Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2 Page 51

by Mankin, Michelle

  “What? It’s within the rules.”

  “I don’t think you explained the rules to me.”

  “I told you. I name the category, you have to say the top five.”

  “Have to?”

  “Yep. Or else the universe implodes or something. We once made Zane list the top five exports from Brazil before we’d let him take a piss. He’d had like twenty beers.”

  “Cruel! What were they?”

  “The Brazilian exports? I have no fucking clue. I think Dylan did a Google search or something. We probably just made shit up in the end.”

  She laughed, then gave me a stern look. “Don’t even try that on me or you’ll regret it. If you keep me from the bathroom after three beers, I’ll probably pee on you.”

  “Okay, but that’s not really on my list. Unless it’s on yours.”

  “What list?”

  “Top five kinky things.”

  She twitched her nose at me. “Ew. No.”

  “Then you still have five things to name.”

  “Fine.” She sipped her beer and got serious. “Okay. Kinky things. Um. Tie me up?”


  “I don’t know. It’s kinky, right?”

  “You can’t just say kinky things. You have to say your top five.”

  “Okay. Not the tie up thing.”

  “I knew it. Liar.”

  “Take a shower with me. Is that kinky?”

  “No. But I’ll take it.”

  “Hey! It’s kinky for some people.”

  “You’ve got four more. Blow my mind.”

  “Oh, God.”

  I grinned and didn’t even try to pretend I wasn’t enjoying the fuck out of this, as Katie sipped her beer and thought that over. Hard.

  “Okay. Suck my toes?”

  “Don’t ask. Just tell.”

  “Alright. Spank me?”

  “Stop asking.”

  “Um. Do me while you’re wearing those hot leather pants.”

  Christ. I felt my pulse quicken in my throbbing tongue, in my dick, because she’d meant that one. She glanced over at me. I reminded myself that I was driving a very large bus and I’d feel really fucking bad if I killed everyone on it, and trained my eyes on the road. “Which ones?”

  “The black ones with the low waist.”

  Damn. Now I had a visual.

  “That’s not very kinky,” I said, as if my dick wasn’t rock hard. I shifted in my seat, trying to accommodate the hard-on in my jeans.

  “Again,” she said, her gaze dropping briefly to my crotch. “Depends who you are.”

  “I’m me.”

  “Well, I’m me.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve never had a guy fuck you with his pants on.”

  Katie shrugged. “Josh was very… systematic. It was all clothes off, then the lights off, then get in bed under the covers. Then let the lovemaking commence.”

  Right. Josh.

  Her only lover, before me.

  “Okay, then. Leather pants it is.”

  “See? Kinky.”

  “You’ve got one more.”

  “Is this number one or number five?”

  “Number one.”


  She rolled the tip of her beer bottle over her lips, back and forth, as she considered. There was a dreamy, lusty look in her eyes as she gazed out at the road ahead, her eyebrows pinched. Katie was cute as all fuck when she was deep in thought.

  Especially when she was thinking through whatever sexy shit she wanted me to do to her.

  “Oh! I know.” Her face lit up and she took a self-congratulatory swig of her beer. “Do me where all your groupies can see, so they get the message and fuck off.” She smiled sweetly.

  I raised an eyebrow. “You wanna make a sex tape, babe?”

  “Oh! Forget the groupie thing. Let’s make a sex tape!”

  “Now I know you’re drunk.” I cast a sidelong glance at her; she was definitely looking a little glassy-eyed, a happy buzz curling the corners of her mouth.

  “What? I’m serious. I mean, not so we can leak it on the interwebs. Gross. I mean, so we can watch it. How’s that for kinky?” She sounded so self-satisfied, it was fucking adorable.

  I wanted to throw her down on the floor of the bus and fuck that little smirk right off her face, make her lose herself in moans and screams. If only I could get rid of the assholes playing poker in the lounge.

