Black Wings: A Dark Romance

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Black Wings: A Dark Romance Page 8

by Winter Fox

  He’s not going to kill me. He said he’d keep testing me. Thank fuck!

  He was probably going to beat the shit out of me though. I rapidly tried to think of what I should say next to try and protect myself. But, I knew that it was no use. He was going to punish me for trying to kill him.


  If he really did believe I could seduce him, perhaps I could turn on the charm right now, and distract him. Without fear, I looked directly into his eyes. Slowing my rapid breathing, and relaxing my body against his, I tried to appreciate the beauty of him. My eyes softened, and my lips parted slightly as I gazed at him, and waited to see how he would react.

  Adonis responded. His body involuntarily pressed down harder against mine, his pupils dilated—making his eyes look as dark as a winter storm. His breathing sped up slightly, and he licked his lips like a wolf eyeing its prey.

  “What are you trying to do to me?” His voice was husky.

  “Nothing,” I whispered back.

  “Fuck, woman. I just can’t,” he growled before reaching down to his jeans, and quickly unfastening them.

  I suddenly started to backtrack as I realized what he intended to do next. I hadn’t thought this through. I had to make him stop.

  But Adonis didn’t give me a chance to argue. He freed his rock, hard cock, and unceremoniously pushed my legs further apart, so that my naked sex was open before him.

  He barely waited a second before he brutally thrust himself inside me, right to the hilt. There was a pause as our eyes met, and I whimpered as I felt him twitch deep inside the warmth of my core. He forcefully used his hands to pin each of my wrists above my head, and then drew himself out of me; until the tip of him was just sitting at my slick entrance.

  My body cried out at the loss of him, and I closed my eyes in shame. I hated this man. How could he make me respond to him like this?

  “This was your fault, eighty-eight,” he growled.

  I kept my eyes closed as he slammed back inside me. But, this time there was no pause; he pulled quickly back and thrust deep inside me again. He repeated the savage thrusts over, and over again until I couldn’t help myself any longer. I howled in sheer fucking elation as a soul-shattering orgasm crashed through me.

  After two more thrusts, Adonis followed me. He groaned in pleasure as he pushed himself as deep as possible, and then he trembled as he came inside me.

  As the waves at the peak of my orgasm subsided; leaving tiny aftershocks tremoring through my body, I finally permitted my eyes to open.

  What I saw made my blood run cold.

  Adonis loomed over me. He was still buried within my body, and his eyes burned with an almost supernatural light. His taut, and muscular body glistened with the sheen of sweat from his exertions. His dark hair was tousled, and slick with damp.

  But, the thing that really made my eyes widen in terror was the pair of enormous black-feathered wings which sprang from between his shoulders, and arched menacingly over us.

  “What the?” I murmured in shock.

  His eyes glinted, and his mouth twitched in his unsmiling smile. But, he made no move to split our bodies apart.

  “I told you that I was an incubus, slave.” The wings rustled softly, before folding in on themselves, and disappearing completely.

  I was silent. It was impossible to find words to describe how I felt after what had just happened, and what I had just seen.

  Still he stayed where he was. He looked at me in quiet contemplation, as though daring me to deny what he was, any longer.

  “You really are a demon,” I wriggled, trying to get him out of me.

  “Yes, eighty-eight. I really am a demon.” He finally pulled away, and exited my body. The warm wetness that followed him as he departed, sent me into a horrified panic. My hand flew to my flat belly.

  “Am I pregnant now?”

  He frowned as he stood up, and used a nearby towel to clean himself up.

  “Why would that be your first question?”

  I quietly explained to him what Emma had told me about the auctions, and the moment an incubus really let his defenses down being the most mind-blowing sex possible.

  He snorted. “Did you really find that the most mind-blowing sex you’ve ever had?”

  I said nothing, but the look on my face must have answered his question.

  He leaned his ass against the table that he had made me bend over earlier, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, slave. If that was your best sex ever, then you’ve really never lived. No. You’re not pregnant. And no, I didn’t let my defenses down. I told you, you’re too valuable to me just as you are.”

  That hurt.

  He had just taken the most intimate part of me by force, and now he was mocking me for my inexperience. I wondered if he had even felt a little of the ecstasy that I had. I sat up in anger, and the pressure against the hard floor made me remember the butt plug in my ass. I started to pull at the pink jewel which poked outside of my body.

  Adonis crossed the room in a blur, and laid his hand over mine; stopping me from taking the foreign object out of myself.

  “You don’t decide when that comes out. I do.”

  I started to protest, but he pushed my chest gently so that I was forced to return to lying on my back on the floor. Then he pushed my legs up until the knees were bent, and he pressed them apart until they opened wide. I knew he could see everything; from the plug in my ass, to my swollen clit, and the remains of his orgasm which trickled from my abused sex.

  He took hold of the plug, and pulled gently. As the wider body of the metal started to squeeze through my asshole, I was grateful for the wetness that remained after our encounter. I suspected the plug would have hurt a lot more on the way out, than on the way in, otherwise.

