Mad About Moon

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Mad About Moon Page 27

by Melissa Foster

  Jed stepped inside and gathered Josie in his arms as Scott sauntered into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry—” he and Josie said in unison.

  “No, babe. I’m sorry. I don’t need to know who Hail’s father is,” he said quietly. “I love him no matter who it is. The truth is, he was lucky to have Brian. I was in no shape back then to give you or Hail what you needed. Brian was his father, and I don’t want to take that away from any of you. I won’t love Hail more because he’s my blood, or love you more because he’s our child. In my heart he’s been mine—ours—this whole time, not by blood but by choice.”

  Tears spilled from her eyes. “Oh, Moon.” She hugged him tight and then she went up on her toes and kissed him, her salty tears slipping between their lips. As she drew back she said, “But we should do the test. You deserve to know, and if you are his father, then one day he’ll need to know, too. All I ask is that if you are, then we don’t tell him until he’s a little older. I don’t want to cause him any more confusion, but we all deserve to know the truth.”

  “But the guilt…?”

  “Is mine to deal with. Either way, he’s had two wonderful men in his life. What more could I want for my boy?”

  His heart felt like it might explode. “We’ll talk about it after the birthday party. If we do the test and find out he’s ours, we’ll deal with it together when you feel it’s right.” He held her beautiful face in his hands and gazed deeply into her eyes as he said, “I love you, Little Red, and I love Hail. Nothing’s going to change that. But if we don’t make those waffles soon so I can crash, I’ll never make it to the pajama party. And I’ve got to tell you, I’m not sure how much everyone’s going to like seeing me in my boxer briefs, but you said pajamas, so…”

  “Sarah, Crystal, Finlay, and I got you and the Whiskey boys flannel pajama bottoms. Red even got Biggs a pair.”

  “You did? Flannel?” He laughed a little. “When did you have time to do that?”

  “We coordinated our lunch breaks and all went together. I wasn’t about to let anyone else see my guy’s junk.”

  “God, I love you.”

  As he lowered his lips to hers, Hail hollered, “Waffle mix is ready!”

  She laughed softly, and he stole a kiss. Then he took it deeper, needing to be closer, and loving the way she pressed her whole body into his, like she needed the connection just as badly as he did. As their lips parted, he kept her close and said, “You’re my everything, Jojo.”

  After another steamy kiss, they headed for the kitchen hand in hand.

  “What happened with your mom?” she asked.

  “She’s in rehab. I’ll tell you all about it after waffles and sleep.” As they walked into the kitchen, Hail’s excited chatter and Josie’s smiling eyes gave him a second wind. Sleep could wait. He didn’t want to miss a second of this…

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  NEVER IN HER life did Josie imagine hosting a houseful of bikers wearing flannel pajama pants and black leather boots in honor of her little boy’s birthday party. But the entire Whiskey clan and their significant others gathered in Scotty’s living room, along with Jed, Truman, Gemma, and the kids, Quincy, Penny, Isabel, and Tracey—and everyone, including Red and little Lila, were wearing pajamas. Bullet also wore his black leather vest with the Dark Knights patches on the back. Finlay said when they’d started dating, she’d half expected he’d slept in it.

  Josie looked up from the cookies she was putting on a plate as Sarah waddled into the kitchen wearing fuzzy pink slippers, an oversized sweatshirt, and a pair of flannel pajama pants. She lowered herself into a chair, pulled another chair over, and put her feet up.

  “Think I can hide out in here for a minute or two?” Sarah asked. “My back and feet are killing me.”

  “Let me get you a pillow.”

  Sarah grabbed her hand as she walked past. “Please don’t. If Bones sees you doing that, he’ll insist that I sit on the couch with him rubbing my feet for the next hour. Sit with me. I swear I never thought I’d complain about something like that.”

  Josie sat down. “Foot rubs sound good to me.”

  “They’re addicting. And Bones is really good at them.” Sarah’s brow wrinkled. “I feel guilty sometimes because he’s so good to me.”

  “That’s because Mom and Dad taught us to think we didn’t deserve to be loved, and they were wrong. They were the ones who didn’t deserve to be loved. Bones loves you, Sarah. I know you’ve had a terrible time with men, but I haven’t. I know love when I see it, and that man out there…” She glanced into the living room at Bones holding Lila as he talked with Biggs. “He loves you and your babies so much, I think you’re all he sees.”

