Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 18

by Penny Hawking

  Ice parted her lips a little and sucked his top lip, and then sucked his bottom lip. Peyton brought one of his hands around her head and ran it through her hair. He tilted her head at an angle so he could kiss her deeper. His other hand caressed her bare shoulder. Ice pressed herself against him and let her hands drift down to his sides. She held his waist as he kissed her repeatedly.

  Each kiss more desperate then the last.

  Ice pressed herself harder against him so that Peyton ended up stumbling back and leaning against his Corvette. They broke apart for a little while to catch their breath. Then their lips crashed together again. Peyton lead the kiss, moving her head gently. He probed her mouth open with his tongue. His tongue touched hers and he groaned. Pulling her head closer he sucked her tongue and ran his inside her mouth. Heat radiating in-between Ice’s thighs. The only thing she could think to do was press herself more against him, but it still wasn’t enough.

  Ice’s hands moved up and down Peyton’s side. She slowly lifted his shirt and ran her hands up and down his abs. They broke apart, both breathing hard. Peyton looked down, brought his hands down to her thighs. He grabbed her thighs and pressed them against him. His mouth returned to hers as he kissed her passionately. Ice slid her hands up and down his stomach and around his back, as Peyton deepened the kiss. Ice ‘s hand went all the way up to his chest, she caressed his nipple. How long had she wanted to do this exact thing? To run her hands all over his body. To kiss him until she couldn’t breathe. This was the promised make-out session she’d missed out on this weekend.

  “Ice.” Peyton murmured against her lips. He lifted her dress a little bit. He lifted her left leg and put it on the outside of his leg, so his right leg was in-between her thighs. Peyton trailed kisses down her chin, to her neck. His hand roamed up the inside of her dress. He sucked her neck. Ice’s arms went around his neck as she lifted his head so she could kiss him. Peyton ran his hands over her butt. He cupped her and pressed her against the length of him.

  Both out of breath, their lips separated. They leaned their foreheads against each other and looked into each other’s eyes. All they heard was their own heavy breaths.

  “You okay?” Peyton whispered hoarsely.

  Ice nodded, not taking her eyes off his. Peyton’s eyes were a dark grey. He grabbed her thighs again and slowly moved her up and down against his leg. Ice wrapped her arms tighter around his neck but still didn’t take her eyes off his. He licked his lip and closed his eyes as Ice grinded harder against. Groaning softly, he opened his dark grey eyes and sped up Ice’s movement. Her right hand slid back down to Peyton’s abs. They kept staring at each other, both panting as their warm breaths mingled together. Her hand slid down further to touch his belt buckle. Peyton raised her a little bit, so her feet were barely touching the ground. She slid her hand further down, so it rested on the crotch of his pants; the imprint was huge and firm. Peyton closed his eyes and moved his hands further up her dress, until he was running his hands over her underwear. He bit back a moan as she started stroking his boner through his pants. Ice bent her head. This was her first time, her first time doing anything like this and yet she knew. She knew where to touch him. Was it from Maddie and Joanna’s gossip? Was it her imagination alone? Or was Peyton also guiding her? Whatever it was, she felt high. She felt on top of the world. Ice kissed his ear and bit it softly. She trailed kisses down his neck and started sucking on it. What was this scent her wore? What cologne? It was heavenly.

  Peyton’s hands were itching to remove her underwear as he ran his hands over them.

  “Ice…. control…I…don’t.” He stammered breathlessly. Ice murmured something but resumed sucking on his neck and stroking him.

  “Peyton.” She said whispered. Was this real? Were they really and truly making out? If her increasingly wet underwear was any indication. Should she be embarrassed? She was too turned on to be.

  Peyton grabbed both her thighs and hoisted her up to his hips. Ice instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He turned them around and pressed her against his Corvette. He kissed her mouth roughly and she matched him, kiss for kiss. His probing hands lifted her dress higher and higher until her waist was exposed. Grabbing her thighs, he tightened her legs around his waist.

  “Peyton.” Ice moaned as he moved against her. Her back moved up and down the car as Peyton grinded into her core. His erection aching for release from the materials separating them. The cool feel of steel on her back was even more exhilarating as she let her hands roam up his back.

  Peyton broke the kiss as he humped her against his car. The only thing stopping him from taking her right there and then was the small voice in the back of his head wanting to make the opportunity special for her when it arose. She was a virgin. He had to remember. He had to make it special for her.

  “Ice will you be my girlfriend?” Peyton asked seriously, as he stopped moving and looked into her beautiful dark eyes.

  Ice smiled at the question. Maybe he was forgetting the fact that he was already humping her in the open street in front of her house.

  “After what happened tonight? Fuck yeah.” She said using his favorite curse word. She brought her mouth up to cover his. She felt like a bad-ass.

  Peyton smashed his lips against hers. She licked his lip tasting the copper liquid.

  “Sorry.” She whispered, realizing the pressure was probably causing his lip to bleed again.