  Adonis discarded the plug on the floor; then he looked me in the eye as he circled a single finger around the puckered flesh of my ass. I wanted to sit up, and protest. But, one growl from him warned me to stay put.

  He trailed the finger up from my ass, until he reached the opening he had so violently abused only moments ago. Pushing gently, he slid his finger inside of my wet warmth. The pressure was painful, causing me to emit a ragged breath.

  Sliding his finger back out of me, he held up the glistening digit; before reaching forward and wiping the stickiness of both of our pleasure slowly across first my right cheek, then my left. The way he did it was almost ritualistic.

  His eyes burned into mine as he stood up. “Now you’re marked, slave. Now you’re mine.”

  I curled my lip in disgust. I was disgusted with my abuser, for the way he had used and tormented me. I was disgusted with my body for responding to him so shamelessly. But mostly, I was disgusted by the fact that I had just had sex with a monster—a demon. Everything Emma and Adonis had told me was true. Which meant that I would one day give birth to a demonic baby that would kill me.

  His face told me that he knew exactly what was going through my mind, and he looked as though he was enjoying every second of my realization.

  “How did it feel to fuck a demon, slave?”

  “Fuck you.” It was a simple, but effective response, I thought.

  He raised his eyebrows delightedly. “You just did.”

  I growled, and stood up. Fiercely wishing that I had something to cover my modesty with.

  “You enjoyed every moment. You loved it.” His mouth twitched.

  “Please may I return to my room?” I hated how pathetic the words sounded to my own ears. But, I knew there was no way he’d let me back to my room if I wasn’t respectful.

  He stood facing me, staring in silence. His mouth twitched every now and then, and his fierce gaze held my own. I noticed that the supernatural light had dimmed. Now his blue eyes were just cold and hard.

  You feel nothing, do you?

  He studied me for a moment longer. It was as though he were searching for something in my eyes. Something that he knew I was hiding from him.
  “What are you?” He asked me the question once again.

  In that moment I felt a strange, unknown part of me respond to his question. It was as though a dragon which was buried deep within my soul, uncoiled from its long sleep and roared in reply. My dragon wanted Adonis to know that it was dangerous, and that it could and would, kill him if it was given the chance.

  This dragon frightened me, and uplifted me in the same moment.

  “I’m nothing.” My intuition intercepted the dragons fury, and translated the challenge into quiet submission.

  Shaking his head, Adonis walked over to the door, and punched the keycode in. It occurred to me then, that if I had killed him with the knife earlier I would have been locked in here. Maybe forever. I hadn’t thought my attack through properly.

  I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Adonis unhooked a thin robe from the wall beside the door, and held it out toward me. With a quick glance at my naked bottom half, I gratefully took the robe and wrapped it around my slender frame. Once I was dressed he gestured to the hallway outside.

  “Return to your room. I trust you know where it is by now?”

  I raised my eyebrows questioningly. He was going to let me go by myself?

  He nodded once, as though I had asked the question out loud.

  “Where else would you go?” He asked me, confidently.

  Knowing that he was most likely right, I shrugged my shoulders in something like defeat; before squeezing past him and into the hall. I was more than a little relieved to be returning to my upgraded prison.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Adonis couldn’t wait to get eighty-eight out of his playroom. He usually relished his time in this place, with his charges. But with this woman everything was going completely fucking wrong. There was no way he could deny the fact that she had seduced him this time around.

  He’d had absolutely no intention of fucking her yet. His preference was always to fuck women in the ass first—asserting his authority and control over their bodies completely. He liked to make them feel used. It was the best way to prepare them for what came next, after all.

  He also liked to watch the sexual tension build within the slaves; until they were practically begging him to put his dick inside them. But, this bitch had turned on the “come to bed” eyes, and dragged him into complete madness.

  Adonis grudgingly admitted to himself that he had not been able to resist his slave when she had suddenly changed her tactics. All he had been able to think about was getting inside that delicious pussy, and taking himself to blissful oblivion. And even though it was over quickly—the sex had been more than mind-blowing. But, there was no fucking way he’d admit that to her.

  She’d tried to kill him five minutes before she fucked him, and he’d wanted it all. Oh, how he’d wanted it all. He had some serious issues, and he needed to resolve them before he got pulled so far under, he couldn’t find the way back up.

  Kicking the playroom door closed behind him, Adonis made his way to his office. When he was safely sealed inside—no one came into his office without express permission—he lifted the desk phone, and called his father.

  “Adonis.” His father’s voice was brusque.

  “I can’t do eighty-eight. I want to send her to another trainer.” Adonis ignored the pang of regret that gnawed at him as he gave up the chance of ever fucking Daisy Harper again.

  There were ten seconds of total silence.

  “Not a chance. This one is yours, and she must be yours, Adonis.” Charles spoke with his “I’m not taking any bullshit” voice.

  Grimacing, Adonis retrieved his whiskey and glass from the desk drawer. He needed a drink—a large one. Once he had poured himself a glass of the amber liquid, he felt better equipped for some honesty.