  “I know he does.” Sarah lowered her voice and said, “Remember when we were little and we used to dream of what it would be like to be happy? Now the three of us are together again, and we’re all happy.” Tears slipped from Sarah’s eyes despite her smile. “I will not miss these hormones one bit after this baby arrives.”

  They both laughed.

  Sarah rubbed her belly and winced. “This baby needs to come out.” She shifted her feet to the floor. “You and Jed seem good today. I guess you talked things through?”

  “We did. It’s crazy how something that had the potential to completely destroy our relationship brought us closer together.” Her gaze slid to Jed. She hadn’t known he would be so hot in flannel pajama pants, but wow. She had a hard time keeping her hands off him. He was standing beside Hail, who was sitting on his new rideable excavator, a gift from Jed. It was too cold for him to use it outdoors, but Josie knew that the first warm day they’d be hauling the thing outside and her little man would spend hours tearing up Scotty’s yard.

  Crystal walked into the kitchen wearing a pair of pink and gray plaid pajama bottoms and a gray tank top with a pink heart in the middle. “Just searching for sugar. Don’t mind me.”

  Red rushed in wearing black silk pajamas and said, “Hide the cookies from her!”

  “Stay back. I will bite!” Crystal snagged the plate of cookies, glowering at Red.

  “Oh, let her have them,” Dixie said as she waltzed in. Much to her brothers’ chagrin, she wore knee-high black leather boots and a short black nightshirt with I’M A LITTLE ANGEL on the front and I DARE YOU TO BRING OUT MY DARK SIDE on the back.

  “Yeah, let me have them.” Crystal sat down at the table with a cookie in each hand. “I love you, Red, but if you keep sugar-blocking me, we’re going to have trouble.”

  “Just the other day you told me that you didn’t want to eat too many sweets and to help you cut back. And you already ate a quarter of the cake!” Red threw her arms up in the air with a laugh and sat down beside Crystal. “Give me one of those.” She snagged one of Crystal’s cookies and said, “I should know better than to try to keep a pregnant woman away from her cravings.”

  “She did ask you to help her.” Sarah kneaded her lower back.

  “Yes, but now I want the sugar.” Crystal shoved a cookie in her mouth as Finlay came into the kitchen carrying Lila. “I blame Finlay for making the best sugar cookies in the universe.”

  “Is she complaining about eating too much again?” Finlay shook her head. She had on pink and white polka-dot pajamas, and Lila wore footed pajamas.

  “Is this a private party?” Tracey asked as she came into the kitchen.

  “Come in, sweetheart.” Red pulled out a chair and patted it. “You’re so cute in your pajamas.”

  Tracey wrinkled her nose at her men’s boxer shorts and big T-shirt.

  “Oh, please,” Dixie said. “It’s a good thing Diesel isn’t here.”

  “You mean Eagle Eyes?” Tracey sank down in the chair and said, “I know he’s not dangerous, but he stares down every guy who talks to me until they stop. He’s really hurting my tips. Thank God I’m not looking for a date.”

  Red patted Tracey’s leg and said, “Diesel’s a nomad, babe. He’s not going to be around here forever, so just
eat up that protection while you can. He’s as harmless as my boys—unless you’re hurting someone they care about.”

  Sarah pushed to her feet and paced. “I think I might go get that foot rub after all.” She headed for the living room, and stopped suddenly, gasping loudly as liquid pooled at her feet, and called out, “Bones!”

  It took less time for Bones to appear by Sarah’s side than it did for Josie to realize Sarah’s water had broken. Everyone rushed to Sarah, talking at once, but Bones was calm, cool, and collected as he slipped into physician mode and took control.

  “I’ve got you, babe,” Bones reassured her. “Someone get Sarah’s coat. I’m calling her doctor.” With one arm around Sarah, he lifted his phone to his ear and said, “We’re on our way. Her water broke. Be there in less than ten minutes.”

  Sarah gasped again and grabbed Bones. “Oh God!” She doubled over.

  “Breathe, baby. Breathe with me,” Bones coaxed, and the room silenced save for their breathing.

