EXPOSED: A novella (Elkridge Series Book 5)

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EXPOSED: A novella (Elkridge Series Book 5) Page 6

by Lyz Kelley

  “What did you have in mind?” She managed to ask without a flutter, even though her body was feasting on a carnival of sensations.

  “Dancing. And I know the perfect place. I’ll drive.”

  Her emotions romped while her body questioned her ability to keep going. Exhaustion from going at full speed while sorting, packing, and disposing over the past several days made her want to get in her comfy pajamas, curl up on the couch with a bowl of buttered popcorn, and stare aimlessly at the television. A crowded bar didn’t sound the least bit fun, but when she looked into his cheery eyes, she couldn’t find the will to turn him down. Nor did she want to.

  “We’ll need to stop by my place to change.”

  “For what I have in mind, you’re dressed perfectly. Let’s go get your copies and have some fun.” He pulled on her hand.

  Too excited about the fun Dale had mentioned, Gwen barely acknowledged the real estate agent handing her a packet of papers and promising to call when she knew something.

  On the drive through town, the heat from his hand resting next to her leg created a distraction, and his subtle glances spoke of his interest and were way more sensual than expected. For months he’d churned up some romantic feelings whenever he was nearby, and dang if the need didn’t keep growing. A need to be touched, held, and more.

  Strange. He was the last man in town she’d expect to flip on the switch she’d assumed was permanently broken. She reached to touch his callused hand.

  He didn’t look her way. He simply rotated his hand and braided his fingers with hers. The gesture dissolved her will to keep her distance.

  Her heartbeat slowed to match the rhythm in his fingers.

  As he turned into a long, narrow driveway, she stared at the familiar stately home framed by the mountain ridge behind. “Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t get to change if I’m not allowed.”

  She knew she sounded testy, but at least it got his attention.

  He finished pulling the truck into the garage. “Who said anything about changing?” He released his seat belt and leaned in, his nose ten inches from hers.

  “After the week you’ve had, I calculated that a quiet night, possibly some dinner, wine, and dancing by candlelight, might be the order of the day.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb and slowly inched forward. “What do you say?”

  His lips whispered against her mouth.

  The delicate kiss was so sweet and nice, but she didn’t want tender.

  And she definitely didn’t want nice.

  She wanted dangerous and outrageous.

  To let the wild out.

  She reached for her seat belt to release the latch, unzipped her jacket, and pulled herself closer to him, practically crawling into his lap. She wanted to feel, touch, and own. The insane chemistry brewing between them finally erupted into a combustible blaze of sexual heat. I want this man. Hands and arms grabbed and pulled.

  The automated bench seat moved back, and he grabbed her hips, pulling her closer. His warm hand slid up her back. She could feel his hardened response. A hot sizzle raced up her spine. His tongue stroked her mouth, in and out, while her fingers tunneled through his closely trimmed hair. Oh, man. Yes. She took a good long inhale to immerse herself in his intoxicating zest. The added body heat created a welcome openness and escalated the sensual urgency. A groan resonated deep in his chest, and she swallowed hard. She grabbed his shirt and pulled, but he stilled her hand.

  “Wait…” The command sounded breathless. “Not here. Not this way.”

  Instantly, she pulled back, embarrassment shutting her down, but he held tight. The sudden need to tuck herself back into the passenger seat made her pull away.

  “Wait. Let me hold you.” The longing in his voice touched her.

  At least I’m not the only one affected by what just happened.

  She stopped fighting and relaxed onto his chest. Her nose settled next to his ear, inhaling his erotic scent. His hands moved gently up and down her back, soothing her thoughts as her heart continued to drum away.

  “I wasn’t expecting such…an…um…” The jumbled feelings tied her words together.

  “Yah. Me neither.” He ran an unsteady hand down the back of her head, his chest heaving with a deep breath. “Let me put this out there for you to chew on. Since the first time I saw you, you gave my heart a good workout. I’ve come up with every excuse I can think of to keep my distance. You’re Ashley’s friend. I’m quite a bit older than you are. Woman, you’ve got to know you drive me to the edge. You say the word, and we’ll end this here. Now. But if you feel a tenth of what I’m feeling, I’d sure like to see if we can’t trigger whatever this is between us.”

