Releasing Hannah

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by Tl Reeve

  Releasing Hannah


  TL Reeve

  Copyright © 2016 TL Reeve

  Copyright © 2016 Trina Losoya - Editor

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved.


  For Hannah, coming home is the easy part. Finding herself, while searching for the right Dom to release her inhibitions, will push her heart to its limits.


  Walking down the hall toward the meeting room, the sounds and smells of the club filtered through him. Any trepidation he may have felt vanished when he heard the laughter coming from the room. They were having fun in there, something he’d craved for a long time. When he opened the door, he could see everyone coupled up, except for Hannah. Her eyes were downcast, and she nibbled on her lip. He felt the sadness roll off her. She was alone, and he couldn’t help but walk straight over to her.

  “Hannah?” he whispered. The room had gone silent as all eyes were on him, watching to see what he’d do next.

  Hannah tilted her head up and smiled a little. “Raphael, it’s good to see you out of those wretched handcuffs.” A crimson flush crept into her cheeks as she heard Jackson and Jude snicker. “I mean…ah hell, I suck at this.” She hung her head in embarrassment.

  “Give me your hand please. The one that was restrained yesterday. I want to see how badly the jackass hurt you,” he commanded, roughly.

  “Sure.” Without hesitation she laid her hand in his, exposing her soft skin to him.

  Her touch cooled his overheated flesh. The frantic emotions that had been threatening to spillover settled in an instant. Before he realized what he was doing, he lifted Hannah from her curled up position on the couch and pressed her against him. Locking eyes with her, he took her spot on the sofa and pulled her down on top of him to sit on his lap. Their bodies fit together perfectly. This is where I want to be. I just don’t know if I can stay.

  “How’s my wrist, Raphael?” Hannah licked her lips. It took every bit of his control to not kiss her. All he needed was one kiss to calm the raging storm within him.

  “Fine, it looks good as new,” he said before brushing a kiss over her wrist.

  Hannah shivered under his touch, and the dominant side of him whooped at her acceptance. “How do you do this to me, Raphael? How do make me so weak?” she murmured against his chest.

  “I haven’t done anything, but I feel it too.” His arms came around her and held her to him.

  Caelan cleared his throat. “Dinner will be here shortly, and then I thought we would put little Hannah through the paces. I believe it is time for her to learn what it means to be submissive and where she fits in this lifestyle.”


  To Dakota, thanks for letting me have Jonas. I hope I did you proud. To Trina, as always ma’am thanks for being an awesome editor. You rock. To Rhonda and Teresa and Robyn, my rock stars, thanks for being awesome. To Katalina and the ladies joining me in this box set, thank you for letting me be a part of this project, you guys rock!

  Table of Content




  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Author Information

  Also by TL Reeve

  Chapter One

  Five years ago to the day, Hannah Edmunds walked out the doors of Olivia’s and never looked back. Now, staring up at the brick and mortar building nestled in the middle of Chicago’s warehouse district—despite the demons of her past catching up to her, snapping at her heels—a gentle peace blanketed her. Home. The reasons why she left seemed so trivial now. Five years ago, she held out hope for a man who never materialized, a man promised to her. A man who was supposed to sweep her off her twenty-two-year old feet and ride off into a kinky sunset with her.

  In the years since, she realized she’d set herself up for failure. She’d built a relationship on maybe and should-be. On the hopes she’d have what she’d witnessed around her…love. Devotion. A sense of being and belonging.

  Through those doors, the ones she promised herself never to cross the threshold of again, held a second chance—one she reluctantly accepted. Behind those walls, the people she kept at arm’s length waited for her. Two nights ago, while she sat in her quaint little apartment in Atlanta, Jude called. He had a security case he couldn’t make heads or tails of. Someone had been hacking his systems and by-passing all of the fail safes he installed on a regular basis. With her help, if she agreed, he wanted her reverse hack his systems and find the culprit. That seemed easy enough. But things weren’t always as easy as they seemed. Hannah learned that lesson the hard way.

  She grabbed her duffel bag, slung it over her shoulder and took a step toward the building. Five years is a long time, Hannah. Things have probably changed. You might not know anybody here. The last time she’d been there, everyone was coupling up or having babies. The notion had struck her, as she sat in the plane for the flight up, everyone could have disbanded. Jackson could have ended up with Rena…. Olivia’s bouncer Carlos and Keisha, one of Olivia’s Dommés, might be on some tropical island sipping margaritas while the sun set…. Hannah sighed.

  After she left, nothing in her life seemed to fit anymore. Her time with Jackson opened her eyes to a whole new world. At her impressionable age, hacking her way through life, a little bit of structure went a long way. Having her friend and mentor showing her the ropes, so to speak, while also using her skills to help him and Jude on her first ‘official’ case felt…normal. Real. When she left, everything fractured. The routine and organization her life had become disappeared. She initially tried to maintain the scheduling regime Jackson put her on, but she rebelled within a month.

