Made for You

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Made for You Page 4

by Vi Keeland

  At the end of the show, Justin and Kyle exited the stage where Jack and I were standing. Kyle smiled and nodded, but Justin’s show smile seemed to have disappeared. They talked to their manager a few minutes and then, when the crowd was yelling loud enough for an encore, they went out to play one last song.

  I wasn’t surprised when I heard the first few notes, as they seemed to have made a habit of closing with Gone. It was definitely a fan favorite. But as the guitar intro came to a close, and the singing was just about to start, I saw Justin look over at me and smirk. Then he stopped playing and the two of them did a repeat of their onstage chat about how having hot chicks sing with them would make it better. I felt Jack’s hand tighten on my hip when Justin crooked his finger in my direction, beckoning me to the stage. I turned to Jack before leaving and gave him a quick kiss and an apologetic smile.

  Sienna and I joined Double Strife on stage and helped close the show like we had a few nights earlier. Only this time I noticed that Justin stood a little closer and touched my face while we sang the last verse to each other. The effect was good, even better than the first time we sang it together, creating a chemistry that the audience loved, but I knew without question that it would bother Jack.

  After the show, Jack was quiet, but agreed to go out for a post show celebration with the bands. Jack seemed to hit it off with Reed, the tour manager, and the two of them became engrossed in talking business while Sienna and I did our usual routine of tequila shots. I loved that Jack could go anywhere and talk to all different kinds of people. I never needed to stand at his side and keep him company. But no matter where we were, he always either had a hand or an eye on me.

  After our third tequila shot, which was one too many for me since I hadn’t eaten anything since early that morning, Sienna went out to dance and I turned and smiled at Jack, who was talking nearby to a few of the guys from the Double Strife band. He caught my glance and gave me a sexy half grin as he excused himself.

  “You’re looking happy,” Jack said, opening my legs to stand between them as I sat on a stool at the bar.

  I sighed. “What’s not to be happy about? My life is pretty perfect. I get to do what I love, and I have an amazingly sexy man that I can’t get enough of.” I wrapped my hands around his waist as I spoke.

  Jack smiled and our eyes stayed locked for a minute before he gave me a tender sweet kiss. I exhaled, still feeling his mouth on mine even after our kiss had ended. Never before in my life could I have described how I felt as a moment of bliss until that moment. Complete and utter bliss.


  An hour later I was on a path to sobriety, thanks to Jack who insisted I drink two bottles of water, which left not much room in my stomach for alcohol. But Sienna on the other hand looked like she had taken a different path, emerging from tipsy and heading for straight-out bombed. Jack and I laughed as we watched her hold court at the end of the bar with a couple of the guys from the band, and simultaneously blow off a handful of men as quickly as they attempted their pick-up.

  Sienna found her way back down the end of the bar and ordered two tequila shots for us. She was oblivious to the fact that I was almost sober and she was half-past tanked. I wasn’t one to waste, so of course I joined her in the shot and found Jack looking amused as we licked the salt in tandem.

  Sienna was always a happy drunk, a happy chatty drunk that is. “I think I got one for our list tonight, Syd.” Her voice was slightly slurred.

  Even though it had been years since we had spoken about the list, I knew exactly what she was talking about. “I’ll be the judge of that. Share, my crazy friend.”

  “Hey, do you have a twin sister? No? Then you must be the most beautiful girl in the world!” We both laughed at the bad pick-up line. Sienna and I had started a list of the worst pick-up lines years ago. Some of them I could still remember.

  “Worst pick-up lines list I assume?” Jack smiled and ordered another two bottles of water from the bartender. What was with him always feeding me water?

  I nodded and smiled at him, then raised an eyebrow. “Hey, are you selfish? No? Well if you’re going to have that body for the rest of your life, how about you let me use it for tonight?”

  Sienna laughed and hiccupped at the same time, causing us to laugh even more. “Can I borrow a quarter? What for? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the woman of my dreams.” Immediately she followed with another hiccup.

  It was my turn. “Baby, you remind me of my big toe. Why? Because sooner or later I just know I’m gonna bang you on the table.”

  Jack raised both eyebrows shocked at the crassness of the lines we had actually heard over the years.

  It was Sienna’s turn. “Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?”

  All three of us laughed at that one. It was actually one of my favorites.

  My turn. “I’ll be Burger King and you be McDonald’s. I’ll have it my way and you’ll be lovin’ it!”

  Sienna hiccupped while laughing and then it was followed by a snort. She had no idea how amusing she was to watch as she diligently attempted to complete her sentences between slurs and hiccups.

  “Don’t forget our all time favorite, Syd.” Sienna and I spoke in unison, “Baby, if you were a booger, I’d pick you first!” Yes, there really was a man out there somewhere who had thought that doozy might help him get into my pants.


  A little while later I had to talk Sienna out of another round of shots. She could certainly handle her alcohol, but she was teetering on passing her limit. Unfortunately, the only way I could talk her out of more shots was to agree to dance with her. The dance floor was pretty packed and I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to dance at 2am in the middle of a room full of drunk men with one bombed Sienna and Jack watching. It seemed like a recipe for disaster.

