are still working to balance their energy.

  “These artificial containers used by the Guardians are why many people down here who’ve had contact experiences with them since childhood, often have a deep-seated fear of artificial humanoid representations such as puppets, clowns and dolls. These stir up memories of the Guardians who visit them during their sleep-state, and until their consciousness opens up, remembers and recognizes the soul inside the artificial container, they experience these deep fears on the subconscious level.”

  I could see that Maddie still wasn’t quite convinced and didn’t fully understand, but at that point Kaz stepped in, coming to my rescue.

  “Maddie, I’ve just thought of a good way to explain what Ali’s trying to say. You could think of a Guardian like the lead character in a fantasy movie featuring a ‘hero’ who has been involved in some terrible accident in which nearly his whole body has been damaged beyond repair. Through really advanced medical intervention,
most of his body parts are subsequently replaced with artificial components which enable him to carry out ‘super-human’ feats. He’s still a perfectly normal human being, but with an extra strong, extra resilient part-artificial body. Why, medical science on Earth is moving in this direction with artificial limbs that can be controlled by thought alone; and remember, the Guardians are way ahead of Earth scientists in their technology!”

  “Ah, okay, I sort of understand that,” she replied, looking a little more relieved, “but I’m still a bit confused about all these levels. Ali, you described the level-three people as having small, frail bodies with large heads and eyes, just like the Guardians’ containers, but if the Guardians have moved beyond the need for physical bodies, how come they resemble the level-three folks?”

  “Level three is the last level of the Human Ladder on which souls express through physical form,” I explained, “so that particular level-three form is very simple anatomically and thus easier and more efficient to reproduce artificially. That’s why the more highly evolved Guardians still use that body type as a blueprint for their containers.”

  “And do the Angels of levels nine and ten use these containers as well?”

  “No, because they don’t carry out physical work on the lower levels of the universe. When they do put in an appearance down here, to assist human souls at the time of death, for example, they just tap in to the mind of the one they’re assisting and create an astral body to fit whatever form that person expects an angel to take. If physical intervention is required, then they call on the ‘Greys,’ the lower-level Guardians who are sort of ‘assistant angels,’ to carry out the task for them. The different levels of Guardians have quite specific jobs to do within the general framework of working with life-force energy to assist the human evolutionary process.

  “Universal energy expresses as life-force, and so the creation and evolution of life is all about working mindfully with the creative energy of the universe on all levels — physical body, spiritual mind and universal soul. The Guardians are transmuters and transformers of life-force energy, and in this way are closely linked to human evolution, which goes hand in hand with reincarnation where a soul gradually evolves back to Source, or Oneness. Evolution is not physical — it’s a soul process.”

  Just then Tiger Cat decided it was time for a good stretch. His back arched, his tail almost went in my mouth, and his claws dug into my lap. Loud purring filled the small room as puss did everything possible to focus my attention wholly and completely upon his little head, which badly wanted a good scratch around the ears.

  “Ow, ouch, settle down, Tiger!” I pleaded, running a soothing hand through his sleek, thick coat and receiving a head butt under the chin in reply.

  Maddie couldn’t help smiling at his antics. “He’s really taken a liking to you, Ali. Trouble is he can be a bit pushy. Have these Guardian folk always looked like they do now, or were they once more human-looking?”

  “Well, Maddie, they’ve ‘been there, done that many times over, just as we are doing now. They’ve slowly evolved up through the Human Ladder from many different planetary cultures and star systems, and like all humans, they’ve fallen down at times, and picked themselves up again, so they do understand intimately just what we’re going through.

  “This is why some of them seem fascinated by and drawn to human emotion. It’s a bit like the fascination we have in studying ancient cultures of Earth. It’s like — ‘Wow, is that how we used to do things way back then? Isn’t that amazing!’ And for the genetic work they’re carrying out to create the hybrids and Star Children, they’re really only borrowing back a bit of what they gave to Earthlings originally. After all, it was their own genetic input that made us human in the first place. If it weren’t for the Guardians and other higher ET cultures, many of us would still be swinging through branches by our tails.”

  Maddie looked a bit doubtful. “Well yes, I suppose so, if you look at it that way. So how are ones like Entil connected to ones like Kate? Is that some sort of genetic thing too?”

  “Yes!” I replied. “Star children like Kate have an upgraded genetic blueprint. When these children are conceived, the mother is taken up onto the disc, and the newly conceived embryo is upgraded through advanced genetic engineering procedures. In other words, extra ET genetic material is spliced into the Earth human genetics already present from both parents. This material comes from a number of different ET cultures that are contributing to the gene pool, so Star Children can be part Pleiadian, Altarian, Zeta, Sirian, or whatever, depending upon who’s been the donor.