  Katie didn’t like screaming when the guys were around to hear it, but I sure as fuck needed to make her scream. Soon.

  Katie Bloom losing control; that was about the sexiest, kinkiest, most arousing thing I’d ever seen.

  I cleared my throat. “Hot,” I said. “If you meant it.”

  “I do mean it.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t go from lights out every time you have sex to making a sex tape.”

  “Says who? I wasn’t the one turning out the lights.”

  I swallowed that. And rearranged my throbbing dick, not bothering to be discreet about it.

  “Stopping for lunch,” I announced, to a bunch of cheers from the back.

  “No fucking burgers,” Raf called up.

  “Mexican!” Mick shouted.

  “No fucking Mexican!”

  Katie leaned around her seat to join the debate. “No more fast food! I want a real meal with something green on my plate.”

  An argument erupted over what to have for lunch, but I wasn’t listening. I didn’t care what the fuck we ate.

  As soon as the guys got off the bus, I was having Katie Bloom.


  * * *


  I was hanging out behind the venue after the Austin show, leaning against the wall while Jesse signed autographs for a bunch of girls hanging out on the other side of the fence. It was a high, solid wood fence, but there was a big gate of chain link where the buses and trucks drove through, padlocked shut, and the girls were pressed up against it, squeezing pieces of paper and who knew what else through the holes for him to sign.

  Jude was close by, as always, and I watched for a while as Jesse did his thing.

  When he was done, Pepper and Raf went over to greet the girls and sign stuff for them too.

  Jesse sauntered over to me, looking me up and down in my short skirt and halter top. He looked so fucking hot in his leather pants. Gorgeous, a sexy smile curling the corner of his mouth.

  Devi’s words kept coming back to me.

  You’re falling for him.

  Maybe he’s falling for you, too.

  I’d realized a few days back that I’d been waiting for Jesse to start being a dick. Like when he did, I’d finally be getting a glimpse of his true colors, as if, if I paid close enough attention, he’d start showing signs of his overwhelming douchebaggery.

  But he just never did.

  Devi said the only thing that really mattered was that he was good to me. She was probably right about that. And he was good to me.

  So why did I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop?

  I reached for him and he picked me up, spun me around, and sat me on the edge of the hood of Jude’s rental car. He spread my knees and stood between them, his back to the girls and the fence.

  “What’s going on behind those big blue-greens of yours?” he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  I draped my arms around his shoulders and played with his hair. “I was just thinking I’ve got a new top five for you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Actually, I never signed that NDA… I could probably write an article instead. Sell it to a magazine. Cosmo. No, Maxim.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Playboy?”

  He grinned. “And what would this article be called?”

  “Top Five Things Groupies Say to Jesse Mayes Outside a Show.”

  He laughed. “I can think of a few.”

  “Uh-uh. Got it covered. You wanna hear?”

  “Do I.”

  “Okay. Number five.”

  “A countdown. I like it already.”

  “Wait for it.”

  “I’m waiting.”

  I gathered my breath, laughed, making him grin, then drew a breath again, smacking his arm when he laughed. “Wait!” I gave it my breathiest, most girlie voice. “‘Is Zane here?’”

  Jesse laughed, loud. “Shit. That’s bang on. I would’ve thought that one was higher than number five though.”


  “So what’s my answer to that question?”

  “Like you don’t know.”

  “Just wanna see if you’re paying attention.”

  “Well, you handle it quite well, actually, with grace and charm. Usually with some sort of casual deflection. My favorite was when you said, ‘If you see him, tell him he owes me five bucks.’”

  “He does owe me five bucks.”

  “Number four. ‘How can I get backstage?’”


  “Though there are several variations on this one, including ‘Where’s the party after the show?’ and ‘I’ll do anything to get backstage.’”

  “Oh, my.”

  “Yep. But I’ve figured out that all of the above are just groupie code.”

  “Groupie code?”

  “Uh-huh. For ‘Please fuck me tonight.’”


