The Mistletoe Mistress

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The Mistletoe Mistress Page 3

by Maddison Michaels

  The thought was sobering. What on earth was she thinking?

  She reached up to push him away, but then the door to the study suddenly flew open, a man holding a lamp was silhouetted in the doorway. They’d been discovered! Could this night get any worse?

  Chapter 3

  Before Holly could blink, Michael’s lips descended onto her own, his hands reaching around her waist and pulling her in tightly against him. His mouth plundered hers; a delicious onslaught that was over even before it really began, when he wrenched his mouth away and turned toward the now opened doorway.

  “I say, what are you two doing in my study?” The pinched voice from the door sounded highly perturbed.

  Holly felt her heart drop. It was Lord Pembrook. If he saw her here, he would know exactly what she was up to. Which would not bode well for her friend.

  “Sorry, old chap,” Michael yelled. “I was just trying to sneak in some private time alone with my friend.”

  “Is that you, Blackthorn?” Pembrook asked, relief in his voice.

  “It is indeed,” Michael replied, his body still protecting Holly from Pembrook’s view. “Apologies for using your study, Pembrook. And if you’ll give me but a moment to become presentable, if you know what I mean, we shall return to the ball.”

  Pembrook tried to peer further into the darkness, in what Holly was certain was an attempt to see who Michael was shielding, but thankfully Michael’s broad chest was doing a thorough job of hiding her from the man’s view.

  “Of course, of course.” Pembrook chortled. “Take your time.” And with a wink, the man closed the door, his footsteps echoing away as he retreated down the hall.

  Michael swirled back around to face her. “Well that was close.”

  Holly shuddered. “That was terrifying.”

  “The kiss or Pembrook?” Michael asked. “And I do hope the answer is Pembrook.” There was amusement again in his voice.

  Holly swatted him on the arm. “This is no time for jokes. Of course, I’m talking about Pembrook. If he’d seen me, he would have suspected what I was up to and then things would have gotten nasty.”

  “Well I’m glad it wasn’t the kiss,” Michael replied. “Though it certainly wasn’t my best, rushed as it was. I shall be happy to promptly remedy that impression though.”

  “Are you ever serious?” Holly took a step around him and headed for the door.

  Michael reached his arm out to grab her own, gently pulling her to a stop. “Who says I wasn’t being serious?”

  Holly pulled back her arm to swat him again, only this time, he pulled her in close and his lips captured her own. But instead of the hastiness of their previous kiss, with this one he took his time as his lips gently teased her own apart, pressing softly but firmly against her. Without warning, her anger at him diminished only to be replaced by a growing need. A hunger to taste and touch him as she’d never felt before.

  A sense of wonder and longing engulfed her. His lips were pillow soft but oh so delicious, and then when his tongue touched hers, softly coaxing a response, Holly couldn’t help but moan.

  Good Lord, the sensations of pleasure were consuming her as a deep aching desire radiated from her core. She pushed her body against his, reveling at the feel of his broad chest against her bosoms. The man was a sin. A deliciously sensual sin that she was suddenly craving. She couldn’t get enough of him and the urge to be closer to him, wound its way through her.

  She’d felt so alone for so long. Of course, she had her younger sisters. But sometimes when she was alone through the night she longed for something more. For someone to hold and cherish her. To show her what it was to experience pleasure.

  Winding her arms around his neck, she flicked her tongue against his own as he’d done to her. Satisfaction filled her when he moaned in reply. She’d never been so bold before.

  But when the distant tinkling of laughter reached her ears, reality returned in a blink. Wrenching herself away from him, Holly took several steps backward, her breathing coming in ragged breaths. Oh goodness, what had she been thinking. What had she been doing? She’d nearly been caught once tonight. She couldn’t afford to be caught again.

  Holly had always prided herself on her sensible nature and level-headedness. But kissing Michael and clinging to him like he was her life-line, was certainly not sensible and was definitely not level-headed. In fact, it was completely out of character. What was wrong with her?

  He must think her an absolute wanton. It took her several moments to muster up the courage to glance up at him, only to find him staring at her like a hawk.

  There was an intensity in his gaze that she found compelling instead of fearful, and if not for the pulsing of the vein at his neck and his rapid breathing, Holly may have thought him entirely unaffected by their kiss.

  A distinctly feminine part of her was glad the kiss had rattled him too, even if that was perhaps too strong a word for it as Michael certainly wasn’t one to be rattled by anything, especially not by a kiss. He’d probably kissed hundreds of women before her. Though that was most likely exaggerating the number, or maybe not. The man looked like a darkly sinful Apollo, so much so that Holly doubted there would be many women who could resist his charms.

  Herself now, unfortunately, included in that number.

  Good gracious, she was already back to thinking of him as Michael, too. She must remember the proprieties, more so to keep a distance between them, than any true concern over such matters. For the last thing she intended to do was become enamored with a rake. That would be foolhardy and idiotic, not to mention she had far more important concerns to occupy her time with. Such as earning a living to support her sisters with, which certainly was not being accomplished by kissing the man in front of her.