  “In Kate’s case it would be Entil, and so he’s kept in close contact with her since her conception, and will continue to do so throughout the rest of her life. The concept of family and Oneness is important to the Guardians, which is why Entil was so sad about her fear and rejection of him. He feels a very deep, close ‘family’ connection to her because part of him is in her genetic makeup.”

  “But if his physical body is artificial, how can he donate genetic material?” Maddie asked, looking totally perplexed.

  “The Guardians who are involved in this program,” I explained, “often make use of a couple of containers — a wholly artificial one for physical space travel and a biological or at least part-biological one for other aspects of their work. Guardians can have a fully biological body if they so wish, but it’s entirely voluntary, unlike Earth humans who have no choice in the matter.”

  Poor Maddie shook her head, obviously not comfortable at all. “I just don’t know how I feel about all this genetics thing! Do you mean that Kate’s not totally our own daughter? But she’s taken after both of us so strongly, particularly Geoff’s side of the family. You’ve only got to look at them together to see that!”

  “No Maddie,” I quickly stepped in with words of reassurance, “that’s not what I’m saying. Of course she’s your daughter, wholly and completely, but she just has a wee bit more added, as you and probably your husband have too, because these genetic upgrades tend to run in families. Perhaps you have no conscious recall, but it’s likely that you were both taken up as well when you were children. It’s a very gradual process carried out over several generations.”

  “Maddie,” said Paco, stepping in to back me up, “what you have to realize is that no child is created only from their parents’ genetics. Remember that both parents come from family lines themselves, and every child is a product of generations of genetic input in the way of aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. There are some children who don’t even look like their immediate parents, but rather throw back to a grandparent or some other distant relative. And anyway, who knows, if the Guardians are as ancient a culture as Ali says, and they were partly responsible for developing the human race of Earth, then maybe Entil is a distant relative of your family. As I’ve found out through my own dealings with the Guardians, anything is possible! And actually, it’s our human way of seeing ourselves as separate from everything. When we view it all as One, it changes the picture, doesn’t it?”

  A look of profound relief came into Maddie’s eyes. “Oh, wow, yes, you are right, Father Lopez. Maybe that’s why the Guardians and other ETs seem to work with certain families down here, because they’re distantly related from way back. This Oneness concept still feels strange, but how could it be anything different when we believe in one God?”

  “When you look at it in that light,” Kaz put in, “going up on the disc is nothing more than visiting the rellies, because after all, everyone down here has ET genetics in their bloodlines, otherwise, as Ali said, we’d be swinging through the trees and throwing banana skins at each other. Mutual grooming practices to rid ourselves of fleas and other parasites would also be part and parcel of our species, as would screeching loudly at the approach of strangers. Hey, come to think of it, I used to date a fellow like that before I got married — hmm, I wonder!”

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Paco having an awful struggle
to keep a straight face. I knew very well that if our eyes met we’d both lose it. Damn Kaz! Mouth trembling ever so slightly, Paco quickly lowered his gaze to meditate deeply upon a stray fleck of lint on the sleeve of his shirt, while my mind busied itself elsewhere by focusing intently upon the cat’s left ear, which had somehow turned itself inside out.

  “Funny thing though!” Kaz plowed on with true Guardian determination — “He was really hairy all over as well. I always had a worry in the back of my mind that if we ever married and had kids, they’d be born with tails — and cute little bottoms that’d flush bright red when they got excited.”

  Several seconds of dead silence followed, then an ill-suppressed snort of laughter from Paco set both Maddie and me off simultaneously. Then just as things began to settle down again, an all-too-familiar glint illuminated Kaz’s eyes, and I knew more was to follow. Having had plenty of experience with her unique sense of humor both ‘upstairs’ and ‘downstairs’ — in fact in her Grey form she was even worse — it was time to intervene. “Kaz — will you please knock it off!” I begged, wiping tears from my eyes and burying my face in my hands. “We concede defeat!”

  In a massive and determined effort to bring the conversation back to where it was supposed to be going, I turned to Maddie. “The important thing that needs to be understood if people down here really want to get a handle on the whole ET contact thing is, that what most people on Earth think of as ‘reality’ is, in fact, only a very limited part of the whole. As we evolve, with help from the Guardians, a wider and deeper spectrum of conscious awareness will gradually unfold for us. As human beings this is our birthright, and it is only a matter of expanding our senses to a broader band of frequencies that are already right here and now. Once we’re able to open up more in this way, our perception of ‘reality’ will be vastly different.”


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