Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 5

by Penny Hawking

  “Oh.” She said again looking down at her hands. “..Oh…” She tugged at her earlobe.

  “You said that already.” Peyton said softly.

  She looked up at him and sighed. “I should be the one to apologize…I shouldn’t have come on to you like that.” She fiddled with her fingers. “I mean…I should have…I should have told you I had a boyfriend…and...”

  “Wait you’re taking my time to shine.” Peyton said cutting her off. “You have nothing to apologize for, I do. You have no right to take my apology from me.” Peyton said with mocking sternness. That warranted him a smile from Ice.

  His scolding received a bigger smile from Ice.

  “Still I…” Ice started

  Peyton held up his hands, “Uh-uh…I am sorry Iceria, please forgive me.” Peyton said sincerely.

  “You have nothing to …”

  “Forgive me please.”



  “Okay, fine but---”

  Peyton cut her off again. “Then it’s done, we’ll act like nothing ever happened, and we’ll start fresh.”

  Ice looked at him strangely. She looked down at her hands, opened her mouth to say something then closed it.

  Peyton knew he had to act fast before he lost her.

  He stretched out his hand. “Hi, my name is Peyton Stone. I met you in 10th grade. You seem like a very nice, smart, sweet and caring girl. I don’t know what took me so long to do this, probably because I’m a dumb ass. But I would really be honored if you would grace me with the privilege of being your friend.”

  He’d never done anything like this before. But deep down, he knew Ice would be worth it.

  She stared at his outstretched hand for a while as though having an internal debate with herself.

  The more she stared at his outstretched hand, that faster his heart seemed to beat. What would he do if she rejected him? He hadn’t thought that far ahead.

  “This is where you shake my hand and give me an answer.” Peyton whispered playfully. Secretly he was pleading with her.

  Ice looked at him some more.

  Just when he thought she would deny him, she softly put her hand in his and smiled.

  “Hi, I’m Iceria Johnson, and I will be more than honored to be your friend.” She tightened her grip on his hand and shook his hand.

  Peyton let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. He could see that Ice was going to keep him on the tip of his toes. “For a minute there I thought you were gonna reject me.” He confessed.

  Ice laughed a small little polite laugh. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Peyton grinned. He felt her gently let go of his hand.

  “Whoa, that wasn’t as hard as I thought.” Peyton said. “Now we just have to seal the deal.”

  “How?” Ice asked curiously.

  “With a kiss.” Peyton said half-jokingly. He couldn’t help himself.

  When he saw her panicked look, he immediately regretted it. “I’m joking.” He said laughing to convince her.

  He could tell Ice wasn’t sure whether she should laugh.

  “We seal it with a pinky promise.” He said putting his pinky next to her hand. “Now you know we can never break a pinky promise.” He said with a deadpan expression on his face.

  Ice laughed this time. Peyton noticed it wasn’t one of her reserved laughs either. It wasn’t forced and it sounded like the realist he’d heard yet.

  “Okay.” She said excitedly. She linked her pinky with his. “Now what?”

  “We blow.”


  “Follow my lead.” Peyton bent down, his lips to his fist and she followed suit. Ice tried not to laugh as she did the same.

  He stared at her a little longer than necessary before they let go.

  “That was fun.” She giggled.

  Peyton chuckled. “It was.”

  Ice chewed on her bottom lip. “I’ve never pinky promised before.” She whispered secretively.

  “NO!” He put his hand to his chest, and she laughed.

  Realizing it, Ice covered her mouth.

  “I refuse to believe you’ve never made a pinky promise.”

  “I know.” Ice said. “But nobody ever wanted to pinky promise me.” She shrugged.

  “The horror.” Peyton shook his head.

  He could see her trying not to smile and it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Peyton watched her, his lips parting slightly. She probably already knew how beautiful she was, but damn was she beautiful.

  “I’ve never had a guy friend before. This should be fun.” Ice said genuinely excited.

  “Yeah.” Peyton replied slowly. He shoved his hands into his front pockets and spread his legs slightly as he felt a lower part of him start to stir.

  Ice smiled softly as she looked at everywhere but at him. He cocked his head to the side to intercept her gaze

  “You’re beautiful.” Peyton whispered as their eyes locked.

  The way she stared at him with her mouth slightly opened in surprise was more than welcoming as his mind drifted.

  Ice quickly looked down. “Thank you.” Her voice barely above a whisper.

  “I mean from a friend to a friend.” He said quickly, trying to not have her shield herself off. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud.

  Ice smiled and took a deep breath. “I should probably go now.” She said nervously.

  “Why what happened?” He took a step forward.

  Ice’s guarded smile was back up and Peyton groaned inwardly. What happened? He’d gone too far. She was pushing him away.