  His skin so close to her mouth was too irresistible. She couldn’t pass up the opportunity and took a nibble, then continued nibbling until she found his mouth and took a gentle pull on his roughened skin.

  “I’m not denying the connection. It’s there. And you’re one sexy man, General.”

  “But?” The skepticism in his voice accompanied the movement of his hands pulling away.

  “Nope.” She brushed her nose against his. “No buts. Since we’re being honest with each other, I worry this is some type of fling. I’ve read about widowers going out and finding some young thing to pass the time.”

  “I don’t do casual, or flings. I’m either all in, or I’m not.” His voice was quiet, yet biting.

  “It’s just that…”

  “You’re concerned I won’t be around, like I wasn’t here for Ashley.” He pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead and rubbed, hard. “Dammit, I wanted to be here. I wanted to help. But I needed Ashley to ask. With a grown daughter, there’s a line between helping and interfering. I wanted…I needed…”

  She pressed her fingers against his lips. “I didn’t mean to rip the bandage off an old wound.” She pressed her lips to his forehead then nose, then mouth. “We both have some perceptions that need to disappear. Why don’t we go inside and talk for a while?”

  Dale pushed strands of hair over her shoulder. “You’re such a beautiful woman. Pinch me, because I think I’m hallucinating.”

  Instead, she sank her teeth playfully into his chin, triggering a low, resonant growl in his chest.

  “You keep this up, and we won’t make it into that house. The first time I see you naked, I don’t want to be in my truck or in the hall. I don’t want quick. Not the first time. I want to build memories.”

  She caressed his ear with her tongue. “A bit old-fashioned, but I like it.”

  “Woman, I’m telling you.” The indignation in his tone didn’t quite work, especially when his fingers dug into her sides at the perfect ticklish spot. She righted herself and scrambled out of the truck moments before another double cab pulled into the drive.

  The deflated disappointment in Dale’s expression when he glanced in the rearview mirror was priceless. He pulled at the crotch of his pants and opened the truck door.

  “Hey, Ashley, Chase. I thought you two had a date with Jenna and Grant tonight.”

  “We did, but Kyle’s come down with the flu, and I didn’t want Caitlyn exposed. So we rented some movies and brought home pizza. There’s plenty for you and Gwen. You two want to join us?”

  Chase unloaded Caitlyn from the backseat while Dale moved in and relieved Ashley of the oversized diaper tote and grabbed several bags of groceries. Ashley retrieved the pizza boxes and headed toward Gwen.

  Entering the garage, Ashley gave Gwen’s shoulder a nudge. “What did you do to my dad? I’ve never seen him blush like that before. He’s still red.” Her friend’s wink made her choke. “Come on. Let’s go inside and get the pizza in the oven.”

  For a second, Gwen didn’t move. Shock rooted her feet to the concrete floor. It wasn’t until Ashley pushed the door open and gazed over her shoulder with an expectant are you coming? look that she managed to follow Ashley into the kitchen.

  Dale dropped the groceries on the counter and then followed Chase
upstairs to the nursery.

  Gwen opened the first bag of groceries and found milk and eggs, thank God. If she could shove her entire body into the refrigerator to reduce the embarrassing heat, she just might.

  Ashley set the timer on the oven, then walked to the back door to let Lucky in.

  “Hey, big boy. Go say hello to Gwen.” Ashley opened the pantry. “So?” she asked, peeking around the door, “are you going to share what’s going on between you and my dad?”

  Share? The fact I think your dad has a hot, sexy body? Absolutely not. Maybe the freezer would work better. Another flash of heat crawled up her skin.

  “Oh, boy.” Ashley’s energetic eye roll made Gwen wince. “This is going to be a long night with you and my dad tiptoeing around each other. If you don’t tell him how you feel, I’ll out you.”

