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by Christopher R. Browning

  Claasen, Kurt, 51

  Commissar order. See Kommissarbefehl

  Communism, 11, 13, 48, 52, 75, 180, 183

  Croatia, 27

  Criminal Police (Kriminalpolizei or Kripo), 4, 9, 51

  Crimea, xvi

  Czechoslovakia, 6, 50, 113

  Czemierniki, 91, 98, 105, 115

  Częstochowa, 28, 38

  Daluege, Kurt, 4, 7-8, 12-13, 15, 24, 26-27, 184

  Danzig, 5

  Dęblin, 28

  Deportation of Jews, xx, 26-37, 39, 52-53, 77, 88-89, 95-97, 104-107, 127, 133-34

  from Hamburg, 42-44, 53

  from Łuków, 106, 110-11

  from Parczew, 89-90, 95, 104

  from Międzyrzec, 90-95, 104, 106, 108-10, 134

  from Radzyń, 106-107

  Detmold,* Martin, 130, 140-41

  Dettelmann, Hans,* 66

  Dnepropetrovsk, 18

  Dower, John, 159-60, 162, 186

  Dresden, 110

  Drucker,* Kurt, 46, 65-66, 68, 74, 79, 84, 108-109, 123, 143, 145, 151, 154, 157, 170, 182, 186

  Düsseldorf, 27, 44

  Eichmann, Adolf, 26

  Einsatzgruppen, 9-11, 163, 183

  Erntefest (fall harvest), 135-38, 141, 163

  Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche), 5, 39, 41, 51-52, 97, 106, 109

  Euthanasia, 50, 163

  F-scale, 166-67

  Fall harvest. See Erntefest Feldgendarmerie. See Military police

  Final Solution, xxi, 8-9, 26, 36, 49, 53, 76-78, 88, 93, 123, 131-32, 135, 142-43, 155, 163-64

  Fischer, Fritz, 106-107

  Fischmann, Lieutenant, 28, 30, 53

  Frampol, 54

  France, 27, 113

  Frank, Hans, 122

  Franz, Colonel, 18

  Freemasons, 42, 180

  Freikorps, 3-4

  Feucht,* Heinrich, 130

  Führer. See Hitler, Adolf

  Galicia, district of, 7, 27, 30-31, 36, 52-53, 132

  Gebhardt,* Wilhelm, 141

  Geheime Staatspolizei. See Gestapo

  Gemeindepolizei, 4

  Gendarmerie, 4, 7, 51, 106, 115, 117, 131, 148, 154

  General Government, 6-8, 10, 29, 49-50, 53, 122, 132-33, 137

  German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv), 178

  German-Jewish relations, 147-48, 150-55

  German-Polish relations, 147-50


  defeat, revolution, and post-World War chaos in, 3, 144

  Federal Republic of, xvi, xvii, 18

  Nazi dictatorship in, xiii, 4, 160, 164, 169, 170, 173, 176, 182, 186; see also Third Reich

  occupation policies of, xix, 6, 10, 39, 135, 183

  war effort of, xv-xvi, 6, 9-10, 50, 143

  Gestapo (Secret State Police, Geheime Staatspolizei), 4, 9, 51, 169

  Ghetto-clearing, xvi, 50, 52, 77, 105-106, 110, 121, 132, 163, 171; see also Deportation of Jews

  Ghettos, xv-xvii, 27, 50-51, 90, 133-34, 136; see also Łódź, ghetto of; Lublin, ghetto of; Warsaw, ghetto of

  Girzik, Hauptscharführer, 28

  Globocnik, Odilo, 8, 49-52, 54-55, 89, 95, 135-37, 163, 165

  Gnade, Hartwig, xx, 43, 46, 56-57, 63, 78-80, 82-84, 86-87, 92, 105, 107-109, 123, 134-35, 141, 143, 151, 165, 178, 188

  Goebbels, Joseph, 178

  Grabitz, Helge, xxi

  Grafmann,* Erwin, 145

  Greece, 27

  Gross, Walter, 178

  Grund,* Rudolf, 102, 145, 151

  Gypsies, 39, 42

  Hagen,* Lieutenant, 46, 56, 60, 100-101, 124, 143

  Hamburg, xvii, xx, 38-39, 41, 45, 47-48, 56, 67, 70, 75-76, 80, 91-92, 103, 105, 110, 113, 144, 153, 163, 168, 188

  deportation of Jews from, 42-44, 53, 82

  post-World War II police in, 144

  Haslach,* Captain, 141

  Heiden,* Corporal, 130

  Heilmann,* Alfred, 107-108

  Heinkel, 139

  Hergert,* Ernst, 63-65, 74, 84, 86, 170

  Hertel, Lieutenant, 31

  Heydrich, Reinhard, 4, 9, 26-27, 45-46, 50, 163-64, 183

  Higher SS (Schutzstaffel) and Police Leader (HSSPF), 7, 10, 13-14, 16, 24, 133, 163

