Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 22

by Penny Hawking

  Peyton got up and moved away from Ice. He paced around her bedroom before turning to her.

  “I took her back Ice.” He said his eyes brimming with tears. “I hated every fucking minute of it. I hated her, but I took her back. I didn’t love her. I could never love her, but I stayed with her.” Peyton put his hands over his face and took a breath. He ran his fingers through his hair. “I was suffocating, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t do anything, and I was slowly dying.” Peyton laughed sadly. “I guess that was my punishment.”

  There was silence as Peyton stared past Ice. She wanted to comfort him, hug him, kiss him and make it all better. Anything to take off the hurt expression on his face. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

  “Finally, after a of couple months my mom and grandma went to talk to her and the next day she broke up with me. That’s it, just like that.” He shrugged. “ I don’t know what they said, they didn’t want to talk about it, so I thought it was best to forget about her. You know erase her from my mind. She was nobody to me. By then…everything about the place was suffocating, I wanted to leave, my mom wanted to leave. A couple months after that we moved and came here. “ He put his hands up. “That’s the story of Maggie Forlin. I was a shitty person and she was a sadistic bitch.”

  Ice hugged her knees and stared up at him. “I’m sorry, I brought it up.”

  Peyton leaned against her door. “It actually feels nice telling you.”

  Ice smiled softly.

  He stepped forward and stared down at her. “Ice…I have…other issues and things I’ve...I’ve done and dealt with.” He swallowed hard. “I think I want….I want to share with you one day.” He took a deep breath. “If you want me to.”

  His girlfriend looked down at the carpet as he crouched down in front of her.

  He waited.

  Ice sighed. “I’m not-----I don’t open up…I….I’ve got issues too.”’

  She watched a smile light up his face. Peyton got on all four and leaned into her, his mouth immediately coming across hers. She kissed him back and smiled as he pulled away.

  “I’m not going to force anything out of you.” He whispered. “We’ll take it a day at a time.” He smiled and kissed her again before moving back.

  “It’s not good.” Ice murmured.

  “Good.” Peyton cupped her face. “I’m a little shit head, so it’s good to know you’re not perfect. I had my doubts.” He kissed her again, but this time slipped his tongue into her mouth in satisfaction.

  Ice grabbed his biceps and closed her eyes as he leaned into her, making her fall backwards slowly until she laid on her carpet.

  Peyton hovered over her. He broke the kiss breathlessly. “Can I show you how sorry I am?” He whispered.

  She felt her body vibrate under his gaze. She nodded and he grinned. His hand immediately going to her pajama shorts.

  “What are you doing?” She asked grabbing his arm.

  He tilted his head to her. “I’m gonna lick your pussy.”

  If she could have she would have turned beet red. “Oh my God!” she screeched rolling over.

  “What?” Peyton asked putting his hands out.

  Ice shook her head and covered her face in embarrassment. She walked over to him and pushed him down, so he sprawled on the carpet. Peyton laughed and threw his hands up again.

  She tried not to grin as she rolled her eyes. “You gotta go.” She opened her front door.

  “Okay, I won’t lick your pussy----for now.” He stood up.

  Ice hit his arm. “You’re the worse.”

  “I think you’ll like it.” He nibbled her ear.

  She giggled and pushed him away. “I don’t want my mom to find you here.” She admitted.

  He stood by the door. “When does she come back?”

  Ice shrugged. “She’s not gone for long.”

  Peyton reached out and closed Ice’s door gently before turning to her. “Well let’s make out for a little bit.” He saw the smile on her face. “Ahhh you like that huh?” he teased grabbing her.

  Ice squealed but let him put his arms around her. Their lips immediately contacting into a frantic kiss.



  Peyton closed his front door and made his way to the kitchen. He opened the door, pulled out a bottle of water, and drank it.

  “So, how’d it go?” His mom’s voice asked quietly from the bar.

  Peyton turned around. He didn’t see how he’d missed his mom when he walked in. “Good.” He said drinking again.

  “What did you tell her?” Cheryl inquired, crossing her legs and turning to stare at her son.

  “Everything.” Peyton responded.

  “Everything?” She asked raising her eyebrow to signal her surprise.

  Peyton sighed. “Everything about Maggie.” He finished his water and put it in the recycling bin.

  “So not everything. Not everything before Maggie?” Cheryl said.

  “Dammit it mom, drop it okay! We’re good; we’re fine she asked about Maggie, so I told her about Maggie. Why the fuck would I bring up more unnecessary stuff?” He asked annoyed as he opened the cabinets to look for a snack. He opted on making himself a sandwich and took out the bread.

  Cheryl watched her son walk around the kitchen taking out mayo, mustard and turkey slices.