  She knew she couldn’t have Jackson. He had been in love with Rena and subsequently collared her. Hannah snorted. Took him long enough.

  Pushing the club’s doorbell, she went over her checklist of why she had to stay. You promised Jude you’d help. You promised Jackson you’d help. You really miss your friends, and you know you miss the lifestyle.

  Carlos Sanchez’s big bulky body, filled the door. Wearing nothing but a pair of leathers and boots, he looked the same, only slightly older and maybe a bit wiser. “Well hello there my Latin lover, how you doin’?” Hannah smiled up at him and winked.

  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Carlos hugged her tight, then ushered her into the vestibule of the club. “How have you been, shorty?” he asked, patting her down. Always on guard, the man never shirked his duty when it came to protecting the people inside Olivia’s club.

  “Pretty good,” she said, placing her bag on the counter. “How is Keisha?”

  Her fri
end frowned, and his dark eyes filled with sorrow. “She’s going to be okay soon,” he whispered. “She’s taking chemo and soon, they’ll perform a double mastectomy.”

  “Carlos,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged. “If you or Keisha need anything, please let me know.”

  He nodded. “Eh, they’re just boobs, right? As long as I have my Mistress when this is through, that’s all I care about.” He gave a slight chuckle, then cleared his throat. “So, what can I do for you, white girl?”

  “I know it’s been a while, but what are the chances of me getting back into the club?”

  “I am sure Olivia will reinstate your membership, if you talk to her. We’ve kind of missed you around here,” he said, handing her a clipboard with all the important paperwork.

  “How sweet. I’ve missed you guys too.” Once she had everything filled out, and her John Hancock had been acquired, he opened the interior door to allow her onto the main floor of the club.

  “Try not to cause too much trouble in here, okay?” he teased as she walked through the door and back into the scene she missed.

  Hannah chuckled as the door closed behind her. She didn’t know where to start, but figured finding Olivia would be the best thing she could do. The scent of leather and cleaning products mingled with the softer scents of lavender and jasmine, and a familiar awareness of being home washed over her. Already, she asked herself why she left in the first place. Because you were the third wheel. The odd man out. While everyone was canoodling, you were left to watch. Hannah shook off the thought as she strode down hall toward Olivia’s office. Behind her, the heavy cadence of boots closed in. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

  “Well if it isn’t our elusive little sub Hannah.” Caelan’s Irish lilt turned her insides into mush.

  “Hello, Master Caelan.” She kept her head bowed. She’d picked up the habit of doing so long ago when she’d been dumped in some fucking orphanage. Now is not the time to lament about your boo-hoo childhood.

  “Hannah, look up at me.” His request rippled over her skin and coaxed her tattered submissive nature. She lifted her gaze to his and gasped. Older, with a few laugh lines around his eyes, he still took her breath away. Mature, worldly amber eyes stared back at her. “There you are. We’ve missed you. Welcome home.”

  Hannah wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, the club’s formalities and rules flying out the door. “It’s good to be back. I’ve missed you guys too.”

  His arms snaked around her, squeezing her tight. “What’s brought you back, sweetheart?” His gaze filled with concern.

  “I’m on my way to see Mistress Olivia. I want my membership back.” She licked her lips. “Since I’ve been away, I can’t find my inner peace. Everything seems jumbled up and confused. I tried a couple of clubs in Georgia, but, it’s not the same as being here with you guys.”

  Caelan nodded. “I understand. She won’t have a problem giving you your membership back. Between all of us, I am sure we can find you a Dom.” They stopped in front of Olivia’s door. He raised his hand and knocked as Hannah took her position of kneeling with her head down.

  “Enter,” Olivia’s voice filtered through the door.

  He sauntered into the room, leaving Hannah to wait. “Someone is here to see you, Olivia. I think you’ll be a little surprised by who it is.”

  “Is that so? You know I don’t like surprises.” Her stern accented voice filtered out into the hall.

  “Indulge me. It’s a good surprise. She is waiting patiently for permission to enter your office.” His firm voice held a jovial note, ramping up the excitement and trepidation flowing through her.

  “Well in that case, what do you think, pet?” Pet, AKA Jude Larson, Mistress Olivia’s submissive. Her best friend and the co-owner of the security company that monitored Olivia’s club. Hannah had pretty much grown up with the man after she’d been adopted from her rancid foster home. She would never have thought Jude would be submissive like her.

  “If it’s a good surprise, as Master Caelan says, I believe Mistress should go and see for herself.” His voice was rough and filled with desire.

  “Though you can never be too sure,” another male voice added. “Females are tricky.”

  “Both of you make valid points.” The tap of Olivia’s fingernails on her desk were like nails on a chalkboard for Hannah. Still, she held fast and waited.

  Hannah’s heart raced when the scrape of a chair being pushed back echoed in the space. What if Olivia told her no? What would she do then? Hannah’s breath came in fast pants as worry and dread raced through her. She hated this part about being a submissive. Though she sought out approval from everyone, the waiting destroyed her.

