Mountain Misfits MC: Complete Box Set

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Mountain Misfits MC: Complete Box Set Page 13

by Deja Voss

  No friends or family or coworkers busting in, ripping us apart.

  Of course I’m turned on.

  But part of me is terrified. I’ve been continually saved by the bell, saved from revealing my dark past. When this was looking like nothing more than a one-night stand, that wasn’t a problem, but now, here, I feel like the tables have turned.

  I’m gonna have to be on high alert.

  “Sloan!” Doctor Peterman yells, chasing me down the hall. “You ready to scrub up?”

  Back to reality.

  Back to my center, my core, my very being. My ice chamber of solace. Time to sew somebody back together again.



  “How’s the kid?” I ask Heat on the phone as I sit on the back porch of the log cabin camp. I called our maid in to get the place ready for tonight and she’s inside, washing the sheets and scrubbing the hardwood floors. I’m sure Sloan already knows we’re a bunch of scumbags, but I don’t want her to think we’re dirty too.

  I guess I could do it myself, but Eunice has been with us for as long as I can remember, and she appreciates the extra work. Her old man is a longtime member of the club, and she uses housekeeping around the clubhouse as an excuse to keep an eye on him. It’s also partially because he has a gambling addiction like nobody I’ve ever known, and I could probably pay her in scratch-off tickets and save her the step.

  “He’s doing good. Irritating the shit out of everyone, but otherwise, we’re good here.”

  “How’s the girl?”

  “Who, Morgan? She’s about as skanky as ever.”

  “You know who I mean,” I say.

  “I know exactly who you mean. She’s awesome, Gavin. You really lucked out there.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” I say. “It’s not a done deal yet.”

  I watch as a chipmunk scurries across the lawn, cheeks pudgy with acorns. It’s a perfect September afternoon, but everything is getting ready to shut down for the winter. Soon we’ll be putting the bikes away. It would be nice to have a good girl to cozy up with for the winter. But that’s not up to me.

  “Oh come on,” he teases. “She fits right in. She’s already seen your brother’s dick, just like every other lady you guys pass around.”

  “She’s not like that, Heat.”

  “I know, son. She’s grade A. So don’t fuck it up.”

  Easier said than done.

  “Dad says you guys are taking him home tonight?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I don’t exactly know how I feel about it. Goob’s a real shit show. He needs to hit rock bottom and get himself better, and nobody is letting him do that. We just keep making excuses for him and letting him do whatever he wants. I think we’re doing a good job of wearing out our welcome here at the hospital, though.”

  “I’m sure you are. I’m gonna bring Sloan to camp tonight I think. Keep her distracted.”

  “Distracted by your dick?” Obviously. Not just that, though. I don’t want her anywhere near the hospital when the guys break Goob out, but not for the reasons my father says. I just don’t want it to look like she had anything to do with it.

  “Sure,” I say.

  “You better make sure you buy her dinner or something first. Maybe some wine? Turn on that mountain man charm. You gotta warm chicks like that up before you just dive in balls-deep, son.”

  Judging by the way she was acting last night, I’d say she’s plenty warm, but he’s probably right. She’s probably had a hard day at work. I want to do this right. I want her to see me as more than just a guy who wants to fuck her. So badly.

  “What do you even know about chicks like her anyway, Heat?”

  “Remember Julie? She was a doctor and I dated her.”

  “She was a prostitute who dresses up like a naughty nurse that we got you for your birthday. She’s not a doctor and you definitely didn’t date her.”

  “Fuck, I’m getting senile in my old age,” he chortles gruffly. “She did have a stethoscope.”

  “That’s nice. I’m gonna go. Call me if you need anything.”

  “You got it. Good luck tonight. Your ugly ass is gonna need it,” he says, hanging up on me.

  I go back inside. Eunice is scrubbing the kitchen floor, and I carefully tread my way around so as not to muddy up her work.

  “Need help with anything?” I ask her. Her wrinkled face stretches into a wide smile.