  “Like you didn’t know. Sadly, for the groupies, you also deflect this question. Onto Jude. Who doles out the backstage passes as he sees fit, depending on his mood.”

  “Lucky Jude.”

  “Lucky road crew. What the groupies don’t know is that Jesse Mayes, while horny as fuck after a show, does not fraternize with groupies backstage. However, some of his crew do.”

  “Consolation dick?”

  I laughed and wrapped my legs around his hips as he pressed in closer. “Number three. ‘I totally love you.’ This one weirds me out a little. I think this comes from the ladies who would actually love it if you’d father their love child, even though they don’t actually know you.”

  “I do have an incredible amount of children scattered across the globe.”

  “Gross.” I gave him my most unimpressed look. “Number two. ‘Will you sign my…’ insert naked body part here.”

  “That is a popular one.”

  “I’ve actually come to respect this one. I’ve noticed that the girls who ask this question have come prepared, marker in hand, and have pretty much accepted the fact that you’re not going to fuck them, so they take the opportunity to have you rub the tip of a felt marker on their flesh, usually their breasts or their butt crack, while they bend over provocatively, as a three-second substitute.”

  “The ultimate quickie?”

  “It’s all very ejaculatory, if you think about it.”

  “Sounds like you have.” He ran his finger over my cleavage. “Come to think of it, you’ve never asked for a Jesse Mayes original…”

  “Number one,” I said, swatting his hand away.

  “Can’t wait to hear this one.”

  I tossed my hair and batted my eyelashes. “‘Can I get a kiss?’ Or a hug, etcetera. You get the idea.”

  “I do.” His hands were on my thighs now and he was working my skirt up around my hips. “And how do I handle that one?”

  I glanced over his shoulder but Pepper was entertaining the shit out of those groupies with his crazy stories. “Well, I have to say, you give out the rather chaste kiss on the cheek for a horny rock star.”

  Jesse unzipped his leather pants, freeing his gorgeous cock, hard and ready. I swallowed, my heart beating in my throat with the thrill of what I was pretty sure he was about to do. “Wouldn’t want my girlfriend to get jealous,” he murmured. He dragged me closer to him, to the very edge of the car, pulled the crotch of my panties aside, and filled me in one long, slow thrust.

  “Fuck, you’re wet,” he whispered into my ear, wrapping me in his arms.

  “Oh, God…”

  Jesse was fucking me, on a car, in full view of a bunch of his groupies. Not that those girls could tell what we were doing, exactly… at least I didn’t think they could.

  Probably just looked like he was giving me a very… um… intimate hug?

  “Look at us,” he whispered in my ear, “doing two things from your list at once…”

  Holy shit. We totally were.

  He started to move in a slow rhythm. He wasn’t just fucking me, he was pushing my boundaries. And I was starting to love having my boundaries pushed by this man.

  Taking risks had never felt so good.

  It’s like he was slowly chipping away at my doubts and replacing them with pleasure… joy… uninhibited ecstasy…

  “Do you think they can see?” I whispered, breathless.

  “Don’t care,” he said, kissing my neck. Then he licked his way up to my ear. “The more they see me loving you… the more they buy the music.”

  And just like that…. total buzzkill.

  Libido kill.

  Mojo kill.

  Everything felt unreal. Suspended. Slow-motion. I still felt him, still wanted him, still wrapped myself around him, but it was like he’d punched me right in the heart.

  I closed my eyes.

  But I let him finish fucking me.

  Because I loved sex with Jesse Mayes. And apparently, Jesse Mayes loved sex with me.

  He loved me helping him sell his music.

  He just didn’t love me.


  * * *


  I rolled over on my back and stretched out on the cool mattress, letting the air conditioning breeze over my naked body. When my nipples peaked, I drew the sheet up around my ribs.

  Jesse lay next to me, partly propped up on some pillows, his back to me as he read the morning paper. We were in a hotel. A really nice hotel. I snuggled closer to the warmth radiating off his body, burrowing myself into the curve of his back. I saw his cheek curve as he smiled.