  Peyton groaned and kissed her just harder than before, his hand roaming over her flat stomach. He wanted her so badly. He couldn’t even understand his own urgency. Just having her underneath, him right now, he needed to have her. He brought his hand down and touched the crotch of her underwear. He ran his palm over her soaked panties and bit her neck. He could get her so much wetter if she let him. Ice tightened her legs around him and he groaned as he kissed her hard, his tongue roaming over hers. He bit her bottom lip and tugged it. Moving his hand up he touched the hem of her underwear before pulling the elastic with his index finger and sliding his hand inside. Cupping her.

  Ice gasped and froze.

  “It’s okay.” He whispered. Moving his hand slightly. “You’re so wet.” He kissed her. “In case you don’t know, that means your body’s getting ready for me to fuck you…”

  “Peyton.” She blushed and tugged his hand out her panties. “We can’t do that here.” She whispered embarrassed and aroused at the same time. She was aware she wet. She also knew what that meant. And it didn’t stop her from being embarrassed. How did she go from kisses on the cheeks to hands inside panties so fast?

  “Why not?” He asked naughtily as he kissed her chin. He brought his hand up and gently grabbed her breast and rubbed it. Peyton bent his head into the crook of her neck. She felt his heavy breathing and warm breath on her neck and smiled.

  Ice nodded. “Because it would be bad.” She whispered.

  Peyton kissed her neck. Ice closed her eyes and bit her lip. She didn’t know neck kisses were so arousing, but it looked like Peyton knew it. Ice didn’t even have the strength or the willpower to stop him. Peyton looked up at her as he brought her hip down to meet his. He panted slowly as he grabbed her butt and slowly moved her up and down his erection.

  “Have you ever came?” Peyton whispered in her ear as he rolled his hips into hers confidently.

  Ice panted and stared at him.

  “I can show you without fucking.” He smiled as he slipped his hand between their bodies. He lifted her dress slightly and slipped his hand inside. His palm covered her center.

  “Peyton….” Ice whispered as he moved his fingers gently as if massaging something delicate. Her eyes fluttered as he went over a particular spot. He watched her reaction and did it again. His lips parted as three fingers rubbed her in a gentle circular motion.

  Ice closed her eyes and grabbed his shoulders. She leaned her forehead against his as she pressed back against him. She bent her head against his neck to stop herself from moaning aloud or making other rand
om noises. This is what Maddie and Joanna talked about. This was the sensation they said once it happened you realized everything you’d been missing.

  Peyton pressed his fingers a little harder but didn’t speed up. It tickled, but not in a funny way, in a different, intense way that was causing her body to react on its own.

  “Peyton” she didn’t realize she moaned.

  “Does it feel good?” He whispered, speeding up slightly.

  She nodded.

  “Faster or slower?”

  She moaned.

  He slowed down his circular rubbing.

  “Faster.” She bit down on her bottom lip. And he did, making his circles smaller and tighter, concentrated. She felt the warm heat travel all the way through her as she tightened her muscles.

  Peyton groaned watching her reaction.

  Eyes closed, she grabbed the back of his shirt and buried her head deeper in his neck, to stifle the moans as she experienced her first orgasm ever. Her center was pulsating as he slowed down and softened the pressure of his fingers. She held him tight as a tidal wave went through her. She gasped.

  Peyton kissed her forehead softly as Ice took a while to catch her breath.

  She lifted her head and looked up at him.

  “Did you like it?” He asked mischievously. She nodded and he grinned kissing her softly.

  He removed his hand from under her dress. Slowly let her slide down and plant her feet back on the ground. He kissed her again. “Hey girlfriend.”

  Ice smiled broadly. “Hey.” She whispered.

  Peyton laughed and cupped the side of her face as he stared at her softly. “Finally.”

  Ice smiled couldn’t stop smiling.

  Peyton brought his tongue out and slowly traced her lips with his tongue. “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you Iceria Aniyah Johnson.” He whispered.

  Her lips wavered. She hopped on her tiptoes and kissed him hard. “I love you.” Ice said for the first time in her life.

  Peyton held her face in surprise and grinned. He chuckled and kissed her hard. Ice laughed against his lips and kissed him back.

  They moved their arms simultaneously and immediately held each other tightly in a hug. They held each other for a while before moving their heads, foreheads resting against the other.

  “I should go inside.” Ice whispered. “I don’t want to, but I should.”

  “Stay here with me forever.”

  She giggled and stared up at her new boyfriend. They locked eyes as they slowly released each other.

  “Bye.” She whispered shyly as she backed up towards her house.

  Peyton grinned. “See you in school tomorrow.”

  She nodded and was about to rush to her front door when she saw her purse on the ground. She didn’t remember dropping it, but it had long been discarded. She rushed to it in embarrassment and picked it. Close to Peyton once again, she quickly kissed him and dashed to her front door.

  Peyton smiled as he watched her open the door and walk in. Grinning, he walked to his car, opened the driver’s door, hopped in and drove off.

  They’d been so wrapped up in each other, neither noticed the figure in the window in Ice’s house slowly sipping on wine watching everything that had transpired, ever since Michael had dropped Ice off.