  Suddenly, she felt awkward and unsure. He undoubtedly didn’t even realize that was her first proper kiss. Or perhaps he did and her ruse would be over?

  “Come along then.” Michael offered her his arm. “I shall escort you home.”

  “I do not need an escort.” She ignored his hand and continued out the door and down the hallway toward the main ballroom. She was infinitely aware that Michael was following closely behind her, and though she did wish to return home, the last thing she wanted right then was to be trapped in the small confines of a carriage with him.

  That would spell disaster, particularly after the kiss they’d just shared as Holly rather suspected that she’d throw herself at him and make a complete idiot of herself in the bargain. More so than she already had, which was completely unacceptable, especially from her. She stopped just shy of the main hallway and turned back to face him. “I thank you for the offer, though as you’re aware now, I’m a widow and am perfectly capable of finding my own way home.”

  His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. “Widow or not, I intend to see you home safely.”

  “Surely you are not worried I shall be accosted on the way home?” she said, watching as a look almost akin to guilt flashed across his face. “Why do you suddenly look as guilty as sin? What on earth is going on, Michael?”

  But in a blink the expression was gone, only to be replaced by a completely straight face. “Nothing is wrong. I promised your brother I’d look out for you, is all.”

  “Why now, are you suddenly trying to look out for me?”

  “What do you mean by that?” he asked, confusion clouding his face.

  “Edward has been dead for two years. Why the sudden interest in my welfare?”

  It seemed as if he was about to say something, but then closed his mouth and cleared his throat. “I’ve only returned from the Crimea a few months ago and I admit that I purposefully stayed away as I didn’t want my own reputation to damage yours.”

  “You don’t seem to be overly worried about that now.”

  “You’re a widow now.” He cast her a veiled glance. “It doesn’t matter if you are seen with me. And I suppose I also didn’t worry overly before as I thought the dowry would be enough to en
sure you married well. I never thought your husband would not request it.”

  Holly felt like laughing or perhaps crying. He had no idea that it was the blasted dowry he’d bestowed on her and her sisters that had caused them to flee from their home in the first place. Well, one of the main reasons. But she’d never tell him that. Michael might be many things, and a rake was certainly one of them. Yet he’d never been a cruel or mean person and if he discovered that his gesture of looking after them had actually created the catalyst that they were still hiding from, he’d feel wretched. And Holly didn’t want him to feel that way as it wasn’t his fault that her uncle was a jackass.

  “Michael, I have essentially been looking after my family since my mother died while giving birth to Daphne over seventeen years ago. And then when my father died do you think it was Edward that took care of everything? Of course not! He went off to the war and died in a stupid bar fight before he even got to fight on the front lines. Who do you think it was that looked after everyone then? Who still looks after everyone?”

  Michael was silent for a good minute. “I didn’t mean to imply that you couldn’t take care of yourself.” He dragged a hand through his thick mane of hair once again, in a gesture she was beginning to find annoyingly endearing. “You’re one of the most competent women I’ve ever met.”

  Holly could feel a slight flush begin to creep across her cheeks. Michael had never complimented her over anything before, preferring to trade insults with her.

  But then his next words ruined the warm fuzzy feeling she’d been experiencing.

  “You’re bloody bossy and stubborn to go with it, of course, but you’re competent nonetheless.”

  “What exactly is your point then Michael? Apart from naming all of my faults.”

  He exhaled harshly. “You’re a widow now Holly, that means you are fair game to a lot of men. I’m just trying to protect you from them because they’ll try to take advantage of you. You can trust me on that.”

  “And what about from you, Michael?” She raised her chin slightly. “You were the one in there kissing me. Not any other men. How are you going to protect me from yourself?”

  He shook his head and sighed. “Honestly? I don’t know. The kiss was a mistake. I will protect you from other men, and from myself.”

  She’d never seen this side of Michael before. Gone was the confidence and arrogance that was usually clinging to him like a second skin. In their place, was a stark honesty in his expression that was compelling, even though a voice inside her head was warning her to run as far away from him as she could.

  “Besides, you’re obviously involved in something all the way up to your pretty little neck if what you were doing in Pembrook’s study was any indication,” Michael continued. “So clearly, you do need protecting.”

  “Not from you I don’t.” She knew with a deep certainty that this man would break her heart if she let him too close. “And you have no need to worry, I’m actually here with Lady Bosworth and her new husband. They will see me safely home. Look, there they are now.” And thank goodness they were getting their cloaks which meant they would be leaving shortly, but oddly enough the Duke of Huntington and the Marquis of St. Giles were with them.

  “It seems to be a night filled with rakes, does it not?” she mused aloud.

  “What do you mean?” Michael asked, his eyes following to where she was now pointing. “Those damn bastards!”

  Holly tilted her chin up to study the thunderous expression crossing his brow as he looked upon the small group in the distance. “I thought they were friends of yours?”

  “They were until a moment ago,” he announced, crossing his arms over his chest, a mutinous expression on his altogether too handsome face.

