Joan: The Mysterious Life of the Heretic Who Became a Saint

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Joan: The Mysterious Life of the Heretic Who Became a Saint Page 21

by Donald Spoto

  Don’t worry: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:384.

  certain that God: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:383.

  It had seemed premature: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:384.

  She said she was afraid: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:279.

  When he came toward me: Trial session of Mar. 3, 1431.

  Some of the details of the coronation were given in a letter to Charles’s wife, Marie d’Anjou, and her mother, Yolande d’Aragon: dated at Reims, July 17, 1429. See Colrat, Compagnons d’armes, vol. 1.

  evokes the grandeur: Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 68.

  On Christine de Pisan’s “Le Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc,” see Kennedy and Varty, eds., Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc.

  On the views of Joan’s claims and the integrity of nations, see Nash-Marshall, “On the Fate of Nations,” and the same author’s Joan of Arc: A Spiritual Biography, 143–64.

  light to the gentiles: see, for example, Isaiah 42:6 and 49:6; Acts of the Apostles 13:47 and 26:23.


  I wish it were God’s will: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:325 and 4:10.

  The maid took: Perceval de Cagny, cited in Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 81.

  We desire to offer: For the proclamation of ennoblement of Joan and her family, see Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 5:150–53.

  She mounted her horse: From Chastellain’s Chroniques, cited in Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 86.

  During that time: Cited in Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 87.

  The Maid performed: Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 87.

  By the pleasure: Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 90.

  Help yourself: Mar. 15, 1431.

  On Joan’s ransom and the delay of the Duke of Luxembourg, see Nash-Marshall, Joan of Arc, 132–35.

  On her leap from the tower of Beaurevoir: Trial session of Mar. 3, 1431.

  several times in prison (“plusieurs fois en prison,” etc.): Témoin du Sire Aimon de Macy, May 7, 1456 (in Paris): Duparc, Procès en nullité, 4:86.

  the English money: “Achat de monnaie d’or pour solder le prix de la Pucelle,” letters dated Oct. 24 and Dec. 6, 1430: Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 5:190–92.

  for service to the king: “Indemnité à Pierre Cauchon pour les négociations qui précédèrent l’achat de la Pucelle,” letter dated Jan. 31, 1431: Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 5:194–95.

  On the different ways in which Joan was assessed by Charles VII and by the English, see the important re flections by Nash-Marshall, Joan of Arc, 138–40.


  They were Englishmen of the lowest sort: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:431 (my translation). Details of Joan’s cell, her shackles and her guards were provided by several witnesses at the nullification trial, most notably Massieu.

  Still, some of the men: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:426.

  On the formal course of trial by Inquisition, see Tavard, Spiritual Way of St. Jeanne d’Arc, 187.

  I see clearly: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:431.

  I was compelled: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:417–18.

  That put me: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:431.

  after seeing: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:430.

  As I saw it then: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:205.

  wanted to get out: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:228.

  Everyone was either: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:460.

  Everything was done: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:221.

  If the English had: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:240.

  We shall ignore him: cited (without attribution) in Scott, Trial of Joan of Arc, 11.

  When the lord of Beauvais: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:432.

  During the trial: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:421.

  Apparel should be consistent: Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II, ii, 169, art. 2, reply to objection 3.

  A man should never: Hildegard of Bingen, Mystical Visions, book 2, vision 6, 77.

  She repeatedly said: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:181, 426–27. In her manner: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:233f.

  They convened long hours: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:448–49. multum stupefacti: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:436.


  God did not say: Colledge and Walsh, Julian of Norwich, 165.


  Jean d’Estivet led me: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:349.

  Warwick said that Joan: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:351.

  I just left the room: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:457.

  Jean de Luxembourg wanted: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:405–6.

  For the censures of the University of Paris and the subsequent admonition, see the original Latin texts in Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 1:414–42.

  Here are the judges: The abjuration proceedings are preserved in Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 1:442–53.

  What she signed: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:433.

  lifelong imprisonment: Quicherat, Procès de condamnation, 1:452.

  My lord, have no fear: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:243.

  They tore off her dress: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:209.

  I never intended: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:445.

  She received: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:443.

  Joan, go in peace: Jean Massieu (Dec. 17, 1455): Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:435. She never ceased: Martin Ladvenu (1452): Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:196.


  I was anxious: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:428.

  I wish that my soul: Barrett, Trial of Jeanne d’Arc, 436, and Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc, 207.

  We are lost: Duparc, Procès en nullité, 1:454.

  the just punishment: Barrett, Trial of Jeanne d’Arc, 374ff.

  Her brief appearance: Duby, France in the Middle Ages, 295.

  there was no real kingdom: Nash-Marshall, Joan of Arc, 165; on nationhood, see 164–72.

  Joan taught her people: Nash-Marshall, Joan of Arc, 167.

  Joan was a being: Churchill, Heroes of History, 71.


  Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Sources

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  Additional Sources

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  Fatula, Mary Ann. Catherine of Siena’s Way. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1987.

  Fowler, Kenneth A., ed. The Hundred Years War. New York and London: Macmillan, 1971.

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