  “I’m taking up a lot of your time and I have to get home…and do stuff.” She replied

  Peyton nodded slowly. “Do stuff?..... Well, friend, I guess this is goodbye.”

  Ice nodded as she turned around and took a couple steps to her car.

  Peyton watched her, his gaze unconsciously drifting down to her butt. Ice turned back around, and he quickly looked up and tried to act as if he hadn’t just been checking out her ass.

  She gave him a questioningly look, but he just gave her an innocent smile.

  “Do you need a ride?” She asked nervously.

  He grinned. “No, I brought my baby today.” He said nodding towards his lime green Kawasaki motorcycle.

  Ice followed his nod and gasped. “Wow.” She looked longingly at the bike. “That’s beautiful.”

  Peyton smiled. “I would take you for a ride, but you seem to be in a hurry.” Peyton said shrugging as he took one step back. “It’s a shame.”

  Peyton pleaded silently. “So, I’m just gonna get on my motorcycle and drive away.” He slowly walked backward keeping his eyes on her. “It’s a really, really nice day for a ride. Really nice. Perfect motorcycle weather.”

  Ice bit her bottom lip. “I should…I should…head home…I umm…” she looked at the motorcycle. She was silent for a minute. “My mom would kill me.” She whispered looking at him seriously.

  Peyton laughed. “Live a little.” He walked towards her and grabbed her hand. “I promise you won’t regret it.” He whispered mischievously.

  “I can’t.” she whispered back.

  “You can.” He insisted gently pulling her towards his bike.


  “Ice.” He brought her over with minimal resistance. Ice grinned and squeezed his hand.

  “Okay, but I just want to sit on it. That’s it just sit, nothing more.” Ice insisted. He watched the light in her eyes. The thrill run across her face. Even her voice had changed; it wasn’t the soft one she usually used. It was more confident, sexier. He couldn’t place his finger on it but whatever it was, he liked it.

  Peyton grinned. He unchained his bike and helmet and handed her his helmet.

  “Why do I need the helmet if I’m just sitting on it?” Ice asked taking the helmet from him. She looked it over curiously.

  Peyton shrugged. “In case you fall.”

  He got on his motorcycle a
nd turned his head to watch her put on his helmet. She struggled a little. He was going to offer his help, but he felt like she wanted to do it on her own. She looked at him for approval when she had the helmet on, and he nodded. Ice used his shoulders for support as she settled in behind him.

  Peyton noticed she instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed closer to him.

  He closed his eyes, relinquishing in her touch. Her thighs pressed against his. Her breasts grazed his back. He could smell her perfume, so subtle so light, so feminine.

  As though she realized how close she was to him. Ice immediately released him as though she’d gotten scalded. She scooted a little away from him. “Sorry.” She mumbled

  Peyton smirked. Being the devil, he was, he started the engine.

  Ice gasped as she returned right back to her previous position pressed all up against him but even tighter than before.

  This time, she stayed.

  His bike roared impatiently so he missed the soft whisper she’d directed his way.

  “What?” He asked turning his head to her.

  Ice leaned even more into him and rested her head on his shoulder. “I said that maybe you can drive for like 2 seconds or something.” Ice replied. “Just a quick, lap around the parking lot. I want to try it one time.”

  That’s all the motivation Peyton needed as he cranked his motorcycle.

  Motorcycle rides


  Ice tried to distance herself a little from Peyton’s warm body, without actually letting go of him. She was being improper. She was too close to him. What would her mother say?

  Peyton sped up a little bit, and her arms tightened around his waist of their own accord.

  He slowed down.

  Ice sighed and closed her eyes. She wished she had words to describe what she was feeling now. Nothing came to mind. She never imagined that she would be zooming through the streets on a motorcycle. This was not her.

  She leaned her head against his back and scooted in closer. Her thighs pressed against his. She contemplated shifting them away, that’s what a lady would do. But really, there was no harm done was there? She could feel the heat of his body radiating off him. She smiled at his warmth.

  What was she doing?

  Peyton stopped at a red light and turned his head to face her. “Are you okay?” He shouted.

  His hair had blown in his face. Escaped tendrils of blond hair flew around him like some sort of halo.

  Ice nodded, too excited to speak. She wanted to tell him to stop, to pull over because he didn’t have a helmet, but she couldn’t. She wanted to enjoy this moment for a bit longer. Her selfishness would surely cause his death. She nodded her helmet-clad head again.

  Peyton grinned, winked at her and turned back to face the road.

  Ice’s heart fluttered. This boy was breathtakingly handsome. No wonder Teresa Pearls hadn’t wanted to let him go.

  Peyton scooted back until his butt was nestled right against her center.