  “I can’t control myself with her. She’s dangerous.”

  Charles’s response shocked him. “I know.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, you know?” Adonis felt fury rise within him.

  “She’s more than human, Adonis. But, less than you or I. You can control her, and yourself. You just need restraint, and discipline.”

  Both of these were things Adonis usually found it extremely easy to exercise.

  He contemplated what his father was saying for a moment; before replying. “When is she booked to leave?”

  “Christmas Eve.” His father’s reply was smooth, relaxed. Charles Olympus sounded like a man who already knew that he had his son back in hand.

  A quick calculation from today’s date, told Adonis that he had just short of two months left to get eighty-eight ready.

  “You need to get her under control, son. She is not the queen of you. You are king and master of her. Just like with every other woman you’ve broken. Find a way to clip her wings, and bring the bitch to heel.”

  Adonis wondered exactly what his father’s beef with this girl was. He sensed that eighty-eight and Charles had a history, but he had no idea what it was.

  “Why does she matter to you so much, Charles?” Adonis had never called his father by anything other than his first name.

  The silence stretched out for so long that Adonis had just begun to think the line had been disconnected. When suddenly, his father spoke again.

  “This girl may be the one who ends our need for the houses. We may never need to take girls to train again.”

  Adonis’ brow furrowed. “How so?”

  “For now I’d prefer not to say, Adonis. But, if we can bring this aspect of our lives above board, it would be a benefit to all incubi. Don’t you think?”

  Adonis did agree. At least in terms of keeping things as legal as possible. No one wanted demons to be hunted in the way they had been in the past. Almost being driven to extinction had taught the incubi to be extremely careful about their interactions with the human world.

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about no longer training women, however. Ever since he had come of age, Adonis had been a trainer. His father had been the one who had pushed him into it, and insisted he continue. Even in the beginning when Adonis begged to be allowed to stop.

  Training women had not come naturally to the young Adonis. His heart had broken for the women who were brought to him at the start. The first six women he trained—under the supervision of his cousin, Erebus—were etched in his mind for eternity. Their tears, the marks on their flesh, and the haunted looks on their faces when he handed them over to the houses, stayed with him.

  None of these women compared to his memories of number seven though. Number seven was the first girl who tried to escape while in training with him. The first time Erebus had caught her, he had beaten the girl until she was black and blue, and that had been enough to send Adonis straight to his father’s office to ask for a reprieve from training. This request was, of course, denied.

  The second time seven escaped, Erebus showed little mercy. He hunted her down with a pack of his dogs, and watched as they ripped her beautiful body to pieces.

  Eight months later, number nine crashed out of training in the exact same way as seven. After much protesting, Adonis was permitted to train his women alone, from number ten and onward. Technically eighty-eight was the seventy-ninth woman that he had trained entirely alone. The two girls that he told her he killed were not really his responsibility—seven and nine had been Erebus’s murders.

  After watching Erebus at work, Adonis had sworn to himself that he would never kill a single one of the women he trained. How could he blame them for wanting to escape their fate. Because of his attitude and methods, Adonis had an unblemished training record. He was so highly thought of, that women were sent to him for training by incubi houses from all over the world.

  He was a very lucrative income source for his already filthy rich father.

  Charles’s voice cut through Adonis’ musings. “I suppose I could send the girl to Erebus. If you really feel as though you’re unable to tame her.”

  Adonis clenche
d his jaw. Charles knew exactly how he felt about his cousin’s training techniques. The game was won.

  “That won’t be necessary. It’s only two more months. I want a long holiday after Christmas though.”

  He could hear the sly smirk in his father’s voice. “Good. Now you know how important she is, I want you to make sure she is your best product yet. Understood?”

  “Understood.” Without waiting for another word, Adonis slammed the phone down.

  Knocking back the remaining whiskey in his glass, Adonis contemplated the things his father had told him. If eighty-eight really could end the need for girls to be trained for the houses, then he would find himself jobless soon. Charles would also find himself a lot poorer than he was used to being.

  Adonis wondered how Erebus would feel about losing his role as a trainer and abuser. He shuddered as he imagined the strong-willed eighty-eight beneath his cousin’s cruel hand. He was certain that would be a battle that could only ever end in death.

  Although he wasn’t quite sure whose death.

  Leaning back comfortably in the leather chair, Adonis allowed his mind to wander back through the years to his childhood. His father had never been a kind man. The opposite in fact. But he had taught Adonis to be strong, and ruthless.

  Eighty-eight seemed to be naturally quite strong and ruthless—he knew the little bitch would kill him if he gave her half a chance. But what he needed to teach her now, was how to keep herself alive in a world that was filled with men like Charles and Erebus.

  And he thought he knew just how to do it.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My legs were shaking as I walked away from the torture room, and from him. I didn’t even know where to begin trying to unravel the tangle of issues inside my head. I had wanted to kill Adonis. But, I had also wanted to fuck him. I wanted to escape this hell house. But, I would feel empty inside every time I thought of never finding anyone who could bring my body to life in the ways that he had over the last few days.


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