  She might like pleasing the Dom who worked with her, but she never liked feeling weak or inconsequential. In her mind, Approval equaled being vulnerable. She battled her demons every day.

  “Hannah? Is that really you?” Olivia murmured.

  Hannah nodded. “I would like to ask for my membership back.”

  Olivia’s heels clacked against the tiled floor as Hannah watched her walk toward her. Olivia leaned down and her hand clasped Hannah’s chin. “You don’t even have to ask, it’s yours. Welcome back.” Olivia smiled.

  “Thank you, Mistress Olivia, it’s good to be back.” Hannah took her hand and stood.

  She followed her friend into her office. “Micah, this is Hannah.” She grinned. “Hannah, this is Micah, my other pet.”

  Bombshell alert. Hannah studied the Chocolate God sitting next to Olivia’s chair. Bald with piercing blue eyes and full lush lips, he was a naughty fantasy come to life. Damn, Olivia got skills. “Hi,” she said with a small wave.

  His gaze caressed every inch of her. “Is this the girl you and Rena have told me about?”

  Unease prickled her nerve endings. She and Rena didn’t have the best of relationships. The woman for all of her stubbornness, thought Hannah would steal Jackson away from her. Rena had refused to see they were more like brother and sister than lovers. “Wait, you told him about me?”

  Jude laughed. “Of course. Why wouldn’t we? We’re family.”

  Hannah stood there, gobsmacked by Jude’s pronouncement. “Okay.” She took a seat next to Caelan and rolled her shoulders, trying to alleviate the tension building there. For the past several months, the ever-growing knot had become tighter. Most days, she took a few pain pills and kept going, but even those weren’t working anymore.

  “Tell us what’s being going on with you.” Olivia ran a hand through Jude’s short crop of hair, and a shot of envy lanced Hannah’s heart.

  “Not much. Work is work. You can only hack so many times before it gets boring.” Hannah shrugged her shoulders. “I figured now was a good time as any to start over.”

  “You’re a hacker?” Micah’s tone held no censure. He was simply curious.

  “Yep. I’ve done some stuff with Jude and Jackson. Mostly though, I work on my own. I help companies shore up their encryption codes and firewalls. My particular set of abilities are pretty straight-laced in the mundane world.”

  Hannah watched, transfixed at the bond between Olivia and her submissives. The way she touched and stroked them…damn. She figured from their rapturous gazes, both men would be purring by now if they could. She bit her lip to prevent a moan, while clenching her hands at her sides. She wanted to push Jude out of the way, sit in his spot, and absorb Olivia’s attention. Control yourself, Hannah. They’ll think you’re a freak or something by the way you’re acting. She closed her eyes and swallowed, counting to ten. I’m wound tighter than a top. This sucks.

  “Hannah, what’s wrong?” Caelan asked touching her arm.

  Hannah took a deep breath and opened her eyes, gazing over at him. “Nothing, I was just thinking, is all.”

  “Hannah, you know how much I don’t like being lied to. I am giving you one chance to come clean with what is bothering you.” Caelan sc
owled at her, daring her to lie again.

  Hannah nervously twisted her finger in the hem of her shirt. Staring at the people in the room she licked her lips. There was no way she was going to tell them she wanted the same attention Jude received. “I’m tired. Long trip.” Liar, liar pants on fire.

  He gave her a skeptical look. “How long has it been since you’ve played?”

  “A while. I mean, I’ve been busy.” She shrugged off the question and continued, “Since I had some free time, I thought it might be a good thing to come home.”

  Olivia nodded. “We should be able to help you out.” She glanced at Caelan. “Right?”

  Jude chuckled. “You’re in so much trouble.”

  Hannah stuck her tongue out at him garnering an arch of Olivia’s brow. “Sorry.”

  Micah chuckled next. “You’re right, she’s a brat.”

  “Hey, I resemble those remarks.”


  Olivia ordered Jude and Micah to take Hannah to the bar, and once they’d ordered drinks and food, she finally relaxed. “Jude when did you know you were a submissive?” She had never asked him about his ah-ha moment. Funny, now that she thought about it. They’d never discussed anything of a sexual nature before. It had seemed too weird.

  Jude choked on his beer, and Micah patted his back. “Direct with everything, aren’t you?” He held up his hand as Hannah opened her mouth to answer. “That was a rhetorical question,” he teased. “I always knew what I wanted. I loved what Olivia could give me, but it was the label connected to my submission that I fought tooth and nail. She’s tenacious though. And with Micah’s help, she wore me down. Eventually, I accepted who I was.”

  “And do you guys play together?” She motioned between Jude and Micah. “If you do, it’s cool. I’m all about equality and letting my freak flag fly.” She smirked at Micah. “Do I get to call you my brother too?”

  “Son of a bitch,” Jude shouted with a laugh. “Damn Hannah, a little warning before you ask something like that.” He coughed as tears streamed down his cheeks.


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