  We weren’t out on the dance floor for three minutes when the first guys approached. I politely blew them off and Sienna and I continued to dance by ourselves. A few minutes later, another attempt came. This time the guy put his hand on my arm when I tried to brush him off. The music was loud and I gave up on trying to scream over it, so instead I removed the man’s hand from my arm and pointed at Jack, who was staring at us like he was ready to kill someone. I was happy that did the trick, because Jack didn’t look like he had much patience left. Luckily, we made it through the next two songs untouched and I was able to convince Sienna that we should sit and have some water.

  We made our way back to an opening at the bar and Jack ordered us two waters. Kyle and Justin were sitting nearby. Kyle was talking to a pretty redhead, who had her hand on his chest as she giggled. A few seats down, Justin looked like he was stewing.

  The bartender came over to Sienna and I. “Two tequila setups?”

  “Two waters,” Jack responded sternly before either of us could speak. Sienna pouted at his response.

  A few minutes later, we were getting ready to leave when I heard Justin’s voice over the speakers. “I hope you all don’t mind, but I’d like to share a song I’ve been working on with you all. I’ve been inspired the last week, more inspired than I have been in years, and this song’s for my inspiration.”

  The women in the bar swooned and screamed and Justin had to motion down with his hands in order to get started.

  The song began slow and I was surprised that Justin had been working on a ballad. It wasn’t usually his type of thing. His voice was raw and beautiful and the song started out pretty. But when he got to the chorus, there was no mistaking he was staring at me as he sung.

  I’ve been traveling alone for so long.

  Somehow got lost on the way.

  But now that fate has found you.

  I realize my path led me back to you.

  I didn’t believe till I saw you,

  But now I know that it’s true,

  Girl, you’re my fate, my future, my destiny

  I didn’t believe until I saw you

  But now I know that it�
��s true.

  No I didn’t believe till I saw you.

  But now I know that it’s true.

  By the time the song was finished, Jack’s grip on my hips was so tight it was painful. I was sure I would have bruises in the shape of his fingertips tomorrow. I held my breath as Justin took his applause from the stage and slowly made his way back to the bar near where we were standing. When Jack finally let up on the grip on my hips, I thought there might be a fight. But instead he surprised me. His grip loosened enough to turn me around to face him and then he kissed me. Hard. And long. It was a possessive kiss, one that told me Jack was staking his claim. But by the time it was over I didn’t care why he had kissed me, I just wanted more.

  Jack slowly broke the kiss and pulled his face slightly away from mine, my breath was still ragged. The man had an effect on me that I had never known could exist. He whispered into my ear. “You ready to go?”

  I nodded. Jack held my hand tightly as we said our goodnights and I was glad that Justin was nowhere in sight as we left.


  The next morning I woke to the sound of the door shutting and found a sweaty Jack holding a cup of coffee. I smiled, knowing it was for me, since Jack didn’t touch caffeine. Obviously, he was clearly insane on that issue. Then I noticed Jack’s white sweaty shirt stuck to his thick muscular chest and I can’t take my eyes off of him.

  Jack walked over to me and handed me my coffee and kissed me on my forehead. “Hold that thought. I’m going to take a quick shower.” His lazy smile was ridiculously sexy.

  I took a few sips of my coffee and smiled that it was just the way I like it. Then I thought of something better to hold than my thoughts, so I stripped off Jack’s t-shirt I was wearing and headed into the shower.

  Jack didn’t say a word as I entered the shower where the water was spraying over his perfectly-toned body, but he watched me intently. I took the soap and washed him quietly, paying extra attention to the places that caused changes in his breathing.

  By the time I was done, Jack was anxious to start with my body wash. But I wouldn’t let him. Instead, I kissed him deeply and then slowly dropped to my knees in front of him, letting his thick arousal slide down my body, slipping unhurriedly between my wet full breasts as I made my descent . He exhaled loudly as I caught his wide head with my tongue and looked up at him through hooded eyes. I slowly licked his glistening tip while he watched intently. Gently, I sucked his swollen head as I swirled my tongue, then firmly licked down the underside. My lips glided smoothly over his thick crown and I surprised him by taking him deep into my throat in one long suck.

  “Fuck, Syd,” he mumbled, as he tangled his fingers tightly in my hair. I knew it was difficult for Jack to allow me to have control, and the thought of bringing him to the point where he lost control aroused me greatly. I needed to bring him to that point as much as he needed to find his release.

  I swallowed him down, keeping him deep in my throat, as I bobbed my head slightly, rising only two inches up his thick shaft before quickly sinking back down, over and over again. I reached up for his balls and squeezed firmly as I intensified the suction. I felt his thick length swell and his veins coursed as he hardened even more with each swallow.

  “Faster.” Jack’s voice was gruff and deep and I knew he was struggling not to take over control. I released him from my throat and licked my way back up to his wide crown and sucked as I stroked his wet shaft with my hand up and down in rhythm with my sucking.

  I teased with my tongue, licking him up and down the length of his shaft until Jack growled and tightened his fingers wound in my hair and pushed his shaft back into my mouth. I looked up and smiled devilishly and was rewarded with a deep growl and the rock of Jack’s hips.

