Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2 Page 18

by Mankin, Michelle

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want to talk about him or her, okay?”

  “Okay, Grumpy.”

  Only she could get away with teasing me. I glanced down to find her smiling up at me. “You can be such a little shit, did you know that?”

  She laughed. “But you love it.”

  “For reasons I can’t possibly understand, I do.” I pulled her tighter against me. “You smell so damn good.”

  “I have you to thank for that. The spa really helped to clean me up.”

  “Oh whatever. You always look beautiful and sexy.”

  “I always want to for you—you and only you,” she murmured.

  Taking her chin, I tilted her head before bringing my lips to hers. Although I wanted to consume her mouth, I held back. I’d missed her taste, the warmth of her tongue, the way she let her desire drive her body, rather than her insecurities or doubts. When I finally pulled away, we were both breathless. “Damn, I’ve missed you.”

  She laughed. “You act like I’ve been on the other side of the world. We talk a million times a day.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t get to kiss you a million times.”

  “Then I guess we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  I grinned. “I think so too.”

  The announcement for dinner was made, so we headed off the dance floor and to the table we had been assigned. Just as I suspected, Lily and Abby had become fast friends, and Abby loved helping out with Jude and Melody.

  After stuffing ourselves on the three courses, Abby and I sat around talking with the guys. As I watched her holding Melody and cooing softly, I couldn’t help the way my heart swelled with love. I’d never thought about marriage or kids before, but something about the way Melody played with the strands of Abby’s hair and gazed up at her made me rethink everything about my life. But I wasn’t Bray, so I wasn’t sure I was marriage and father material.

  When Abby glanced up and caught me watching her, she smiled. “Wanna go see Uncle Jake?”

  I held out my arms, and Melody happily came to me. I kissed her chubby cheek. “Hey baby girl. You gotta smile for me?”

  Melody tilted her head and grinned, showing me her two, tiny bottom baby teeth. “That’s my girl.”

  As I bounced her on my knee, AJ undid the first three buttons on his shirt and ripped off his tie. “I’m ready to dance.”

  “You’ve been dancing the entire time we haven’t been on stage,” I replied.

  “No, I mean, I really want to dance.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned. “You mean that Mexican shit.”

  “Jake!” Abby admonished, motioning to Melody.

  “Angel, do you really think she hasn’t heard worse? We cussed like sailors around Jude, and I promise you his first word wasn’t fuck.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest in a huff. “You’re terrible.”

  AJ leaned his elbows on the table. “Anyway, as I was saying, I’m ready to do some dancing.” He waggled his eyebrows at Abby. “And I know the perfect partner. Come on, Angel. Let’s show these stiffs how it’s really done.”

  Abby giggled and turned to me. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  Squealing with delight, she let AJ pull her up from the chair. He tugged her across the room to the dance floor. I watched AJ lean in and talk to the DJ. After a few head shakes, AJ bobbed his head. Once the other song ended, the DJ grabbed his microphone. “Okay, we’ve had a request for Paula Rubio’s Dame Otro Tequila, and according to AJ, he and Abby are going to show you losers how to break it down.”

  A roar came through the crowd along with a symphony of high pitched female squeals at just the mention of AJ. In his element, he bowed gallantly before the music came on. The upbeat tempo and references to tequila got the crowd going even if they didn’t know the words. Then he and Abby began moving effortlessly around the dance floor.

  I eased Melody from my lap to my shoulder as I watched Abby dance. Although I didn’t want to, I couldn’t help the jealousy pricking over my body at the sight of Abby getting so into the motions with AJ. I blew out of a frustrated breath, which Melody mimicked. When I laughed, she grinned. “See that girl,” I pointed to Abby. “I think I love her, and it’s making me act like a total idiot.”

  Melody waved her tiny hand at Abby. “Yeah, even you are already in love with her, and you’ve known her like what, five seconds. She does that to people.”

