Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 35

by Penny Hawking

  Priya hid herself just out of sight at the top of the stairs. Silent tears streamed down her face as she watched her older brother cry. She couldn’t hear the conversation, but deep down she knew it must have something to do with Ice. The only other time she’d seen him cry was when she was six and had snuck into his room after the funeral. He hadn’t attended and he hadn’t known they were back. She was going to surprise him but had stopped, when she saw him crouched in a corner sobbing. She didn’t say anything, because he would have been angry that she’d witnessed him like that. She slowly backed out of her hiding space and left, to give him some privacy.

  Tough Decisions

  “We have to kill her Ice.”

  Ice shook her head. “No mom, please. Please I don’t want to do this anymore.”

  “She’s ruining the family. And who knows one day she might decide to take you away from us.” Melissa cupped her face. “She’s evil. All she cares about is herself.”

  “Mom, please let’s go home. Please, please.”

  “Stop crying!” Melissa slapped her across the face. She shook her daughter. “Listen to me.” Her hair seemed to glow in the dark. “Listen to me. Do what I told you.”


  Melissa moved back into the shadow as Ice looked up crying and shaking.

  “Iceria? Iceria what are you doing here?” Aunt Aniyah rushed over to her. She bent down and grabbed her small hands. “Oh my God did you come here all by yourself? Is something wrong with Mel?”

  “I—I—I---” Ice looked past her aunt’s shoulder as Melissa emerged from the back.

  Aniyah turned around and stood up. “What the hell Mel?”

  “Hey sis.” Melissa brought up the bat and swung across her sister’s head forcefully.

  Ice could still hear the loud sound from the impact. Aunt Aniyah fell by her feet. The little six-year-old girl opened her mouth and screamed.

  Ice gasped as she shot out of bed. She shook and looked around. She was in her room. She was in her bed. She panted and threw the covers off. Ice rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. She slowly lifted her head to stare at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t stop shaking.

  She needed to get out of here.

  She needed to get out of this house. She cried and ran to her closet. Ice yanked off her nightgown and grabbed a pair of tights. Hopping as she desperately shoved them up. She couldn’t stop crying and shaking. Her dreams were not dreams. They were memories. Horrible memories. She grabbed Peyton’s grey hoody that he’d lent her, and she never gave back.

  She needed to get out of here.

  Melissa. Her. What they did to her aunt. To her mother. She was there. She was right there. She hadn’t told a soul. Not a single soul.

  Ice yanked on her white sneakers and rushed to her desk. Her alarm clock read two thirty in the morning. She grabbed her phone and car keys.

  She had to get out of here.

  Ice opened her bedroom door, only to see her father also open the door from his bedroom. He stood in his pajama pants and grey robe.

  They stared at each other from across the hallway.

  Ice swallowed hard as she wiped her face frantically.

  “What is it Charles?” Her mother’s voice was drowsy, tired and faint.

  Charles looked back inside the room. “Nothing Mel go back to sleep.” He turned back to his daughter and gave a slight nod. Ice quickly rushed down the stairs. When she got to the bottom she looked back up. Her father was still standing there.

  “I can’t be in this house anymore.” Ice whispered up at him. “She scares me.”

  Charles sighed. “Iceria….”

  She wiped the tears staining her cheeks. They wouldn’t stop flowing.

  He nodded. “Be careful…. I’ll….I’ll talk with your mother.”

  Ice smiled at him through blurry eyes and rushed to the front door. Opening it and closing it securely behind him.

  Charles sighed and rubbed his chest in pain. How had it come to this? What was going on in his house? He walked back inside the bedroom and closed the door slowly. He quietly made his way to the bed, settled in and pulled up the covers. He turned to the other side, his wife’s back to him.

  “Was it Iceria?”


  “Is she okay? What is she doing up so early?”

  “She just wanted a glass of water.” Charles whispered.

  Melissa opened her eyes slowly and stared into their dark room. She always knew when her husband was lying.


  Cheryl wrapped her robe tightly as she opened the door? “Yes?”

  Ice turned around.

  “Ice…hey honey are you okay?” Cheryl whispered to the teenage girl on her doorsteps. Her face was blotchy, her eyes red.

  “I….I um…”

  Cheryl reached out and pulled the young girl in. She looked out the door to see if she was running from somebody or somebody had followed her.

  “I’m sorry.” Ice whispered wiping her face. She sniffled and tried to dry her eyes some more. “I’m just…. I’m having some problems at home….”

  Cheryl immediate wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. “It’s okay…it’s okay.”

  “I didn’t know where else to go.” Ice whispered, allowing herself to breathe. She shut her eyes tightly and hugged Cheryl back.

  “You came to the right place. You came to the right place Ice.” Cheryl took a couple steps back and held her at arm’s length. She reached out and wiped Ice’s wet cheeks and rubbed them affectionately. “It’s late.” She smoothed Ice’s arms. “Why don’t you get some rest.”

  Ice nodded.