  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Joanna asked looking from Maddie, to Ice and then back again.

  Ice bit her tongue to hold back a smile. They’d gone over last night 10 times with Joanna already, and each time she asked more details. She was so mad that nobody had invited her.

  Ice sipped her Capri Sun.

  “And you.” Joanna turned to Maddie. “Why the fuck did he ask you and not me?” she demanded.

  “Because you have Tyrone issues.” Peyton answered sitting down at the bench. “Hey baby.” He said softly as he kissed Ice on the lips. Ice smiled and gently brushed his bottom lip that was still a little bruised. Not that their little make out session helped any.

  Ice grinned.

  Joanna glared at Peyton. “I do not have Tyrone issues.” She practically yelled. “What the fuck is that nigga telling everybody?”

  Peyton, Ice and Maddie tried to hold in their smile. Whenever it came to Tyrone, Joanna always got really worked up.

  “Just admit it; you think Maddie’s prettier than me.” Joanna pouted.

  “Not at all sweetheart. You two are equally gorgeous.” Peyton said grinning at Joanna before biting into his sandwich.

  “So, you prefer blondes.” She asked.

  Peyton looked at Ice from head to toe. He turned and smirked. “Do I?” he questioned, biting into his sandwich again.

  “Fine then you don’t like mixed girls, you either like them dark or you like them light. No in between for you.” Joanna insisted.

  Maddie wrapped her arm across Joanna’s shoulder. “Give it up hun, it’s over and done with, you missed it, now stop bitching.”

  “Easy for you to say, you witnessed this glorious event.” Joanna replied bitterly.

  Peyton took a sip of Ice’s Capri Sun. He wrapped his arm around her waist and gently kissed her nose, then her cheek. “You smell good.” He whispered hungrily.

  “Uh-uh, just because you two are cute together does not mean, this lunch bench is about to be a motherfucking make out spot.” Joanna spoke up.

  Peyton and Ice ignored her as Peyton sucked on Ice’s lips.

  “You’re so bitter Jo.” Maddie laughed.

  “Yeah, I’m bitter what the fuck, why the fuck can’t we all have our white knight come rescue us and shit.” Jo replied.

  Peyton broke his kiss with Ice, turned to Joanna, and smiled. “By the way Jo, where were you last night?” He asked in a way that implied he already knew the answer.

  Joanna opened her mouth and closed it.

  Maddie and Ice opened their mouths wide. “Where were you?” the asked, it must have been somewhere big, because Joanna never shut up.

  “You are not cute Peyton.” Joanna said ignoring the question and sticking a gummy bear in her mouth.

  “She was with me.” Tyrone said as he approached the bench. He smiled sweetly at the girls as he dapped up Peyton. “Hey Ice, hey Maddie.” He turned to Joanna. “Hey beautiful.”

  Joanna rolled her eyes.

  Ice scooted closer to Peyton so that Tyrone could sit next to Joanna. Joanna glared at her and Ice gave her an innocent smile.

  “That does not even count.” Joanna said.

  “What doesn’t count?” Maddie asked excitedly scooting in closer.

  Ice leaned into Peyton, enjoying the sensation as he slowly ran his fingers up and down her arm.

  “Ask her.” Tyrone said pointing at Joanna.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Peyton whispered in Ice’s ear.

  “Shut-up.” Joanna said angrily.

  “Thank you.” Ice whispered back as she ran her fingers through his hair softly.

  “You know what; I don’t even know what you’re bitching about because you obviously enjoyed yourself.” Tyrone said back angrily. “And here we go again.”

  Maddie put an animal cracker in her mouth and looked back and forth between Tyrone and Joanna their heated glares displaying so much sexual tension.

  Peyton brought Ice closer and kissed her neck. Ice smiled against his cheek and brought her hand down to his thigh.

  “Whatever Tyrone, it was just a pity fuck.” Joanna said.

  Maddie’s mouth dropped open.

  Ice turned her head around to look at Joanna in disbelief.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Tyrone asked angrily getting up.

  “It means I pitied you, therefore I fucked you.” Joanna replied standing up too, facing him.

  Ice turned to Peyton. Her eyes twinkling. ‘No way.’ She mouthed to him, but he grinned nodding.

  “Oh, really so all that moaning and screaming you were doing, that was a pity orgasm. Girl you were shaking for hours after.” Tyrone said

�Shit.” Maddie whispered.

  Joanna turned to glare at her friend.

  Maddie bit her lip. “Sorry.” She apologized

  “Can I get a kiss?” Peyton whispered stroking Ice’s back. Ice scrunched her face as though she was pondering the question.

  “Please.” He whispered. Ice almost laughed, he was practically begging. She leaned in and kissed him softly, then backed off.

  “Look Tyrone, we went through this already---” Joanna started rolling her eyes in annoyance.

  “One more.” He whispered.

  Ice kissed him again.

  “No, you went through this already…obviously not good enough cause you keep coming back for more.” Tyrone answered storming away. “I’m outta here.”


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