  I was so aroused at the thought of Jack coming undone at my touch that I could feel my own clit throbbing. I swallowed him deep into my throat again until his long cock hit the back of my throat. Jack made a feral sound and held my head still as he began to thrust into my throat, taking over. He rocked in and out fast and furious, without allowing my head to move as he fucked my mouth with a carnal need. Any control that I had was surrendered and Jack took over with a fury. Yet I felt powerful for bringing him to the point where he could no longer surrender.

  Jack’s voice was low and gruff, and he sounded pained as he spoke. “I’m going to come, Syd.” I felt him release the tight grip he had in my hair, allowing me to pull away if I wanted. I loved that he always warned me, even though I had never pulled away. It was just a small part of the man who always put my needs first, even at the cost of his own desire. I took him down my throat even deeper as I grabbed his ass, silently telling him it was okay to release. Jack growled a feral sound as he began to spurt his thick, warm semen down into my throat. I had to swallow a few times to keep myself from choking at the amount of fluid he released as he emptied himself inside of me.

  When his thrusts eventually slowed, I released him from my throat and slowly slid up and down the length of his still firm shaft, greedily licking at the very last drop of him. Jack reached down and lifted me up and kissed the top of my head. “Jesus, Syd, that was incredible. I can’t even watch you do that for more than a second or I won’t last a minute. You might have been the one on your knees physically, but you’re the one that brings me to my knees.”


  The rest of the day went by way too fast, and I found myself dreading Jack leaving that afternoon, even though I had to board the bus at five when we pulled out for the next stop on the tour. Barring any other unplanned visits, I wouldn’t see Jack for another two weeks, when we planned to meet in Italy for a three-day tour hiatus.

  We stood outside of the hotel saying goodbye until the very last minute that we could spare. Jack had arranged two cars for us, one to return me to the tour bus and the other to take him to the airport.

  I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed Jack’s mouth softly. “I’m going to miss you. I hate saying goodbye. I feel like we have said goodbye too many times since we met.”

  Jack kissed my mouth gently. “You go show the world the star I already know you are. But I want you back in our bed as soon as it’s over, so don’t forget where you belong.” Another sweet kiss, but I snagged Jack’s bottom lip between my teeth as he tried to pull away. His grip tightened around my waist and he gave a low growl in response. “And you remember who you belong to.”

  Jack’s driver brought us back to reality as he politely interrupted, telling us that we were cutting it close to make his flight. Jack tucked me safely into my car before getting into his own and pulling away. I was proud of myself for not crying too much on the way back to the bus.

  Chapter 6

  The next few weeks would take us up through Denmark, then into Sweden, before traveling back down to stop in Austria, eventually continuing south until our first stops in Northern Italy. The ride to Copenhagen was long and we spent the entire night and next morning moving. The bus stopped on occasion, switching out drivers and getting refueled, but for the most part we were on the road.

  Sienna and I slept the entire night, both exhausted, the long night of rest very welcome. I was tired, both mentally and physically from my time with Jack, and Sienna was floored from partying. We had been taking turns with who got to sleep in the private bedroom that held a queen size real bed mattress, because the bunks were little more than a thin piece of cotton laid over the wood. I wasn’t sure if Sienna knew I was sad or if she just wanted company herself, but we both crashed in the queen bed together for the long night of travels.

  I woke up in a corner of the bed, with no covers. Sienna, on the other hand was splayed out leisurely diagonally across the bed, with the covers wrapped snugly around her. I found it amusing that I was the one crunched in the corner then, as Jack had been complaining about my taking up the whole bed and stealing the covers back home.

  As we made our way through the streets of Copenhagen, the city caught my attention and I found it worthy of waking
the beast next to me. Sienna pulled the covers over her head as I tapped her shoulder and softly called her name to wake her.

  “The bus better be on fire, Syd.” Sienna’s voice was groggier than usual, even though she had never been a morning person, ever.

  “We must be in Copenhagen. The city is beautiful. I thought you might want to see it.”

  “Do you have coffee for me?” No sign of Sienna’s face from under the covers as she spoke.

  “Ummm … no, but I can make us some.”

  “You really know how to work that thing?” Sienna brought the cover down enough to show just her forehead and one squinting eye.

  “The coffee maker?”

  “No, the vacuum.” She brought the covers back over her head before speaking again. “Of course the coffee maker. What the hell else would I be talking about? I tried to figure it out the other day, but it exploded all over the place.”

  I laughed as I stood on the bed, about to hop off and make the coffee for my grumpy friend, but then I changed my mind and started jumping on the bed.

  Sienna brought the cover back down to expose up to her nose. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I bet I can hit my head on the roof first.” I smiled and arched an eyebrow at my best friend, knowing she would never be able to forego a challenge, even if it meant getting out of bed before noon.

  “I think I may move onto the other bus and send Justin to live with you,” Sienna growled, pulling the cover over her head.

  I kept on jumping. Waiting. Knowing eventually she wouldn’t be able to help herself. I’d been hanging out with Sienna since elementary school and I was sure as the sun would rise that she wouldn’t be able to resist the challenge, albeit how silly it was.


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