  Hilberg, Raul, xxi, 162

  Hilfswilligen. See Hiwis

  Himmler, Heinrich, 4, 5, 7-13, 18, 24-25, 39, 45-46, 49-50, 52, 74, 97, 135-37, 163-64, 177, 184

  History writing of Holocaust and Third Reich, xvii-xxi

  Hitler, Adolf, 9-10, 26, 39, 136, 178-79

  Hitler Youth, 46, 117, 151

  Hiwis (Hilfswilligen), 52, 80-81, 83-85, 89-91, 93-95, 99, 104, 106, 107-10, 115, 158, 163

  Hoffmann, Wolfgang, xviii, 46, 55, 57, 59, 114-120, 125, 144-45, 148-49, 151, 154, 156, 165, 169, 171, 178, 188

  Höfle, Hermann, 51

  Holland. See Netherlands Holocaust, xv-xvii, xx-xxi, 158, 162, 186

  Hoppner,* Walter, 47, 114, 130, 143, 150, 157, 170

  Horodenka, 32-33

  Hrubieszów, county of, 105

  HSSPF. See Higher SS (Schutzstaffel) and Police Leader

  Hungary, 27

  Incorporated territories, 6, 39

  Italy, 27

  Izbica, 28, 52, 54, 90, 133, 136

  Jablon, Gut, 124

  Jäcklein, Corporal, 33-35

  Jammer, Lieutenant, 115

  Japan, 160-61

  Jeckeln, Friedrich, 10, 16

  Jewish Historical Institute, 105

  Jewish police (Ordnungsdienst), 33, 111, 153

  Jewish resistance, 124-26, 136-37


  of Austria, 27-30, 53

  of Czechoslovakia, 27, 53

  of Europe, 9, 49, 53, 161

  of Galicia, 31-36, 52, 132

  of Germany, 27, 42-44, 53, 67, 76, 80, 82, 105, 117, 153

  of Latvia, 44

  in Nazi ideology, 176, 178-84, 186

  of Poland, xv-xvii, 2-3, 8, 49-50, 52-70, 72-74, 77, 79-91, 93-95, 98-99, 101-13, 115-117, 121-42, 144, 149-50, 152-58

  of Russia and Soviet Union, 9, 11-24, 26, 49, 136

  Jobst, Sergeant, 100, 102

  Józefów, 2, 3, 54-55, 57-60, 66-67, 69, 71-72, 74, 76-78, 80, 82, 85-87, 92, 99, 102, 104, 113-14, 117, 121, 127-29, 135, 142, 155, 160-63, 171, 173-75, 179, 185, 188