  “That’s not very nice. I thought we were friends.”

  Ashley gave her a bizarre look, finished storing the baby food jars, and then lifted herself onto the kitchen island. “Come on. Why don’t you admit you like my dad? The first time you saw him, you barely got out a hello. He likes you too. You’ve both been making goo-goo eyes behind each other’s backs for months. You should do the wild thing and get those empty excuses out of your system. Then see how it goes, because I’m tired of seeing two totally intelligent people not able to form a coherent sentence.”

  “That obvious, huh?”

  Ashley pushed from the counter. “Oh, please. You’re like two dogs constantly sniffing each other’s butts.”

  “Holy craps, Ash.”

  Maybe she could stick ice cubes in her bra. The idea sounded tempting.

  “Listen. When I was on the fence with Chase, several friends gave me a good talking-to, especially Maggie. She told me not to be stupid, that good guys don’t come around often. And I’ll be the first to deny saying this if you tell anyone, but my dad’s a good guy. He’s got issues, but I’ve gotten to know him better. If I hadn’t burned his letters to my mom, I’d let you read them. He’s funny, and a true romantic. I wish Chase was a little more like him in that respect.”

  “How can you say that? Chase is a wonderful husband and father.”

  “Maybe when Chase is a bit older, he’ll have more patience—like my dad. He’s getting there. It’s sad, though.”

  Gwen’s gut squeezed, and she stepped closer. “What’s sad?”

  “Watching my dad with Caitlyn. Reading those letters, I discovered my mom miscarried twice before she had me. In retrospect, I think my dad would have filled the whole house with kids if he could have. You’ve seen him with Caitlyn. He loves my little girl.” Ashley swiped her fingertips under her eyes. “Then, so do I, since she’s so perfect. Look at me getting emotional.”

  “Yes, she is.” Gwen’s insides echoed with a hollowness and need she’d assumed no longer existed. But she’d been lying to herself. She wanted a family. Wanted kids. At thirty-four, the possibilities decreased with every passing day.

  “Wow.” Her friend’s laughter pulled her world back into focus. “You should see the look on your face. My dad’s upstairs. I think you should go up there and jump him.”

  “I, uh…” Gwen’s mouth hung open, then closed, then opened again.

  “What are you ladies talking about?” Dale asked, walking into the kitchen, Chase close on his heels.

  “Babies.” The teasing excitement in Ashley’s face gave Gwen pause.

  Something in Ashley’s combustible smile made Chase move to her side. “Maybe now is a good time to make our announcement,” he said, tipping his head toward Dale.

  Ashely’s face bloomed into a rainbow of joy. “You’re going to be a grandpa again. The doctor’s office called to confirm this morning.”

  Dale’s expression somehow managed to outdistance his daughter’s. “Fine work, soldier!” He hugged Chase with a hearty pat on the back, and then swiveled to hug his daughter. He held her for several moments with a look of pure bliss. When he released her, Ashley swatted his arm.

  “What was that for?” Dale’s brows drew together.

  “You giving Chase credit.” Ashley’s disgusted tone contradicted her delightful expression. “The women do all the work, and the men take the credit. What’s up with that?”

  Chase grabbed Ashley and bent her over backward in a lip-lock. The room stilled, with the exception of Lucky, who growled protectively until Chase set Ashley back on her feet.

  “Good boy,” Ashley praised while rubbing the shepherd’s ear. “You keep these soldiers in line.”

  A blast of envy rocked Gwen backward.

  Ashley was right.

  Underneath the joy was a thin layer of jealousy. Sex? Babies? What am I thinking?

  The possibility of having a true family shuffled around her thoughts, but then what was practical came charging back.

  A few short weeks ago, she’d been contemplating taking up yoga, possibly getting a dog. A few days ago, she’d been ready to pack up and leave town. With her life constantly on the verge of changing so drastically, having a relationship with Dale, one that could possibly lead to marriage and babies, was a commitment she wasn’t sure she was ready to make.