  “Is Mommy okay?” Bradley asked from within the strong confines of Bullet’s arms.

  Bullet met the little guy’s worried gaze and said, “Mommy’s fine, buddy. She’s going to the hospital to have your baby sister.”

  “She’s getting a baby?” Hail yanked on Josie’s pajama top and said, “Can you go, too, Mama? Can you get a baby? Kennedy has Lincoln, and Bradley’s going to have two babies!”

  That started a cacophony of comments and laughter as everyone rushed to get their coats on. When Sarah’s contraction ended, everyone headed out to their vehicles.

  Jed helped Hail put on his coat while Josie put on the leather coat he’d given her. After getting Hail settled in the truck, Jed turned amused blue eyes on Josie and said, “Yeah, Mama. How about another baby?”

  Her stomach dipped. She’d always hoped to have more children, and purposely having Jed’s baby? Well, that thought took her breath away.

  As she climbed into the passenger seat, she said, “How about we focus on one baby at a time?”

  JED HELD TIGHTLY to Hail’s hand as they rushed through the halls of the hospital with the rest of the pajama-clad partygoers, making their way to the maternity waiting room. They piled into the room with a flurry of activity, getting the children set up with toys and making sure everyone was there.

  “I brought cookies!” Crystal announced, setting the tray on a table.

  Dixie laughed.

  Crystal handed a cookie to Bradley, who was sitting on Bullet’s lap, and said, “For the kids.”

  “It’s okay, sugar.” Bear put his arms around her, grinning like a lovesick fool. “Everyone knows our baby needs sugar to complement its innate badassery.”

  Crystal fed him a bite of a cookie and said, “That’s why I love you. You don’t mind my eating habits.”

  “I love dipping my big French fry in your milkshake,” Bear said with a wink.

  “When I have a boyfriend, I’m gonna let him dip his fries in my milkshake!” Kennedy announced.

  “We need to have a talk, princess.” Truman glared at Bear.

  “Why, Daddy?” Kennedy blinked wide, innocent eyes at Truman. “I’m a good sharer.”

  Gemma shifted Lincoln on her lap and giggled. “Daddy’s just being silly.”

  Jed turned to watch Josie, standing a few feet away, talking with Scott. She’d been quiet in the truck on the way over, and he wondered if she was thinking about his comment about having another baby. Jed felt Hail reaching into his jacket pocket and looked down as Hail pulled out the trucks Jed had tucked into them on their way out the door.

  Hail ran to Bradley and Kennedy and said, “Let’s play!”

  Biggs limped over to Jed and put a hand on his shoulder. “You holding up okay after last night?”

  “Sure,” Jed said, though he had no idea if he was.

  “Well, that’s a good thing.” Biggs cleared his throat as he scanned the waiting room. Then he spoke loudly, though slowly, as he said, “I think it’s time we gave Jed his road name.”

  All eyes turned to them, but Jed’s eyes were locked on his girl, who had the biggest, proudest smile on her lips.

  “A biker’s name is chosen based on who they are and how they handle themselves,” Biggs explained. “It’s not something to be taken lightly. Sometimes names come easily, like with my boys. And you’re one of my boys, so it’s no surprise that last night your road name came to me loud and clear. We’re going to call you Moon, and not because it’s your last name or what your sweetheart calls you. You’ve earned this name because you guide people out of the dark and help them find their way. You’ve done so with Ricardo and Marco, and you’re paving a path for many other young boys to follow. Last night you helped your mother find light at her darkest moment. Son, I’m proud to call you Moon. And I look forward to the day when I can call you a Dark Knight, too.”

  As Biggs pulled him into a strong embrace, Jed choked up for what felt like the millionth time lately. “Thank you, Biggs.”

  Everyone got in on the hugs and well wishes, passing him from one embrace to the next. Until he finally landed in Josie’s arms.

  “You knew what my road name was all along, didn’t you?” he teased.

  “You introduced yourself to me as Moon, and you’ve sure helped me find my way,” she said. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Dr. Jon Butterscotch came into the waiting room with a jovial expression and said, “I heard there was a gang of pajama-clad bikers traipsing through the hospital, and I knew that could mean only one thing. It’s baby time for Bones and Sarah. Am I right?” He took a quick look around and said, “What’s with the pajamas?” He took out his phone and started taking pictures.

