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Ice: Part I

Page 14

by Penny Hawking

  Ice grabbed his hand and started pulling him. “Let’s go, no time to waste.”

  “I just wanted to hold you.” Peyton grumbled as he let her pull him towards his motorcycle. He blinked rapidly to try and focus. He needed to slow down. No rush. She was a virgin. He needed to relax.

  Ice rolled her eyes and smiled. She wanted the same thing. She really did. She just wasn’t as bold as him. She needed a little more courage. She was going to summon the courage on their way back home. Courage to kiss him and touch him like in her dreams.

  Date request

  “God….” Ice whispered as she reread the text. She walked down the emptying hallway to her locker. She couldn’t remember ever dreading a text message this much.

  -Hey Ice, just wanted to let you know I’m stopping in to town today to help my father with something. I’ll pick you up at 7 for a nice date. Wear something nice. That gold dress with the strapless one, I like that one. Be ready, you know I don’t like to wait.

  She looked down at the next message sent.

  -I’m thinking Petit Paris. I’ll put in a reservation right now. Oh yeah and wear the gold shoes my mother got for you.

  She sighed and texted back.


  She read the text and erased it, knowing he would get on her about her one-word response.

  -Sounds like a great idea. I will be ready at 7.

  She sent the text. Her finger trembling. Was it time? Should she do it today? She gripped her cellphone tightly. Yea. Tonight. Tonight, she’ll break up with Michael Richards for sure. She smiled softly. This was so unlike her. Melissa would go insane. Completely insane. She reached her locker and turned the dial. Peyton would be so excited when she finally tells him she broke it off with Michael. She took a deep breath. And then maybe….. She smiled mischievously. They never did get their make-out session on Saturday. As soon as she got to his house, she had to leave. She knew he was disappointed. But so was she. She wanted to kiss him, to touch him. Everywhere. She was craving it like a feen. It was insane how she went from absolutely no sexual contact to wanting to stick her tongue down Peyton Stone’s mouth at any possible time. She took off her bookbag, unzipped it and put her history book inside

  Well at least now she could kiss and make-out without being a cheater. Would Peyton Stone ask her to be his girlfriend? Or would he just make her a little plaything? What were they really these past couple months? Heavy flirting, occasional kisses.

  Ice’s heart raced as she thought about it.

  “Thinking about me?” The whisper in her ear caused her to jump in fright as she turned around, hand to her chest.


  Peyton laughed at her reaction. “Wow, that was a good one.”

  Ice took a couple deep breaths and moved her bangs to the side. She tried to compose herself and not seem so flustered.

  “Oh, I scared you.” He pouted leaning into her. “Now I have to make it up to you.” He whispered. He kissed her cheek and lingered before lifting his head. Eyes dropping to her lips.

  Ice looked down, to stop herself from flinging on him.

  “Iceria Aniyah Johnson.” Peyton grabbed the straps of his backpack and smiled shyly. “Are you doing anything tonight?”

  She quickly lifted her eyes to him. Widened in fear and disbelief. Her mouth dropped open. This couldn’t possibly be happening right now.

  “Because…” Peyton continued. “I got this crazy idea in math class that it would be a pretty awesome and cool thing for us to go somewhere nice…. like a date…” He smiled as he looked her over. “I know I’m not your boyfriend but…he’s not here and…we are….and there’s a restaurant….” His voice trailed off.

  For the second time that day Ice’s heart dropped as she witnessed that the handsome guy in front of her was nervous. Peyton Stone was asking her out on a date, and he was stammering. He wasn’t confident or cocky. He was leaning on his toes, staring at her in anticipation, holding on to his bookbag straps.

  Why today?

  “Peyton.” Ice brought her hand to her chest, to try to slow down her beating heart. She lowered her eyes again, unable to meet his.

  “Yeah.” He asked softly

  “I---I uhm….”

  “Or we don’t have too.” Peyton cut her off as soon as he heard the hesitation. “...I mean it was just a suggestion, in case you were gonna be hungry, cause I know I was gonna be hungry…and if we’re hungry together..” His voice lowered. “…I just wanted to eat with you.”

  Ice closed her eyes. “I have a date.” She whispered.

  “Yeah, I know I said a date, but if you don’t want, it doesn’t have to be a date you know…it could just be two friends eating together you know…that enjoy each other’s company…that like each other.” Peyton babbled running his hand through his soft hair.

  “No, I mean I already have a date tonight.”

  Peyton’s mouth parted but no words came out.

  She looked up at him. “I have a date with Michael.”

  She paused to see if he would say anything, but he didn’t. His lips moved slightly but his expression went blank. She couldn’t read him. Feeling intimidated, she continued.

  “He came down to help his dad with something, and he already made reservations and stuff.” Ice couldn’t stop her voice from cracking at the end of her sentence.

  She watched him force a smile on his face. He didn’t bother to try hard enough.

  Ice exhaled deeply. “Peyton please say something.”

  He chuckled and gave out a dry laugh. “Wow…yeah of course…what was I thinking…your boyfriend.”


