Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2 Page 7

by Mankin, Michelle

  “Wow,” Abby murmured at Bray’s statement.

  He grinned at her. “Sorry, I got a little carried away there.”

  She shook her head. “No, I appreciated it, and I’m sure Lily would, too.”

  I exhaled noisily. “Regardless of what you three dickwads say, I hold firm to my claim that I wouldn’t or couldn’t get it up for a virgin.” When Abby cocked her head at me, I said, “Fine then. I couldn’t knowingly, how’s that?”

  She bit down on her lip and turned her head from me. The table fell into an awkward silence before Abby muttered, “Um, I’ll be right back.” She practically fell out of her chair and sprinted from the table.

  After downing the rest of my beer, I glanced up to see the guys glaring at me. “What?”

  Brayden leaned forward so far across the table that his elbows bumped into mine. “You’re an utter and complete asshole for hurting her feelings about the virgin thing.”

  “I’m a dick for telling the truth?”

  AJ snorted contemptuously at me. “It’s called a fucking filter, man. Try using it from time to time.”

  When I glanced at Rhys, he narrowed his eyes. “So not cool to make Abby feel bad about herself, especially when she’s as smoking hot as she is.”

  I opened my mouth to argue when the screech of the karaoke microphone being tapped drew my attention to the stage. Gazing out at us, Abby gave me a sickeningly, sweet smile. Immediately my stomach churned, and I knew I was in trouble at being publically called out for being a douchebag.

  “I hope you all don’t mind me singing again.”

  The scattered group of truckers whistled and hooted appreciatively, which caused Abby to grin and breathlessly say, “Thank you.” Gripping the microphone tighter, she said, “It’s just that I really would like to win a bet tonight, and singing this song is the only way I see being able to do it.” Once again her blue eyes locked with mine. “Jake, this one is for you.”

  She nodded at the DJ who pressed the play button on the music. It took all of two seconds for me to recognize the opening bass thumps. “Oh fuck,” I murmured as Like a Virgin began blaring throughout the bar. As soon as some of the inebriated truckers realized the song, they hollered and clapped their hands.

  From the minute she started singing, it was like Abby sent a direct beam of lust straight to me. I mean, I knew I put on an act when I was on stage, so the fact she was a performer should have made her behavior less believable. But damn was she convincing as a temptress. Every shimmy and shake of her luscious body, every time she tossed her head back and ran her fingers through her hair, every slinky step she took and thrust of her hips was driving me fucking insane.

  If I thought I was stunned, the other guys were open-mouthed and wide-eyed at her performance. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught AJ gulping down his beer like a man dying of thirst. Even Brayden was eying Abby in a way I hadn’t seen in years—although it was a helluva lot more innocent than how AJ, Rhys, and I were ogling.

  Shifting in my seat, I knew it wasn’t going to be long before I lost the bet. I glanced down and glared at my traitorous dick. When I peeked up at Abby again, a pained noise escaped my lips as all hell broke loose below my belt with what I saw. Sinking down to her knees, she then began doing the unthinkable. She started crawling towards the end of the stage—never missing a beat or lyric. Sitting below her, I had a straight shot down the front of her dress with an epic view at her fabulous rack. When she reached the end of the stage, she swung her legs around, and for a brief moment, I got a flash of her upper thighs before she let her legs dangle off the edge.

  She hopped down and slunk over to our table. Without a glance at the other guys, she gave me a seductive crook of her finger. I shook my head and grinned, trying to make her believe she was having no effect on me, which was a fucking lie. But Abby wasn’t having any of it. She strode over to me as she ran her hand over her hips and ass as she sang about being touched for the first time. Her fingers then slid through my hair and across to cup my cheek before playfully smacking it.