  Something was obviously going on, and Holly was immediately intrigued, despite her misgivings. “I shall have to have Lady Bosworth introduce me to them, then.” Michael swore behind her as she strode over to her friends and the two libertines she’d never thought to meet in person. After all, in reality she was simply Miss Holly Jenkins, with no real wealth or family connections to warrant an introduction to two of London’s most infamous and titled bachelors. Her sisters would relish hearing the details of such an occurrence. Well, at least, her youngest sister Daphne would. Violet might be a different story.

  A short while later, after being introduced to the two men by an entirely reluctant Lady Bosworth, Holly found herself the center of not only Michael’s attentions, albeit there was a fierce scowl creasing his brow, but also the Devil Duke and St. Giles were staring at her with unabashed interest in their eyes.

  How very odd. Not that Holly was at all worried over the situation. Regardless of the men’s disreputable reputations she couldn’t imagine she was in any peril of being seduced by the two bounders. Although, the way St. Giles and the Devil Duke were looking at her did give her pause. Their expressions were seductively predatory. Though that was most likely how they normally appeared. She had to stifle her laughter at the thought.

  A part of her was disappointed that Michael wasn’t looking at her in the same manner as his friends, in fact, he wasn’t looking at her at all now but instead glaring ferociously at his companions almost as if he were jealous, which was certainly not the case.

  Bizarre behavior from him indeed. The whole evening had been odd, actually.

  But before she could examine it any further, Lady Bosworth was complaining of a headache and her husband was whisking her and Holly toward the entrance hall and away from the three men before she could even gather her wits.

  She glanced back over her shoulder to see all three men staring after her. But there was only one man’s gaze that she was aware of… Michael’s.

  “How odd was that?” Lady Bosworth whispered beside her as her husband swept them down the entrance stairs to the landing.

  “Indeed!” Lord Bosworth agreed. “I do hope they haven’t set their sights on you Mrs. Carlton. Terribly bad for one’s reputation, a lady having anything to do with those three.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” Lady Bosworth grinned. “Three of the Ton’s most eligible bachelors interested in our Holly. I could think of worse things. And she is a widow which does allow her a lovely sort of freedom to do what she wants as long as she’s semi-discreet about it.”

  The glare Lord Bosworth shot his wife was enough to make both women laugh.

  However, the idea that Holly could potentially look at taking a lover because everyone thought her to be a widow was entirely intriguing…

  Yes. Even Holly had to admit that having the attention of three such handsome and notorious men was somewhat flattering. Even if it had been for only a few minutes. Because she was not foolish enough to think she would be on any of their minds even now. No, already they would be prowling through the ballroom looking for someone else to take their interest. The thought was particularly depressing, knowing Michael would be in that mix too.

  It was for the best though. The night had already proven that he was a distraction she could ill afford. She’d been on a mission tonight and had failed to retrieve the letters. Without those letters her dear friend could be not only socially ruined but financially too! Holly had to redirect her attention back onto her objective. Not on Michael Drake, the Viscount of Blackthorn. Even if the man did make her weak at the knees. Blast him!

  Chapter 4

  “Holly?” her sister Violet’s voice sang out. “Were you expecting a visitor?”

  Holly glanced up from the papers on her writing desk, only to see her sister gazing down to the street below, her brown eyebrow arched in puzzlement.

  “No. Why? It’s not Clare is it?” She didn’t think she could stand to see the look of disappointment on her friend’s face when she told her she’d been unsuccessful in retrieving the letters. Though they still had a chance at finding them at Pembrook’s country manor. If Holly could wangle an invitation to the hunting weekend he was about to host.

  “Um… No, it’s not Cl
are.” There was some hesitation in her sister’s voice, which was most unlike Violet.

  “Well, who is it then?”

  Her youngest sister Daphne stood from where she’d been sitting reading and wandered over to where Violet was peering down at the front entrance. “Oh, he’s very handsome, whoever he is.”

  The mere mention of the word handsome made her heart start to race as an image of Michael came straight to the forefront of her mind. Pushing back from her chair, Holly strode over to her sisters and peered down to the street below. She nudged them aside, but by the time she got a glimpse of whoever they had been discussing he’d disappeared under the portico of the front entrance.

  The door bell sounded, and Holly jumped.

  Her sisters noted her reaction and stared at her with unbridled curiosity.

  “What is going on, Holly?” Violet asked. “Who is the gentleman at the door?”

  Holly straightened and shrugged, trying to at least appear nonchalant as much as one could when every part of one’s body was on edge. After last night all she’d been able to think of was Michael. Even her dreams had been filled with the man. Which was terrible considering she knew that there was no future for her with him. He was heir to an earldom. And heirs to earldoms didn’t marry Miss Anybody, particularly one pretending to be a widow. They married young ladies of consequence and rank. Even attempting to think of a future with him was a waste of time.

  She’d daydreamed of such a thing with him when she was younger, but now that she was supporting not only herself but her sisters too, she couldn’t afford to be distracted once again with foolish dreams that would never become a reality.

  Not that she would ever consider marrying a rake. She wasn’t silly enough to do something so idiotic. Especially not with someone like Michael. He was the sort of man one could all too easily give one’s heart to, and then without meaning to he’d shatter it into pieces when his eyes wandered across to another woman, as rake’s eyes were bound to do.


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