  She looked at her oil stained fingers. “Do you love her?”

  “You know I do. I already told you I did.” He replied not looking up from making his sandwich. “Ice is different, this is different. I’m not just fucking around. I’m serious about her.”

  “So, you trust her?”

  “I told her I had issues and things from the past.” He replied spreading the mayo on the bread. “When it comes up, it comes up.”

  “Peyton Joseph Stone.” His mom said calmly.

  Peyton flinched a little before spreading the mustard on the other side. His mom sounded calm, but the only time she used his full name was when she was upset.

  “If you say you love her and trust her, then why don’t you tell her everything?” Cheryl asked.

  “I didn’t ask for a lecture mom.” He put the turkey slices in his bread completing the sandwich. He turned and started to walk away.

  “Well dammit Peyton, I’m gonna give you one, so you just get your little ass back over here.” She said sternly.

  Peyton didn’t say anything but stood still. His back still turned away from his mom.

  “Now, this is ridiculous. You are only teenagers but If you say you love her, then you should trust her enough to tell her things she needs to know. You’ve dealt with a lot. She needs to know that. You can’t just show her the good side all your life and ignore all the other issues you’ve gone through or are dealing with.”” Cheryl continued.

  “I’m not deal---”

  “I’m not finished.” She said cutting him off. “Loving someone is giving them the freedom to leave you but praying they don’t.”

  Peyton turned to her angrily. “Like you and dad huh? That’s how much you loved him? Well look where it got you…alone with 3 fucking kids!”

  Cheryl was silent as she stared into her son’s dark grey eyes. The eyes of his father.

  Peyton turned around panting.

  “And I never regretted it because he gave me 3 beautiful kids. If I had to do it again, I would still pick your father.” She said tears welling up.

  “Yeah well you almost only had two beautiful kids.” Peyton retorted coldly.

  To that, Cheryl had no answer.

  “Can I go now mom.” He asked emotionless.

  “Yes.” She nodded, and the tears finally came.

  Peyton walked away. He didn’t have to turn around to know his mom was crying. He didn’t want to see her cry. He ran up the stairs, the guilt overwhelming him.



  Peyton was a great boyfriend. Well it was only Michael she had to compare to, but she could imagine that this was what b
eing in love with the perfect boy was like.

  Late night texts, whispers in the hallway, sneaking out for lunch, making out in between classes. She couldn’t believe she’d almost missed this. Missed doing all this which was maybe the epitome of every teenager’s dream. To live, to experience, to be.

  And who better to do all this with than with Peyton?

  “Okay don’t inhale first.” Peyton said bringing it to her lips.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this!” Joanna exclaimed staring at her best friend. “Ice you of all people!”

  “Don’t hype it up!” Ice yelled moving back a little from the joint. “I’m so nervous.”

  “Open your mouth.” Peyton instructed her.

  “Ice is trying weed.” Maddie giggled clapping her hand.

  “Seriously Peyton this is momentous. This is fucking insane because do you know how many times we have tried to get her to-----

  Ice broke out into a coughing fit as Peyton retreated the joint from her lips. He smiled and took a drag before passing it to Tyrone.

  “That is the worse…” She managed to speak as she tapped her chest.

  Peyton rubbed her back. “I said not to inhale.” He laughed.

  Ice opened her mouth as if to gulp as much air as possible. She nudged Joanna and Maddie who were teasing her. They were already laughing after taking three hits. Ice had held out as long as she could, but she couldn’t deny wanting to try it.

  Nobody had asked her, nobody had forced her. It was watching Peyton that did it. The way he smoked, how cool he looked that had made her reach out and ask for it.

  Her friends were all shocked but happily obliged.

  “Here pass it back around.” Peyton grinned as Joanna gave him the joint and closed her eyes. He turned to Ice. “Here try again.”

  “I’m doing this wrong…” She protested.

  “No, you’re doing it right.” He teased. “Keep inhaling like that and you’ll get higher than the rest of us.” He brought the joint to her lip. “Just kind of suck and hold a bit and release for the first time, don’t-----

  Ice coughed loudly as she pulled back and waved her hands.

  “Swallow.” Peyton grinned, passing the joint to Maddie’s outstretched hand.

  “It stings.” She coughed, feeling tears run down her face.

  “Wait one more time.” Peyton said quickly as he took it back from Maddie.

  “Peyton Stone are you trying to get me high?” Ice accused hitting his arm.

  “Yeah.” He gave her the joint and watched her.

  This time she took the joint and brought it to her own lips. Suck a little and release---

  Ice coughed and felt it go down her throat again. She closed her eyes and shook her head as she handed it to Peyton. “I’m done, I’m done, I can’t.”