  Jurich, Sergeant, 99-100, 111

  Justmann,* Sergeant, 118

  Kageler,* Georg, 67, 86

  Kamenets Podolsky, 17

  Kammer,* Arthur, 57, 60-62, 76, 91, 103, 144, 153

  Karlsen,* Wilhelm, 119, 141

  Kassel, 67, 153

  Kastenbaum,* Franz, 67-68

  Katowice, 50

  KdO (Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei), 7-8, 131

  Keller,* Hans, 43, 98-100

  Kharkov, 18

  Khodorov, 31

  Khorol, 18

  Kielce, 28, 38, 89

  Kiev, 18, 136

  Klaparov, 34

  Koblenz, 178 Kobrin, 15

  Kock, 91, 97-99, 101, 103-104, 106, 111, 121, 125, 153-54, 157

  Kołomyja, 27, 30-33, 36

  Komarówka, 91, 105, 108, 154, 157

  Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei. See KdO

  Kommissarbefehl, 11, 13, 183

  Końskowola, 115, 117, 119, 121, 133, 156

  Korean War, 177

  Kosov, 32

  Kovno, 18, 24, 42

  Krakow, 7-8, 29, 131, 137

  district of, 7, 52-53, 137

  Krasnik, 52, 139

  Krasnytaw, 53

  Kröpelin, Captain, 31

  Krementschug, 18

  Kripo. See Criminal Police Krüger, Friedrich-Wihelm, 7-8, 133, 137

  Kube, Wilhelm, 19

  Kulmhof. See Chełmno

  Kurów, 114

  Kuty, 32

  Lambrecht, Dr. Arnold, 122

  Latvian attitude toward Jews, 44

  Leffler, Georg, 123

  Leitmaritz, Obersturmführer, 31

  Lemberg. See Lwów

  Leningrad (St. Petersburg), 5

  Lerch, Ern
st, 51

  Levi, Primo, 186-88

  Liebscher, Lieutenant, 131

  Łódź, 39, 42-44, 50, 92, 148 ghetto of, xvi, 41

  Łomazy, 78-89, 99, 104, 110, 121, 142, 152, 163, 179

  Lubartow, 52

  Lübeck, 42

  Lublin, 28-29, 55-56, 60, 76, 100, 102, 115, 117, 134, 138-41, 163 district of, 7-8, 49-54, 70, 76-78, 88-90, 95-97, 105-106, 115, 119, 121-22, 131-38, 141, 145, 165, 180-81 ghetto of, 52-53

  Ludwigsburg, xvi, xxi, 144-45

  Łuków, 88, 90-91, 95, 105-107, 110-13, 121-22, 133-36, 153, 188

  Lundenburg, 28

  Luxembourg, 45

  Lwów (Lemberg), 31, 34-35

  Majdanek, 60, 134, 137-42,163

  Malmedy, 160

  Manila, 160

  Mayerhofer, Scharführer, 28

  Marx, Karl, 180 Mehler,* Conrad, 145

  Messmann, Lieutenant, 115, 117, 119, 125, 148

  Metzger,* Paul, 86

  Michaelson,* Gustav, 129, 156, 169

  Michalsen, Georg, 51

  Międzyrzec, 88-95, 102, 104-107, 109-10, 121-22, 133-36, 142, 153, 179

  Milgram, Stanley, 171-76, 184

  Military police (Feldgendarmerie), 5

  Minkovtsy, 17

  Minsk, 15-16, 18-19, 23-24, 42-44, 82, 119, 188

  Mischlinge, 177

  Mogilev, 16

  Montua, Colonel, 13-14

  Moravia, 6

  Muhsfeld, 187-88

  Munich, 117, 153

  My Lai, 160

  Nagel, Major, 13, 15

  Narevka-Mala, 15

  National Socialist Student Union, 46, 151

  National Socialism (Nazism): doctrine, ideology, and values of, 48, 74-76, 94, 150-52, 166, 176, 178, 180, 182, 186-87

  Nazi Party, xvii, 45-48, 56, 151, 163-64, 178

  Nazism. See National Socialism

  Nehring,* Erwin, 154

  Neisse, 28

  New Guinea, 160

  Netherlands, 6, 27

  Niehaus,* Walter, 66

  Niezdów, 150

  Norway, 6, 91

  Nürnberg, 145

  Oberhauser, Josef, 51

  Odessa, 136

  Office of Racial Politics, 178

  Office of the State Prosecutor, 145

  Hamburg, xvii, xx, xxi, 67, 147

  Operation Reinhard, 50, 52, 54

  Opole, 150

  Oppeln, 28, 38

  Oradour, 160

  Order Police (Ordnungspolizei, Orpo), xvi, xviii, xxi, 1, 3, 51-52, 56, 105, 111, 113, 119, 122, 146, 164-65, 168-69

  Battalion 9, 9

  Battalion 11, 18-24

  Battalion 45, 16, 18

  Battalion 61, 41

  Battalion 74, 29

  Battalion 105, 91

  Battalion 133, 31, 36, 132

  Battalion 303, 16

  Battalion 304, 16-17

  Battalion 306, 122

  Battalion 309, 11-12

  Battalion 314, 16-18

  Battalion 316, 12-14

  Battalion 320, 16-17

  Battalion 322, 12-16

  guarding deportation trains, 26-37

  history of, 4-8

  indoctrination of, 176-84

  in Russia, 9-26

  reserve battalions of, 6, 42, 169

  reservists in, 5, 164, 177, 179, 189

  Ordnungsdienst. See Jewish police

  Ordnungspolizei. See Order Police

  Ostmann,* Peter, 108, 170

  Pacific War, 159-60

  Pannwitz, Gut, 125

  Parczew, 78, 88-91, 95, 104-105, 107, 110, 121, 123-24, 133, 179

  Peters,* Oscar, 47, 98-99, 115, 117, 143, 153

  Pfeiffer,* Friedrich, 108

  Pflugbeil, General, 12

  Piaski, 52, 54, 90, 133, 136

  Pinsk, 24

  Piszczac, 78

  Pohl, Helmut, 28, 51

  Poland, xv-xvii, 1, 3, 6, 9-10, 15, 27, 38-41, 44, 49, 53-55, 76, 81, 84, 94, 99-103, 122, 124, 126-27, 139, 144, 148, 152-53, 155-58, 164, 174, 183


