Ice: Part I

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Ice: Part I Page 44

by Penny Hawking

  “Are you asking?” Maddie said seductively.

  “Anyways’ moving on to the good news. There are obviously a couple of lovebirds out there, and well what the heck, this song going along with the theme is dedicated to 3 very beautiful girls. I guess the rest of you guys out there can partake of it too moochers.” The announcer laughed.

  The cafeteria started whispering excitedly.

  Ice took another drink of her smoothie.

  “The very beautiful Ice Johnson, damn you’re one sexy girl. You can melt on me any day. Peyton will kill me for that. Jo Wright, I love your foul mouth a woman after my own heart, talk dirty to me all night long. Sorry Tyrone had to say it. Ah last but not least, little miss Maddie McCallister…call me…apparently you’re single. Why? I don’t know hit me up. Now before their boyfriends come and beat me up…this is for you…LOVE SICK SUCKERS!”

  The whole cafeteria had turned to look at them. All three girls’ mouths dropped open.

  “Those sneaky bastards.” Jo said softly but had a warm smile on her face.

  Music started playing on the intercom.

  “Oh my God I love this song.” Some girl in the cafeteria said loudly.

  “They are so fucking lucky.” Another bitter one said.

  The crowd started to part to reveal Peyton and Tyrone making their way towards them.

  It was rare for the cafeteria to fall in silence, but there they were. Not a squeak from anybody as the song played over the intercom.

  Peyton came and knelt down on one knee and Tyrone went to Jo’s side.

  “Joanna Blair Wright…” Tyrone started.

  “Hey sweetheart.” Peyton said shyly. “I know you don’t like real flowers so…” He said revealing what he had behind his back. “I hope this will do.”

  Ice gasped at the beautiful clear crystal flower that he held in front of her. “Oh my God.”

  “Iceria Aniyah Johnson would you go to prom with me?” Peyton asked.

  “Yes asshole! Yes!” Jo squealed as she hugged Tyrone.

  Ice was too stupefied to speak.

  Peyton smiled nervously. “Babe can you say yes? You’re making me nervous.”

  Ice grinned as she took the flower. “Of course, I will go to prom with you Peyton Joseph Stone.”

  Peyton let out a deep breath. “Damn woman, almost gave me a heart attack.” He said standing up and taking her hand. He pulled Ice closer to him. “I love you.” He said as he kissed her gently.

  The cafeteria started applauding.

  “Now why the hell don’t you ever do shit like that?” Someone in the crowd asked their boyfriend and proceeded to push him.

  “Damn thanks a lot Peyton.” The boyfriend hissed. Without stopping the kiss, Peyton stuck up his middle finger in the direction of the voice.

  “I can’t believe you did this just to ask me to Prom.” Ice said leaning her forehead against his.

  Peyton smiled. “What? A song over the intercom?” He asked. “Naw, I had other things planned but mom said it might have been too much.” He admitted.

  Ice smiled as she kissed his nose.

  “But, I promise to keep you on your toes when I propose.” He whispered softly into her ear.

  “I’ll be waiting.” She responded as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.


  Monday 2:57 p.m.

  “I want to see him by myself today Peyton.” Ice said softly, as they walked out of the school building hand in hand.

  Peyton groaned. “No.”

  Ice smiled softly. “It’s one of those…”

  “I know I know, it’s one of those I have to do this alone thing, huh?” Peyton said groaned again

  Ice nodded and kissed his cheek.

  “You want me to drop you off?”

  Ice nodded. “Please.”

  She put her hands together pleadingly. “Then I’ll get an uber to bring me to Enterprise for my rental car.”

  “Or I could just drop you everywhere.” Peyton suggested. He bent down in front of her. Ice giggled and jumped on his back. He secured his arms around her legs and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they walked away from the school.

  “Naw, I like having my own transport, besides it’ll be so inconvenient.”

  “No, we’ll spend the time together. I want to.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Ice threw her head back and laugh. “Okay, okay then after the hospital, I’ll uber to my house, pack my stuff and you come pick me up for Priya’s recital?”

  “This is the best thing ever.” He spun around and she clung to him desperately, laughing as she screamed for him to stop.

  “Are we really about to live together?” Ice asked leaning over to watch his face.

  Peyton simple grinned mischievously. “Oh man, can’t wait.”

  Ice leaned over and kissed him thoroughly before she jumped off his back and climbed into his Corvette. “Let’s go Romeo!”

  Peyton grinned stupidly as he got into his car and spun out of the school parking lot.

  On the way to the hospital they talked excitedly about the prom. He asked her what color she was going to wear and suggested green. Ice laughed and said there were no pretty prom dresses in green. They talked about going shopping tomorrow after school. To find a color that would match them both.

  Ice grinned stupidly and kissed his cheek.

  Peyton told her that with Tyrone they’d already reserved the hummer limo. That they were looking into a hotel to go to after the after party.