  Chapter Eight

  Dale relaxed the arm draped around Gwen’s shoulder. She was curled against his side, and he could feel her warmth seeping into his skin and smell her floral shampoo. He wanted to lick the salty butter from her lips.

  Popcorn, a movie, being surrounded by family—life didn’t get much better. Well, maybe that wasn’t exactly true.

  When the credits rolled, the little green envy bug bit him. At the other end of the couch, Chase was in a similar position—Ashley nuzzled into his side, Caitlyn asleep on his chest, Lucky curled across his feet. A yearning to turn back the hands of time punched him in the gut.

  He stood to shake off the growing need. I have enough. I don’t need more, he repeated over and over. “I’m going to take Gwen home. Do you two need anything before I go?”

  Ashley pushed upright. “We’re okay. Drive safely.”

  He extended a hand to Gwen. “Ready?”


  He pulled her to a standing position, then followed her through the long hall to the garage. Once she was safely seated in his truck, he closed the door and then made his way to the driver’s side.

  He laughed at Gwen’s wide-mouth yawn as she locked her seat belt. “I’ve wanted to watch Crazy, Stupid, Love for a long time. It was a fun movie.”

  He took a left onto the road heading back to town. “You sure about that? I wouldn’t call adultery and a midlife crisis fun. Funny maybe, but not fun.”

  “There were some funny parts. Did you catch Marisa Tomei’s face when she found out she had a one-night stand with a student’s parent? The movie reminded me of when I found my mother with her fitness trainer.”

  “That must have been awkward.”

  “The only awkward part was when he offered me his services on the way out the door.”

  “It’s hard for me to understand how some people can treat sex so casually.”

  Gwen turned his way. “Sex is a part of nature, even for humans. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.”

  Wow. Really? His necks muscles tightened with that warning. The one he didn’t ignore.

  The Gwen he met before her father arrived would have never said something so crass. Or would she? Maybe her viewpoint had more to do with her mother’s negligent behavior. “Is that your opinion, or your mother’s?”

  “My mother’s.”

  Dale blew out a breath of relief.

  “Mother’s affairs began as a way to make my father jealous. Years of bitterness turned her frequent encounters into nothing more than an activity to pass the time.”

  Interesting. “In Washington, it’s common practice to have indiscretions. Some people say what happens at the Pentagon stays classified. Affairs are disrespectful—to the spouse, to the other party, and to yourself.”

  “My father was never an eas
y man to live with. I suppose my mother used his disposition as an excuse.”


  “I see your point. But I don’t want to talk about my parents. I want to move on with my life.”

  He pulled his truck into the drive of her rental home, shifted into park, and cut the engine.

  “Moving on is fine if you’ve resolved your past. Based on the anger and resentment I’m sensing, I’m not sure you have. Why don’t you talk to your father?”

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  He drew a deep breath. “Why be so hasty? He obviously loves you.”

  “Why do you say that? Because he bailed my ex out of jail?”

  “Because he came in person.”

  Gwen stared into the night. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin. There just aren’t any feelings for him left. Talking to him would be like talking to a stranger.” She opened the door and slid out of the truck.

  While Gwen hurried to the front door, searching for her keys, Dale checked for signs of forced entry. Everything looked secure. Text messages arriving periodically over the past few hours indicated the deputies had been by twice to check, but one could never be too careful.

  He’d double-check the area after she was safely inside. He wasn’t being controlling, he was keeping her safe.

  She paused after she unlocked the front door. “Coming in?”

  You are trouble. He wrapped his arm around her back to pull her closer. His legs locked—braced and ready.

  Looking down at her, he felt a mix of emotions playing tug-of-war. He’d overheard Gwen and Ashley talking about man candy. The young, badass, wickedly sexy type, with a six-pack, working on an eight-pack. A beta male trying to be alpha but lacking the inner strength and confidence. Basically, the type that was all talk, with no follow-up. The big guys who were the first to drop out when shit started flying.

  She didn’t want a seasoned man—an honorable man—one who wanted to protect her. Take care of her. She wanted the rough and tumble.


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