  “You’re always so polite, Gavin. I’m ok. What about you? You worried about your brother?”

  I shrug. “I’m always worried about that one. Not much I can do other than be there for him.”

  “Yeah, I know, sweetie.” Her hair matches the color of the mop water, but I remember what a knockout she was even ten years ago. She’s still beautiful. Thinking back on all the beautiful women in my life, they had two things in common: a really good man and a really good marriage. “What are you getting into tonight?” she asks. “You having people over or something?”

  “I’m having a person over, Eunice. A girl, actually.”

  “Really? I haven’t seen you with a lady in a long time. I was starting to get worried.”

  “I’ve gotten a little more selective in my old age,” I laugh.

  “Well you better not get too picky, Gavin, or you’ll end up like Heat. No women he hasn’t already ruined to choose from.”

  “I think this one is perfect,” I confide in her. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “You want lasagna, don’t you?” She smiles. “I can do that. But you better tell her your mean old aunt Eunice made it and if she hurts you, I’ll cut her up in little pieces and bake her into the next one.”

  “That sounds disgusting, and how about no. I don’t want her to think we’re a bunch of psychopaths.”

  “Good call, Gavin. She’ll find out on her own soon enough.”

  Her laugh sounds like Canadian geese migrating south for the winter.

  I take the mop off of her and hand her a wad of cash to go get supplies while I finish cleaning up. Maybe Sloan and I didn’t reunite under the best circumstances, but I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure tonight is damn near as perfect as possible.

  I look over at the king-size bed in the middle of the room and picture Sloan sprawled out on it, naked, panting, that freshly fucked glow on her face. My dick gets instantly hard. Maybe I should prime the pump before tonight just to be on the safe side.

  Eunice jingles her keys. “I’ll be back soon. You should totally go out back and cut up some firewood while I’m gone. Chicks love that shit.”

  Chopping wood will probably be just as effective as beating off into my hand at this point. I should probably save myself for her anyway. If things go my way, I’ll have every part of her wrapped around my cock at some point tonight.



  Even though I made more of an effort this morning than I normally do to get ready for work, you know, just in case, I wish I would’ve tried a little harder.

  Surgery was just a garden-variety severed finger, we see a lot of that around here with the factory industry being so big, but as I change into my skinny jeans and black t-shirt, I notice I could use a little bit of spackle on the old barn. The circles under my eyes are darker than ever.

  Who am I kidding? I haven’t even been out on a date with this guy, and he’s already seen me all sorts of ugly. Now that I think about it, he’s never seen me on a pretty day. Maybe nailing a surgeon is some sort of bucket list thing for him.

  I don’t care. I will gladly sacrifice myself to that greater good if it means getting a chance to run my hands over those abs while I let him play doctor with me.

  It’s almost dark, and the September air is chilly, even with a sweater. This is my favorite time of year. Time for the colorful bittersweet purge about to hit.

  He’s waiting in the parking lot, leaned up against his blacked-out bike, and I have to peel my jaw off the ground. His dark hair, dark eyes, dark beard, the w
ay he smirks the second I catch his eye, everything about him, from his motorcycle to his leather jacket, screams “I’m good at fucking,” and then there’s me, strolling along in my granny cardigan looking like I’m here to bake some cookies for the big bad wolf.

  “You been waiting long?” I try to act casual as I approach him, but I know I probably sound like a stuttering fool.

  “Here,” he says, as he unzips his jacket and hands it to me, exposing his perfectly tight t-shirt stretched just right across his hard pecs. “You’ll freeze.”

  “What about you?” I ask. He just shrugs, passing it over to me.

  “Take this,” he says, offering me a helmet.

  I just stand there staring. I’ve never rode on a motorcycle before, and the reality sinks in that I have no idea where this man is going to take me. Maybe I let him put his tongue in my mouth, but he’s still a stranger. A super sexy stranger.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I assure him.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No.” I put the helmet on my head. I’m not scared. I’m just overwhelmed. I know that nothing about this is a good idea, and yet, I’m like a moth to a flame. “Can we get out of here?”