  Just when I thought she was headed back to the stage, she backed up and straddled me. A hiss escaped my lips as she started moving her ass across my crotch. I couldn’t help throwing my head back and groaning. I’d been given expert lap dances in my day from some of the highest paid strippers in the business. Abby was clumsy and didn’t know exactly how to ride me to give my dick the most pleasure, but damn, if I couldn’t feel her hot, little center burning through my jeans. I had been at half-mast before, but I figured at any minute with her moaning the oohing and aahing parts of the song I would be busting out of my zipper.

  Even in her non-existent experience, she knew what was up, no pun intended. With the song still playing, Abby glanced over her shoulder and shot me a triumphant look. “Do you now concede to all the guys that you knowingly and willingly got it up for a virgin, or should I continue?”

  Although my dick would have enjoyed her continuing the half-hearted attempt at a lap dance, I shook my head. “Okay, Angel, you win.”

  As AJ and Rhys clapped and cat-called, Abby started to slide off my lap. When she did, I grabbed her arm and spun her around to where she was straddling me again, but this time we were face to face. A startled look flashed in her dark blue eyes. I leaned in closer to her. My breath tickled her earlobe, and she shivered. “So you got me all hot and bothered. Art thou now to leave me so unsatisfied?”

  Her chest rose and fell in heavy pants. “You’re quoting Romeo and Juliet?”

  “Why do you act so surprised?”

  “You didn’t strike me much as the kind of guy who liked to read, least of all Shakespeare.”

  “I’m full of surprises, Angel.” My hands gripped her hips tighter. “Just get to know me a little better.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “Did you seriously just use a bad pick-up line on me?”

  “Who says it was a line? Maybe I do want you to get to know me better.” When she quirked her eyebrows, I laughed. “And not just in the biblical sense.”

  “With everything you know about me and not having sex, you still want to get to know me?”

  For reasons I didn’t begin to understand, I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  She stared at me like she expected any minute for me to go, “Gotcha! Just kidding!” But when I didn’t, a slow smile spread on her face.

  “Okay, I can try to let you get to know me.” She nibbled her bottom lip, which did nothing for my hard-on. “And I might as well give you a try, too.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it.” I shifted in my chair. “Would you like to get off my lap now? Your little performance has left me needing another bathroom break.”

  Her cheeks flushed when she thought she got my meaning. “Not very gentlemanly to admit that to me.”

  I laughed. “I’m talking about dousing some cold water on it, Angel. Give me a little credit not to go jerk-off in some diner bathroom.”

  Now the pink tinge in her cheeks spread to her neck. “Oh, uh, okay.” She quickly hopped off my lap, and without another look at me, eased back down in her chair. Winking at the guys, I said, “I’ll be right back.” I tossed my phone to AJ. “Go ahead and text Frank that we’re ready and settle the check.”

  “Will do,” AJ replied.

  I had almost reached the bathroom when someone grabbed the back of my shirt and jerked me hard. “The fuck?” I cried, stumbling backward as I was pulled into a darkened room and the door slammed shut. “Um, what the hell?”

  The light flashed on to reveal a grinning Billie Jean. As she leaned back against the door, I heard the distinct click of the lock. She then stepped forward. “I didn’t recognize you at first, but now I know who you are.”

  I quirked my brows at her. “And who is that?”

  “Jake Slater of Runaway Train.”

  “Yep, that’s me.”

  Her gaze left mine to take in the half-mast bulge in my pants. “Looks like you have a little problem.” She laughed. “I guess I
should say a big problem.” Her eyes, filled with desire, met mine. “I’d give anything to take care of that for you.”

  Oh shit. This was so not happening. How was it possible I had a hot babe wanting to screw me not ten feet away from the virgin I’d just asked to give me a chance to be a gentleman? This was all shades of fucked up. As the room closed around me, I knew I needed to get out fast.

  When I started for the door, Billie Jean sidestepped me. “Please?”

  My cock twitched at her persistence. It had obviously had enough teasing for one evening. Trying to clear my mind, I shook my head. “Yeah, well, my ride is coming in about two minutes, so I don’t have time to fuck you.”

  Her fingers came to the zipper of my jeans. I shuddered as she took my erection in her hand. “I’d be happy just being able to say I sucked Jake Slater off.”