  The light turned green and he sped off.

  Ice’s body was now the one transmitting the heat. Not only that but she felt an electric shock run from her stomach down lower and lower to the space in-between her legs. She pressed herself against him, to see if the feeling would go away but it only brought another jolt through her. Ice tried to shift around, but it only heightened what she was already feeling.

  She knew it was her inexperience regarding anything sexual. It was the fact that she’d never made out. She’d never rubbed herself against a guy. She’d never orgasmed or even knew what it was. She was an ample teenager that carried herself like an 80-year-old grandmother.

  This made her sensitive. Sensitive to just the slightest of pressure. Sensitive to his heat. His fresh scent that she got a whiff of. She didn’t know whether it was from the clean clothes or cologne or his deodorant but whatever it is, her senses were loving the fragrance.

  Ice moved her hands up his stomach, to escape the need to bring it down any lower than it already was. She froze. She moved her hand again to be sure and she was positive.

  Peyton Stone had abs. How many? She didn’t know, but they were defined. She could trace the indent, feel the hardness beneath her fingertips.

  Curiosity got the best of her as she moved her hands purposefully. Her fingers tracing his stomach, taking in the rise and fall of his breathing. How his muscles contracted and expanded.

  “There’s a couple speed bumps in this neighborhood.” Peyton said loudly so she could hear over the loud engine.

  His voice seemed rougher to her than usual. More masculine than before. A little raspy? A little breathless?

  Ice removed her hands from around him.

  Peyton let go of one of the handlebars and grabbed her hands before they completely left his stomach. He swerved a little as he pulled her hands and placed them against his stomach again. If Ice wasn’t mistaken, he’d placed them even lower than before.

  “You might wanna hold on.” Peyton yelled back.

  “Okay.” Ice whispered holding on tightly.

  “Here we go!” Peyton said revving the engine.

  The first bump came, and she brushed against him hard. Then another, and another

  “Time to have fun.” Peyton turned and told her mischievously. His eyes bright with excitement.

  “What?” Ice asked.

  Peyton sped up.

  The next bump lifted their butts off the bike. Ice shrieked and Peyton laughed.

  The one after lifted the bike a couple inches off the ground.

  “We’re gonna die!” Ice yelled as she clutched on to him for dear life. Her hands gripping his shirt desperately.

  The next one lifted them even higher.

  Ice now knew what it meant to be excited and simultaneously scared shitless.

  “My favorite.” He shouted back at her as he came to the last speed bump. The bike went up a couple feet.

  She couldn’t help it. She screamed as they landed hard. Her head slamming into his back. Peyton swerved to the right and stopped abruptly, the motorcycle leaning dangerously close to the concrete before he put it back in position.

  “Oh my God.” Hands shaking, Ice took a couple deep breaths and checked herself to make sure she was still alive.

  Peyton turned off the engine and hopped off the bike excitedly. “So, what do you think?” He grinned. “Best ride you ever had?” He asked roguishly.

  Ice needed a while to catch her breath. She took off the helmet and put it on the seat.

  Panting, she looked at Peyton and giggled, then chuckled, then outright laughed. She clapped her hands giddily as if he’d just performed an amazing feat. Usually, she was able to hold herself back, but even know she couldn’t control herself. She was on edge she felt so free.

  Ice looked around in astonishment. “I think…. I think that was amazing!” She looked up at Peyton and laughed.

  Peyton froze as he stared at her.

  Ice laughed again and brought her hands up to cover her face. “I’ve never… I mean this…this was so…” She was breathing too hard to speak in complete sentences. She looked up at him. “Let’s do it again.” Her eyes sparkled.

  Peyton didn’t so much as move an inch. His grey eyes locked on her face. Staring at her features. Taking in her laugh, her joyous expression, her lively eyes. She was beyond gorgeous.

  Feeling self-conscious, Ice looked down at the helmet she’d placed on the seat.

  “I mean sorry…we don’t…we don’t…umm…if you don’t want to.” She nervously rubbed her hands. “We don’t have too.”

  Peyton took two steps forward and picked up the helmet to handed it back to her. He did not once take his eyes off her. “We’ll do it again under one condition.” He smiled and settled in, his back to her.

  “What?” Ice inquired anxiously.

  “You keep smiling and laughing like that around me. none of that fake bullshit you do with other people.” He revved his engine.

; Ice quickly put his helmet on and grabbed him as he sped off.

  The ride back to school was much shorter than she remembered. As soon as he drove up to her car. Her heart dropped and reality sunk back in.

  Peyton turned off his engine but didn’t get off his bike.

  Reluctantly Ice let go of his waist and hopped off. She took off the helmet and stretched it out to him.

  “Thank you.” Ice said shyly.


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