  I have no clue who might be watching, who might walk out and see, but I’ve already done enough in terms of overstepping my boundaries between doctor and patient and I am sure seeing me get on a bike with his brother will make for some great gossip amongst the nurses. He fires up the motorcycle, and the low rumble of the engine makes me jump.

  “You’ve never ridden before, have you?” He smiles, as if I was offering him my virginity on a silver platter. It’s way too late for that, but maybe in his world, this is just as good.

  I shake my head.

  “You just hold on, Sloan. I promise I won’t hurt you.” He plants a kiss square on my lips before pulling down the visor cover on my helmet and straddles the bike.

  I slide on behind him, the rumbling between my thighs setting off fireworks in my head. Now I get it. He grabs my hands and wraps them around his waist, and I’m pressed up against his body tight. We fit together like two puzzle pieces.

  Any concerns I had begin to melt away as he pulls out of the parking lot. It feels so right, so utterly satisfying, like there’s no one else in the world but the two of us. He catches my gaze in the side mirror and shoots me a wink. I’m done. I want to say it’s better than sex, but I’ve yet to do that with Gavin, and I have a feeling that if this is foreplay, I’m probably going to die from orgasm overdose tonight.


  I TURN down the long dirt road that leads to the camp. I could stay like this forever with her, her body wrapped around me, out in the open air. It just feels so right. For the first time in my life, I found a perfect fit for the back of my bike.

  We pull into the garage, and as she hops off the motorcycle and pulls off her helmet, her smile stretches from ear to ear.

  “You were so chicken,” I laugh. “Look at you now.”

  She’s so sexy standing there in my jacket, her face bright red. It takes everything in me not to rip that jacket right off of her, along with the rest of her clothes.

  “Well, I did just basically sew your brother’s leg back on.” She giggles. “I don’t know if you guys learned to ride from the same person or what.”

  I take the helmet from her and give her a little peck on the lips.

  “Let’s go inside. Did you have dinner yet?”

  I want nothing more than to sink my teeth into her right now, but I’m going to work the long game. She’s looking at me like she’s confused or something.

  “What? Do you not believe in food or something?” I tease. I know exactly what buttons I’m pushing, and by the time I get her naked, she’s going to be begging for it like a fish out of water, flopping around at my feet. I run my hand up the back of her shirt and she jumps two feet in the air. “Or is there something else on your mind?”

  It’s the oldest trick in the book. Throw a chick on your bike and watch the magic happen. I’m watching her squirm in front of me, watching her try to be polite, professional, or whatever the fuck show she feels like she needs to put on, but her body language isn’t letting her hide. I know her pussy is probably on fire right now, and as badly as I want to bury my face in her sweet folds, I’m gonna let her marinate for a little bit.

  “No.” She smiles. “I haven’t had dinner yet.”

  I know exactly what she expected to happen. She thought I was going to drag her to bed by her ponytail like some sort of caveman and screw her brains out all night long. It’s probably what she wanted, too.

  That’s too easy for me, though. It’s too easy for us. It’s not the story I want her to remember—that I’m distracting her with my dick while my dad breaks my brother out of the hospital.

  It’s definitely going to happen, but I’m going to make her work for it. My cock is about to blow a hole in my pants, thanks to spending the last half hour with her arms wrapped around me, but she doesn’t need to know that yet.

  We walk inside the one-room log cabin. There’s an efficiency kitchen, a fireplace, and a closed-off bathroom, but the majority of the room is taken up with a king-size bed. My grandpa built this place so he could be close to town in case of emergency situations. It still serves its purpose to this day.

  “Wow, this is beautiful.” She sighs, running her hand over the woodwork on the walls. “I would happily trade in my apartment for a place like this.”