  “I really need to go,” I argued feebly as she sank to her knees. When she took me deep inside her warm mouth, I groaned. There was no more arguing—I just gave in and got off in the dingy storeroom surrounded by extra napkins and ketchup packets.

  Any pleasure I’d gotten out of the experience was fleeting in the moments after I came. I actually felt dirty and used for the first time in my entire life, and that was saying a lot. What the hell was I thinking? I wanted to get to know Abby not get blown by some random waitress in a storeroom. My head fell back against a box of salt, and I sighed with disgust.

  When Billie Jean rose off the floor, I couldn’t even look at her. “Thanks sugar,” she said.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled as I headed for the door. I was zipping up my fly and adjusting my junk when I bumped into Abby in the hallway.

  Warmth flooded her cheeks at my actions. “Oh hey, do you know where the bathrooms are?” she asked.

  In that brief instant, she totally misread the situation. But when Billie Jean appeared behind me, Abby glanced between us, and then her eyes widened. It was like a light bulb had gone off in her brain, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that the hard-on she’d caused earlier had just been taken care of by Billie Jean—the bitchy waitress who refused to speak to her.

  Abby stared at me and gave a gentle shake of her head. “You wanted to get to know me, huh?”

  “Abby, I’m—”

  “Where’s the ladies room?” she demanded of Billie Jean.

  “Down the hall.”

  Averting her gaze to the floor, Abby mumbled, “Thank you.”

  Motherfuckingshit! I had so screwed up.


  * * *


  When I shut myself into the grungy bathroom stall, I fought to keep my emotions in check. I felt like I was on a defective Merry-Go- Round. One minute Jake is showing interest in me and the next hooking up with some random waitress. What the hell was his deal? I guess the better question was what was my deal? Why in the world was I remotely interested in some asshole who would do that? I had to be delusional to think that someone like Jake Slater would actually be interested in me or be willing to give up his manwhore existence.

  “I’m so stupid!” I exclaimed.

  Once I finished in the bathroom, I drew in a deep breath before heading outside. I half expected Jake to be waiting on me to try and talk or explain himself, but once again, he disappointed me. Instead, he sat at the table with his chin propped up on one of his hands while the other guys talked and laughed.

  As I eased down at the table, I didn’t dare look over at him. It was too embarrassing. I tried occupying myself with my phone. But I felt his eyes burning into me. Then the heat from his body grew closer as he leaned over, causing me to hold my breath. “Angel, about what happened back there—”

  He was interrupted by his phone ringing. One glance at the caller ID and he tumbled out of his chair.

  “Dude, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Sally,” Jake replied before he stalked out of the restaurant.

  Even though I hated myself for it, I asked, “Who is Sally?”

  “His aunt,” AJ replied with a grimace. He then downed the last of his beer before adding, “I sure hope that means nothing is wrong with his mom.”

  I then followed the guys out of the restaurant. Frank hadn’t arrived yet, so we stood under the awning waiting for him. Peering into the night, I caught sight of Jake’s form. His phone was pressed tight to his ear while he was pacing around the parking lot. With his free hand, he gesticulated wildly. Whatever it was his aunt was saying was obviously very upsetting to him. Just as he finished the phone call, the familiar black SUV came screeching into the parking lot.

  “Jake!” AJ called.

  Without responding, he came stalking over to us. This time he didn’t bother opening the door or helping me inside. Instead, he disappeared into the backseat without a word to anyone.

  I hopped inside and then chewed on the inside of my cheek. Should I forget what an asshat he had been earlier and at least check on him? Although part of me wanted to tell him where to get off, I finally bit the bullet and turned back in my seat to look at him. His expression was dark as he stared ahead. “Everything okay?” I tentatively asked.

  “Fine,” he muttered.

  Realizing he wasn’t in the mood to talk, I eased around in my seat and looked out the windshield. While the guys were loud and boisterous on the way back, Jake didn’t say a word. Once the SUV came to a stop in front of the bus, he hopped out and pounded up the front steps.