  After inhaling a sharp breath of frustration, a nasty smell assaulted my senses. Leaning forward in my seat, I tapped Brayden’s arm. “I believe your daughter has a surprise for you.”

  As I passed Melody to him, he laughed. “Thanks. We’ll take care of it.”

  “Trust me dude, friendship only goes so far, and it doesn’t involve shitty diapers.”

  “Wow, I’m so touched,” Brayden replied before rising out of his seat. I snickered at the sight of him with the pale pink diaper bag draped on his shoulder. He bent down and kissed Lily’s cheek before heading to the bathroom with Melody “Now that’s love,” I murmured under my breath.

  My gaze once again went to the dance floor to Abby and AJ. “I need some air,” I muttered to Rhys. He gave me a knowing smile before bobbing his head. Grabbing two champagne flutes from a passing waiter, I made my way out the side door of the ballroom.


  * * *


  After AJ and I finished our dance, beads of sweat were dripping down my face and back. I was so thirsty that I gulped down a flute of champagne the moment we got back to the table and had started on another. “Ugh, I need water.”

  Easing down in a chair beside me, AJ asked, “So I assume the way you’re throwing it back you’ve acquired a taste for champagne?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Actually, it just kinda makes me wanna burp. Now these,” I picked up a chocolate strawberry off the dessert platter on the table and waved it at him, “These I enjoy a lot.”

  “Yeah, well, just go easy on getting tipsy. You’ve got to be at the studio really early in the morning, right?”

  “Eight.” Then I squealed and dropped the strawberry.

  AJ’s dark eyes widened at me. “What the hell is wrong?”

  “I’m singing in the morning.”

  “Yes and…” he prompted.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been eating my weight in chocolate tonight, which has dairy in it.

  You’re never supposed to do that.”

  At what must’ve been the absolute horror on my face, AJ patted my leg. “You’ll be fine. Flush it out with some water.”

  “Shit,” I muttered as I flagged down a waiter. Once he brought me a glass, I downed it in three long gulps. I then eyed the room for my noticeably absent date. Lily and Brayden were dancing while Rhys sat beside with a sleeping Melody in his arms. I craned my neck around the room. “Where’s Jake?”

  Rhys motioned to the courtyard outside. “He said he needed some air.”

  AJ nodded as he eyed Jake’s dad, Mark, dancing with Jake’s stepmom, Paula. “Even though it’s been fifteen years, sometimes Jake still can’t take the two of them together.”

  Rhys snorted. “Yeah, I don’t think them dancing together was the issue.”

  When I got his meaning, my heart did a funny little shuddering before I rose out of my chair. “I better go check on him.” I hurried out the side door and onto the tiled pavement. In the middle of the courtyard was a huge, circular fountain. It had a giant swan in the middle of it that was illuminated by light.

  Jake sat on the edge of the fountain with his elbows braced on his knees. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” he replied.

  I eased down beside him. We sat in silence for a few seconds before I nudged him

  playfully. “I was kinda thinking for a minute there that I’d been jilted.”

  He glanced up at me. “Sorry. I just needed some air.”

  Tilting my head, I gazed up at the stars. “It’s nice o
ut here.”

  “Without your dance partner?” he spat.

  I couldn’t help the smile that curved on my lips. He was jealous of me dancing with AJ. “The only dance partner I want is out here.”

  “Hmm,” he muttered.

  Tension hung heavy around us. Trying to ease the mood, I slid out of my killer heels. I groaned in agony. “Remind me to hunt down the person who invented heels.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s your fault for going out there with AJ and acting like you two were on Dancing with the Stars or some shit.”

  “Jake Slater, I do believe you’re jealous.”

  He jerked his gaze to meet mine. “I am not!”

  I grinned. “Pity. I kinda like the idea of you being all caveman possessive sometimes.”

  “Sure you do.”

  I scooted closer to him. “There will never, ever be anything between me and AJ. You know that, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “He and I just wanted to dance and have fun.”

  “And sadly for us, your partner has no rhythm, huh?”