  shot by German police, 101-102, 126, 144, 148-50, 157

  Polish informers, 125-26, 155-56

  Polish-Jewish relations, 155-58

  Polish police, 7, 51, 99, 109, 115

  Polish partisan resistance, 2, 100, 115, 123-24, 126, 129, 135, 143, 148

  Police army (Armee der Landespolizei), 4

  Police Regiment Center, 13, 15

  Police Regiment South, 16-18

  Police Regiment 22, 137

  Police Regiment 24, 31-32

  Police Regiment 25, 137

  Poltava, 18

  Poniatowa, 137, 139-42, 163


  speech of Himmler, 74-75

  see also Poznań

  Poznań (Posen), 39-40, 44, 119, 148

  Prague, 26-27

  Probst,* Bruno, 40-41, 43, 148, 150, 156-57

  Protectorate, 6, 53

  Prutzmann,* Hans, 112

  Puławy, 53, 114-15, 117-19, 125, 141, 148, 154

  county of, 78, 114-15

  Radom, 28, 89

  district of, 7, 95-96

  Radzyń, 88, 90-93, 98, 100-103, 106, 109-10, 121, 148

  county of, 78, 89-91, 105, 106, 115, 134

  Rawa Ruska, 132

  Reich Security Main Office, 163

  Rendsburg, 45

  Reserve Police Battalion 101, xvi-xxi, 1-2, 8, 37, 53-54, 88, 94-97, 105-107, 109, 111, 120-21, 127, 131-34, 137-40, 142, 144, 159-60, 162-63, 165, 168-71, 174, 176, 178-79, 181-84, 188-89

  composition of, xvii, 1, 38, 41, 44-48, 164

  deportations from Hamburg by, 42-44

  execution of Poles by, 40, 101-02, 126, 144, 148-50, 157

  First Company of, 46, 55-57, 59-65, 68-69, 76, 89, 91-93, 98-100, 102, 107, 109-11, 138

  First Platoon, 56

  first duty in Poland, 38

  guarding the Łódź

  ghetto, 41

  interrogations and testimonies of men of, xvii-xviii, xx, 67-68, 72, 144-47, 152, 174

  and the “Jew hunt,” 123-32, 142, 163, 168, 188

  at Józefów, 55-77

  non-commissioned officers of, 40, 47, 62, 80-84, 102, 119, 128-29, 135, 144, 161, 168, 170

  party and SS membership in, xvii, 45-48, 144, 151, 164

  postwar police careers of men of, 144

  resettlement of Poles by, 39-41, 135

  Second Company of, 45-46, 56-57, 63-64, 69, 89, 105, 107, 134-35

  First Platoon, 63-64, 78-79, 84, 105

  at Łomazy, 78-87, 99

  Second Platoon, 65, 78-79, 84, 105, 108, 154

  Third Platoon, 56, 63, 65-66, 78-79, 89-91, 107, 110, 123

  Third Company of, 46, 57, 63, 114-15, 123, 141, 156

  First Platoon, 91, 98, 115, 117, 150

  Second Platoon, 114, 130

  Third Platoon, 55, 57, 59, 63, 114, 118

  trial of, 145

  Resettlement: of Gypsies, 39

  of Jews, See Deportation of Jews

  of Poles, 39-41, 135

  Retzlaff, General, 12

  Riebel, Lieutenant, 15, 16

  Riga, 27, 42-44

  Rohrbaugh,* Arthur, 130

  Rosenberg, Alfred, 178

  Russia, xv, 9-11, 18, 27, 39, 44, 52, 183

  Russian prisoners-of-war, 77, 123-24

  SA, 46, 151

  St. Petersburg. See Leningrad Salitter, Paul, 27, 43-44

  Scheer,* Hans, 47, 63-65, 79, 84, 135

  Schepetovka, 18

  Schimke,* Otto-Julius, 57, 67, 129

  Schleswig-Holstein, 45

  Schoenfelder,* Dr., 60

  Schulze, Obersturmführer, 35

  Schutzpolizei (Schupo), 4, 7, 30-31, 35, 46, 51

  Schutzstaffel. See SS

  SD. See Security Service

  Secret State Police. See Gestapo

  Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei or Sipo), 4, 7, 9-10, 24, 26-27, 31-34, 36, 40, 42, 51, 137