  “No…no of course your boyfriend gets first dibs…I mean come on he’s your fucking boyfriend…he wants to take you out on a fucking date...”


  “…he drove like what five-mother-fucking-hours to come see you? Oh wait, to come help his dad and then see you as an afterthought.” He nodded. “That’s some serious shit right there. He must have missed you so fucking much.”

  Ice closed her eyes at the hurt she heard in his voice. She’d done this to him.

  “So where are you two lovebirds going?” Peyton asked calmly.

  “Peyton stop it.” Ice whispered.

  “Where?” He shrugged.

  “Petit Paris.” Ice answered softly. “Peyton--”

  “Oh cool, that’s a nice place, your boyfriend sure has taste Ice. You sure do know how to pick ‘em.” He joked without a smile.

  “Let me explain--” Ice started again

  “What time did you say you were going out on your date?” He asked.

  “7:00…but Peyton can you please just listen to m---” Ice tried to rush to speak

  “That’s cool, hey Ice, I gotta go okay. Have fun. Enjoy your date.” He backed away from her locker. “Anyways’ I’m sure you will, because we all know how happy he makes you feel.”

  “Can you just listen!” She yelled after him, staring in disbelief at his retreating back.

  “Can’t!” He called back waving his hand. “Gotta go home!”

  She shook her head at this thick-headed guy she had fallen for. He didn’t understand. He wouldn’t let her explain. Ice closed her eyes and groaned. She picked up fast enough that Peyton Stone had this very irritating habit of always doing and saying whatever he wanted. Which included not listening to anybody. He truly was larger than life. She opened her eyes and locked her locker with a big sigh. She’ll clear the air tomorrow.



  “Fuck!” He yelled unnecessarily as the basketball bounced off the rim.

  Tyrone jumped and got the rebound. “Yo, man you alright?” He asked dribbling casually as he stared at his friend.

  Peyton sighed loudly and pushed his damp hair out of his face. Subconsciously he removed his hair tie and pulled his hair back tighter into a more secure bun. “Girl issues man.”

  Tyrone laughed as he did a lay-up. “You?
You got girl issues? Man have you met Jo?”

  The ball swished smoothly in the net. He caught it and threw it back to Peyton.

  Peyton dribbled the ball and moved back a bit. “Yeah, but Jo’s your girlfriend.” He smoothly jumped up and shot. The ball rolled around the rim of the basket a couple times before bouncing out. He groaned.

  “My girlfriend?” Tyrone laughed. “I don’t mean shit to her.” He caught the rebound and dribbled backwards. “I’m her little fucktoy. That girl done fucked with my head.” He turned to Peyton. “It’s all in the wrist.” He jumped smoothly and shot the ball. It went through the net with a swish.

  Peyton ran up and caught the rebound. He moved to the side and did an easy lay-up. “We’re all just fucktoys.” He responded as he caught his rebound and threw it to Tyrone. “But at least you’re getting fucked.”

  Tyrone laughed and dribbled the ball lazily before wiping his forehead. “Man, you talking about Ice!” He realized as he walked over to the bench. “She ain’t called the Ice queen for nothing.”

  Peyton followed suit. He lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face and forehead. He untied his hair and shook it carelessly to allow some air flow. He grabbed his water bottle and drank heartily before sitting next to Tyrone on the bench.

  “Seriously, Ice is in a whole other dimension you know.” Tyrone put his water bottle down with a satisfied sigh. “She ain’t got time for us high schoolers. She’d always been untouchable.”

  Peyton wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Why is that?” He asked carefully.

  Tyrone shrugged. “Her peeps bougie. She’s rich. Like shit-loads of money. Just always been top you know.”

  Peyton simply nodded.

  “Ice is cool. She’s great. Nice. A little weird.” He raised an eyebrow at Peyton who chuckled.

  “Yeah a little.” He agreed shaking his head in amusement. “But I like that. But like… what do you know about her? She’s really stays to herself huh?”

  Tyrone laughed and ran his hand over his head. “Yeah weird and mysterious.” He sighed. “Her family is really private though. Like we don’t know much about them. She ain’t grow up with us the whole time you know, came when we was like in third or fourth grade. We just seen her around and…” His eyes widened. “Yo she went to like this elementary school out of town somewhere or something cause she ain’t start coming to school with us until middle school.”

  Peyton nodded. “Told me she came here from Kansas. Her aunt died or something.”

  “In like a real bad fire.” Tyrone opened his eyes. “Jo told me a couple years ago.” He shook his head. “In sixth grade we had like this short three-day camp with the school, Outdoor Ed they called it, and we had this really big and cool campfire. She totally freaked out. Hates fires.” He shook his head again at the memory. “Apparently she ain’t never been around a campfire. Jo and Maddie made s’mores for her and they’ve been best friends ever since.”

  Peyton nodded again at the information he was getting. “She’s so…. intriguing.”

  Tyrone faced his friend fully and reached out and nudged him hard. “You got it bad huh!” He joked nudging him again.