  “What bug is up his ass, I wonder?” Rhys questioned before getting out.

  The boys had all filed out of the SUV when Frank touched my shoulder. I turned back to him in surprise. “Abby, I know Jake, and from the way he was acting, I’m worried that something bad has happened with his family. He doesn’t open up easily, but if you can, please try to find out what’s going on with him.”

  “But you saw he wouldn’t say two words to me earlier.”

  “I know. But please, keep trying.”

  “Fine, I’ll try.” I got out of the SUV and headed onto the bus. While the other guys were lounging around in the living area, Jake was noticeably absent. I craned my neck around to see if he had slipped into the bathroom.

  “Where’s Jake?” I asked as the bus driver started up the engine.

  “He got his iPod and hit the bed.”

  A glance at the clock on the microwave showed it was only eight. I couldn’t imagine a guy like Jake going to bed so early. I decided I better change the subject. “Speaking of, where will I be sleeping tonight?”

  “It’s my night for the bed, but I’ll totally give it to you,” Rhys offered.

  “No, no, I don’t want any special treatment. I’m serious about the bet and experiencing all aspects of life on the road. I’ve slept in a roost before, and I can do it again.”

  AJ grinned. “Let me guess though. You’d prefer a bottom bunk.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I like to be close to the ground. A couple of years back I was on the top bunk when we got in a bad hail storm. The bus skidded on the slick roads, and I fell out.”

  “Then the first bottom bunk is yours, Abby,” Brayden said with a smile.

  “Thank you.”

  He motioned to the couch. “We were just about to watch a movie if you’d like to join us.”

  “Nothing NC-17 I hope?” I teased.

  Brayden laughed. “No, maybe a little R-rated Will Ferrell comedy. Would that be okay?”

  “If it’s Ricky Bobby, you got a deal.”

  “Great minds think alike.”

  “Just let me get changed.” As I walked back to the bedroom, I paused outside of Jake’s roost. “Jake?” I tentatively asked. When he didn’t respond, I kept on going. Even though I pushed my luggage and guitar case against the door, I tore off my dress at record speed. I then threw on my ratty Jacob’s Ladder’s t-shirt and my yoga pants from earlier. I slid my hair into a ponytail and then headed back out.

  The opening of the movie was already playing when I eased down beside Brayden on the cou
ch. Even though we’d probably all seen the movie a million times, we were laughing hysterically. I had to admit that it was fun hanging out with the guys sans Jake. His absence seemed to take the pressure off, and AJ and Rhys behaved like brothers, rather than potential lovers.

  After they started Step-Brothers, the exhaustion of the day, coupled with the lull of the bus, caused me to get drowsy. My eyes grew heavier and heavier until I finally nodded off. When I woke up, the movie was ending, and my head was on Brayden’s shoulder. I jerked away from him. “Oh, I’m so, so sorry!”

  He smiled. “It’s okay. You were tired.” He glanced over at the other guys. “We should probably get our asses in bed. Tomorrow is another long day of traveling before the next show.”

  Once we all took turns using the bathroom, we settled into our roosts. I glanced down at my phone and fielded a few texts from the boys. Thankfully, my parents were at a conference with packed events, so the boys had yet to break the news to them until a few hours before about my mishap. Because it was so late, I didn’t get a wrath-filled phone call like I normally would have.

  Instead, it was a barrage of heated texts from my dad that if he hadn’t been a minister would have equated to “What the hell do you think you’re doing on a bus with a bunch of horny rockers?” My mom, who was always the peacemaker, was included in the messages and tried reasoning with my father, which was pretty hilarious considering they were in the same room.

  Finally, I went for the jugular by telling him as a minister, he shouldn’t be so judgmental. After a lengthy pause, he finally responded with You’re right, Abigail. We know you have a good head on your shoulders. Just make sure you let your conscience and your moral compass guide you.


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