  “Dude!” Bullet scolded him.

  “We were having a pajama party for my birthday!” Hail explained. “And then Aunt Sarah came to get a baby.”

  “Happy birthday.” Jon held up his phone and said, “Smile for the camera so I can get a copy to your aunt Sarah.” Hail grinned, and Jon took the picture. “I’ll get this to…Holy sh—” His eyes raked slowly down Dixie’s body, and he whistled as he lifted his phone to take another picture.

  Bullet covered Jon’s phone with his enormous hand and growled, “Think again.”

  Jon held his other hand up in surrender.

  “Save it, Butterscotch.” Dixie planted her hand on her hip. “I’m not licking your candy any time soon.” She turned her back on Jon, and everyone laughed.

  Jon’s gaze rolled over the words on her back, and he said, “I’ll take that dare,” earning another glare from Bullet, joined by an equally harsh stare from Bear.

  Jon pocketed his phone and held his hands up as he backed out of the room—and right into another doctor. The dude belonged on television, not in a maternity ward. He was easily six foot three or four and clean-cut, with thick dark hair, chiseled features, and straight white teeth.

  “What’d you do now, Butterscotch?” the other doctor asked.

  Jon looked seductively at Dixie and said, “Nothing yet,” but Dixie’s flirtatious eyes were set on the handsome doctor beside him, and the heat in Jon’s eyes turned to annoyance.

  Bullet and Bear strode toward Jon like lions ready to attack—shoulders tight, eyes glowering.

  Red stepped in front of them and held up her hands. “Down, boys.” She turned to Jon with a teasing glance and said, “Oh, Jonny. You must have a death wish.” Then, to the other doctor, she said, “I’m sorry, Damon—Dr. Rhys. How’s Sarah?”

  Josie stepped forward, holding Jed’s hand tighter.

  “Mom, Dad, and their new baby girl are all doing well. Bones should be out in a few minutes to take you back to see the baby.”

  There was a round of congratulatory cheers. They’d all known Sarah was having a girl, but even Jed was overcome with joy for Sarah and Bones. As Biggs and Red and Truman and Gemma shared the happy news with the other children, Jed lifted Hail into his arms and said, “You have a new baby cousin!”

  Josie and Sco
tt hugged, and then she put her arms around Jed and Hail, turned those gorgeous, teary eyes to him, and said, “A baby girl!”

  Surrounded by the people he loved most, with Josie and Hail in his arms, Jed was so overcome with emotions, he didn’t even try to hold them back. “I want this, Jojo. All of it with you and Hail. I want to wake up with you in my bed and make waffles and play trucks and camp in our living room. And someday I want to see your belly round with our babies. I don’t have a ring, and damn it, I forgot to get down on one knee. But marry me, Josie, and I promise you I’ll do everything within my power to be the man you and Hail deserve.”

  Tears spilled from her eyes as she said, “You already are.” She went up on her toes, sealing their future with a kiss.

  “Was that a yes?” Scott called out as cheers rang out around them.

  Hail shouted, “Say yes, Mama!”

  “Yes!” Josie said, laughing as she hugged Jed and Hail. “It’s definitely a yes!”

  Everyone converged on them at once, hugging and congratulating them.

  “Does this mean I get my kitchen back?” Scott asked.

  “Yes,” Jed said, feeling happier than he’d ever been. “I was thinking that our garage would make the perfect storefront for Ginger All the Days. We’ll need to add a kitchen, but it’s already got plumbing and electric.”

  Josie gasped. “Moon, that’s too much.”

  As everyone chimed in, excited to help them finish the garage, Jed gathered her in his arms again and said, “When it comes to making your dreams come true, nothing will ever be too much.”


  JOSIE PULLED A tray of gingerbread men from the oven and set it on the counter beside the others she was decorating with Sarah and Crystal. They were doing a trial run in preparation for the bachelor auction taking place next week. She’d found a set of cookie cutters of muscular men posing in various athletic positions, and they were using colored frosting to decorate them with black bow ties, open dress shirts, and jeans. They’d even added six-pack abs with flesh-colored frosting.


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