  Peyton groaned. “I’m like fucking obsessed man, like…..uugghhhh. I want her.”

  His friend leaned back and laughed louder. “She’s hot, I ain’t gonna lie. Real pretty. If I weren’t so hung up on Jo, I would have given her a shot myself you know.” He shrugged. “But she got that boyfriend though.”

  “Fuck him.” Peyton spewed.

  Tyrone chuckled. “He’s a pretty big deal Michael Richards. His family is that old negro money for real.” He put his hand out. “We’re here.” He stretched his hand way over past Peyton. “They’re here.”

  “He seems like an asshole.”

  “Oh, he is.” Tyrone said. “That, I’m better than everybody else at everything…..I mean he is…kind of…but an asshole is an asshole.”

  Peyton ran his fingers through his hair as he stared out at the basketball court. “She doesn’t like him. I don’t know why she doesn’t just break up with him you know.” He shrugged. “Like who cares about Michael Richards…fuck him….” He trailed off irritated.

  “It could also be because their moms set them up from what Jo told me. She also told me Ice’s mom’s a control freak. Like control control…like everything…. everything about Ice and shit.”

  “Yeah, I heard.” Peyton agreed.

  “Don’t want her to go nowhere, don’t want her to get hurt, don’t want her to hang out. Don’t want her to do this, don’t want her to do that.” Tyrone shook his head. “In Jo’s words; treats Ice like a fucking glass barbie. Mrs. Johnson runs the shit.” He shrugged. “Her pops cool though.”

  “But she’s not a glass barbie.” Peyton insisted. “She’s a fucking beautiful ass teenage girl…” he smirked. “That needs to be my girlfriend.”

  Tyrone nudged him again and chuckled. He looked around and then lowered his head to Peyton mischievously. “Then just do it man.”

  Peyton smiled.

  “With your lil bad ass, you can get anything you want.” Tyrone shook his head. “Peyton you’re bad.” He insisted shaking his head. “Little bad ass white boy.”

  “What are you talking about?” Peyton threw his hands up. “I’m a perfect kid.”

  Tyrone snorted. “Seriously though, I’ve known you for two years now. Literally if you said you wanted something, you’ll have it the next day….” He put his hand out. “You’ve been going on about Ice for like…. months….”

  Peyton blinked rapidly as he stared out into the park. Listening to what his friend was telling him. “Maybe I also think she’s a fragile glass barbie.” He whispered in surprise.

  “She’s not.” Tyrone stated plainly.

  “I wanted to…. you know…give her time…space…” He groaned. “But fuck it…. like….” He stood up feeling a surge of energy. “Fuck, I think I’m in love with her.”

  Tyrone’s mouth dropped open. “Holy shit.”

  Peyton stretched his arms. His pale grey, almost blue eyes twinkled roguishly. “I got me a dinner date to go to tonight Tyrone.”


  Peyton jogged up his driveway, his phone to his ear.

  “Hello?” The voice on the other line answered.

  “Hey Maddie, wassup?” Peyton asked smoothly.

  Maddie giggled. “I’m good…but uummm Ice isn’t here today.” She said matter-of-factly.

  “I know…I actually wanted to talk to you.” He spoke smoothly.

  He heard Maddie’s sharp intake. “Uuumm sure…what’s up?”

  “How would you like to go on a date with me tonight beautiful?” He grinned.



  “This is such a bad idea.” Maddie groaned as Peyton gently placed his hand on her lower back and led her into the restaurant.

  He smiled charmingly at her. “Going on a date with me isn’t that bad.”

  “No, not that. Whatever you plan to do tonight is bad.” Maddie responded quietly.

  Peyton gave her when of his flirty looks. He watched Maddie blink several times in confusion. Peyton reached up and gently brushed her beautiful blond hair off her shoulder, making sure to caress her cheek. She reacted by parting her lips slowly. Realizing what she was doing, she blushed and looked away

  “The only thing I plan on doing is enjoying my date with you tonight, beautiful.” Peyton replied.

  “Whatever.” Maddie looked anywhere but his face. Peyton Stone was ridiculously charming, but she wasn’t stupid. This last-minute date meant something was up, and she was all up for drama. She knew he was hung up on her best friend. She accepted out of curiosity just to figure out exactly what was going on. Come on she was a high school senior, what was life if not dramatic?

  “Besides,” Peyton grinned “What could possibly go wrong?”

  Maddie looked at him again. “With you? Everything.” She said rolling her eyes.
  He chuckled and stepped up to the host.

  “Stone, Peyton Stone.” He said casually.

  The little host’s eyes opened wider as she stared at Peyton, mouth agape.

  Peyton had the urge to roll his eyes but refrained and opted to smile instead. The little brunette turned a deep red as she blushed intensely.

  “Yes, Mr. Stone right this way please. Uuuhmm table for two?” She asked as she looked at Maddie and narrowed her eyes

  Maddie flicked her beautiful blond hair back and gave the host a cocky smile.


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