  Ice blushed and Peyton laughed. He joked that bushing after what they did last night in the bathtub wasn’t---

  She never let him finish. She covered his mouth with hers eagerly and sighed into the embrace.

  Peyton stared lovingly at her and told her once more, how he would soon enough give her the world.

  They’d arrived at the hospital way too fast, even though she knew Peyton had taken the long way.

  “So, call me when you’re ready for me.”

  Ice nodded. “6:30, I’ll be ready.” She looked out the window. “Mom will be here all day, so that’ll give me the house to myself to pack. I’ll tell my dad I’m moving in with you.” Ice turned to Peyton. “I don’t know what he’ll say.”

  “Tell her my mom suggested it.” Peyton added. “That we’ll sleep in different room.” He grinned and leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Tell him we’ll get married this summer.”

  Ice laughed and opened the car door. “You don’t really know anything about taking it a day at a time do you?” she questioned grabbing her bag and stepping out.

  “Iceria Aniyah Johnson, don’t you want to marry me?” He pouted peering out the window.

  Ice grinned. She looked left and right and rushed over to the driver’s side rolled down window. “I would love to marry you.” She whispered.

  She leaned in and kissed him gently. “I love you.”

  Peyton smiled. “6:30. Be ready.”

  She winked. “Got it.” She turned and walked to the hospital entrance. Thinking of him she turned again and put her hand out to wave. Peyton smiled and waved back before pulling out of the hospital parking lot.


  Monday 6:18 p.m.

  “Okay everybody ready?” Cheryl twirled around as she looked at her three kids. Her long curled blond hair flowed naturally down her back. She reached up and smooth down Princeton’s slicked back hair. He was currently sucking away on a lollipop as he stared at some cartoons before him.

  Priya wasn’t able to stand still as she hopped from one foot to the next. Her hair was curled identical to her mother’s and flowed down her back. She had half of it up and tied with a big white boy. She wore glitter lip gloss, a bit of blush and glitter around her eyes. She wore the long beige bohemian off the shoulder dress that Peyton had bought her for this occasion. Her music notes clutched to her chest.

  Peyton ran his hand over his
slick back ponytail. “She hasn’t answered any of my texts.” He told his mom, looking up from his phone. “She hasn’t even read them.”

  “Okay, you take care of Ice…. go pick her up and I’ll head over with Princeton and Priya to the concert hall.” Cheryl nodded as she grabbed her purse. “Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t, I won’t.” Peyton stood up, adjusting his tan vest over his white button-up. “I’ll pick her up and head right over.”

  “Okay, okay, okay….” Priya chanted nervously as she shook her body. She looked up at her mom. “What if I make a mistake?”

  “It’s an original piece darling, just keep on playing.” Cheryl kissed her forehead and picked up her youngest son. “Be there at 7:00 sharp.” She turned to Peyton who was following them out.

  He grabbed his keys and nodded. “I will.” He moved past them and pulled out his phone.

  -hey, leaving the house now. You ready?


  Peyton didn’t know what happened to him in those 10 minutes it took to get to Ice’s house, but he’d found himself in full panic mode.

  She hadn’t picked up or answered. Last time that happened, her mother was poisoning her. With Ice, Peyton had quickly come to find out, you never really knew what was happening in her life. With a mother like Melissa, you just never really knew.

  By the time he pulled into her driveway. He’d convinced himself she was chopped up in pieces and thrown in the nearest river. His heart was pounding uncontrollably, and his palms had started to sweat.

  If she’d picked up the phone, he would feel so much better.

  But she didn’t.

  And dread filled his entire being as he turned off his engine. Grabbing the jewelry box on the passenger seat, he hopped out of his corvette.

  It was 6:30.

  She should be ready. She should have her bags packed. She should have called or texted him, but that didn’t matter right now. What only mattered is that she was here, and she was ready.

  Peyton wasn’t aware he’d been holding his breath until he felt on the verge of passing out. He inhaled deeply and exhaled. His hands wrapped around the velvet box and he hid it behind him.

  “Please be okay.” He whispered as he pressed the doorbell.

  He tilted slightly on his toes as he brought his hand forward and stared at the velvet box. It was the necklace that matched the earrings he’d given her. An oval Fancy green diamond on a chain of gold encrusted with tiny clear diamonds all around the collar.

  It was a three-piece-set.

  The last piece, he wanted to put on her finger right after graduation.

  He quickly put the box behind him and rang the doorbell again. Peyton blinked and pressed again. “Come on Ice.” He pressed the doorbell again.

  He looked around the quiet neighborhood. Actually, now noticing there wasn’t a single car parked in her driveway. Not hers, not her mom’s Bentley nor her father’s Lexus.

  “Ice?” Peyton knocked on the door. “Ice open up.” He knocked again.