  “Get some rest okay. Would you like some tea? It’ll help you relax.” She offered smoothly.

  She reached down and took Ice’s hot hands in hers and led her upstairs. “The guest room is already all nice and ready. You lay down and I’ll get you some tea.”

  Ice nodded again as she followed. “I-II—I’m so-sorry.” She whispered. “I did----I---didn’t----know---.”

  “Shhshhh. It’s okay.” Cheryl reassured her. “You don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to tell me anything. Get some rest.” She reached up and touched the girl’s forehead. “Get some rest, you poor thing.”


  Saturday 8:47 a.m.

  Ice slowly opened her eyes. She was snuggling against two big soft pillows. Gently lifting her head, she looked around the bedroom. Last night came rushing back to her. How she’d left her house. How she drove to Peyton’s. How she didn’t have his number. She chose to ring the doorbell. His mother answered. His mother made her tea. His mother brought her up to the guest room. His mother let her cry. Her tears, warm and embarrassing. His mother only left the room when she fell asleep.

  Ice sighed and sat up completely. She threw her sock clad feet over and climbed off the bed. She walked over to the attached bathroom. When she imagined sleeping over at Peyton’s house. She’d imagined it a different way. It took place in his bedroom and not a lot of sleeping. She splashed cold water on her face to wake her up. She looked around the guest bathroom. There was everything laid out for her just like a hotel room. She opened the new toothbrush and the new tube of toothpaste. As she brushed her teeth, she wondered where she was going to go from here.

  She couldn’t go back home could she? Melissa was crazy indeed. Crazier than she had thought. Ice looked at herself in the mirror. Toothbrush in her mouth she reached up and raked her fingers through her hair. The haircut. Her new haircut had triggered something. She tried to remember. She tried to remember if aunt Aniyah had her hair this short before. She couldn’t remember. All she saw was a woman identical to Melissa with dark brown eyes.

  She rinsed and spat out the liquid. Sighing she patted her face dry. She raked her fingers through her hair again and tried to compose herself.

  It was Saturday morning. She was a guest in the Stone house. Did Peyton know she was here? She’d came so late. Eve
rybody was already sleeping. What time did they wake up? What did they do Saturday mornings? Was Peyton still mad? She hadn’t talked to him since he’d cursed her out in front of her house. They really had to talk.

  She’ll sneak into his room now. Surprise him.

  She quietly put back on her sneakers and left the guest room. She didn’t make it far down the hallway when she heard the voices downstairs. No need to sneak into Peyton’s room or surprise him, it looked like everybody was already awake. She made her way to the stairs and descended slowly.

  “Bam-Bam, I’m serious, eat your food.” Peyton ordered pointing to Bam-Bam’s bowl of Trix cereal.

  “But I want to watch my show.” He whined putting down his spoon.

  “We do this every Saturday. Your show comes on at 9:00. Now eat your breakfast or you’re not watching anything.” Peyton replied.

  Bam-Bam pouted and crossed his arms tightly around his chest. He stuck out his bottom lip and furrowed his eyebrows. Big crystal blue eyes glaring at his older brother.

  Peyton groaned and put down his spoonful of Cinnamon toast crunch. “Don’t try me today Princeton, I’m not in the mood.”

  Bam-Bam only glared more and growled.

  “Fine.” Peyton shrugged. “Priya you get to watch T.V. all day whatever you want to watch.” He nodded at his little sister sitting quietly across from him.

  Priya nodded and buttered her toast calmly.

  “Nooooo!” Bam-Bam yelled hitting his spoon on the table. “Noooo! You meany!”

  “Priya the T.V. is yours the whole fucking weekend!” Peyton glared at his little brother. “You want to keep going?”

  Bam-Bam’s bottom lip shook. “Not fair, that’s not fair!” He cried. “It’s my turn. It’s my turn.” He shook his seat back and forth. “I wanna watch T.V. I wanna. I wanna!”

  Peyton continued eating his cereal. “3.”

  “NOOOOOO!!!” Bam-Bam screeched.


  “I’m telling momma…I want momma…no please……”


  Bam-Bam sniffled as he picked up his spoon. Tears streamed down his face as he stuffed his mouth with his Trix cereal.

  Priya used to the Saturday morning fiasco, calmly poured everybody their glass of orange juice.

  “I’m eating Pey-Pey. I’m eating.” Bam-Bam whispered as he stuffed more cereal into his mouth. He wiped his face and stared pleadingly at his older brother.

  “You’re gonna finish it?” Peyton asked.

  Bam-Bam sniffled and nodded enthusiastically.

  “You got 10 minutes.” Peyton instructed.

  Bam-Bam nodded again and stuffed more cereal in his mouth. He stared across at his older brother to make sure he was seeing him eat.

  “Ice.” Priya looked up in surprise.

  Peyton whipped his head to the entrance of the kitchen. Bam-Bam turned also, stuffing another spoon of cereal into his mouth. The milk dripping down his chin.