  “Morning, sunshine.”

  “Mmm,” I mumbled. “I love that smell.”

  “What smell?”

  “Newsprint and newspaper ink. It reminds me of my dad.” I opened one eye and looked up to find him looking down over his shoulder at me. “Is that weird?”

  He just grinned and went back to his paper. “You want breakfast?”


  “Good. The burnt bacon is waiting.”

  I sat up a little and looked across the room. A room service cart had been set up in front of the enormous window, the white tablecloth aglow in the morning sun. A couple of mimosas sparkled in champagne glasses, one of them garnished with a little plastic sword loaded with maraschino cherries.

  I flopped back on the bed and sighed. “Jesse, I really like it here. Can we stay?”

  He turned to me again, this time rolling right over to face me. “Here in bed?” He reached for me under the sheet and grasped my hip, pulling me against him.

  “Mm-hmm… here in Texas.”

  He leaned in, breathing on my neck. “You like Texas, babe?”

  “Um, yeah.” I sighed as he started kissing me, sending little tingles of warmth through my body. “Pretty sure I fucking love Texas.”

  He kissed his way down my throat. “Yeah?”

  “Mm-hmm. It’s always sunny and dudes say y’all. What’s not to like?”

  “Mmm,” he mumbled as he skimmed his lips over the swell of my breast. I wasn’t sure if that was an agreement or not. He captured my nipple in his teeth, making me cry out from the little sting of pain, my body stiffening.

  “What happened to my burnt bacon?” I protested as he lapped his tongue over the hard pink peak, over and again, soothing the pain.

  I relaxed beneath him and he shifted against me, his hips pressing down onto mine, his hard length against my softness. I wriggled under the unexpected pressure, his cock grinding against my clit. “Ah—!” I managed
before his mouth claimed mine in a deep kiss, his tongue plundering my mouth.

  I wriggled beneath him again. Before I could arrange myself comfortably he reached down, fisted his cock and dragged the smooth head down, slipping against the slick heat of my pussy. I spread my legs to give him access.

  He groaned and rubbed himself against me again in a long, torturous stroke.

  I started rocking against him, panting softly against his mouth. His lips hovered against mine, kissing softly, slowly. He pressed the head of his cock to my opening and kept kissing me, so gently. All the while I panted on the bed beneath him, hungry for more, wanting his possessive thrust, which didn’t come.

  His dark eyes met mine as the head of his cock pushed into me. “Fuck, I love being in you,” he whispered.

  Slowly, so slowly, he slid deeper, filling me.

  The more they see me loving you… the more they buy the music.

  I groaned as Jesse’s comment from last night came back. There was so much fucked up about that statement, I didn’t even know where to start. I was pretty sure it was just one of those shitty things guys say without really hearing themselves say it and realizing how awful it sounds, that in the moment all his blood was thundering to his dick and he wasn’t thinking clearly about what he was saying. I was definitely sure I’d said some ridiculous things in my life, and I was willing to let that one slide. But shit.

  The more they see me loving you…

  That part was kind of killing me. The mere implication that he loved me, when it wasn’t true.

  But I didn’t want to ruin this. Any of it. Whatever this was that was happening between us.

  I let my hips settle on the bed and just felt him, his heat, his weight, as he braced himself on his elbows above me and slowly swept his tongue into my mouth. I spread my knees as wide as I could to accommodate him as he sank gradually deeper, until he settled against me.

  “I fucking want you, Katie,” he said when he came up for air, his voice rough, his dick buried inside me.

  And yeah, I was just gonna let last night slide. Because he also said things like that. A lot.

  He pressed his forehead to mine and I squeezed my thighs around him. He kissed me again, slowly, and I kissed him back, frantically. I felt his cock pulse inside me and that was it. I lost it. I rocked against him, desperate for friction, throbbing with need.


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