  Radzyń branch office (Aussenstelle),
90-91, 93-95, 106, 107-109, 111-13, 134, 188

  Security Service (SD), 9, 40, 83, 139-40

  Selbstschutz, 97

  Sereny, Gitta, 163

  Serokomla, 97-100, 102, 104, 110, 121, 163

  Siam-Burma railroad, 161

  Sicherheitspolizei. See Security Police

  Siedlce, 144

  Silesia, 38, 50

  Skole, 31

  Slavuta, 16

  Slovakia, 27, 53

  Slutsk, 19-23

  Smolevichi, 19

  Śniatyn, 32-33

  Sobibór, 27-30, 50, 52-53, 79, 95, 115, 131, 136-37

  Sonderdienst, 51, 98, 109

  Sonderkommandos, 187

  Soviet Union. See Russia

  Sperlich,* Alfred, 125

  Sporrenberg, Jacob, 137, 139

  SS (Schutzstaffel), xvii, 4, 7-10, 25, 40, 43, 45-47, 51, 80, 83-84, 87, 89-90, 107, 112-13, 115, 117, 134-35, 137, 141, 144, 151, 154, 164-67, 177-81, 183, 187

  SSPF (SS [Schutzstaffel] and Police Leader), 8, 49, 51, 54, 137, 139

  Stalin, Josef, 10

  Stalingrad, xvi

  Stanford prison experiment, 167-68

  Stangl, Franz, 29, 95, 163

  Stanislawow, 32, 34

  Staub, Erwin, 167

  Steiner, John, 166-67

  Steinmetz,* Heinrich, 56, 63, 65, 67-68, 74, 89-90, 107, 110, 123-24, 135

  Streibel, Karl, 52

  Streim, Alfred, xxi

  Stryj, 31

  Stuttgart, xvi, 144

  Talcyn, 100-104, 144, 148-49, 163

  Tarnogród, 54

  Theresienstadt, 27

  Third Reich, xix, 4, 39, 42, 143, 173, 177; see also Germany; Nazi Party

  Trapp, Wilhelm, xx, 2, 45-46, 55, 57-63, 69-73, 76-77, 86-87, 89, 92, 100-103, 110-11, 113, 119-20, 122, 124, 130, 138, 143-44, 148-50, 153, 164, 171, 174, 188

  Trawniki, 28, 52, 77, 79-80, 87, 104, 134-35, 137, 139

  Treblinka, 50, 53, 77, 88-91, 95-96, 104, 106-107, 109, 111, 121, 134-37, 142, 163

  Trials of Nazi crimes, xvi-xvii, 14, 17, 24, 144-46, 170

  Tuczna, 78

  Turobin, 54

  Ukraine, 18

  Ulanow, 54

  Versailles Treaty, 4

  Vienna, 26-30, 53

  Vietnam, 160

  Vinnitsa, 18

  Volksdeutsche. See Ethnic Germans

  Waffen-SS, 9, 24, 135, 137

  Wandolin, 114

  Warsaw, 12, 43, 53, 88-89, 94-96, 105, 131

  district of, 7, 95, 122, 137

  ghetto of, xvi, 41, 131, 136-37 Warthegau, 39, 44, 50

  Weiss, Major, 11-12

  Westermann, Lieutenant, 36

  White Russians, 20-23

  Wilhelm, Hans-Heinrich, 163

  Wilhelmshaven, 45

  Wippern, Georg, 51

  Wirth, Christian, 51, 95

  Wisznice, 78-79

  Włodawa, 133, 136

  Wohlauf, Julius, xx, 46, 56, 61-63, 65, 69, 91-93, 98-100, 110, 144, 165, 178

  Wohlauf, Vera, 91-93, 110

  Wohyn, 105

  Wysokie, 54

  Zakrzów, 54-55, 57

  Zamość, 52-54, 135

  Zaplatov, 32

  Zentrale Stelle der Landes-justizverwaltungen. See Central Agency for


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