  “No, you did just fine before.”

  He smirked at me. “Just fine?”

  “Fabulous? Incredibly sexy moves?”

  “Much better.”

  Taking his chin in my hands, I turned his head to where he had to look at me. “For me, it’s always you, and it’s only going to be you, Jake.”

  The corners of his lips twitched before they curved up in a cocky grin. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I want you think about this for a minute though. That little bit of jealousy you felt over me and AJ. Magnify it by like a million for what it feels like when I think of all the other women you’ve been with or all the women who want you.”

  He glowered at me. “That’s bullshit.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, well, since we’re being honest, that’s how I feel.”

  “You’re the only one for me, Angel. Hell, you’re the only one I’m even bothering to try a relationship with. That should tell you something.”

  I smiled. “It does, and it means a lot.” I cocked my brows at him. “So are we good?”

  “We’re good.”

  I winced as I crossed my legs so I could massage one of my aching feet. “Ugh.”

  “Here let me,” Jake offered.


  A sexy gleam burned in his blue eyes. “You know I would never pass up the opportunity to touch you—even if it is your nasty, sweaty feet.”

  “Hey now,” I replied as I scooted back on the cement foundation. I swung both my legs up to rest my feet in Jake’s lap.

  “Feel good?” he asked as his hands began kneading my foot.

  My eyelids fluttered before I closed my eyes. “Mmm, you have magic fingers.”

  Jake chuckled. “You have no idea, babe.”

  I squinted one eye at him. “Watch it.”

  When he dug his hands into the arch of my foot while working the sole as well, I forgot all about his comment. “Oh God,” I moaned, throwing my head back.

  Scooting over, Jake’s body pressed closer against mine. His breath came scorching against my cheek. “Damn, Angel, if I get that kinda response from just massaging your feet, I can’t wait to see what happens when I—”

  “Don’t even go there, naughty boy!” I cried, shoving him away.

  Not realizing my own strength, Jake wobbled before crashing backwards. I held on to the sides of the fountain for dear life so I wouldn’t go in with him. At the huge splash, I covered my mouth in horror. His legs, that still hung over the concrete side, were the only things dry. He spewed water out of his mouth from where his head had momentarily gone beneath the water. “Oh my God!” I murmured behind my hand.

  Propped on his submerged elbows, a stunned Jake stared up at me for a few seconds. Then a smirk stretched across his drenched face. “Besides nailing me in the balls, I think that is the second most epic cockblock you’ve ever given me, Angel!”

  I held up my hands. “I’m sorry. I so didn’t mean to do it!”

  “You’re just too sassy for your own good. I think you need some cooling off.” A wicked gleam flashed in his clear blue eyes.

  I wagged my finger at him. “Oh no. Don’t you dare!” I cried, trying to scramble away.

  The next thing I knew Jake’s strong hands were gripping my waist. “No don’t!” I screamed futilely before he hoisted me up and dragged me over the side. I squealed as the first deluge of icy fountain water pricked over my exposed skin like tiny little knives.

  Huffing and puffing, I tried to adjust to the temperature as water cascaded down the front of my dress and other areas. “You bastard!” I cried, splashing Jake in the face.

  He chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. “You pushed me first.”

  “But I didn’t mean to get you wet.” I glanced down at my dress. “Ugh, I’m soaked through.”

  He waggled his brows. “I like you wet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course you do.” On wobbly legs, I pulled myself to my feet. “I’m sure this dress is practically see through now.”

  Jake’s hungry gaze roved over me. “Almost.” Taking my arm, he jerked me back down next to him. Cupping my face with his hands, he stared into my eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Angel.”

  Leaning in, he kissed a trail across my wet cheek before hovering precariously over my mouth. Tenderly, his lips pressed against mine. Pulling away, he stared into my eyes to gauge if I was okay with what he was doing. “Don’t stop,” I whispered before bringing my mouth to his.