  Peyton handed the joint to Tyrone who currently had his tongue down Joanna’s throat.

  “Give it a second.” Peyton whispered mischievously watching her closely. “You don’t need anymore. Not for your first time.”

  Ice shrugged. “I don’t think it works on me.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. He pulled back slightly, and they stared into each other’s eyes before their lips came in contact again. Eyes closed, their hands wrapping around each other.

  “Both of you are seriously gonna make out in front of me?” Maddie asked the two couples. She snatched the joint from Tyrone’s hand and took a drag. She stood up smiling and walked away from the two couples in a daze.


  Melissa watched out her bedroom window as her Ice hopped off the motorcycle, taking off the helmet. Peyton also took off his helmet. His hand quickly reaching out and bringing her daughter back against him. She watched Ice wrap her arms around the teenage boy’s neck before quickly looking around for something.

  Melissa unclenched her jaw and took a deep breath. She wondered if Ice was looking for Melissa’s car. Her car was in the shop. She would go down to pick it up in an hour. She watched Ice reluctantly pull away only to have Peyton pull her back. Their lips crashing again.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see this boy wanted to fuck her daughter. To corrupt her life like he’d been doing these past weeks. She saw it happening. She saw the disobedience, the disregard, the recklessness seeping out of Ice. At every turn, her once meek daughter was no longer that. She was something else. She was somebody else. Her body tensed. She was somebody else.

  It was like déjà vu all over again.

  She watched as Peyton hopped off the bike. They looked around before making their way to the front door.

  Melissa turned around and headed to her bedroom door. She turned the knob slowly and pulled it open ever so carefully so as not to emit a single sound.

  “You seriously can’t stay long.”

  “I won’t, I won’t.”

  She heard the laughing, the giggling. She opened the door a little wider. The two teenagers had stopped on the steps. Their tongues down each other’ throat. The boy’s hands roaming all over Ice’s body. Touching with such familiarity. Melissa inhaled sharply.

  Ice grinned and grabbed Peyton’s hand as they ran to her room. Her door was open and shut in a manner of seconds.

  This was not her daughter. Never. Out of control, she was completely out of control. Melissa closed the door and turned around sharply. She found herself looking in the mirror. Her face staring back at her. Mocking her. Identical, yet different.

  “She will not be like you.” She whispered to herself in the mirror.

  “She will be like me.” Her reflection replied.



  Peyton reached into his drawer and pulled out the navy velvet box. He held it for a while before turning around nervously.

  Ice was still sitting at the foot of his bed, finishing her math homework. He walked over and sat down next to her.

  “I got you something.” He whispered, handing her the box.

  Her eyes widened as she put down her notebook. “You got me something?” she repeated. “Why?

  He shrugged and smiled shyly. “Because I love you.”

  “Peyton….” Ice leaned over and kissed him joyfully before pulling back.

  “Open it.” He grinned. “I want to know if you like it.” He watched her open the box. “It’s a Fancy vivid diamond…”

  Ice’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the diamond earrings before her.

  “Do you like it?” He whispered.

  Ice ran her hand over the green diamond earrings. “These are so beautiful.” Her breath seemed to catch in her throat. “I didn’t know….I didn’t-----” She turned to him. “I didn’t know green diamonds existed.”

  He grinned. “They’re rare. I looked far and wide….” He looked her over. “Green’s your favorite color isn’t it?”

  “How did you know?”

  He smiled proudly. “Just a hunch.” He chuckled in satisfaction. “So, do you like it?” He asked again. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “They’re uh…..they’re part of a set.” His grey eyes focused intensely on her.

  “Peyton I would suck your dick for these earrings.” Ice joked as she held it up to her face.

  Peyton’s jaw dropped. Had he been a cartoon, it would have gone all the way to the floor. Ice grinned as she ran her fingers over the earring, unaware that she’d caused her boyfriend to have a mini heart attack.

  “Oh, I love thi----what? What?” She asked staring at him. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Iceria what did you just say?” He whispered softly.

  She squinted her eyes and then laughed. “You’re rubbing off on me.” She laughed again in amusement. Ice carefully took the earrings out of the box.

  The teenage boy stared at her unblinking. His mouth still parted as he stared at her mouth, her tongue, the way she moved. How happy she looked putting on his present.

  “What do you think?” She grinned, mo
ving her head from side to side.

  Peyton groaned and covered his face with one hand.

  “What? What’s wrong?” She panicked. “It doesn’t look nice? Do you regret---”

  “You would suck my dick, Ice?” Peyton asked exasperated. He groaned loudly and fell back on his floor to stare up at his ceiling.

  “Oh.” Ice giggled. “I was just----I was playing.” She giggled some more as she watched him. He refused to make eye contact with her.


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