  “Hey.” Ice put her hand up shyly. She hadn’t wanted to interrupt the commotion.

  “Hi Ice.” Bam-Bam said his mouth full of cereal. “I’m eating my breakfast.”

  “That’s good.” Ice smiled. “It’s good to eat your breakfast.”

  “Hey.” Peyton stood up quickly. Like Bam-Bam he only had on pajama pants. His was a smiley face. He stared at her nervously.

  “Hey.” She answered giving him a small smile. She was in her tights from last night and his oversized grey hoody.

  Peyton pushed his loose hair back. “Wha—what are you doing here?” He whispered.

  Ice shrugged. “I uh…I spent the night.”

  “You were here?” He asked in confusion.

  “I came really late.” She whispered. “Your mom let me in. I hope it’s not a pro----”

  “No, no, no.” He said quickly. “No, sit, mom uh…. she left early, she’ll be back tomorrow.” He swallowed hard. “She just…she forgot to tell us.”

  “I don’t want to intrude----”

  “No, you’re not.” Peyton cut her off nervously. “Sit…are you hungry.”

  Ice nodded. “A little.” She chuckled.

  “Toast? Cereal?” Priya asked as she’d already poured Ice a glass of orange juice.


  “We uhm have all kinds.” Peyton said going to the cupboards. “Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Trix, Honey Nut Cheerios----

  “Toast.” Ice chuckled. “Toast is fine.” She sat down in the free chair across from Priya.

  “I’ll get it for you.” Peyton said quickly as he grabbed two slices of bread.

  “I like to eat toast too.” Priya beamed. “They always have cereal. Mom and I have toast. If mom was here, we would have pancakes.” She turned around to Peyton. “Are we having pancakes tomorrow?”

  Ice looked up to see Peyton had been staring at her. He quickly averted his eyes from her and turned to his sister. “Yeah, yeah I think so.”

  “I like pancakes.” Bam-Bam interjected. “Do you like pancakes?”

  Ice nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  “I’m finish Pey-Pey, I’m finish.” Bam-Bam looked up at his older brother.

  “Drink your milk.”’

  The little boy quickly grabbed his bowl and started to drink the remaining milk.

  “Do you like it really toasted or just---”

  Ice shrugged. “Uhm really toasted.”

  “We have butter, peanut butter, jelly, grape and strawberry.” Priya pointed out happily. “Also, orange marmalade. Mom likes that a lot. We have almond butter too if you want.”

  Ice smiled. “Uhhh…peanut butter.”

  Priya quickly reached for the peanut butter and placed it in front of Ice. She rushed to grab a knife for her.

  “Thank you Priya.”

  “You welcome.” The little girl said happily as she sat down and bit into her buttered toast.

  “I’m done. I’m done.” Bam-Bam looked up expectantly.

  “Put your bowl in the sink and you can go watch your cartoon.”

  “Yes!” He exclaimed jumping out of his seat and grabbing his bowl to put it in the sink.

  “Here.” Peyton whispered, putting a plate with two toasts in front of her.

  “Thank you.” She smiled as she looked up at him.

  He smiled back in confusion but went to sit back in his seat. He watched her as she put the peanut butter on her slice of bread. How precise and neat it was. He kept staring, even when she brought it up to her mouth and took a bite. The way her tongue came out to wipe the peanut butter that had transferred to her lips.

  Ice felt his gaze and turned to him. He’d gotten caught staring. He looked down at his bowl of cereal and quickly stuffed his mouth with some Cinnamon toast crunch.

  “Are you sleeping over again tonight?” Priya asked breaking the slightly awkward but not really uncomfortable silence at the table.

  Ice turned to her as Peyton stared at Ice. “I uhm…I don’t know…I don’t think so….” She turned to Peyton.

  “Because today we’re having pizza for dinner.” Priya commented. “You can have pizza with us.”

  Ice smiled shyly but didn’t answer.

  Peyton blinked a couple times and cleared his throat softly. “You okay?”

  Ice turned to him and nodded slowly.

  “Of course, if you want to stay, you can uhm---you can stay for as long as you want.” He offered. He ran his hand nervously over his bare chest. “Uhm…you should stay for the pizza…we always get too much.”

  Ice nodded at him. “Thank you.” She whispered.

  Bam-Bam’s loud burst of laughter from the living room, caused the three of them in the kitchen to smile.

  “Here, Ice…these blueberries are really sweet.” Priya came back with a plate of blueberries from the fridge.


  Priya took a handful of blueberries and looked from her brother to Ice and then back to her brother again. She chewed slowly and watched the two teenagers. H
er brother kept sneaking glances at Ice and Ice was silently eating her toast and not looking in his direction. She stuffed two blueberries in her mouth. Did they want privacy?

  “Okay, I’m going to go watch some cartoons with Bam-Bam.” Priya spoke up as she cleared her plate. “Bye.”

  When she left an awkward silence fell in the kitchen.


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