  Swallowing hard, he knocked harder. “Ice! Ice it’s me open up!” He tried the doorknob and knocked again several times.

  Panicking he turned around the house. “Ice!” He walked over to where he knew her window was. “Ice!” He yelled up. Bending down he instinctively grabbed a rock and stepped back and threw it at her window. “Ice!” He bent down and grabbed another rock, throwing it even harder.

  Peyton stared up at the dark window helplessly. “Fuck.” He ran a hand frantically over his hair and ran to his car.

  She wasn’t home. She wasn’t home. She must still be at the hospital. He opened his car door and practically jumped in. He threw the jewelry box on the passenger seat, shifted gears and pulled out of her driveway.

  What if something happened to her father? What if that was why she hadn’t answered? What if he’d relapsed or had another heart attack?

  “Fuck!” He hit his steering wheel.

  Literally anything could happen. Anything was possible.


  Ice couldn’t talk from the gag around her mouth. She tried to wiggle around on the floor. Blindfolded and tied up, she couldn’t do anything. She didn’t know where she was. She didn’t know what happened. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe. God she couldn’t breathe. She tried to scream through the gag. Warm tears staining her blindfold. She shook frantically and shook in fear.

  Ice tried to move her mouth. Tried to mumble something, anything…but her faint murmuring were nothing in the cold silent room. Absolutely nothing.


  “Ice…” Peyton yanked open Charles hospital room door.

  Charles and Melissa looked up at the intrusion.

  “Peyton?” Charles squinted. “Is everything alright?”

  Peyton tried to catch his breath as he looked anxiously from Charles to Melissa and back again. “Are you okay?” He asked Mr. Johnson.

  Charles nodded. “I’m doing well. What’s the matter? Is something wrong?”

  “Ice isn’t here?” He whispered, his voice breaking slightly.

  Charles and Melissa looked at each other in confusion before they turned back to him. “Peyton…. Ice told us she was going to your little sister’s recital….” Charles spoke slowly.

  “She also told us she was leaving the house.” Melissa whispered venomously. “So, our question to you is…. where is Ice?” She crossed her arms.

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open as he stared at Ice’s parents. “She said she was coming to the recital?”

  “Yes.” Charles replied. He lifted his head to the clock. “Almost two hours ago.” He straightened up in his bed. “She said she needed to go home and pack and meet you so you can take her to the recital.”

  Peyton shook his head and wiped his face. “She’s not---she’s not----she’s not at the house.” He responded desperately. “I was just there…. nobody…nobody’s there.” He held up his cellphone. “She hasn’t responded to any of my texts or messages for the past….” He swallowed hard. “2 hours….”

  Silence filled the room as all three of them let the words sink in.

  “Well…” Charles said trying to remain calm. “Maybe she went on ahead to the recital----”

  “No.” Peyton shook his head. “No, she wouldn’t. And she would have called. We said we would meet at the house.”

  Melissa scoffed. “I told you this boy was nothing but trouble.”

  Hearing his voice, his head snapped to Melissa.

  “Where is she?” He demanded.

  Melissa cocked her head to the side.

  “Where is she?” Peyton asked again louder. “What did you do to her!”

  “Young man----” Charles started in shock.

  “She has something to do with this Mr. Johnson!” Peyton pointed at Melissa. “I know she does! She did this! You did because you don’t want her to be with me!”

  “Please lower your voice.” Charles put his hand up. “Melissa has been by my side the entire day.” He looked around. “Ice was here. I assure you, she was here and said she had to go home to get ready…” Charles spoke louder. “Ice was here. She must be home. Maybe she didn’t hear you.”

  “FUCK!” Peyton yelled turning around as he put his hands on top of head.

  “Watch your language.”

  “What the fuck did you do to her?”

  “I can’t allow you to speak to my wife in this manner…” Charles grimaced as he tried to move more.

  “Is something the matter?” A nurse came up behind Peyton. “We’ve heard some commotion----”

  “This teenager is being belligerent.” Melissa stood up. “He came into the room, yelling and cursing up a storm.”

  “You fucking did this!” Peyton insisted as he pointed violently at Melissa.

  “Young man.” The nurse grabbed his arm. “You need to relax, or you have to step out.”

  He snatched his arm away from the nurse. “Come on Melissa don’t this.” Peyton insisted. His eyes grey and
wrought with fear. “Don’t do this.”

  The nurse waved over a couple security guards walking down the hallway. She tried to pull Peyton out of the room, but he yanked his arm away.

  He stared down Melissa and took a couple steps forward. “What have you done to her?”

  “As my husband said. I’ve been here the entire day. I was here for about an hour and she left about two hours ago, to meet up with you.” She stated in a steel voice. Her hazel eyes blazing. “You don’t get the right to walk in here and demand the whereabouts of my daughter.” She pointed to Peyton. “When you have stolen her from us!” She hissed.


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