  If she thinks this camp is great, she’s going to love the farmhouse. It’s something as little as that that makes me even more into her. The fact that I can see her living there too.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, opening the fridge. “We keep it pretty sparse, but Eunice baked us a lasagna before she left. You want beer, whiskey, or wine?”

  “Eunice?” she asks curiously. “You have quite the harem going, Gavin.”

  “Hey, she’s old enough to be my grandmother and the woman knows how to cook. The least I can do is slip her the d every once in a while.”

  “Well, I couldn’t tell you the last time I sat down and ate a home-cooked meal, so thank you for taking one for the team.”

  I pull the pan out of the stove and slip it into the oven.

  “You know I’m just kidding, right? She’s a family friend and our cleaning lady.” It’s obvious I’m not a saint. I definitely have a track record, but ever since the day I met Sloan, I’ve been doing whatever it takes to lock that part of me far far away.

  I’m trying my best, but I can’t keep my hands off her. I let my fingers trace down the small of her back, resting right above her perfect perky ass. An ass I can’t wait to see in all its glory.

  “You got anywhere else to be tonight?” I ask, pulling a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. I grab two glasses and drop in some ice cubes.

  “It depends,” she says, taking a long swig directly from the bottle in my hand. “Did you bring me out here for pasta and drinks with your gal pal, or are we going to finish what we started?” The pouty look on her face is cute as hell, and her frustration is coming to a boil.

  “Can’t a guy just be nice anymore?” I breathe into her ear, the smell of her shampoo driving me wild.

  “You’re not being nice,” she hisses. “You’re being a tease.”

  Well, that took a lot less effort than I had initially expected. Apparently Eunice and Heat were wrong. Sloan’s not trying to get wined and dined. She’s trying to get on my dick.

  This girl is full of surprises, and I don’t exactly hate it.“I just assumed you were the mountain man charm kind of woman, Sloan,” I laugh, cupping her ass, squeezing it firmly in my hand as I pull her closer to me.

  “Yeah, well, you overestimate me,” she says in a low deep voice. “I just assumed you were the rip-my-clothes-off-and-fuck-me-stupid kind of man.” She’s running her hands up my chest, biting her lip.

  “Well, you underestimate me, girl,” I say, tugging on her ponytail unt
il she’s staring me right in the eyes, a mixture of intrigue and apprehension behind those beautiful brown orbs. “I like to play with my prey a little bit before I go in for the kill.”



  I n my world, in my life, the easiest way to cool down a situation that feels beyond my control is through sex.

  Heated debate with no possible agreement? Sex.

  Abusive ex-boyfriend has a gun to your head? Sex.

  Random sexy biker guy is cooking me dinner and being nice to me like he’s trying to make me his wife or something?

  Well, I came here for the sex.

  The lasagna was a nice afterthought, though.

  I’d been replaying the night we first met on a continuous loop for months. How he approached me in the dark, the connection instant, passionate, careless and needy. How he pulled me on top of him, tearing at my clothes, no regard for anything except the need to be inside me.

  That’s what I’m here for. He’s treating me like a fragile flower, like a woman that’s worth a lot more than a random fling. I don’t know how to explain to him that I’m not. I don’t want to beg, but I will if I have to.

  My past and his present just don’t align. My future rests on the balance of keeping everything in my life on the straight and narrow.

  His eyes are darker than normal, and the way he’s running his fingers through his beard, staring at me like a piece of meat is making the small hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. I’m ready. I’m willing.

  “You talk a big game, Sloan. What are you waiting for?”

  My mouth feels suddenly dry. I gulp. I don’t know what to do.

  “Get rid of those clothes,” he orders, point-blank.

  “Don’t you want to help me?” I ask, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.

  He swats my hand away.

  “No. I want to watch.”

  Carefully, I slide my t-shirt up over my head, revealing my bra. I unzip my jeans, and step out of them, holding on to his gaze. My flesh is covered in goosebumps, the sheer anticipation of what’s to come showing all over my body. I know my panties are soaked.


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