  This time his lips were hungry as they worked against my own. When I gasped with pleasure, he thrust his tongue in my mouth to swirl around mine. The world around me began to spin in a dizzying flurry. I couldn’t get enough of him. My fingers raked through the wet strands of his hair. When I tugged them, a low growl came from the back of his throat, causing me to jerk away.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

  Jake’s hooded eyes opened, and he gave me a crooked grin. “No, baby, that wasn’t wrong. I liked it.”

  Heat warmed my cheeks. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry for doing something hot.” When I started to protest, he shook his head.

  “You’ll learn, Angel, and until then, nothing you could possibly do would ever make me not want you.” His teeth grazed against my bottom lip. “Mmm, you taste sweeter tonight than before.”

  With my chest heaving under his intense gaze, I panted, “It must be the chocolate covered strawberries.”

  His thumb rubbed back and forth across my lip. “Regardless of what you’ve had, I like the way you taste.” He then replaced his thumb with his tongue. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped my lips.

  Gripping my waist, he pulled me over to straddle him in the water. His hands ran up my back and tangled into my wet hair. Something took over within me, and I began to move my hips. I rose up and then fell back against him. “Oh Angel,” Jake groaned into my mouth as he bucked his own hips against mine.

  I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth as the friction started to get to me. But I was brought out of my haze of desire when out nowhere beams of light and water shot all around us. On the hour, the fountain put on a show, and we were right in the middle of it. I squealed as the hard streams beat against my back and head.

  “Son of a bi-” Jake started before he was doused in the face.

  It was then that I began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. As the water sprayed around us, I doubled over, shaking from amusement. When I peered up at Jake through my drenched strands of hair, he was wiping his eyes both from the water and from laughter. “I think you can mark that as your third most epic cockblock!”

  “Damn you fountain!” he shouted kicking up his leg and splashing water. He then wagged his finger at the swan. “Cockblocker!”

  I dissolved into giggles and didn’t realize we had an audience. The guys stood staring at us. “What the hell happened?” Brayden

  “We sorta had a little accident,” I replied.

  Jake snickered. “You could say that.” He put one leg over the side of the fountain and climbed out. He then held out his hand to help me.

  Rhys crossed his arms over his chest. “And just how exactly do two people fall into a fountain that isn’t more than a foot deep?”

  “It’s a long, somewhat sordid little tale that involves a foot massage, dirty thoughts, and cooling off out-of-control libidos,” Jake replied.

  “Huh?” AJ asked.

  “I’m freezing. I gotta go get into some dry clothes,” I said as I walked past the guys.

  “Well, the party is breaking up, so there’s no need to worry about coming back down. Plus, you guys have an early morning recording session,” Brayden replied.

  Jake nodded. “Do me a favor, Bray, and go tell my dad what happened. I’ll throw something on and come back down to say goodbye to Allison.” He then turned to me. “Come on, Angel. Let’s go get changed.”

  “Wait, my purse with my room key is on the table.”

  “I’ll go get it for you.” AJ hustled inside and then returned quickly looking quite comical carrying my satin clutch.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, Angel,” he replied with a grin.

  As Jake and I made our way to the elevator, we got quite a lot of funny looks from the other hotel guests. I guess it wasn’t everyday they saw two drenched people in formal wear. When we got to my room, I dug around in my purse for the keycard.

  Jake leaned one arm against the suite door above my head. “Want me to come in and help you change?” A wicked gleam burned in his eyes. “I’d love to help you out of that drenched dress.”

  I laughed. “No thank you. I think I’ll manage just fine.”

  “You’re killing me, Angel. I think I have the blue balls to prove it.”

  My eyes widened. “What happened to the ‘we need to take it slow and savor every moment’ plan?” I asked.

  “I realized that plan was fucked the moment I saw you across the lobby tonight.”

  His words caused my heartbeat to drum wildly. It took everything I had within me not to jump into his arms. “Patience, Mr. Slater. All good things come to those who wait.”


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